What Are the Most Traded Commodities? | PrimeXBT (2024)

The Commodity market is vast and includes everything from Industrial Metals, Precious Metals, Crude Oil, Natural Gas (NG), and agricultural products like Wheat, Corn, Cotton and Coffee. And each one acts differently, even under similar market conditions, which means it can be a great asset to diversify a portfolio.

As you can gather, since Commodities are used ubiquitously, it is a huge market with a staggering trading volume, and is one of the most popular markets amongst both retail and professional investors.

Oil is arguably the King (or Queen) of the Commodity market due to its frequent and substantial movements.

Most financial advisors recommend holding 5-10% of your portfolio’s value in the Commodity market as they often are negatively correlated to stocks and bonds and thus are a great hedge against inflation.

Most Commodities are sold in US dollars in various weight and volume units. Precious metals, for example, such as Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Palladium are usually sold in troy ounces/USD. Crude Oil is sold in barrels, whereas Wheat, Corn and other agricultural products are usually sold in “bushels” which is approximately 25.5 kg.

If you want to invest in Commodities, this article will help you understand how the market works, what the Commodity market includes and what affects their prices.

Why are Commodities traded?

What Are the Most Traded Commodities? | PrimeXBT (1)

Trillions of dollars a day are invested and traded on the Commodity market, and that colossal volume contributes to the rapid and dynamic price action this market offers.

Supply and demand largely move the prices of Commodities, as does trading volume, but there are other factors that we will explore throughout this article.

Market sentiment also contributes to price changes. Often, you will see profit-taking after rising Oil prices start testing resistance causing a higher price.

That also means that the Commodities markets present frequent and substantial opportunities for both those who invest in Commodities and those who trade Commodities.

But that doesn’t mean that Commodities are easy to trade. In fact, most experienced traders steer away from them due to numerous reasons we will cover later on.

Another characteristic that appeals to investors and traders is the fact that Commodities are often inversely correlated to the Stock market, so when Stock prices fall, Commodity prices often rise.

This characteristic is often used by investors to protect their portfolios against stock market volatility.

Additionally, many precious metals like Gold and Silver are used as an inflation hedge and a safeguard against market volatility, as they are considered to hold value, and their prices tend to be more stable than most assets.

As financial products, Commodities are used for speculative trading, investing and even hedging against future volatility with Futures contracts.

Categories of traded Commodities

What Are the Most Traded Commodities? | PrimeXBT (2)

Commodities are often categorised into hard and soft Commodities. Hard Commodities are generally considered mined or extracted ones, such as Oil, Metals, Minerals and other raw materials. Soft Commodities are usually agricultural products, including Corn, Cotton, Wheat, Coffee or other cultivated Commodities.

As you can gather, soft Commodities, can be more volatile than hard Commodities, because they are much more sensitive to changes such as extreme weather, geopolitics and policy changes

Energy Commodities

Energy Commodities include primarily Natural Gas and Crude Oil. Amongst the two, Crude Oil is the most popular though, and is usually sold as WTI Crude Oil, or Brent Crude Oil.

WTI is an abbreviation for West Texas Intermediate and, as the name implies, is extracted in the United States, whereas Brent is extracted in Europe. WTI Crude Oil is usually the one that sets the prices around the world, and most people that trade Commodities, only use Brent Crude Oil prices as a reference or to confirm trends.

That’s where the differences end, though, as both Commodities’ prices are directly affected by the value of the United States dollar, supply and demand, geopolitics, and even extreme weather.

For example, just a few years ago Hurricane Ida caused 95% of Oil refined in the Gulf of Mexico to be shut down. Oil prices can also be affected by geopolitics, as well as government or OPEC decisions regarding supply.

Luckily, much of this information is available publicly, as Crude Oil and Natural Gas are covered extensively in both the mainstream media and financial news outlets.

Agricultural Commodities

As the name implies, agricultural Commodities include Soybeans, Wheat, Corn, Cotton and pretty much anything else that is farmed and traded on exchanges.

These types of Commodities are especially susceptible to inclement weather, but also geopolitics. The Commodity market prices can be affected a few ways in regards to geopolitics.

By disruption of production, supply or materials needed to produce the agricultural Commodities. We saw this happen during the invasion of Ukraine – where all three happened. Due to the conflict, agricultural production of Wheat was interrupted, then the ability export was blocked and necessary fertiliser was inaccessible.

As Ukraine is one of the European continent’s biggest grain producers, these factors caused Wheat prices to skyrocket to $12.08 (almost double today’s $6.79).

Corn and Soybean prices actually experienced the opposite affect. In an attempt to increase its food security, China moved away from US Corn and Soybeans, instead buying from the more price competitive Brasil.

This resulted in both Soybeans and Corn prices dropping sharply, although with about a decade between them (China started buying Soybeans from Brazil in the mid-to late 90’s, and moved away from US and Ukrainian produced corn in 2022).

Of course Commodities traders that read the news and anticipated the price change could take advantage of it with Futures contracts, or by shorting the Commodities.


Although many people bulk Metal Commodities together – there is a serious distinction. Industrial Metals are used to produce or process various products, like Lithium, which is used in various applications but primarily for the production of batteries. Precious Metals are usually just used as a store of wealth and for jewelry. Although some do have industrial applications as well but this really doesn’t have a significant impact on the price.

When inflation increases, conservative investors will put some of their wealth in Gold, Silver or both. The reason is that their value isn’t really affected by inflation, holding value even when most other assets are losing value. That’s also why they’re called “safe havens”. Usually, when inflation increases, traditional stores of wealth like Stocks and Bonds start losing value, and investors move to Metals to counterbalance this.

Copper and Industrial Metals also increase in value when inflation increases, which makes them appealing to investors during inflation or financial market volatility. But unlike their precious counterparts, these are more subject to economic changes. Let’s say an industry makes a shift away from a certain Metal due to cost, which will cause a significant drop in the Metal’s price.

We see this happen frequently with Platinum and Palladium, that’s used in catalytic converters. When Platinum is expensive, automakers move to Palladium. When Palladium is too expensive, automakers will move back to Platinum.

Other Commodities

There are other Commodities, including Cotton, Rubber and Lumber. These items are usually raw materials for other industries and, because of this, can be bellwethers for an economy’s health.

Although these are also used to diversify portfolios, they do not move as frequently or as substantially as the other Commodities mentioned above.

Factors influencing Commodity prices

What Are the Most Traded Commodities? | PrimeXBT (3)

As with any other market, supply and demand is one of the biggest motivators of Commodity prices. An example of this was during the Covid-19 pandemic when Oil Futures contracts actually went negative for a moment.

This was due to the travel restrictions enforced by governments to quell the pandemic’s spread causing the price of Oil to drop like a rock.

On the other side, Natural Gas saw a huge jump in price when the invasion of Ukraine broke out, as the majority of Europe’s NG was produced in Russia.

Extremely bad weather, as mentioned above, can inhibit the production, the raw materials needed to produce, or the movement of the final product. This drop in supply, as long as demand doesn’t change, can cause Commodity prices to surge.

Policy changes can also cause price changes, like the decision China made to start buying Commodities like Soybeans and Corn from countries outside of North America and Europe.

Most traded Commodities by volume

The most traded

The most traded by volume – so that means both buy or sell orders of the underlying Commodity, not necessarily the physical Commodity – as expected, is WTI Oil.

The second most traded

The second, also expected, is Gold.

The third, fourth and fifth

Natural Gas is the third most traded on the Commodities market. Soybeans and Corn round out the top five, which makes sense, since they are the most widely used food items in the world. Unfortunately, Brent Crude doesn’t break the top five.

Risks and challenges in Commodity trading

Commodities trading is not for novices, but can be used by new traders to diversify a portfolio, following the 5-10% rule.

The reason Commodities trading can be challenging is due to the multiple factors that can affect their prices, causing a high level of unpredictability.

To manage your risk, make sure your Commodity exposure is low relative to your overall account size. Adding a stop loss to your position can limit your maximum exposure, and can protect both your account and other positions.

How to start trading Commodities

First, you need to choose a broker that not only offers Commodities, but also has competitive conditions. PrimeXBT not only offers great condition, but a user-friendly platform that’s available on multiple platforms.

Another benefit is that the sign up process is extremely quick and easy, all you have to do is enter your email address, choose a password and sign up!

Once you are on the platform you can deposit in multiple Cryptos, in USD, or EUR.

When you are in the platform, click on ‘Trade’ -> ‘Global Markets’ and choose ‘Commodities’ from the list of available markets.

You can also filter by CFD, Crypto, Forex or see ‘All Markets’ at once. The CFD filter will show you only Commodities and Indices.


Commodities can be a great way to diversify your portfolio, especially if inflation is increasing. Using a Futures Contract allows you to take advantage of developing trends, news or even events that may be escalating but not fully developed.

They are a diverse asset class that includes Precious and Industrial Metals, Agricultural and Industrial Raw Materials. And the various types of Commodities act differently under the same market conditions, giving you more choices and more flexible options to fit your trading strategy and risk appetite.

Commodity trading can be extremely lucrative, otherwise it wouldn’t be offered on some of the biggest exchanges in the world, including the New York Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, but certain precautions and risk management measures are necessary.

What Are the Most Traded Commodities? | PrimeXBT (2024)


What are the most traded commodities? ›

Below is a list of the most actively traded commodities taken from data compiled by the Futures Industry Association (FIA).
  • WTI Crude Oil.
  • Brent Crude Oil.
  • Natural Gas.
  • Soybeans.
  • Corn.
  • Gold.
  • Copper.
  • Silver.
Aug 6, 2023

What are the top 3 commodities? ›

Three of the most commonly traded commodities include oil, gold, and base metals.

What is the number 1 commodity? ›

Crude oil is by far the biggest commodity market, and oil prices were the talk of the town for much of 2022. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, WTI crude oil prices rose to their highest level since 2013 by May 2022.

What is the best commodity to trade? ›

The popularity of commodities varies as much as their prices, but here is a list of the most traded commodities:
  • Crude Oil. ...
  • Natural Gas. ...
  • Copper. ...
  • Coffee. ...
  • Soy Beans. ...
  • Iron Ore. ...
  • Corn. ...
  • Steel. Steel is created from iron ore and carbon, and on occasion, other elements such as manganese and tungsten.

What are the most traded items? ›

Commodity GroupCommodity
EnergyCrude Oil: WTI, Natural Gas, Crude Oil: Brent, Gas Oil, Gasoline, Heating Oil
GrainsSoybeans, Corn, Soybean Meal, Soybean Oil, Wheat
SoftsSugar, Coffee, Cotton
Precious MetalsGold, Silver
2 more rows

What is the largest traded food commodity? ›

As the largest traded food commodity in the world, seafood provides sustenance to billions of people worldwide.

What is the main commodity? ›

Major commodities include cotton, oil, gas, corn, wheat, oranges, gold, and uranium. Basically, they are the raw materials needed by large manufacturing companies in running their businesses. It is believed that commodities of the same type can be interchanged for as long as they are of the same grade.

Which commodity is in the highest demand? ›

According to data from CME Group, the world's largest operator of financial derivative exchanges, crude oil futures are by far the most heavily traded commodity futures on its exchanges.

What is the hottest commodity right now? ›

Commodities Top Performers Trade Now
Coffee5.20%2.30 USD
Cocoa3.01%6,990.00 GBP
Palm Oil2.25%3,951.00 MYR
Aluminium2.21%2,725.79 USD
Copper1.73%10,380.59 USD

What is the safest commodity to invest in? ›

Gold. No matter what is going on in the market, investing in gold as a commodity always pays off. Gold is one of the world's oldest and best-known ways to make money. Even when the market fluctuates, gold still gives high returns.

What is the fastest selling commodity? ›

Brent Crude oil is the most traded global commodity. Brent Crude is extracted from the North Sea and accounts for two-thirds of global oil pricing. Like the other crude oil benchmark WTI, Brent Crude is mainly refined into diesel fuel and gasoline. Brent Crude is generally slightly more expensive than WTI crude oil.

What is the number 1 traded commodity? ›

The most traded commodity is crude oil. Crude oil is used in many products, from petrochemicals to petroleum to lubricants to diesel.

Which commodity is best for trading today? ›

Most Active Commodities on MCX
  • Natural gas.
  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Copper.
  • Zinc.
  • Gold Petal.
  • Aluminium.
  • Crude oil.

Do any commodities pay dividends? ›

Some commodity stocks pay dividends, but not all do. The best dividend stocks don't necessarily pay the highest dividends, but commodity companies with a history of paying reliable dividends and strong financial fundamentals may be worth investigating if you're looking for commodities exposure.

What is the biggest commodity trade in the world? ›

*Data based on commodity futures tracked by CNBC as of 04/09/2023.
  • Gold. ...
  • Natural Gas. ...
  • Soybeans. ...
  • Corn. ...
  • Brent Crude Oil. ...
  • Sugar. ...
  • Silver. ...
  • Wheat. Wheat is a staple agricultural commodity, and its trading volume is substantial due to its widespread global consumption.
Sep 5, 2023

What is the most traded asset in the world? ›

Issued by the Federal Reserve (Fed), the US dollar is the official currency of the United States. It is the number one most traded currency globally, accounting for a daily average volume of US$2.9 trillion. There are several reasons for its popularity.

What are the most commonly traded futures? ›

Most Active
CYN24Crude Oil WTI Micro77.38
NGV24Natural Gas3.066
SQZ273-Month SOFR96.1250
SQM273-Month SOFR96.1100
45 more rows

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.