Sweetwater Breeze from Sweetwater, Oklahoma (2024)

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Sweetwater Breezei

Sweetwater, Oklahoma

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Gweetwater Breeze A ALBIN Publisher SWEETWATER OKLAHOMA NEW STATE NOTES imams big strike UNION MEN IN PHILADELPHIA STOP WORK AT MIDNIGHT 1 evil Dim ueiTue iiioiieo i Rioting is Two Men Are 8ho Police Are Apprehensive as to the Outcome-Special -Office re Sworn in Victorious Youth' At 29 Sclpio gained the battle of Zama Watts revolutionized tlio industries of the earth by making steam the most powerful agency in the progress of mankind Joslah Wedgewood discovered the secret of making the china which bears his name and Shelley died after enriching the world of literature with his' unrivaled poetry 1 Wonderful Flight Louis description "of htP flight at Los Angles is almost uncanny He'seys ho soared like air eagle ho did not thtnk of speed and several times he stood still In the air Ps it were breath I took seemed to be liquid eefasy My machine seemed to have a To reach 5009 feet altitude may hav3 only a sensational merit of no benefit to science but it takes this Frenchman to give a spiritual uplift to a performance which ten years ago was a mere dream of Inventors Practical or not flight has the chrism of ideality Ho has carried hter imagination to the clouds Clintcu is to have a Catholic church with a parochial school In connection A Commercial club has been organized at Tupelo with CO charter members and active work has been started The Cameron report as laid before congress shows the Choctaw and Chickasaw coal lands to be worth 121110090 John Milhollen an elderly and well known citizen of Stillwater was thrown from a cart' and seriously perhaps fatally injured The interurban electric road which the Oklahoma Traction company Is building between Oklahoma City and Moore will be completed June 1 Frank Benson formerly with the Hinton Record has decided to try Ihe newspaper game on his own hook and has leased the Tuttle Standard Fin? staiting from an unknown ran't totally destroyed the oil tank of the Oklahoma Refining company at Oklahoma City Thursday morning emailing a loss of 200000 Bert and Jim Austin attacked Walt Steen proprietor of the Frisco hotel at Tulsa and perhaps fatally stabbed him The Austins are said to have ordered some beer in the Steen place and refused to pay for It Fire which is believed to have been of incendiary orfgn started in the postnffice at Okeene Thursday morning and before it could be controlled It had burned six buildings immediate ly south of the postoffice Following a similar order received at the Oklahoma City naval recruiting station a few weeks ago Captain Warren Dean in charge of the local army headquarters has orders to stop all new enlistments Toe Floyd recently appointed marshall at Cushing was painfully injured Thursday by the discharge of a revolver in his pocket as lie was taking a prisoner from the court to Jail Amputation may be necessary Robbers broke into the Rock Island depot at Mangum and took from the cash drawer something over 50! Two of three suspects have been detained and searched but nothing of an incriminating nature was found The cotton compress at Muskogee closed the season for 1909 and 1910 March 1 with a total of 28000 bales ginned for the season This is by several thousand bales the largest season the compress ever had The Midland Mill and Elevator plant was destroyed by fire at Muskogee Wednesday night The loss is $75000 Twelve thousand worth of corn was stored Half a dozen freight cars were burned With a force of twentyteauis aud a corresponding number of men the Lawton Fort Sill Electric Railway company has begun construction of street railway and interurban between Lawtcn and Fort Sill JB Moore and others of Tahlequah are promoting an interurban electric lino to run from Tahlequah to Muskogee A part of the plan is to build a dant In the UH110I3 river east of Tahlequah and generate rower there to operate the entire system William Cantonwine sentenced In January last from Rogers county to aeive five years in the state penten-tiary for robbery escaped Thursday evening He was missed from among the outside workers at the stockade on the site of tho new pententlary when they were checked The dogs iaih-d to take the trail A young nmn named Sittuii was instantly killed by a southbound Frisco train at Ada Thursday It is thought he triecj to board the train and was thrown under the wheels The train was moving slowly throught tho city when the accident occurred The parents of tho dead man live near Maxwell FOII 8ELF CONFESSED MURDERER IS TAKEN FROM NORMAN JAIL CHOWO Of 75 ARRIVES IN AUTOMOBILES After Midnight Dash From Oklahoma City to Norman to Find That They Have Been Robbed of Their Prey Norman Okla Eight automobiles carrying 75 men said to be chauffeurs and friends of the murdered driver Artie Rose arrived at Norman at 3:45 Wednesday morning drove to the county Jail and demanded of the Cleveland county sherifT Ike Sales the body of the confessed murderer of Rose eighteen-year old Leon Fries The threatening attitude of the invaders there with the manifest Intention of putting lynch law into effect to atone for tho murder of their comrade was met with entire calmness by the sheriff wTho was dressed and awaiting the visitors too late boys a couple of hours too late the man you want Is not From the gang alighted from the cars and gathered around tho sheriff there came a growl of mingled doubt as to the truth of the statement Th sheriff allowed a thorough search of all jail premises basem*nt solitary cells and through the corridors but tho prisoner was gone A search of tho court house followed with the same results The prisoner had been spirited away before the mob arrived Rumors In Oklahoma City Tuesday night and early ilnesday jnorning told of the absence from the streets of most of the livery cars in town Suspicion at once arose of the intent of this move It is believed that an officer at tha Oklahoma City headquarters suspecting this wired the county sheriff some time before midnight in time for kales to get away with the murderer After a detour of over 70 miles made by train in carriages and automobiles Undersheriff William Abbot of Norman arrived In Ardmore late Wednesday afternoon with his prisoner Fries was handcuffed to the officer and both were exhausted having had no sleep for 24 hours They alighted from a Santa Fe freight train about a mile from the town and walked by a roundabout way to the jail Soon upon Fries arrival he was confined in a solitary cell and in preparation of any possible demonstration extra deputy sheriffs were sworn for duty With features battered and hacked beyond recognition and a gaping hole in the back of his skull the body of Artie Rose one of the best automobile drivers ot Oklahoma City was discovered early Monday morning by E' Morrow a farmer lying in his pasture By 4 Monday Fries was in custody and by 8 Sheriff Ike Sales aided by Assistant Chief of Detectives Shirley Dyer of Oklahoma City and Under Sheriff Mike Casey of Oklahoma county had obtained a full confession of the guilt Fries stated that he killed Rose with a hammer in order to rob him of his money and automobile Redfork Suffers Serious Fire Redford 0kla A disastrous fire Tuesday destroyed the hotel and two residences causing a loss of 5009 The cause is unknown To Build $3000 Church Butler Okla At a meeting of tho official board of the Methodist church it was decided to build a church to cost about 3000 The main building as planned will be 35x50 feet with a lecture room on the front 6x30 and a study and class room 10x30 Boycott Boosts Prices New York Prophesies that the late meat boycott would bring high-ei and not lower prices were realized here Monday when beef sold at $11 a hundred-weight wholesale mutton at 17c a pound retail pork loins nt 16 cents and upward and lamb at 23 tents Farmer Commits Suicide Lawton Okla McLaughlin 50 years old a farmer I'ving fourteen miles southeast of Lawton commuted suicide by shooting himself through the head with a jevolvor as he lay in bed Ill henltp nnd despondency wore the crubo lie leaves a widow and one child FIVE TOWNS ARE BURIED Many People Are Killed and Missing In Snow Slide Spokane Wash At least twenty-four persons are dead twelve others suffered severe injuries and several are missing as -the result of snow-slides which swept the towns Mace Dorsey and Burke Idaho and the mining camp of Mullen Idaho Several victims at Mace and Burke came here from the Joplin raining district The nances of the two men killed at Dorsey are unknown Tho town of Burke Is buried fifty feet under a mass of snow and earth The slide was three thousand feet long A cold wind is sweeping the-canyon and impeding these who are working to save a more lives Those who have Journeyed from Wallace to Mace and Burke say the number of dead probably never will bo known accurately as the huge slide ean never be entirely removed A finger sticking above the surface of the snow saved the life of -Mrs George Gibson who was burled In the slide at Mace For more than sn hour the woman was buried with only a finger protruding above the snow- Rescuers searching with lanterns saw the finger and dug her out She was half smothered and almost frozen when rescued Her condition is serious Twelve dead bodies have been recovered at and thirty-seven persons are injured as a result of the slide Others are believed to be buried under tho snow and debris The fight against time and cold has been waged bravely and persistently by the little army of men who are hoping to find under the heaps of ruins in the ravine some who have escaped death They have dug frantically for many hours scarcely pausing to warm thc-ir numb bodies Every available able-bodied man ha3 been pressed into service and even men and young boys have joined the rescue force Mace is situated on the creekTbed and the mountains rise high on either side of the town The main body of the avalanche which' started from he top of Custer mountain passed beyond ihe town and striking the opposite slope 1th terrific force rushed up the opposite mountain side The canyon is filled to a depth of from 40 to 50 feet Twenty Die In Avalanche Seattle Wash Sweeping down the steep mountain side on the west slope of the Cascades at dawn this morning an avalanche of snow over whelmed two Great- Northern trains three locomotives four huge electric motor engines and brought death to more than a score of persons accord iig to meager reports that has drifted In rram Wellington a station near the scene of the disaster Most of the dead are believed to have been passengers on the westbound Great Northern express bovmi from Spokane to Seattle which has been stalled in the mountains since Thursday They were fast asleep when the slide came The other train was the transcontinental fast mall which carried no passengers Twenty bodies have been recovered fifteen oi twenty are injured and twenty-five are missing The two trains were Id charge of Conductors Parzybrook and Pettit both of Everett The fate oi the train crews Is not known Gore To Address Banquet Muskogee Senator Gore has been Invited to be the principal speaker at the big Jefferson day banquet to bo held here on April 13th under tho auspices of the democratic national congressional committees Losea Leg On Failroad Iiawton Okla Lancaster a traveling insurance adjuster was thrown beneath a train at Snyder Tuesday and had one leg severed He was brought to a hospital in Lawton Lancaster is a son of Buck Lancaster of Lawton and has been making his headquarters in Oklahoma'City Wants Better -Treatment of Farmers Washington President Barrett president of the Farmers Union is exerting a powerful influence in the legislature and is strenuously advocating the abolishment of -gambling in farm products the parcels post tho pustal savings bank and the restriction on foreign immigration He maintains that tiie farmers are the backbone of the country and should treated better Philadelphia Between 60000 and 75009 union workers on strike one -hundred different branches of industry aftected and a renewal of rioting in which two men were shot is the situation which confronts Philadelphia early Saturday The police are apprehensive as to the outcome With thousands of men idle forced to quit their usual voca- tions ns their leaders allege because of the obstinacy of tho officials of the Rapid Transit company it will be an easy matter to fan the spark of discontent into a flame of lawlessness The Rapid Transit company stated Friday night that every effort would be made to maintain trolley service will be dispatched from all barns they state atNas near regular intervals as possible and will be increased if police protection is given Encouraged by messages of sympathy nnd of offers of assistance from labor organizations from all parts of the country the union workers of many trades ceaBed work at midnight and inaugurated what proifi-ises to be one of the greatest sympathetic striges in the history of organized labor The committee of -ten say at least 75900 organized workers ns well as many unorganized sympathizers of the street men have ceased work Rioting which began Friday night in several sections of the city fcnd was particularly severe in the northeastern district" Is though to be a forerunner of more Berious trouble when thousands of ide men will throng the streets While the labor leaders are receiving-moral pupport fwp their fellow workmen in -all parts of the country many associations of employers have sent letters and telegrams to the officials ot the Philadelphia Rapid' Transit company and the city officials commending the rt and taken and urging them to remain-firm In their determination n-it to submit to the demand for union recognition William Drevier was shot and probably fatally injured by a policeman who shot at a crowd that had congregated Several cars had been stoned by the crowd and the police guarding them fired a volley in the air One of the bullets struck Drevier In the stomach Crowds also attacked other cars in various sections of the city Word was received at labor headquarters Friday night that practically all drivers of bakery wagons milk wagons and teamsters for fruit and produce dealers will stand' by the order to the letter This union comprises at least 75 per cent of all drivers the ity Thrbe thousand textile workers it was reported- had decided to strike which will practically cripple nine woolen mills Other reports say 10000 tailors and c-loakmakers 6000 bricklayers unaffiliated with the Central Labor union 40000 members of the building trades (75 per cent of that class) 300 mem-brts of the International Gold Beaters union and 400 or 600 cabinet makers me among those who have obeyed tho order for a general strige Alf Hunter to Hang May 8th Gutluie Okla Alf Hunter the negro who slew Sheriff Goorgo Garrison is to kang at Watonga May 8 Such is the decision of the criminal court of appeals in an opinion given out Thursday by Justice Tom Doyle The appeal of the negro murderer is denied nt every point and the court states that the trial was In every respect fair to the accused Hunter or James Itingsbury la the most notorious negro criminal of lie past few years in Oklahoma In May 1908 he killed Susie Pride in Oklahoma City because according to Hunter he feared she would betray him to the officers who wanted him for other crimes Following this JIuntr was pursued by the authorl ties Sheriff Garrison and a party rf deputies followed him into Blaine county and here July 5 1908 oc-y curred the fight which Garrison was killed About a year Inter he was captured in Arkansas and taken to Watonga wheto ho ns tried atlcl convicted Smallest Watch in the World Tho smallest watch in the w-orld is said to be one that once belonged to the late Mavquls of Anglesey whose-taste in jewelry was extravagant and bizarre The size of this watch Is just that of a three penny piece and its minute hand is an eigth of an inch long Home Chat Strange Feminine Ornaments The Turkish women dtp fc gold brush in the tincture of a black drug which they pass over their eyebrows by day but looks shining by night they tinge their nails with a roea color An ornament for the nose ap- pears to be perfectly unnecessary the Peruvians however think otherwise and they hang from it a heavy ring the thickness of which is regulated according to the rank of their husbands r- LADIES CUT THIS OUT QUICK! and mail it back' to 'me within te days fromthe dale of this paper en-' closing slf addressed envelope aud I will tell you by 'return iuail hqiw you can secure free of charge one of the finest pianos ever rnado I intend giving away over one hundred thousand dollars worth of high-prnde pianos for advertising purposes If you want a piano answer this at once- before it -is too late Address Allen Ward 700 Farmlngdale South Dakota (Answer above honest offer at once) What He wanted to Know Rev Dr Pockman a well-known Now Jcisey clergyman told a's'ory at a club meeting iu Jersey City of cue of Ills early attempts to inculcate prohibition sentiment In an audience to which he was talking in another part of the state As an example of the evil effects of Jtquor he told of taking a little worm and placing it in a glass of water The worm enjoyed the bath swimming around gayly He took the worm out cf the water and placed it in a glass of whisky which ho had on the table besides the water After a few contortions the worm gave up the battle and was fished out dead Just as tho reverend doctor whs about to explain the example a man with a deep-bass voice In the back of the room shouted doctor what brand of whisky was OKLAHOMA DIRECTORY DRAUGH0N PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Ha Started thousands oa tht road to success GOOD POSITIONS Guaranteed to our graduates DRAUGIION leads all others as a Business Training School Catalog will explain Write for it is free FLANARY Mgr -Baltiaisre Bid Oklahoma City Okla BILLIARD TABLES POOL TABLES LOWEST PRICES EAST PAYMENTS You cannot afford to experiment with untried goods sold by commission agents Catalogues free The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company 14 Main Street Dept Oklahoma City Okla FOR BEST RESULTS USE 0 SEEDS ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THEM BARTELDES SEED CO Oklahoma Seed Houe OKLAHOMA CITY DEERE IMPLEMENTS and VELIE VEHICLES yoor dealer -OR JOKK DEERE PLOW CO OKLAHOMA CITY a Sixteen railway officials including several of iho most prominent In the JTnlted States are to be served with subpoenaes issued by the corporation commission of Oklahoma demanding their presence In Guthrie on March 15 as witnesses in the Height rate investigation now in progress here.

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Sweetwater Breeze from Sweetwater, Oklahoma (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.