The Perry County News from Tell City, Indiana (2024)

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The Perry County Newsi

Tell City, Indiana

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ROLL HONOR Best MSN AND WOMEN I Courier Journal ORTHY SUCCESSOR ktbe Hun Both Gue Year or Only 98 IlULltOAPH them: ONER Issued Weekly positiv care It aud East 4 48 Loa Vlusitz Impouacr Mlshtl When Yon Drink OWENSBORO KY louringMill sjlfay WILIi VO THAT 7 Made only by jwwwwinfwvwwA iTTirLy Air WWW S1 2 The beet brandies wtae lignora anti elffar unrtanUw kept en derm UShs 969595929191 909090 91 t91 7191919090 90 90 SO You desire something that is pure wholesome and in vigorating something that will the and make you young again 34 23 23 23 This is for cash Btibscrapiions only subscriptions under this combina pon offer most be sent through the TiLkPhosb oOI 23 23 23 23 23 1891 van 1892 1893 1894 1020107 884022 793169 920872 1 049121 JOBB 1896 was 1897 1898 1899 1900 Matte a Well Man of Me 3000 1800 1000 800 400 300 2000 8000 6000 1000015300 80000 2 46 3 05 3 33 One Year six Months Three Months Single Copy a BBTOTES vitality 00 60 35 05 STEAMER GERTRUDE Leayea daily except Sunday at Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble of raja dailies arjA the sprwr of sevij we1 fes erSt to lli A 1 20 9 4y at 0 ON a 12 25 New time card in effect ou after Dec 2 1900 320 a 358 i iQ ty' i 57 may ev exteed their potiwotpua i fnap into imKt ion bate foeeantlctin of early alpfal dabttHi in tnemWr 1V tzr It is complete is" positively 60 YEARS Mr EXPERIENCE OASTOHXA Ira Os 11 IM Yw Haw Mwajrs latft KBgOKV9 Call at this th following blanks: State Warrants Subpoenas Justice of ths Peace Summons and Mittimus Legal Cap Paper nd stl kinds of Lnralepea and Writing Pf yers kept Sull Wrappers for attor ss ovesi twiwe Remed The Spring Medicine 92 90 94 6uarantoi Salary Nearly Men and women to appoint agents and represent ns some to travel o' hers for local work tzSOtz guaranteed yearly salary and expense Extra commis sions 'established hopse pleasant permanent positions good chance for advancement and increase of wages at once Address Staff ord Press Oo Dept New Haven Conn pent nd one' sizes Ysu may have umole bottle bv mail altrf namnhlet trit Hom nt Rvwnlfft Ing all about It including ynapy el tbs thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured I writing Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton be sure and mention this paper 9796 S3 z93 23 1235b232323 9696959392 or the Third Quarter Ending March 291901 Chas Gerber Cook Beer Exchange 7th Street Regular Canneltai and Owens I boro Packet 95 92 CURE tier wilts' 'v Yehr IMeli Rheum BrysIpeU Irapttoos Rhounatlc P'a ItMaUrla Chills ever and Afue External or Internal IS Ovhtbalmta Weak or Ufiamd Eye Catarrh Inftnenaa Cold in the Reed WWhoopla4OH(h BlAaUnaa Df Dealt Breathing Ear Dieeharce Earache a RL lutfala SweUlnt aad Orseral DeMIity VeakMca SA Dropir luid AmmolaUons WG i a Slekueae Nausea Vomittug R7 iUdaev OliraM AG Kuitai Debltliy Cail for inst all theatoon There is none better 1 Ernst Heck Cannelton Agt The Mbm Tell City Brewing Co Tell City Ind k'lii RADvaj Coqaij No traveling canvassers are em ployed 1 erm for local agents will be sent upon application Al) money should be sent by order ex press order or by bank draft on New York or Chicago Io not send in dvidnai checks or stamps We send yon the Commoner and Tri arnoNt for only 175 Leave money at this office i 9796 95 95St93 9090 SO SO SO Highest tirade of ROLLER LOUR DEALERS Vs GE A Us TELL CITY IND Dr Specifies ftci directly qkm the disease tins disorder id other parts rf ths systems Tteyi Cut the SlcL0 vvjaWU fl ly Cwageetlom Inflammation 23 Wmi Wopn Tmr Kohn Colic 33 3TMlBlit Cplic Cry ta wakefulness Dtarrbea of CMQdranor AdalUw HBrmlerT Gdpinfi Colle Oelers Cholera Rortnu VomUlng BrODCAiXMsw Meuralria Toothacbe aceachs HeadadM Biek Beadacbe Vertlao i DreMa ll WBreeeed or Palnftil Period rr rrkltUG Too Profuas Period A Raging Roaring lood Wikehflil down "a fol igidpkr line winch CaAeG LUlrtu I haiT' to ropair b'md fog waist deep icy water" he writes me a terrible cold ail'd cough It grew worse daily inally the best doctors in Oalc land Neb SiouxCjtj 411(1 Qwa ia said bad consumption and could not live Then began using Dr Knig'a New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bot tles" Positively guaranteed for Roughs colds autPall Jliro it and lung troubles by Geo tVatz slsr Price 50c and 11 Trial bottles free A newspaper hoje overflow with ads of business men has more influence in at tracting attention to and build ing up ucity or town than any other agency that can Tie em ployed Jro here there is business Capital and labor will locate where there is an en terprising coininunfty No pow er on earth is so Strom as a news paper well patronized to build' up a ton be appreciated llev De Witt 1 almage You cannot enjoy perfect healih rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes jour liver is sluggish jour boat Is cldgged DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the whole sj stem They never gripe Wagner a a HIGHEST GRADES of ROLLER LOUR GOLDEN ANCHOR full patent OUR CHOICE extra taney patent AVORITE or patent WHITE (AMELIA Our brands of lour stand without rival for Strengtu Purity and Jhauess Oorn Meal Uran Ship Stuff and Mixed eed for Wheat Wo hrs prepared to' grind aud for armers We solicit a ahars of your patronage I RADC MARK Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone MiMUnc teeteb and 4cnpin may Mlckly MCf'rtaln oar nrikm free htbr aa mrerrtkni probably patPMabte Cslwmunic Wni strictly eonQdential Handbook Pauote aanl tree Oldeat annry for aecunnepatcDia Ptteow Ufen uirtroth Mann A Ox fwkfi Wsmel mNIc wit hout ebarxe in the Scientific American wekW larree elr BfaUen of any acsenufle ToarnaL Terms 3 a year soar month Sold by all rewadmlera MUNN New York Breach OSea C5 EU Wmbink'tun Mur Adrioe aud circular fwe Addm HAL MME CO or Sal Uy George Wagner 23 MceeUena HaadaebM 33 em 23 Bavna! ok all Vtsaaea at jovr Kodol Dyspepsia Cave OigMti what yw ut iff WO WillvnhIL Warner the noted chemist und manufacturing dniggist died at Philadelphia on the 8th lie was the inventor of the process of making sugar coated pills and put the strut that were ever seen on the mar ket" You willjvrat time if vou try to cure Indigestion or dysp psia by solving yet) It 1 has only tyakes Itvon you duel heirtriy Yu 1il Cya lied of sows lopcrlfbgtsl "Kodol Curj is the i suit if Jfstrs tf itfdc Te search for would di gest pot )y srtmg ehm'i id 'ig 'Ih bn rcOhcdy til rf rJs 90 91 93 95 93 93 90 93 wuai a khMl uiaorrcnrandjcapair rrnild dltu (BdiacrcUona an4 iBtowl CHMMrt havtkcawM tnoja nhyalcil arid itiHal TvTthzks than all ortzeecau icumViocd Tiler trlk at tlio fquadaUuo i of manheod: thry spUiorital they RUPTURE Write tn ihr Mnhawk Retrfedy Co Rome Te ABd ibey "wfU teS) you bow yoe eao car Jvv Rupture at Aemlft the oolj war hey poKKibiy do cured ree olChnrfJt will coat you mt Qm Qofit dcevK WMt anil gnti rerett 944 Mit 9 91 00 ITCH HAZEL THE PILE HlmLBitam! TDteraal BJIM orRteedlnm Rda bi Abo fieblngor Kkedlngof rbeBeetom nMiaf intnertlaUHUka care certala BICE SCOTS TRIAL SIZB SS 0TS by DrtiKWt vt ml pwl paid areralptayri SOUTHERN NV Ixmin lxmlsvUle Ttne Date Durable Vehicle one that has stood the Test of Time Take no chance buy the Best Remember jwe build our work througout: hence our Guar antee is of Value A full assortment of Surries Buggies and Road Wagons Can always be found at bur General Agents CLEMENS SONS CanncltonyliuL The demand for Our Work has doubly in I ercased Our Output during the last tjyo years 1 This Tact will convince you of all we claim By a An merit YOU CAN GET THE TELEPHONE rTBryininjf cuuuiuixifr'vuncGUtictQ kCB Qwstlr a plante rcVIr Home Trostmcrit DR Kennedy Kergah CINCINNATI OHIO West No 4 No 43 No 45 MRS JHUBER Agt Cannelton Ind Patents Lduumne pen tept vuu Morris Art Hs wvilte Kvd 02 rwt or 'K milTv 5 Kfijiruvi uf Twice a Week Courier Journal and i i Southern to lorida The Southern has inaugurated a through system of trains from St? Louis to Jacksonville ix Theas trains leave St Louis daily at 9:15 Louisvillo 7 a7T Lexington 10 :50 a Chattanooga 5 :50 Atlanta" 10:25 m'and will arrive at Jacksonville at 8:30 a secdnd day Stop overs allowed In addition to thia schedule you can leave'St Louis at 8:08 a and arriveuin Jacksonville at 10 rn the second night out Write to A Campbell A A Su Louis tor particulars or see Will TAPER In the Uniieil States Tori Jtnocrafs shd for ALlT readers is the Twic3 A Week Effective May 1898 pay except srindayNu50 leaves Cannelton No52 Cannelton No 54 Cannelton No 51 arrives 53 A No 55 "unday Only No Ivs Cannelton No 56 ar be sure yonr ticket reads outh Call on or write for further information May Agent Stop the Coukh And off Clio Cold Laxative Bromo Tablet eure a coM in Ollv dav No curc tu) pay Price cvuLm All the window glass factories in the United States will close Mav 11 aiid remain closed till October next on secountof large Stocks cm hand This is good for the trust but eiy hard on the workmen TO CL KE A COLD IN ONE DAY Ttkt La Bromo Unine Tablet A1 tlruxKUlM ntund the money II It tails to cure uruttsMg diure on pL loi 25c BipkopyA ivone desiring ftibwriprioK price is lAEu A It lias coma 10 be recognizpd by almost everyone that spring tonic is a necessity' if one wishes Io keep in perfect health uurum th Irving spring month This gram! 'asm that fliturb higiVrU V' la exHily whit she syitt needs' nt thTU pf Lv trau i uif iRsia 4 a "'7 4 aud sfrmiy pfnnd Ik n' digkbi riu! baKcrwtfet 5 'r i I dr ill ahd sitv vey th iiodjL yp? yflQi 'I Arnj' Vhre stKiyrhe dsll' tAplmrrl(ndJ 1 Deitie Dowling agad 105 years died at hr home war Say incur' Jackson County She had been resident of Jackson county since 1810 andever married winter I was confined to my bed with a very bad cold on the Jungst Tlnally wife bought a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure 'that effected a ajieedy care I cannot speak too highly of that excellent Mr 1 Houseman Manatawney It jVagner Miss Lizzie Arnold of Ow'ens "boro and Mr Kruckermeyer of Evansville were married at she residence of the mother Mrs Sophia Arnold in Ow ens boro last Wednesday afternoon The bride is related to the Reisers and Arnolds of this city There are now living the widows of three former presi dents of the United btates Mrs Grant makes her koine in Wash ington Mrs Garfield resides at Mentor 0 and Mrs Harrison in iMlt WLlU arara had piles so bad 1 could get no rest nor find a cure until tried I)e IV itch Hazel halve After using it once I forgot I ever had any thing like piles Boice homers Point Ixok out for imitations Be sure you ask for DeV Wagner it ait rtf HMat ef liimnsi AfjcM'i roplr Coen fully grrd fr s'ioVd dl 'Jpk fj tbeim Write to 'S' CbUi br Jomru I Co I ouisyilleKjr Lv Louisville 8:10 a 4:55 85 Brandenburg 6:23 9:44 9:45 6:53 10:02 Stephensport 7 21 10 Al Cloverport 1036 10:46 Hawesvilla 10:58 8:10 Owensboro 1 1 :48 9:05 :58 Spottsville 12:23" 9:47 12:33 a Henderson 12:45 12:55 1:15 1:25 Ar8tIuis? Editor and Publisher at 7 00 ml ulcub ieo at 9 50 a rn at 9 35 a 1 Payable in Advance ilk lira 111 36 A IO 8 total of 4387 prizes amountinff to: In case of tie guesses prize equally divided Contest closes November 3 1901 i The total Vote ot Ohio in 705631 861625 835604 770810 846006 Guess what it will be in 1901 $6000 An additional prize of $6000 for any person making an exactly correct guess If there be more than exactly correct guess the $6000 to be equally divided among them 0 The Conditions art: SI 00 for a subscription to the Weekly Enquirer entitles euch subscriber to one guess IQ 00 for ten yearly subscriptions secures ten guesses 10 00 for subscription ten years secures ten guesses Nn rnmmiednne nr extra guesses or further particulars see Weekly Enquirer Send all orders to ENQUIRER COMPANY Cincinnati The Cloverport Accommodation leaves Cloverport at 6:10 a tn Hawes ville 634 Owensboro 7:35 Hender son 80 and arrives at Evansville at 9:20 Returning leaves Evansville at 5:25 Henderson 5:55 Owensbo ro 7m8 Hawesville arriving at Cloyerpori akLW stop on signal Noe 41 and 44 have elegant high baek seat passenger coaches and par lor ear service through between Lou isville Evansville and St Louis with out change Nos 42 and 43 have parlor cars and elegant coaches between Louisville and Evansville without change Not 45 and 46 have Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars and elegant high back seal passenger coaches through be tween Louisville Evansville and St Louis without change Trains 4242 49 and 44 connect at Irvington with tram No 3 and 5 for point on ordsville Branch Train No 2 34 and 5 run daily TTalnaNo 2 and 4 connect at Irving ton with main tin train 41 42 43 and 44 NOTICE On and after Sept I parti paying their fare on train will be charged' 4e per mile Buy your ticket before entering train and save money 1 Irwin a 6 rT Agriit a anUvilla Vv ini 4 krr 7 in Alto oujy r7 Henderson 7 35 Spottsville 756 Owensboro 895 Hawesville 9 30 Cloverport 9 55 Stepheosport 10 18a5O7 Irviugtofi 10:52 5:45 11:15 a 6 07 6:17 Ar Louisville 12:35 7:20 7:30 No 42 No 44 No 46 Dont Be qoledi 1 aarkM Mac AmM wMb wwtMM MuRmi ROCKY MOUNTAINTEA i ftraMttolMwallicHrtMlMtoMrtniiark mM very pack PM Mi Ito UIWllWlT not sit HIrr Method pntklMtr etr yemw '(t Iff rcinrrX liwac z3 Jt bd' jvm tfu tfsin i 1 4 1 1 th rf 4 it ir yr i I ki'raW 'ft ra (tfumtWIlDIKll fraAtt pwMffe Vt bo kt 5 1 ttzVZ pits uh 4u trS i 4 ftxtab? WigriQ ''Vl1vjRpv WBeWMHWJ 1 ThlB affnatare is on vary box of the graafne Laxative Brotno Quioine Tbira the remedy thut cures a cold is mm day Senator Heveridge has landed his private secretary Robert Manetieh 3n the comfortable Valparaiso Chili imve uet 11 irouoieu with indi gestion for ten years liaie tried many things and spent much money to no purpose until 1 tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I have taken" two itUes and gotten more relief from them than all other medicines taken I feel more liken buy than 1 have feltlu twenty years Andersen Riggs buzny Lane Thousands have test Hied as did Mr li Wagner Chair seaters wanted Chair Union Tell City Ind 130 Afititniin fnr hwino DuMML RcturuB from the Hoard of Atfr'iuliure Alate la the Cora Belt hUow Iumm Id IhM of nourly two hundred million dollars Dr OVaoxafier years of wclmtlslc ex ptrimeaLtf and tutfy auccoeded Id Isolating the irvevermof nwine dineftseN and prep red a Serum Antitoxin which manufactured only by the De Vaux Chemlud Co of (Tdcago Over 4OG0U) hor4 haw been co*cks mUj treated remedy Hoff treated with the Antitoxin thrive betuiaud command a tziber price od the market than thorn not treated The Company ffuarenteej that the injection of their Antitoxin tn cll swino will atmolutely prevent death by disease and in ikk swine will eave at least 86 per cent In Mee of failure money paldor aervu mid Kyrtnge will be re funded Any farmer can easily administer the Antitoxin Order accord In to number of hoe be treated One uune vial for six boss) IL An titoxin nyrlmre NU DVaux Cheatical Com pany 131 Van Buren streetr Chicago All doctors Irive tried to cure UAsARRII by the use of powders acid gases lubaler and drugs iu paste form she membranes causing them to crack 'Tips and bleed The powerful acids used lu jbo av 0 1 1 re ly "KT en nway the same membranes that their makers have aimed 10 cure while pastes and ointments cannot reach tbe disease" Au old and experienced practitioner who has for mauy year made a close study and specialty of the treat meut of CATARRH has atTsst perfected a treatmeut which when faithfully used not only relieves at onc but permanently cures by cause stopping the dischargel aud curing all inflammation It is the Only remedy so BCiVnce that reaches the afflicted This wonderful remedy is known a CATARRH and 1 old at the ex tremely low price of One Dollar each package containing internal and external medicine sufficient for a full month's treatment and everything necessary to its per fact the only per fect CALARRH made and is now recogrized as the only safe and for that annoying and disgusting disease It cures all inflamma tion quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY EVER or COLD in the HEAD CATARRH when neglected often leads Io CONSUM wiH iv you if you use it at once nary remedy but which guaranteed to cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used accord ing to the directions which accom pany each package delay but ud for it at one and write full particulars as to your condi tion and you will receive special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your c4Se without cost to you' beyond tbe regular the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE Lent prepaid to any address in tbe United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar Address Dept A 317 EDWIN GILES COMPANY 2330 and 2332 Market Street Philadelphia WHITE SULPHUR WELLS Mineral Water Wanted Reliable maos or manager of branch office we wish to open this vicinity If your record i (J here an op portnnity Klnd'yg ve good referen ees when writing The A Morri JVholsBaJe Hojse Cincinnati Ohio LliUtlwted eajjj i 4 c7 i THE MANUACTURERS M' nrmnnn M' njuuviii 1 a weekly industrial jail road and riaUrt'Wspaper it coutein eyery r' nusmess Ilattim sSeldoiU' Elsa Land vij Sn aNTHGBADS Sein la Da 111 Vv Andy Wegener Joiie Wegener Arthur Cummings Carl Hoitnit Maude Marshall Ratio Morgan Agnes Sun th Mary Ackerman Harry Snyder hil ward Hemphill I has' Jay Marv Harns Ida! urnor 'Sixth Gradk Ada Randall Otro Scblemnier Bertha Xercheyal Edna Banks illett Shellman Llovt aegans I'91 Bert I ver 91 Clareiice Wittmer 91 51 hol ey 90 ifth Gkadk Julllisllelwig AmiL May MOW Illian Jay" red Haeiyng Julius Rathsam Roy Kercheval a rry1 Bi rlen bach Elma Heck vilia lluhsche John Zimmerman Lillian Stcinsberger oi KTii Grade Maurice Latimer 98 Arthur Jandebeur 97 Irene Jlodde 97 CrutciierShil 1 ro 96 Pete Simmons 94 Lehman 94 bydney Morgan 91 Cori Brown 94 Pearl Creeellius" S3 Pearl IHfele 93 Archie rizzellsrT 92 Robert Coleman 92 Jesiie Maon 91 Ballard SnumuiiB '91 Isaac Morgan 90 Eda uchs 90 Harry rruetnpy 90 Third Gride Roy Mason lora aeganT Gertrude Mason Charlie Schlemmer Charlie Huber Harry Wittmer Lynn Irvin Wilber totimer Edward Win necke Goldie Simmons Thomas Dodd Second Grade Oscar Helw ig Edgar Jandebeur Glenward Charles Hutchison Mabel Dai 1111 Elsie Richey Gertie Walls i Evelyn Anita Ora Rausch Anna Dyer Lilly Wittmer Grace Carr: Adolph Schmidt Ada Howard Edna May Katie Marshall f' Otto Zellers Lilly Banks 7 Willie Walls Russell Carney May Zellers 1 rancis Sheldon Cot or in Sciinnn Mattie Bell tzg! Bertha Lewis! AnnaOolter1 97 Roy Bell 95 Geoie Lewi 7 Z07 Emma Lewis? 96 Robijtsoe Supt KCukr 4Z kam Wrttlnj Bed 34 tuM Pruritni 41 3SDteaf'e of lie KertralpttatioM I 06 ra Rtf V)ti Bum fiare Tbrwn Ualuti' Dfpblberte Orenle Hr Htnnph by dr kzifftt or eent oft reOpt nt jirfre jkreytgdd (Cqm 0 WUHml Joba AMES BUGGIES I BRED IN OLD KENTUCKY" a The kind to buy if you want a irst Class Up $50000 or Mearesf CotrectTPuesscs on the Total Vote of Ohio on November jqot will be dwtnbuted to patrons of the WcekljnEnquirerfts follow or Nearest or Second Nearest Correct Guoas TMrd ourth ifth Sixth Seventh Next 20 each $1OO amounting to ioO 80 200 1000 3060 Kidney Double prey upon the mind dis courage and leraep ambition: beauty vigor ana cneeriuinraa aoon disappear when the kid neys Are out of order Or dlraarad Kidney trouble na benhe prevalent that i roj uncommon lof child to be bom afsticted wish Weak kid VdiU VU'SJiH Alin VikAlU Ul Kir 'I stif tiia urins raids 1 fee fitth orifw Hcr th ebl id Ari (s' h1 rir fcodird the Assise ftir yet Vnlh tw "th tkH sZ TA flt 1 Io klitzie out )e first 'j iirp Simla I he '7 lilrMe MirrWat reinst Th sltiplMiant iffi tarmbfels dun to Staea edeondtilon etAnei adM ard nos Io a tjabi a pvrpioraui 7 11 tVsliw nefr ni jeratle kidney AstL blasd i obi le 94 tEe Seme gras i L'TSL And en nmAdl' rftob os' I SwArapRrXt Is soca realized IrU sid 93 1 a Win St Clair aged sixteen accidentally killed himself near Boonville on Mondqv of last week while playing with an old pistol INDIGESTION lesulting 'from wi lie stomach relieverp by Homl'e Mirraiiarilla tlie gri't riulUti touic und cure for DYSPEPSIA The car work at Jeffersonville has contracts for 150 fi rat class passenger and parlor ear and 2000 frei slit cars A Practicing Physician In Monticollo 111 tornnilated Dr Syrup IVpsm Ak Geo Wugniri Caflinelton Tell City 'I he total appraised value the personal estate of the late Ex President Harrison i 1176 62562 Of this sum $3224994 is cisluiihanka nL $30000 in life insurance NEW YORK WORLD THRICE A WEEK Almost a Daily at the Price of a Weekly Hie presidential campaign is Over but the world goes on just the same and it is full of news To learn this new just a it promptly and impartially all that you ve to do ia to look in the column of the Thrice a Week edition of tho New York World which comes" to the sub scribes 156 tffiies a year "ThejjThrice a Week diligencaasla publisher of first news has given it circulation wherever the English language is and you want it This aWeek reguiar subscription price is only $1 a year We offer this un equaled newspaper and the Tepkphone together one year for $165 The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2 Tell Citv REALESTATE ft Oldest Agency in Perry County a a EsUblUbed lSST I THOMAS JAMES de la HUNT i Ptinlx Horae Nlmra Xneashire cJSce: Virginia PlaceJCaoDelton Ind 7 High Third Year Minnie Truenipy 90 Second Year i 'rank! in Maxwell Isabelle Rial irst Yu'k Mary Jn in Ci ira Labd Anna HaerVnr LHnv i 47 'f'x rlyih J3ui Bl 7' rM i I Lard duti'e 4 i libric qp I 1C Rir Ami UtnffllA Matrm iWr A 3 TV UKV MMMMWr ZL5SEUMM81 IMIU MU ffM Wit KKB in KMW II 'k 3 Js i 1 ite' BO HZ Ze W' WW'A M'' WW EC MM A A A 4rb 7 qira IMI wswrbwi 7 I A 4 'A I NV11 MU HU Z92KlVl Aon ft AVAtAMES JkMAL WmBmI i 1 1 A I LSH feto it fv AM TME rVitfwb (BRQAT MRaasrcsE zura MWralW 111 Simi mln la WickiiirLi ad wlckly Cunavhea WraaMOtUnrai Mt kat nya MM rn no raw rautMui 1mvo Uoolcklimdranlrna III.

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The Perry County News from Tell City, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 5862

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.