Chronicle from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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THE sours AUSTBALIAH CHftOilCLE ATD WEEKLY MAIL SATURDAY APRIL 2 1881 Mm AaonoiL LAND Tbe ARM af 480 Aereo known xKxnjX AT rat OLD SPOT INK BT ORDER THB MORTGAGEES 4fiO" HUNDRED 1UU Tw MU north ef Bamtey Bridge TTKRSY'MOOHE A W1LKUS8ON km wdtri tontenetiew to ceil by SECTIONS Noe 343M476L TL HUNDRED ALMAtagrttar with all improvement tharaMi A of dt per Mt ray remain ra mert gagaatl per Mat foe a tom at ttaOT0ve Ob TUBBOAT April 19al 1 AT TOMGALA BEAD HORUS ON ACCOUNT WHOM IT MAT OONOERN TOR POSITIVE SALK A WILKINSON have reerived InttwMvae to cell by Me Uarial ARM HORSES end few flrobatem UaM So Aprtrwad aaeeptanaete Sirin Oa WEDNESDAY April Uri 1 AT THB MODEL ARM NBAS TABBOWIB AT ORDER Of MtoSSRS MOORHOUSE AND CO Of GLADSTONE WHO HATH SOLD THEIR ARM AND ABB DIS SOLVING PARTNERSHIP TH1 WHOLB Or THB VERY VALUABLE PARK STOCK AMD IMPLEMENTS WHICH HATH BUN IN USE AT THB MODEL ARM NEAR TABKOWIB Thia mmtate a animdid opportunity tor unpi and otbcre to mu foHihli and laabolam Mark EKBY MOORS WILKINSON have teed ieatraetiaae to ptaeo in the motfcete and to call to the higfaet bidder Th Wtaie af the wj Sepcftee ARMING STOCK ata LAMT aa HORSES OA HKAD DRAUGHTS ell young tJU rad atanab not to be arepaaaM to the Anae Drought Batter Nepelena 3 yeamolA 4 Bedtoe nd Harnew Honea Htoma Smrifiere Mewtag Maehtata Lead Bailee flulfaoi Obeffartter end Hcoawsrita Hoaerabe XUO At IbeMtaeiiM end pteeo trader intern ah that SECTION of LAND eitaated la the HUNDRED of APP1LA No Utt iwmtaialng IM am koowu a Edward (TSnUivaute Title BJL Terra mrtoek approved Meeptano tat lead at veto Loneb at IS sharp 91x93 ate Bay Baeerr Merea CATTLE 09 HEAD bead Steen fit te yoke 14 Webto BaUoaka wteh Tfoklfa*g 15 head Dairy fibwv (la silk) 100 Htaa Superior Lot fltfcrtha kata mnsMun and rolling stock 4 Rroptog Machin 5 Wiaaeaiea Manhiam Dtaje BUNDBIBB Waggon Dcy and Plough Haneae Baddlto Bridlto At Ta Prating Wire 400 Ptraenoing Porta MO Mallee Balk MB Galvaaind Iron 1 WbtitUaahi Wrigblna Meabine Ae BBUMINABY NOTICE KBBYMOOBBR WILKINSON have received fateterattora to ell by anetira far Mr Mfacey eabjwrt to tbe apperal ri the Han Oommiraaner of Grown MOTIONS Na US Bad ICTs HUNDRED at BOOLOUNDA eratafotog KO Am all partieatara will appear atartly 91x01 SALB BY UBUO AUCTION MONDAY April 11 at IS Salts br Auttion On TUESDAY April A AT BMMBT A Kim YARDS £J0 ItBAD HOBSBB MEDIUM DRAUGHTS OOAOHBRS HACKS BUGGY PAIRS AND PONT PAIRS TMKH JAMES will mil ae JT above for Mr William Biddle of Nano 40 HEAD HORSES took and rabrokon among which to the celebrated Trotting Pony MASTER DIOK uta 1 Made high and wonderfully foe BALE TUESDAY APRIL 5 91x93 On TUESDAY April 11 at Iflo'dote OLD EXCHANGE ADELAIDE SECTION URAB WATERALL Goad Inta eta Joter PABB JAMES hna roerired3 taiatractioaa from Mr Jam Nolan to tell bv auction a ALL that 6BUTION cf LAND befog Nj B45 near Watotvale Hundred of Upper Wakefield eoataiaiac fid none bom ar tern The Laxd it good and well weforei only two wileo Watervale 92i9t PABUMINASY NO HUE VALUABLE STATION PBOPBRTTU TARDEA GUM LAT WILGBNA BUNA T)AEH JAME bis received Iftrwetiec from Mown Main Salto and Go to tall by attciion in hi Roane the Old Exchange Adelaide ia eafly day in July next (unleeo prariotMly cold Ry private eoeTHB TARDEA GUM LAT AND WILGBNA runs with aboot 72000 Delivery to bo taken from the ebeera all partieaton in fotareadiinttowento BfoBS PEBUMINAEY NOTICE TOWNSHIP WB8T NAIENB Otoeetotbe NAIRNE RAILWAT TERMINUS T)ABM JAMES HL Am resaved fawtrnttaatoeeiaboatthoiaat weak toEST NAIENX Thto TOwnohip being portian at Section 003 443L MSI Hun dred of Knaaateo containing about 70 Aarva and anbdlrided into Altotatenta from 1 to i an mA and abutting on the Adelaide and Naimo main rood The Weedcide maiaeoad hm through the centre of thio Ttewnabip 91x03 Un TUESDAY April A at 3 AT THB CORPORATION TABD8 NORTH TERRACE DAIBT OOWB Ae GEOBGE LAUGHTON hssraedved toetrnetione from Memm Oibmae end Chtpp (who are leering for England) to mil aa above without The Whoto of tbrir DAIRY OOW8 which hare been oarefaUy teltrted and are fa AroLeloao emditfoa About 00 Head oompriring 30 newly calved in tell milk lOcpringiof 10 ooperior HeHen nrtogiag 10 nt Oowa fit for the butcher 1 good Eboetbom Bull A tot of Dairy UMhU Abo on other Eevtni good arm ead Buggy Home Saddle Horaaa and Poniev including one very quiet Shetland pony SLLfixM On I UBBDAY April at 1 o'clock AT THE MILE END YARDS SPLENDID AT CATTLE ELAUGHTOft and CO ire a iaetrneted by Hugboo Kq to tell 140 Prime a BULLOCKS and C0W3 Alto for Mr Joe Grandy 40 Prime at Laser fed Ballockx AltAfrrMrW 10 vary cbowa at BuBoeka 93 0C0S On WBDNUDAT April half part 1 o'aloctee AT THB CORPORATION YABD3 URB 8HORTHOBN BULLS DO DO COWS LO DO HBirKRA WELL BRED STEERS IN THB ASSIGNED ESTATE RBDK GEORGE BURTON BTUEEKEBPKR BLYTH UNDER DIVISION VI THB INSOL VENT ACT INS THE WHOLE THE 8T0CK DLTRADB OR ABSOLUTE SALB TO 8T0RBK8BPBBS UBUCAN9 AR MERS HEADS AMILIES AND 01 HAAS UNDER INSTRUCTIONS ROM KINGS BOROUGH ESQ ON THB PRBMBB8 AT ELY EH GROCERY DRAPERY CROOK KRY IRON MONQBRY 1XTURBS IRST CLASS MOESl EXPRESS WAGGON LRNB33 SekA Solomon wd co have S3 nerived inatraetioun from King botongb ErqTrwrteeln tbe Amigaed Ettote Ot redwfck George Barton Storekeeper to eeU by aaotfoa the premia Blyth on Efoudey the 11th April at abarnW The Whole ot the Weil Amorted STOOK ndRBOn to above Atate com rUNsf White CalieoM Grey Cli eoee Bhirtfog riato Winoeyi Diem Good Ribbon Hoefory of all kind Mminiag Haodkarehtofa Shawl Mantle Glena Haberdavbarv large Aavcrtmect at Mmk end Boot and Shoe and the tuwai Mortmeat at GeMnl Drapery Toilet Beu Ptatae Meat end Vegetable Dixbea Jogv Poin Tumbler Oruetrteod OaBto aad Teepoto Tinware af every dMripttoeBtoUeucry Oatlary Hollow ware Sugar Tee Soap Bakin Oorraata end tbe wmal aaecrtniaat of umf ul good found hi a general etoce OLOO Counter Tiriwea Show OM Galvaniaed Iron WatUng Machine Afint clam BORSE Expreu Waggon end Him Tbe wbcie ta purittvn and emeacmd ml Turn fo up to £10 over £lOppeored MU at three and rix moulhe with 8 poe mat pc ansa added LAUGHTON and 00 in oon junetkm with RBYNBLL COLLEY and CO are intonated by Rom Reid Bfe te eeil by auction Bia Valuable Btad Heed at SHORTHORNS to ecneeqoeaee at kk baring decided to relinquieii breeding Young Bull by 4th Duke of RoeUngham dam Queen a ehatoe gB now Young Boll hy 4th Dave of Rookingham dam taperted from Victoria and bred by Mr Joel Horwuod Young Bull by 4th Duke of Renkioghtfn dam a aheiw gB oow Young Bull bred by the Hon John Hodg kua tire and dam both being imported by him IQ Choice Cow Calf 30 do Heifora 3 and 3 yean old 20 Steeta Th4 young Stock are all by the Bull 4th Duke of Roufa*gbam imported from Victoria by Mr Boa Reid at a 04 at 400 gain end they are oat of tbe Stud Oow puked by Mr Reid at peat coat from the ObowiUa Stud herd Thia will bo a geod opportunity foe buyer obtaining tpkndidly bred Stock at a moderate price OR POSITIVE SALE 82A0I92 PRELUUNAKY NOTICE PURE SHORTHORN BULLS DO OOW8 DO HR1RRS WELL BRKD STEERS LAUGHTON tnd OO in con junction with RBYNBLL OOLLBY ad OOtrt itetonetod by Bom Reid foq to toll by auction cat an early Hie Valuable Stad Hard of SHORTHORNS in eouaaqoetioe of hie baring decided to reSaqaian Breeding 4 Young Bulla 90 Ohoc Stud Oewe to Calf Choice Hotter UStoeta Ae young Stock are all by tbe BoD oorth Duke of Imported from Victoria by Mr Bom Boid at a eoat ot 600 gniamo and they am out of the Stad Oowo picked by Mr Reid at great eart from tbe Obewilia 8tnd Herd Luncheon peovidod70 31X701 0 PRELIMINARY NOTIOK Of THB ASSIGNED ESTATE nKDRBICK GBOBGB BURTON STOREKEEPER OOLLtNAHRLD UNDER THB VI DIVISION THE INSOLVENT ACT IMO THE WHOLE THB STOCKJN TRADE IN THB ABOVE ESTATE ON AM EARLY DATS TO BB NAMED SOLOMON and CO have re mired taotrnotieto from King bmengb Tkaateo in ttea Amd Ealate of Mdenrk Gmrga Borton to mil an the ee mbm at Tbe Wbeto af tbe Wn amorted STOCK PLANTand IXTURES Sc Tbe EQUITY rfKJtbBMPTION at tbe nEBHOLD PROPERTY eontbtfng of BXORB and DWELLIRG HOUSK aE partita lar tofataa advertleemento Tbnaa vmy Liberal 92 PHIILL COLLET COLV AUCTIONEERS STOCK AND STATION SALESMEN Held WEEKLY KALBS ot AT STOOK at ttea CORPORATION YARDS Adelaida BALES to STATION PROPRBTI8S and STORE STUCK negotiated Steck impteted and Setae bald to any rtf the colony Prompt Caah Satttmnta Offer Giltetripia off Cnrrie eimk AdaltMe 01un9fo 0BOBG1 LAUGHTON AUCTIONEER STOCK AND STATION SALESMAN AND OOMMBBIDM AGENT CURRIE8TREET ADELAtDR MOLD SALES AT AND SIUMB STOCK OQBPOBATIOM YARDS ADELAIDE Yimg Amount Salto and Gaab dcctk maetaLioeaafiJo Thio will bo a good opportunity foe buy attaining aplcndidly brod Stock at a modmrte price taltivo Bata naaMa WOOL RALES LAUGHTON sod (X)n having TAKEN the large weH lighted and centrally ritaatad WAXBHOUSB in BICK BUILDINGS UUKBIE TEBHBT which io aeoMto to nene to Adelaide and mlcahiy afoptai for the Stowe end dfoetay Wool intand holding PERIODICAL WOOL BALKS through th Bamca The eherpaa will ba tbe iowort rating end all earn wiB he totem to oaue the highert pomtbto prime 31 3o OR THURSDAY 14th April 1ML AT THB AXLAIDS AUCTION MART To pmaoae requiring a ftrat clam arm Lend flpeaiala tw ItiTtrtnet and ottema SPRING BANK AEM NAIRNE ACRES AGRICULTURAL XDU LAND BOTtYnG and OO have been fevered with laoteoiiiiim from the Admiaietratiix of the mtato of the late William Evan to mil at tbe Adelaida Anctam Matt on Thuraday 14th April at 13 AU tboae valoabie SECTIONS numbered 4439 and 4440 eompriaing 100 acre in the BUNDLED ot MAOOLESPOLO of asaok kntacrieultare end grufa*g land adl eeeorvly faneed andoubdirided Section 4440 ecntaln 40 aeeo an whtab io waeted a oommodioa family reuteam bail at atone with an Iren tool a good garden well rtoaked with fruit tree an unlimited aapply of freah water hr a wall adjoining and aim a good tpeteg of water a the reared tbe boom aiao Allotemnte No 0 and ST tu the towneUp ot Latev mm Glare Termt aaaj SO ftr cent dcpcait belaum on etgage at per eent for year and upward 9100 WMOOHHOUSB A 00 AUCTIONEERS LAND LOAN AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS GLADSTONE aMte 1 Mm AnctlBn BURRA MON4MLY MamKaiL KCHABDS01T8 YARDS K00RINGL MONDAY April 4 Goodchild dctff and oo wOI mil by aeietioo to above oomcMnc tog at 1 11300 AND STORE SHEEP or Mr A Gebhard 8J100 Very Prime at Wetben from the river ee Mr lC00 Prime at Wethers at Mr Couch 1X00 at Wet beraaod law or Mr 200 at Wether 1400 geod Mero We bm er Mr 3000 at Wether or another 1000 Star Bw and Wetben or Mr Kigge ifiCQ at Wetben or Mr Wlllfama 1JX0 Merino Bwee to lamb in Hey tad June 300 AT xso stoRB cATrLa ft Neean Hay Grbvea It 40 very Prime Cattta from NW Bead or Mr Duncan SO Very Prime Cattle from hl Mernowie Paddoek oe Mr inch 90 at Cattie or Mr Ed SO at Oattle or Mr A Johnatom ISO well heed two end three year old 8toen fa geod oonditten or other SO Mixed Oattie gQ HORSES HEAVY MEDIUM aad LIGHT or Mr Boggy (Marly new) 02x93 KAPUNDA MONTHLY MARKET PALMBBSTON YARDS KAPUNDA TUESDAY April 0 Goodchild duff and oo will tell by uetion above cobbsm Ing at IS 150 1T AND 8T0B1 6250 rAT 1X0 87088 sheep or Mr SOO it Wether oe awethm SUO food Store Wether aa Mr Jama White 1800 very good Store Weibert 1410 do do or MrMiltar 400 at Wette or Mr SCO at Wethen or Mr Moody 400 at Wether or another 0 Prist Lamb Mr MO Merita Ewe to lamb in May or another account 1100 good State Wethere 150 AND STORB CATSLB or Mr S3 Prime at Oattte or Mr Cba 35 at and Star Oattte or Mr Reid 40 4 and jmr ff1' Bulteeka good rtore at Moeen A 20 at Oattte or vnriou at and Stan Cattle by Auction LAURA Ob WEDNESDAY April 11 (aad foUowiM day if netneary) at 11 o'motfc eharp IN THB ASSIGNED ESTATE MR WILLIAM HUNT JUlf LAURfi CONTKAOTOR BY ORDER THB TRUSTEES THB WHOLE TH3 CONTRACTING PLANT AND STOCK IN TSADB A CARPENTER AND OABINETMAKBR UM VALUAULS PROPERTIES IN THE TOWN SHIP LAURA WITHOUT RESERVE DAVEY and BABBAB have re ceived iuvtruelioD from the traitcc of tbe above Evtato to mil by auctioa to tbe bigbeel bidder cd the pnmlte lately oeeapiad by Mr Hunt Maia rtteet Imura ou Weduee dy April 12 (and faliowmg tay if aeoematy) at 11 o'clock Lrtl All that PIECE of LAND bvieg portion at No 28 Townihip of LAURA ea which te vteted a targe and oowmodioue Store haring a frontage of about 00 feet to tbe mdn vtnrt with wottohopt at the rear of building Lut3 All that PIECE of LAND No Towotinp of LaUBA on which i erected a iva roomed Btota Home with a oonvaatant Dairy aad large Tank Stable Shod Ac lately occupied by Mr Hunt auo A ive rocmed HOUSE with Stable Buggy bed ko new let to tteo Rev Hr Jarrut at a goodrentuL Iw4S That Piece ot LAND being portion of block No 35Towtup at LAURA oa whteb te erected a well built Sbopaad Dwelling attached baviag a fioetage to the main tteeet aad we occupied by Mr Wood at a rental of £1 pet week Lot 4 All that Piece of LAUD la tbe Towaahip at LAURA (adjoining lhoaboT)on which i erected a very largo wooden Paint Shop bow occupied by Mr Naeb Lot 5 i That Pkre of LAND at NORTH LAVR which fa erected two galvaniaed iron cottagm tot at geod rental axeo THB STOCK Cooalvte of Timber in Peril Cedar Huon Pine Hardwood looring Skirting Moulding Pallngv Ooooaan ibre Gotten lock Turnery Mantelpiece Doore end Window Seama Galvaniaed Iron Eidgo OappiM Spouting Guttering Ptrfetated Zinc Swob Weight Pipieg Sheet Lead Urn mrntri Iron Wovka White and Bad Lead (sized) Pain' Dritc Paint Btuhe Glam in all we Galvanized Iran Nail and Serewa Boltend a large aaecetmoat at Biiilitm leon 4Mmgay Stock at New urniture Cedar end Deal Ttataa Cedar and Oane Chairs Hue Pine aad Cedar Waab tandt Dratiog teblei Wbttaote Cbml of Drawer Single and Double Iron Tubular Bedrioad Toitot eM Maat mf Sofa Loo Table Wall Paper Pigeon bate Wriagtta and Waebbg machine A large number of Oleography Pictore frame Coffin urniture 1X0 1 Hearse 1 Newport Pagnol) and SauArtae ton nuuMKnx to particutattee Rie Land fa rabjeet to a Mortgage partLuln ot which eaa be obtained from tbe Auctioneer The whole for eboolute oale Without reeerve or Stock approved aaeepfota farum over £30 for land liberal at vale zM 0 WIRRARARJL 4j0 HOR8B3 or Mr rm tba importer 10 Heavy and Medium Draught Marea and Griding imported from Vittoria Spring Dray and Harnaa oe varioua 30 Heavy Medina aad Light 91 999 April A AT THE ARM IVE MILKS NORTH EAST KAPUNDA CLEARING SALB ARM STOOK fee GOODDHILD DU and OO are favored with faateweMw from Mr Tboom Triplett (wbw ba eold hi arm and tahea tbe Hamilton HoteU to aril by auctioa above nt 1 Hto ARM STOCK ae 3 Draught Mare (1 with fcel at foot 1 in fori) 3 Draught Griding 3 Saddle Hereto 3 Cow and 8 Youg Oattte IPfa Poultry Ingl uh Waggon Reaper Marly new) Winnower 2 Double Plough Oorn Screen Harrow Bolter 3 Siegle Ploughs Mower Hovmreke 400 galicn Tank 10 Bag owl1 Oorn jk and other litre tm Stack of Hay about 90 too AMD Houehold urniture aad Bundrtee Approved bilte 93 On TUESDAY April AT THB ARM TWO MILES SOUTH BAILWaJ STATION 179 ACRES LAND AND ARM STOCK Goodchild duff oo are favored with iueteiiuliuua from Mr Simon Oortallo to 11 by auettoe a above at 1 All thorn Valuable SECTIONS of LAND being No 71 73 90 and 484 HUNDRED of LIGHT containing 179 Acre or thereabout rabdtvided into fivo paddock ata baring erected thereon a ubetaatially built STON8 HOUSE of our Room with Tank Stobloa Dame bo Mr Ooatelto haring sold tbe other portion of bi fata tbe above ia for abaoiate aale ARM STOCK ae Dreht Griding 3 Draught Mare (1 with 0 b2 Oattte 0 Pig Poultry German Waggon Spring Cart and Htracnt Reaper Here power ChaHeutter Double Plough nearly new Bolter Mower Harm 2 Stock of Hxy urniture and Sundriee On WEDNB3DAY April 30 at o'clock AT THB ARM MB RAN0I8TVB NILB8 NORTH WEST Of W1RBABABA TOWNSHIP GENUINE CLEARING OUT SALE HOBBES CATTLE ARM IMPLEMENTS AVEY sod ABBAB have re aaivad Inateuektona from Mr raacia to sell by auction at hi fam near Wirrabara oo Weonetday April 30 at 13 aa under 10 bead Superior am HORSES including aotae weU hred draught tockgoodatadta and haraem and a few light eocto JO bed Store Cattle good Milch Qow 10 tgand to of Pttoe Poultry 3 Reaper 1 Winnower 1 Mowing Maahlna 1 Chaffeutter and Boaeewotke 1 English Waggon 1 Exprec Bugy pole and shaft 1 art Single aad Double Haraeaa 1 Spring Van in very good order iSKiisr 1 Three urrow Plough Two urrow Plough 1 Single Plough 1 Set 4 Harrow 1 Debbie Seedonwer 1 Smriftor nearly new lUnd Boiler 8 et Plough Herne 3 mt Leading Herne 3 ete Swiogteltee ISidetaddT 3 I Iron Bedstead Loh a Bay Tool Sundttaa too numerous to taenites Lutaheon peerided Approved Meepttaam for enao ora O0 WEDNESDAY April 10 at 13 99104 DAVBY ABKaK AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS LAND BROKERS ann INANCIAL AGENTS LAURA Braneb Office Cryrial Breote Sate conducted throughout the colony Innd Sato atemded and Srieo tiono taktn up Saetton of Zand ewveyed aad cut up Into townabip allotment by qualified ouneyor Murtgsgo Leart Tremfcre Re Aa pa pered Maney to Load at towart eunant rates 9fc On TUESDAY April 0 at 3 Teiei or Land apply to the Auctioneer for Stock approved bill 99 NOABLUNGA TUESDAY April at 13 ofaloA 1700 SHEEP BABKEK sod OHAMBEBS will sell by rattae at tbe Hoaeebm 700 GOOD BWE8 (to lamb ia April and May) 1000 WETHERS aterc than half fak NOAKLUNGA 99 STURT BAZAAR TUESDAY April 19 st 3 85 HR HORSES (rom Ohowifte) BAEK EH and CHAMBBE8 are inrtructod by Mean Bntimteea Bro to Mil by 30 OOLT8 and ILLIES Medium Draught by Glasgow Geotdie 70 Uoita and illie (principally by Aurtralian Buck ootoprtelog Upstand ing Ooacbcrs and Trra Horace styliah Camixge and Buggy Oromuntry Horace Geutlemeu'a Hackneys 4a aa Teraw Apprevod finceptanae 91x91 BAHKEH find UHAMBEB3 STURT BAZAAA Haring secured aa SaussMxn Mr St Goudom (ee tong and favorably known here ae Stook Agent) beg te armoueee to Squatter Graxicra Dealer and tbe Trade generally that they bare derided tu add te their (vaent tsiuea WEEKLY BALES AT STOCK at the OORPOKATION YARD and MONTHLY SALES STORK STOCK HELD EVESY RKCl'fD THJtflOAYO? THE MONTH at rhe OV1NOHAM HOTEL YARDS tnwer Nmtlweerf eight sluutee walk from the North Adetatee Treeteer Temluu At the Oviugbatn Yards ADVERTISING will be REE aad NO 083 CHARGSD Tbe Bnsinca will be eooieeted on a purely COMMISSION BAMS at a ouitorm rateot 0 HSR CENT sod tbe usual prompt Oath Seittement of tbe bn stiteUy anbrred to Betee of Store Sleek and Sta'ten negotiated I x04 1 ION THE ARM AT PLAINS BAST (One mil from Railway Station UNRESERVED SALB ARM STOCK AA A ORHM INSOLVENT BICHABD8ON and CO are instructed by tbe Trade Assignee ia tbe iaaolvent Mtatoof A Oehmto all by auelicu above 10 ARM HORSBS neatly all heavy and draoght and good workon in any kind at barnate 1 Oow 0 Hrifate and 1 young Ball Garman Waggon Bprteg Qart Siegle toogb 3 Doobtetwro Plough Etoper by Martig A Oo IM at Heraeev ktoek of By about 10 tone adder Hajhnife wk and rame 9 bog Screening Pick Shovel and Swingtoteeee Terms Caah No Breer re 89x01 Ou WEDNESDAY 13th April next at 1 pm TO INVESTORS BTOKEKERPBRS AND OTHERS THREE SHOPS WHEAT STORE HOUSE Ac IN KAPUNDA AT ORABTS ROOM KAPUNDA BY ORDER THB MORTGAGEES JOHNBMA LL will eeil by auction SHOP occupied by Mr Haslam Msia strort Kapanda aad TWO SHOPS edjetaiag ueea piodby Mr Wbmtin and Mr Jam Hand aome NlnwBaomcd irst rime HOUSE ou Bcnth tMTaee WHEAT STORE and etiter PROPERTIES let to Hart A Co Toe whole predariag a rental ot £300 got aaaum A tbe tenant are all ficurtehiag tbia ettse an admirable fiU tor tbe faveetasut of capital Tbe Property to iu tbe busiest part ol tbe town and in good sidiltoa and will be toldobject to extetug lUiaas having about Mgbtoea month to run ee further perttoutoeA apriy to Mnws MmUcu A Sen ttoiirirw Adelaide or th AoaifaMcr 48JALS9S 9 Bales br Auetlcm ALB BY AUOWON THB ARM ABOUT OUR MILKS ROM THE BARUNGA RAILWAY STA TION AMD close the osrornos On TU1BDAY April A at 1 ririteb sharp IN CONSEQUENCE DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP VALUABLE REEHOLD ARM 316 A088S HUNDRED BARUNGA ARM STOCK IMPLEMENTS MACHINES ba MOODY UBNBB BBd CO hnva received tnetraeticne from Masse ILand Krrbey who are dwaolring partner tbip to aril by aMtion above 1 Tbe Valuable REEHOLD ARM situate In tbe Hundred el Baranga being Section numbered 100 eenteining SIS ACRES of fint cto Agricultural Land fenced and rab dividtd into three peddoeta and forttae im proved with DweHlcg Hoaso of four rooe Stable Sbeda three Tanka A Tbe whole at tbe Land netoar aad maybe put undecerop at occe UO Acre befog followed at tbe pemant tun This Propmty wU be sold mbjt to a mort gage of Siutt bearing interest as 4 pm eent ex pirieg on tbe lot Apni 1481 AEM STOCK DtPLKMRNTS KACH1NB Ac 0 good emfnl ane Ho 1 Yearling Entire 3 Reaper 1 Wtanower 9 Doabto tonow Plough 1 Sngle fumw Plough 1 Bcerifice 1 set Harrow 1 Mouiag Machine 1 Hortrish 1 Weggoa 1 Ppring Oart I Saddle aad Btidte 17 ba Senacias 9 sets Hamem Lot Plough Chains be 1 Seek TriMk 1 Tarpaulin And a lot of Buadnm auo 1 Slack Hay about 10 toe oe Land and Stock Caah arm ieapteaaeata approved acceptance at nine mem th LuadteMi provided SALB BY AUCTION Oa WEDNESDAY April 13 1881 Al 1 o'clock abarp IN THB INSOLVENT ESTATE ANDREW MeKENZlB ARMEE HUNDRED OP DALKEY ABOUT NINE MILES ROM BALaELAVA NEABTHETOWNBHIPOP OWEN A MAGNIICENT ARM IN THB HUNDRED DALKEY 1288 A0BB3 ARM IMPLSMBrnAND MAOHtNBB Moody fctbske sad oo af favored with tnatruetwna to by public auetfao a above Lot AU that Valuable RXEHOLD 8BO TION numbered 810 in tbe Hundred of Dalkey sontsinine 454 acre all with poet aed wire The improvement ar of a permanent nature and ooostot of a convenient Dwelling lunoended by a Gar ten good Teak Well of Water with Whip Stables Sbeda ko Lot CREDIT BELBOTION No 329 in tbe Bundled of Dalkey (subject to the approval at tbe Hcnorabto tbe Oommtoricnnr af Crowe Leeds) containing 200 acres purehaanmeney (£290) payable to tbe Oovwnmrat 1Mb Ksr U81 All fenced with poet aad wires Sectioae40 and 3S3 are subject to a mortgage of £1444 18s Id bearing interest at 10 per cent from tbelOtb March 1881 Lot CREDIT SELECTION No 393 in the Hundred of Dalkey containing 374 seres (cute jest te tbe approval of tbe Hooecabl the Ooec mfariontf of Orowu Lands) purohaee mow £8C4 8 peychlc to the Government in 1885 All faneed Lot 4 CREDIT SELECTION No 323 in the Hundred of Dalkey (subject to the approval ot tbe Honorable the Ocwrerissloner of Orewu Lande) nfiitataiag 258 eeree pureheae money £451 10 payable to the Govcromeal la 1835 All faneed Bpcria) attention to directed to thte important and valuable farm it leone of the bort ra tbe distriot AIM 1 Beeper by Stott I do 1 Winnower hj 3 Ramray 1 Bullock Waggon and Harac 1 Bullock Waggcm Hone Waggon 1 Heavy Pray 1 Spring Dray 20 bag of Wbltc bMd 1 Bcarifiw by 1 Saddle ana Bridle 1 eei Single Htnowe 3 air Waggon Shafts 8 SwingleteoM 1 Mt Spring Oart Heroes Lot mixed Berne 8 Single Plough 1 Blackrailhb Bellow LIVESTOCK 1 Red Bui) 1 Spotted Oow I Oalt 10 mixed cwIa ar atoolute Bate lunch provided or further particular appte to Ware Trad Aaeignee Btuekcy Solfcta tbe Auctioneer cr ee QLwirfs or Otwei 89 10193 9 BOB8BBHOB RANGE HUNDRED Of wsririfo MONBAY April 11 lu IB THB ASSIGNED ESTATE BIOB ABD GRBNILL IJJOO ACBB8 LAND IMPROVED DEAD AND LIVE STOCK HOUSEHOLD URNZTUB8 Aa JOHNS snd POULDEN sre fgvored with inafructioee to aeli by anetien (sub ject te the approval of tbe Oramlitimre at Drown SECTIONS 47 204 30U aentafoiag In all 1000 Acre of IRST CLASS LAND 300 Asre of which to ready to harrow to 40 de fallow ire mil encing with eplit gum porta avwaga about 2 to 3 wit ubdivided our roomed Hou substantially built Tbe rtbar improremmw and advantag oouitetof Weil of xreitont Stock Water a Cheek with a quantity at Gum Trees and to witbin one mil at Government sssr where there ia aa abundant supply of resh Water Dam Stock yard Piggery kA 3 Oow and Haltere 3 Draoght Burse Beaptag h1 Double Plough Harrows Aa ua The whole tbe Heuaeheld urniture Term at Sale x85 99 Ou THURSDAY April 7 st 12 o'clock sharp AT MB WALTER DUNSTAWB NEAR MB JARBEDB BTOKS MACLAREN TALK PAVY and HACK under inetme tiooa from Mr Dunstan will 11 by All bi HOUSEHOLD URNITURE end EECTS ae Crdar aad Deal Table Hortebatr OMcb CLairr Bedsteads Bsddteg Drrssiiig Tataea Washstandsand Seto Carpets Chia Crockery Glamware Pto turA kA Kitchen Uteosito and usual Houmbeld Sundriee MM WIm Carts Crusher Block Basnv Troughs Tool Wring Qw 0 kA Acd a Quantity ef Crimean bhtrto Shirting Btiipsd Hollaed and Dram Staffa Refreaharate Terms at Sale 93 OTfKLDAY April 8 at I AT MR WICKHAM PARK MACLAREN TALK PAVT HACK under inriroo ttea from Mr Hutchinson will tell by iMtfan at above time aed 3 Teem Working MJLLOUKS 8 la each Team with tackling complete Waggon with Pole and Mowing Marbiae Horerrake (mlf aeting) 3 Doable Plcagto Borrows Ho se Drey Express Wpggoo Pole and Shaft Ucvstcd Boggy Po'e ata Shafto Be Double Haruem set Single Hsrnra 3 vet Cart Barnes 7 Cbws (ome fa milk) sod Speieger 10 Brad mixed Cattle came fat SO Pigs 4 light Heroes Horv 4 Saddle Borra Casks Aa be Lutob provided Tm at Setak tad "te 8r1hb by Aoetion On TUESDAY April A WOOL BBBVUEN RDB TALLOW T7LDKB SMITH nnd OO aH by aaetira at their Weal Were boeee GreefeU etreot ou Tnoaday April TALLOW aad AT a 13 WOOL and SHEEPSKINS at 3 o'clock HIDES BARK kA at 1J0 94 5x93 PBELIMXHABT NOTIOK VALUABLE SHEEP STATION OE BALK IN co*kSEQUKNOB DISSOLUTION PARTNEESHIP Elder smith and oo uve rowivod inetnmtteta from Mosma McCul loch Bretber (wbo are diaelviag partawehip) tore)! by aactioo at titeit Wool Wareboueea Grenfell atract BARATPA RUN situated about 100 mitee Mrtb eaat from Peet Augusta crapriring 364 Square Mil of firato ela Baltbuah and Gram Country with ampleapply efaurfo water berid raal ahallow Welte aad tout targe Da tee Ail onetamd with sheep proof five wire fence and divided Intoeven paddoaha Together with S3XX)0 nbota SHEEP de paotartam tbmeon Thte Stalten ecprte tbe following Goran mest Pectoral Leaa in Die 0 with era nine jraro to run via No of Less Square MU Date ot Expiry 1708 140 I 1701 M3 DeA8il38 1007a 21 Total 364 Square Mileo Tbe Eon teropebleef carrying in good aeaatao over 60X00 Sheep aad to worked at triflingipeure The Heed Stetten oeariata ot as naeeltent Kght roraed Booca betid which there to a good Wnehhoii i ale Men's Hute and alt taaee sary Plant in eomplete working order Tbe lmproveeota hare cart about £9j000 and tbra togetiw with 20 head ot Gattie 10 Berra Dray aad Ttera ot ebl Bullocks Her ne OertA Household urniture aad Stereo will bo given te to tbe purebara ar plane aad farther particular apply to 81uisx9S ELDER 8MIT1L A OU PEXUMniAKY NCTIUR VALUABLE STATION OR SALB ELDBB SMITH and OO bare received iariradiona from Mr WHUaBc to veil by aorttee at their Wool Wateboeetn Adelaida on a day to be named LAKB GILLES STATION Situated mar Port Augusta and eemprtemg 415 sqtewo Miles of pastoral Land fa INrietot Tbia Station to fava ably liMMed far wttto meat will bo cold without stock Tbe borttan of the emmtey near the centre of tbe Bun to well scppUcd with wet foe seraal thorn eadibtrp Plan and full parttodaro to bn had on ap pHmiirui 91afax92o ELDER SMITH A OO wool SHBBPSKINS TALLOW KANGABOOBXINS OPOSSUM4KXNS UATMBB BARK WHIAX LOUR Aa EL DEB SMITH aad UQ hrid frequent AUCTION SALMI at ttate WOOL and OBAXN WAREHOUSES ADELAIDE and POE ADELAlto ranad htat with Omb being isrwanted taraodfately after ooch rate PRODUCT SHIPPED an account at fretghto UBERAX CASH ADVANCBB mode upon Produce tatanded far Sate Ship WOOLSACKS and OORNSAOKS roppUad nt lowert eunata rntae SCtiraevvta On TUESDAY April 5 at 1 o'deek ON THB ARM AT POET M00B0WIK GENUINE CLEARING SAUL IN OOSEQUENCB HAYING LET THE LAND BOESES BULLOCKS IMPLEMENTS URNITURE AND EECTS A HOMBUEG md OO an in a Mraetad by Mr Hamilton (who baa tat hi ann) to roll by auetten aa above without Bay Bene TOMMY Grey Bars ROCKET AH good and Bay Mare JESSIE I alanah Grey Hare LADY 1 Tam of Biz young Working Bultesteaand Taaklieg complete 3 ire fct Poultry 1 Bulloek Brey 1 Reaper (Martin A Oa) 3 Double furrow Plough Sat 4 Berrew 1 Spring Cart and Haroara Pulling down Chama Dray and Plough Haraem Crew bars SpedA Shonto Pick Ax And tot StUkdzieA AMO AH tee HOUSEHOLD URNUURB and EECTS Chairs Tahlee Boffo Bntetaada Weak trade Toilet Glam Kitchen Utanrite and Requirit Ten Approved aeeeptancm at three mouth for turn over £3A Imnah provided Kolwerve 93 On WEDNESDAY April 6 at ftritiooK OEBNPMLL STBMET AUCTION MART IN THB ASSIGNED ESTATE NICHOLSON A JENKINS TO BREWERS WINK AND SPIRIT MER CHANTS 0APITALUT8 PERSONS DE SIROUS AN EXCELLENT INVRU MINT AMD OTHERS THB GLOBE HOTEL JAMESTOWN Henning bruck and aldridgb ham torn inrtraated by the Traetra to th Awignrd Brtate of Ntebotoon Jenkin to Mil by publie uclico Tbe reehold of tbe GLOBE HOTEL JAMESTOWN Tbe above Hold to dtaate on Allotment Id and part 23 in tbe very beet part of tbe Town hip ata moat from i politico al way com mand the premier trade It to ray anlMan ttally boat ata embraom Boom Tra 6aU Stable Yazdc Oethouaea ata with ample water rapply ata to oow Igaaed to Mr Andeneu tbe prrant tenant for wren yrore from the IQtb September 1840 at a yearly ratal of £110 Tbe trade taking ar fully £140 weekly Jameetowa iteclf to without ezeeptioo tbe bntiert ata meet thriving towMbtp in the Nartforn Area draining aa ft deee the whole ef the rich BelaHe plaiae end prawiing already many really ubatantfal and weii huilt THB GLORI HOTEL there foreoffert to Oapitaltotee rare end prod table iavectment The Property be cold cebjeet to a motto ggo ot £0100 at 7) ra cent bet whichtardy expirva and era be renewed at Tra JAMESTOWN MONTHLY MARKET: WEDNESDAY April al I eUoak AT YARDS JaMBSTOWN JAMBS WILKIBSOM wCl mil a Acetrant 300 prod Stere ETHERS Account Mr Mai Uta 150 Good Store Swe 3 Good Draught Hat Good Tip Dray Ham and Herne AeoountR Bril 18 lirt tie Herve Abo on uttar aoxranti 30 Bon 10 Cattle And Son totem Term al Sale 9S On SATURDAY April 9 at 4 fa the attarnoon OX TBE GROUND AT MR HODG8OT3 P1OCADLLLY BOAD VALUABLE GARDEN BLOCKS 'KTTALTBB BBBD ia farored wHb lurtrurtinna to aUaa Tbe GREATER PART ot BlfCTfON 10J7 HUNDRED at ONKAPAB1NGA known Hedral Blotee varying fro to 114 it crab biota hen frontag te Ort Creek Ofo llurd rah belie tiz ata twelve monte by tpotial agnnseaeaL Plena are now reedy cud may be ebtai iM hem tienro lagle Grandy te Netato 98 Riug WUlieraatreat foe th Antneoeor 5Witmhraioni ratal 9tanBU85Ef I 9 DEECTIVE ORIGINAL MIm by Aaetioa nSMBSBUBG NORTH PRELIMINARY NOUOK A DAY TO RE NAMED IE MARCH AT THB PBTBEhBURG BOTKfo LJ8TOJT 8HAKU sad OO bevorowtved faetrnrttau from Mr Rctede to by aiitii abac al odMkM mrtvri at A itofalfe re a ALLOTMENTS fa PETERSBURG A NORTH enfaoentafafa*gnertn awe Torme percent rabiM pta cent fata meatta witfoul tot art batea twelve moetha 7 peTerat added Tbe AuatioMon feet it weneeearay to callrafai enrorton to thte important ata rapidly thing Ttownebip but may mention that vfaeo their fleet ml in Augfot leM mrayof the AUetmrnto have changed fond at ata ora pwfooA SIMto TUESDAY Apti 13 AT THE ARM UGBT B8IDGR ONB MILE SOUTH KAPUNDA CLEARING SALE LIVE AND DEAD ABM STOCK Liston shakes id co xr tartraetrd by Mr Matthew Bobtotem (wbo boo tad hi lata to Mr Nation) total bytan to above at 3 4 DRAUGHT MARES aad GELDINGS I Drought illy 3 yean old 4 Light Harem Horae 8 Hood Otettlo Baggy ata Silver mounted Baroare Bpmg Qart Hone Dray bg)M Waggon Double Plough Bal Scarifier Hamwa Set ZtgMg Barrow Roller Beeping atetatne Wtenerar Mowing Maetetoe Barra 18 Pig Stack Hey (about 90 tan) And th ureal Butartee Approved bill at three raoulha Lanta provided No otter iteta admitted x9 9 339 ACRES IMPROVED ARM IN LOTS IN THE ASSIGNED ESTATE PATRICK WALSH AT THB MART AUBURN THURSDAY APRIL 7 AT 3 CTOLOOK JE BLEBCHMOBB foa 1 railed inateurtleae from faa Tie te in the above ertate to mil by pobifa anetioe without Lor 1 MCTTONU8 Hntared Upper Wata fieM eoutatoteg eeree Lu Section 133 Hundred Uppte Wake A 14 ftCfSe Tbe above Sectiara are rabjart to a mortgage rf £K0 dee to tbe Qmwileed Invtameni Uompeny expiring let eaa 1848 at a per era Teim 9B pr deport hetra on aoroelacten of trefofm the tear aaortpie eaa bn artauged to cult th pOTohaam af eitfam tote 393 ARM KM A0RK8 HUNDRED Of UKR WAKK1BLD OR POSITIVE AND UNRUREVBD SALE UNDER THB WILL THB LATE JOHN AS KB AT THE MART AUBURN THURSDAY April 1 at 3 tik JI BLKBCHMOBB sad 80S have teen favored with loatraetiora from Men Board and Smith exeeutoM at fan bite John orfar to tai by pubtio oration with out tta ilighteet zeo Scotian 478 Han Upper Wakefield 141 0 Do 470 do do do 154 Part do 338 do do do 9 30 304 30 Tteee iretinm are feraed ata nMMM there a mmlwfahle Dwtiltog bau an Station 478 axjo ABotment No 131 New Auburn with Stable end Sbeda ereotad thereon Beotian 478 te eubjeet to a aeetara at 9UO atO pat oente peyehfe tetf yearly expiring 3rd Oetotar 1884 wrert paid to April 188L Ttrwa 90 per eent deportt btian on eoxn pletion of title Baal Property Art z93 On WEDNEIDAY April 6 3 titiMfc YORKB HOTEL YARDS AT THB RIBS ORMER PURCHASERS A HOMBUEG aad 00 will aril ae abevet at the rita of tormpee 1 team RzytraBULLOOKB and Tatali complete 1 pair Cbraut Baggy Mara ynrag and quirt Bet SJL Double end Stogie Bkm 1 Expreae Wagon neatly new Atee ra anoetae Staf taaramoonted Steri Horae 1 Beeper 1 Winnower 1 Dooni farrow Plough Dtof end Haena And a tot ef mlzta Grate tt not penrietay dtepefod ef inafadiag 1 Team Big (g) BuUeeta with Taokltog Term at Sate No Reeerve 93 On SATURDAY April 9 AT HOTEL QUQBX AT 9 (CLOCK SHARP JM SMITH baa been metraeted by MrPBeodywtote faraiMfaedte triat to aeli by Hia ARM of 877 ACRES eieuted in th HUNDRED of ICaiKIOHLeta ttowmte tromQumn The Anettoneer ma tnafiimtiy rnmuta thte property befog era of the tart improved erm in tta North and crop eaa rt era put to Libmul Tarran be rata Atee an other to One ont iroiaid Oettage ta Tew of QnMn wtatentiitiy built and rented at Me pa week tftera tote ta Town ot Qnaen afoot 180 Acne Bubnrbra Irada and 90 tote ta Suburbra Tewaahip of Hanth Quora tr farttar parttonten MPip to tta Ara tfanoar x9fa On TUESDAY April 13 at 1 efaeta ON THB IBMEM MBSXMO1I G1USCK AMGACTON SALB LANDED ROPBETY DRAUGHT HOBBES DAIRY COWS ARMING IM PLEMENTS STAC BAY AN SUNDRIES EW BOBE8TS instneted by Mr Meara Gfttfak to aril ra hto itariaae at Angfotan Tnaeday April 12 I AU that ALLOTMENT ef LAND No UK Bradata el MrafeeCpa btira lirtua of Bra tie 1673 bid ent fo tbe TOWNSHIP GRBKNQCK on white teaaeetod a ata Stara Homa 4 tixriima Otilar and Wbral Stan good Gordan aS writ fenaed lately eeeuplad by Mr Byon AH throe ALLOTMENTS at lead NaaUL IL and being poettawot Scotian 80S Hra drod of Eeate Rhfoafa4d eta ra tee TUITIL SHIP at CTAJUMHLD.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.