What is the infected blood scandal? Everything you need to know (2024)

The Infected Blood Inquiry will today conclude after decades of tireless work by campaigners.

Rishi Sunakis widely expected to issue an apology for failings that haveclaimed more than 3,000 lives and continue to wreck countless others.

The far-reaching inquiry, announced in 2017, will determine where responsibility lies with the scandal, amid allegations of a decades long cover-up by the NHS.

It is also expected to recommend compensation for victims, and attempt to conclude how many people have been affected both directly and indirectly.

Here, MailOnline explains everything you need to know about the scandal, ahead of the report's publication.

Pictured:Portraits of people who have died or been affected by the infected blood scandal are put up as campaigners met in Parliament Square in London on May 19

Demonstrators pictured holding placards in London in July 2023

What is the infected blood scandal?

More than 30,000 people in the UK are thought to have been infected with HIVand hepatitis C at the hands of the NHS after being given contaminated blood products.

The scandal began in the early 1970s when new blood clotting products were developed to be used in treatments for people with bleeding disorders.

A shortage of blood in the UK led ministers to source cheap batches from the US where supplies relied on high-risk paid donors, many in prisons and including drug addicts.

The products were made by pooling the blood plasma from tens of thousands of donors and a single contaminated donation could be enough to infect an entire batch.

'My father's warnings were ignored by health chiefs'

The son of a top blood specialist has told how health officials dismissed his warnings about the safety of new transfusions in the early days of the scandal.

Dr Nick Ibbotson told the Daily Mail that his father Richard thought it was 'crackers' to switch from blood sourced from single donors to the product called Factor VIII, which pooled the plasma donations of multiple people.

Richard Ibbotson, the former deputy director of West Midlands Blood Transfusion Service, warned it was 'outrageous' that haemophilia patients were given products from high-risk donors as early as the mid-1970s.

He was particularly furious that prisoners in the US were able to make money out of the blood-harvesting scheme.

Dr Ibbotson, a retired GP of Richmond, North Yorkshire, said: 'My father was not an angry man, but when Factor VIII happened, I remember him being quite vociferous. He said we were being stupid and were building up enormous problems.

'He said: 'We've got this new virus we don't know much about but I can't think of a better way of spreading it than getting a load of blood samples from a country that pays its donors – it's madness, it's crackers.' 'He protested frequently about the risks of Hep B and Hep C but was overruled by the Department of Health. My father was very concerned over many years about importing blood products from the US, where donors were paid. He would say that what was happening was outrageous.

'I know the concerns that medics were raising, but there was nothing they could do because the people at the top, in the Government, weren't listening.'

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Most of those infected in the UK were people who received treatment for blood disorders such as haemophilia and those who had blood transfusions.

The inquiry was first announced by former prime minister Theresa May in 2017, with the first official hearing held on April 20 2019.

It is one of the largest UK public inquiries and has been led by former High Court judge Sir Brian Langstaff, who was appointed to chair in February 2018.

He has previous experience working in public inquiries, having served as lead counsel to the Bristol Royal Infirmary inquiry in 1998.

Some 374 people have given oral evidence, and the inquiry has received more than 5,000 witness statements and reviewed more than 100,000 documents.

Who was affected?

About 6,000 people with haemophilia — an inherited disorder where the blood does not clot properly — and other bleeding disorders were treated with contaminated products.

Around 1,250 were infected with HIV, including 380 children. Some unintentionally infected their partners. Fewer than 250 are still alive.

Others hit by the scandal include thousands given blood transfusions between 1970 and 1991.

High-profile victims include Body Shop founder Anita Roddick and Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies's mother Sheila, who both contracted hepatitis C following transfusions of infected blood.

It has been estimated that one person dies as a result of infected blood every four days.

Campaigners have hailed the publication of the report as the 'end of a 40-year fight'.

Suresh Vaghela, of Leicester, said he was feeling 'nervous' ahead of the final report.

The 61-year-old started receiving contaminated Factor VIII blood product to treat his haemophilia when he was around 13 years old, and was told when he started university in 1983 that he had HIV and had two months to live.

In the early 1990s, he discovered he had also been infected with hepatitis C.

Lauren Palmer lost her parents Stephen and Barbara within eight days of each other in 1993 after her father was given infected blood products for his severe haemophilia and passed HIV and hepatitis to her mother.

She previously described how their deaths 'shattered' their family and the lack of financial support held her back.

When asked if the children of infected blood victims had been neglected, she said 'yes'.

What did the report find?

The infected blood scandal was 'not an accident' but the result of a series of shocking failures over many years, the report concluded today.

The report, running to more than 2,500 pages, lists 'a catalogue of failures,' all of which Sir Brian deemed 'serious', though 'taken together they are a calamity'.

Sir Brian said there was a severe lack of blood screening and a lax attitude to who was donating – despite the fact the government was importing products which had an increased likelihood of being unsafe.

Patients were also 'cruelly' repeatedly told they had received the best treatment available.

He said children were treated as 'objects for research' after being given 'riskier' products made from multiple sources while staying at Treloar's, a boarding school for the sick.

Chairman of the infected blood inquiry Sir Brian Langstaff (left) with victims and campaigners outside Central Hall in Westminster today

Sir Brian said children were treated as 'objects for research' after being given 'riskier' products made from multiple sources while staying at Treloar College, a boarding school for the sick

Steve Nicholls, from Farnham in Surrey, attended Treloar's between 1976 and left in 1983. In his class of 20 boys, only two are still alive

Suresh Vaghela, of Leicester, said he was feeling 'nervous' ahead of the final report

Lauren Palmerlost her parents Stephen and Barbara within eight days of each other in 1993 after her father was given infected blood products for his severe haemophilia and passed HIV and hepatitis to her mother

Yet patients were kept in the dark about the 'knowingly unacceptable risks of infection', he added.

Other key failures highlighted in the report include delays informing people about their infections, sometimes for years. Some were also told in 'insensitive' and 'inappropriate' ways.

Too many transfusions were also given when they were not necessarily needed.

Sir Brian said the 'level of suffering is difficult to comprehend' and that the harms done to people have been compounded by the reaction of successive governments, the NHS and the medical profession.

Did the Government know about the risks?

This is one of the key questions the inquiry set out to answer.

'Viewing the response of the NHS and of government overall, the answer to the question "Was there a cover-up?" is that there has been,' the report says.

'Not in the sense of a handful of people plotting in an orchestrated conspiracy to mislead, but in a way that was more subtle, more pervasive and more chilling in its implications,' it adds.

Read More How I broke the infected blood scandal in the Mail - and we carried on exposing the appalling, deadly truth in the face of cowardly politicians and bullying by the medical and legal establishment

'In this way there has been a hiding of much of the truth.'

Much of the responsibility for failures identified in the report lie with successive governments, which failed to act in order to save face and expense, the inquiry also said.

So far, no organisation implicated in the scandal has admitted any liability.

But Sir Brian criticised politicians including the late Prime Minister Lady Margaret Thatcher and her successor John Major for 'cruelly' repeatedly using 'inaccurate, misleading and defensive' comments about the safety of blood treatment products.

He found her Tory government did not address the risks posed by the AIDS virus, while crucial patient records were also destroyed.

He alsodirected particular criticism at Kenneth Clarke, now Lord Clarke, the health minister from 1982 to 1985 as the global AIDS threat deepened.

He accused Lord Clarke of being 'unfairly dismissive of, and disparaging towards, many who had suffered physically, mentally, socially and financially from what occurred' and described his evidence as 'argumentative'.

The current Government was also criticised for failing to act immediately on recommendations around compensation which were made last year.

Rishi Sunak, when he was chancellor, failed to respond to two letters from then-paymaster general Penny Mordaunt in 2020 urging the Treasury to begin work on compensation, he said.

In 2021, the Government commissioned a study to provide advice on a potential compensation framework, but did not fulfil its promise to publish its response to the recommendations alongside their release in 2022 — and has still not done so.

This delay means the Government’s response has escaped the scrutiny of the inquiry.

The Infected Blood Inquiry in London heard Stephen was diagnosed with HIV in 1985, then later diagnosed with hepatitis B and hepatitis C, while Barbara (pictured with Lauren as a newborn) was diagnosed with HIV and hepatitis C in 1991

Lauren as a nine-year-old girl with her parents Stephen and Barbara

Only in early 2023 did a small ministerial group meet for the first time to discuss financial redress, and a new Department of Health and Social Care team was established to analyse the costs.

It was not until December 2023 that the Government said it was appointing experts to advise it on compensation.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt yesterday described the episode as 'the worst scandal of my lifetime'.

He said the families 'have got every right to be incredibly angry that generations of politicians, including me when I was health secretary, have not acted fast enough to address the scandal'.

A timeline of the contaminated blood scandal which began in the early-1970s

1972: NHS starts importing large batches ofFactor VIII products from United States to help clot blood ofhaemophiliacs.

1974: Some researchers warn thatFactor VIII could be contaminated and spreadinghepatitis.

Late-1970s: Patients continue to be given Factor VIII, with much of the plasma used to make the product coming from donors such as prison inmates, drug addicts and prostitutes.

1983: Governments in both the UK and the United States are told thatAids has been spread through blood products.

Mid-1980s: By now the blood products such as Factor VIII, were being heat-treated to kill viruses, but thousands of patients had already been infected.

1991: Blood products imported from US are withdrawn from use. The government awardsex-gratia paymentsto haemophiliac victims threatening to sue.

2007: Privately-funded inquiry into scandal set up by Lord Archer of Sandwell but it does not get offical status and relies on donations.

2008: Penrose Inquiry launched, but victims claim the seven-year investigation was a 'whitewash'.

2017: Independent inquiry into contaminated blood scandal announced by Prime Minister Theresa May.

April, 2019: Infected Blood Inquiry starts hearing evidence.

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What will happen now?

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is widely expected to issue an apology in Parliament later today.

Whitehall sources expect NHS chief Amanda Pritchard to issue her own apology for the worst treatment disgrace in the history of the health service.

Tomorrow ministers will set out plans for a massive compensation scheme, which could cost taxpayers more than £10 billion.

Campaigners believe those infected with hepatitis C and HIV could receive payments of around £1.4million.

Interim compensation payments of £100,000 have been made to around 4,000 infected people or bereaved partners.

Ministers recently announced that these interim payments would be extended to the 'estates of the deceased'.

Campaigners have hailed the publication of the report as the 'end of a 40-year fight'.

Labour health spokesman Wes Streeting yesterday saidan incoming Labour administration would honour any compensation deal agreed by the Government.

He added: 'Everyone has got their responsibility to bear in this appalling scandal and we have got a shared responsibility to put it right.'

How have people reacted to the report's publication?

Responding to the report, a Governmentspokesman said: 'This was an appalling tragedy that never should have happened.

'We are clear that justice needs to be done and swiftly, which is why have acted in amending the Victims and Prisoners Bill.

'This includes establishing a new body to deliver an Infected Blood Compensation Scheme, confirming the Government will make the required regulations for it within three months of Royal Assent, and that it will have all the funding needed to deliver compensation once they have identified the victims and assessed claims.

'In addition, we have included a statutory duty to provide additional interim payments to the estates of deceased infected people.

'We will continue to listen carefully to the community as we address this dreadful scandal.'

Victims of the contaminated blood scandal said they felt 'validated and vindicated' by the inquiry’s final report into the scandal.

Andy Evans, chairman of the Tainted Blood campaign group, told a press conference that it was a 'momentous day'.

“Sometimes we felt like we were shouting into the wind during the last 40 years,' he said.

'Today proves that it can happen in the UK and I just feel validated and vindicated by Sir Brian and his report today.'

But evidence of a 'cover-up' highlighted by the report, came as 'no surprise', others said.

Protesters hold banners showing victims of the scandal as they waited to enterMethodist Central Hall

Clive Smith, from the Haemophilia Society, said: 'To our community that is no surprise. We have known that for decades and now the country knows and now the world knows as well.'

Meanwhile, Andy Evans, of campaign group Tainted Blood, told a press conference at Central Hall: 'We have been gaslit for generations. This report today brings an end to that. It looks to the future as well and says this cannot continue, this ethos of denial and cover up.'

Earlier today, one victim also saidany potential apology from the government 'won't bring back the dead'.

Ros Cooper, who was infected with hepatitis C after treatment for a bleeding disorder as a child, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that 'words don't mean a lot'.

'To a lot of people who've lost loved ones, what are words going to do? It's not going to bring back the dead, it's not going to wash away crimes that have been committed,' she said.

'Lives were effectively ruined because of those decisions. Any kind of apology, to be worth anything to the victims, needs to come from somebody who truly understands that.'

DrGail Miflin, chief medical officer at NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) – which is responsible for blood services in England and organ donation services across the UK – has today also reassured there are a number of checks in place now to ensure that blood is as safe as it can be.

'Today, things are very different, we have lots of different systems and processes in place,' she said.

She said the tests are 'more modern' and the science 'has moved on a long way' since the 1980s and 1990s.

What is the infected blood scandal? Everything you need to know (2024)
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