🆚What is the difference between "Ohayo" and "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? "Ohayo" vs "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? (2025)


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6 Apr 2018

  • Turkish

Quality Point(s): 7

Answer: 15

Like: 12

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Question about Japanese


🆚What is the difference between "Ohayo" and "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? "Ohayo" vs "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? (2)

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6 Apr 2018

  • Japanese

Quality Point(s): 103817

Answer: 32951

Like: 25083

Ohayo is casual, Ohayou gozaimasu is polite.

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🆚What is the difference between "Ohayo" and "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? "Ohayo" vs "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? (4)

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6 Apr 2018

  • Turkish

Quality Point(s): 7

Answer: 15

Like: 12

@taiko thanks


6 Apr 2018

  • Turkish

Quality Point(s): 7

Answer: 15

Like: 12

@taiko katakana kanji hiragana these are all the alphabets?



6 Apr 2018

  • Russian

Quality Point(s): 4788

Answer: 1132

Like: 950

@EA28 katakana and hiragana are alphabets, but kanji is not


🆚What is the difference between "Ohayo" and "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? "Ohayo" vs "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? (20)

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6 Apr 2018

  • Turkish

Quality Point(s): 7

Answer: 15

Like: 12

@astrocrab Ok. thank u



6 Apr 2018

  • Japanese

Quality Point(s): 103817

Answer: 32951

Like: 25083

@EA28 all the alphabets? I'm not sure about this meaning.


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🆚What is the difference between "Ohayo" and "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? "Ohayo" vs "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? (28)

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6 Apr 2018

  • Russian

Quality Point(s): 4788

Answer: 1132

Like: 950

@taiko alphabet is symbols to write language sounds.

🆚What is the difference between "Ohayo" and "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? "Ohayo" vs "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? (35)

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6 Apr 2018

  • Turkish

Quality Point(s): 7

Answer: 15

Like: 12

@taiko I took my reply thank you.


6 Apr 2018

  • Japanese

Quality Point(s): 103817

Answer: 32951

Like: 25083

@astrocrab Thank you so much.


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🆚What is the difference between "Ohayo" and "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? "Ohayo" vs "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? (43)

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6 Apr 2018

  • English (US)

Quality Point(s): 865

Answer: 2478

Like: 1487

おはようis casual

おはようございます is formal

🆚What is the difference between "Ohayo" and "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? "Ohayo" vs "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? (50)

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6 Apr 2018

  • Turkish

Quality Point(s): 7

Answer: 15

Like: 12

@Jarvis1125 thanks


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🆚What is the difference between "Ohayo" and "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? "Ohayo" vs "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? (58)

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🆚What is the difference between "Ohayo" and "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? "Ohayo" vs "Ohayo gozaimasu" ? (2025)
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