With HO5 Insurance, You're in Charge (2024)

For homeowners looking for premium homeowners insurance, an HO5 policy typically provides the most protection and highest coverage limits.

For homeowners who want basic protection, the H03 homeowners insurance policy will usually suffice since it provides a wide range of coverage for theft, natural disasters, fire, and vandalism. However, with an H03 policy, you are required to prove that your personal property claim happened due to one of the named perils (insurance-speak for specific dangers) listed on your policy.

Conversely, the onus of proof is on the insurance company with a premium policy like an H05. The only way you won't get reimbursed for personal property damages is if the peril is specifically exempted from your HO5 policy.

Key Takeaways

  • The differences between the H03 and H05 policy for homeowners are the perils or dangers to your home that are covered.
  • A basic H03 policy covers all risks under the policy's named perils, including the building structure, the exterior, and personal property.
  • A premium H05 policy covers all risks to the building structure and personal property, including personal property in your home, unless listed as an excluded peril.
  • H03 policies are less costly than H05 policies because they cover less and put the burden of proof of a claim on the homeowner.
  • H03 policies are sufficient for most homeowners, but HO5 policies benefit those with high-value belongings and expensive personal property.

Basic H03 Policy vs. Premium HO5 Policy

The most common sort of homeowners insurance, an HO3 policy, regards all risk to the actual building structure of your home, meaning you'd be insured for any peril that could happen to the outside of your home. If you have a mortgage loan, your mortgage lender will likely require you to buy homeowners insurance, which is typically an HO3 policy.

Peril, in terms of insurance coverage, is defined as something that could destroy or cause damage to your property. A burst pipe, fire, hurricanes, or tornadoes are all perils.

Named perils mean the perils you are covered for that are specifically mentioned in your insurance policy contract. If you are covered for all perils except those mentioned as exemptions, you are getting an open perils policy. All risk is also called "open peril," because unless a specific peril is excluded, you are covered. However, your personal property or the contents of your home (i.e., your stereo, computer, and furniture) are only covered by named perils in an H03 policy.

It's common in H03 policies for personal property to be covered only for its cash value—its current worth, as a used or depreciated item—and not its replacement value, the cost of a new, comparable item.

In an HO5 policy, both personal property and your home are covered under an open perils policy. Thus, if you have a claim due to anything that causes damage to your personal property within your home, you wouldn't have to prove that it happened because of a named peril. For instance, if your roof develops a water leak and your property is damaged, you do not have to prove that it happened based on a reason covered by your policy, such as hail. If the peril is not specifically excluded, you are covered.

Perils Covered With an HO3 Policy

There are 16 named perils that are generally insured against in a typical H03 (traditional) policy. This covers most incidents that can happen and is good enough that most people end up with this policy in order to avoid higher insurance premiums. Some of the perils that may be included in H03 are vandalism, damage from thawing ice, mold, theft, and volcanic eruption.

Types of HO3 Coverage

Coverage by HO3 insurance policies usually falls into five basic categories: A, B, C, D, andE.

  • Coverage A:This refers to the actual physical building you live in and any attached structures, like a porch, deck, or garage. Your home is usually covered on an open peril basis.
  • Coverage B:This covers other structures on your property that are unattached to your home, including detached garages, sheds, fences, swimming pools, and tennis courts. Typically, these structures are insured for up to 10% of your Coverage A amount, but you can increase it.
  • Coverage C:This applies to the contents of your home—your furnishings, appliances, and other personal property. Unlike your home, which is covered for open perils, your contents are covered for named perils only—occurrences specifically listedon the policy. If it’s not listed, it’s not covered.
  • Coverage D:Also called "loss of use" coverage, this applies if your home becomes uninhabitable. It covers the costs of staying in a hotel and any additional living expenses. This coverage is usually on a named peril basis and is either limited to a certain period of time or 10% of Coverage A.
  • Coverage E:This is the personal liability portion of your policy—protecting you if something happens to someone else or someone's property or other situations where you’d be deemed at fault. Typically, it covers any legal fees or court costs paying the damages that are your responsibility.

Reasons to Get an HO5 Policy

H05 policies tend to be more expensive than the more standard H03. However, if you have fantastic credit and the difference in price is relatively small, the investment may be worth it.

First, HO5 policies give you no fuss, no muss insurance; they are inclusive rather than exclusive coverage for your property and goods. When making a claim, you don't have to jump through hoops to prove you're covered. Instead, the burden of proof is on the insurance carrier to determine whether or not you're covered.

A more specific benefit of an HO5 is that you are covered in additional circ*mstances and for the maximum amount (i.e., replacement value) for damage to your personal property. So, it is especially invaluable if you own a lot of high-value items.

How can you tell if an HO5 is worth it? Go around your home with a pad and paper and write down everything you own. Then, write down what you think each item is worth. Then, go online to find the replacement cost if you had to buy that same item new. Total the values, and now that you know what your stuff is worth, you can decide whether you need an HO5 policy.

Insurance policy names can vary from state to state, so if you are looking for an HO5, explain to the insurance agents or brokers that you want a policy that includes all risks or open peril coverage for personal property.

HO5 Exclusions

Before you become a complete convert to the HO5 policy, there are some caveats to consider.

One is that you may not qualify. HO5 policies tend to be for newer homes or those located in low-risk neighborhoods (nothing in a flood zone or landslide-prone area). High property values help, too.

Also, while HO5 policies are more comprehensive, they don't cover everything. In fact, there are several common exclusions, as they're called, including damage due to:

  • Earth movement
  • Ordinance or law
  • Water damage fromoutside: flood, sewer backup
  • Power failure
  • War
  • Nuclear hazard
  • Intentional loss
  • Government action
  • Collapse
  • Theft if the structure is under construction
  • Vandalism or malicious mischief if the home is vacant more than 60 days
  • Mold, fungus, or wet rot (with some exceptions)
  • Neglect, wear and tear, and deterioration
  • Mechanical breakdown
  • Smog, rust, and corrosion
  • Smoke from agricultural smudging and industrial operations
  • Discharge, dispersal, or seepage of pollutants
  • Settling, shrinking, bulging, or expanding of your home’s foundation
  • Infestation of birds, vermin, rodents, or insects
  • Animals you own

Questions to Ask About Any Policy

No matter whether you choose an HO3 or an HO5 homeowner's policy, you should ask your agent or broker these questions:

  • What are the exact exemptions? Even if you have an HO5 policy, you could have exemptions—things or situations not covered in your policy—as noted above.
  • Is replacement value or cash value covered? If you are covered for replacement value instead of cash value, you are paid enough to buy the item new instead of what the item is worth at the time it is damaged.

What Are HO4, HO6 and HO8 Insurance Policies?

An HO4 insurance policy, popularly known as renters insurance, provides coverage of personal property for tenants who lease (rather than own) their residence.

An HO6 insurance policy is the most common type of coverage for condominiums, cooperatives, and townhouses. Commonly called Condo Insurance or Townhouse Insurance, it generally covers your personal belongings and parts of the building you own.

An HO8 insurance policy is designed for older homes and reimburses you for damage on an actual cash value basis versus a replacement cost basis. These policies specify only 10 named perils (versus 16 in other policies).

What Are the 16 Named Perils?

The 16 named perils are events or things cited in a homeowners insurance policy. The damage or destruction they cause will be covered by that policy. Standard across most carriers, these perils include:

  • Fire and lightning
  • Windstorm and hail
  • Volcanic eruption
  • Explosion
  • Smoke
  • Weight of ice and snow
  • Riots
  • Aircraft
  • Vehicles
  • Vandalism
  • Theft
  • Falling objects
  • Accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam
  • Freezing of household appliances, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, or fire sprinkler systems
  • Accidental cracking, burning, tearing, or bulging of plumbing fixtures, HVAC systems, or fire sprinklers
  • Sudden and accidental damage due to short-circuiting

What Are the 3 Basic Levels of Coverage That Exist for Homeowners Insurance?

Homeowners insurance offers three levels or tiers of coverage for the residence and personal property.

Actual cash value covers the cost of the house plus the value of your belongings after deductingdepreciation(i.e., how much the items are currently worth, not how much you paid for them).

Replacement value covers thereplacement costof your home and possessions—the current prices you pay for new, comparable things, so you're able to repair or rebuild your home up to the original value. Of course, you can't spend more than the overall amount of insurance you've taken out.

Guaranteed or extended replacement cost/value is inflation-buffer coverage that pays for whatever it costs to repair or rebuild your home—even if it's more than your policy limit. Certain insurers offer an extended replacement, meaning it offers more coverage than you purchased, but there is a ceiling; typically, it is 20% to 25% higher than the limit.

The Bottom Line

HO5 policies protect you from your insurance company not reimbursing for certain types of personal property damage. However, opting for this more expensive coverage policy depends on how much your possessions are worth and if you can afford the additional premium. No matter what insurance policy you choose, ask specific questions about what items are not covered. You don't want to shell out the extra cash for an HO5 policy and then discover that what damages your property is the one thing that is not covered.

With HO5 Insurance, You're in Charge (2024)


What does HO5 mean in insurance? ›

An HO5 policy covers your home, other structures, and belongings on an open-perils basis; it's also called the comprehensive form.

What does an HO5 cover that an HO3 does not? ›

Both HO-3 and HO-5 policies use open perils coverage for your home's structure and any detached structures like a shed or gazebo. However, HO-3 policies only cover your personal belongings for named perils, while HO-5 policies also cover your belongings on an open peril basis.

Which of the following perils will an HO-5 policy cover? ›

In an HO-5 policy, your personal property is covered on an “all-risks” basis. Also known as open perils, this means you're covered against everything except the perils. Lightning, fire, and theft are all examples of perils exempt from the policy, such as earthquakes, flooding, and intentional acts.

Is HO5 renters insurance? ›

HO-5 — Designates a "comprehensive form" homeowners insurance policy. This policy type covers both your home and personal property on an "open-peril" basis. This is the broadest form of home insurance available.

Which damage to personal property could be covered in an HO-5? ›

An HO-5 policy includes replacement cost coverage. This means if your belongings are stolen, damaged or destroyed, you will receive reimbursem*nt at today's price to replace the item, not the depreciated value of the item.

What perils are excluded for an HO5? ›

EXCLUDED PERILS for both HO3 & HO5 Policy Forms.

Industrial pollution or smoke. Earth movement (earthquake). Water damage due to flood. Intentional loss.

Is HO5 worth it? ›

H03 policies are less costly than H05 policies because they cover less and put the burden of proof of a claim on the homeowner. H03 policies are sufficient for most homeowners, but HO5 policies benefit those with high-value belongings and expensive personal property.

What is the difference between HO5 and HO6? ›

For HO3 policies, it's common to see open perils coverage for your home itself and named perils for your personal property. HO5 policies feature open perils coverage for both. If you're a condo owner with an HO6 policy, you're covered for everything inside the walls of your place for named perils.

What are the 3 basic coverages of the standard HO-3 homeowner's policy? ›

HO-3 homeowners insurance covers you for a variety of other expenses related to your home beyond your physical property. Common coverages include personal liability, loss of use and medical payments. The most important of these remaining features is personal liability coverage.

Which two perils are not covered under a standard homeowners insurance policy? ›

Important: Read exclusions in your insurance contract. Earthquake, flood, mold, earth movement, and “wear and tear” are some of the perils that are usually excluded. When an insurer writes your homeowners coverage, the insurer is legally obligated to offer you earthquake coverage for an additional premium.

What is covered under all perils? ›

Coverage for “open perils”— and similar terms such as "all perils," "all risk," or "special perils," coverage — means that damage or loss from all potential perils may be covered unless specifically excluded in the insurance policy. Flooding is an example of a peril generally excluded from coverage.

What are the perils that is covered in the policy? ›

Theft, fire, and natural disasters like hail, earthquakes, and flooding are events or hazards that may be declared on a named perils insurance policy. When a person purchases an all risks policy, it covers all perils except those expressly excluded from the list.

What does an HO5 policy cover? ›

An HO-5 policy covers the physical structure of your home as well as any other structures, like fences, shed, or a detached garage. It also covers your personal belongings, insuring them against all threats unless specifically named by the policy.

Why is ho5 better than HO3? ›

The key difference is that HO-3 policies only provide open perils coverage for structures; your personal property is insured on a named-perils basis. HO-5 policies insure both your structures and personal property on an open-perils basis.

What is not covered under HO3? ›

Some common HO3 policy exclusions are:

Earth movement, such as an earthquake, sinkhole, and mudflow. Water damage from flood, sewer backup, or water seeping in through the foundation.

Is an HO5 policy worth it? ›

HO5 policies protect you from your insurance company not reimbursing for certain types of personal property damage. However, opting for this more expensive coverage policy depends on how much your possessions are worth and if you can afford the additional premium.

What is the difference between HO2 and HO5? ›

An HO2 policy lists specific perils and items that will be covered should an event occur. HO5 policies are written as open-perils meaning unless your policy explicitly states something isn't covered, you are protected.

What does an HO4 policy cover? ›

HO-4 insurance is another term for renters insurance. It covers the policyholder's personal belongings but not the physical structure of the rental home. Most HO-4 policies also include personal liability protection and cover additional living expenses if renters are temporarily displaced from their homes.

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