St. Albans Daily Messenger from Saint Albans, Vermont (2024)

ST, ALBANS MESSENGER' JUNE, 12,. JSio. 8 WILLIAM CENTER INJURED IN FALL 26TDGDTD.GAMP Evening Messenger wiit Self Congratulation fb population tte ikK Anrtn AMtti li II PKt IT.r71.7n i nan3Bi OMU 41 vmU7. peraoM dls hoarlr Neatly dW 7 mtsntei About die vety tiro second nixty persona hava died while. jrere reading this Hera.

ALK II OVER WM N. N. ATWOODfc Agent, of Masaaehusetta; lintta! lit tnsuruoa Company. Bprtngfleld, Boyrs AH-Wool Blue Serge Suits In the Newest Spring Models Trousers Lined and All Seams Taped. Sizes 7 to 17.

SS.00, S9.00, S10.00, S11.00. $12.00. SATISFYING SERVICE to please you is our daily effort. We endeavor to give the best the market affords at money saving prices. We strive to satisfy and please by individual attention and prompt service.

Make this store your daily marketing place, it will pay you. We have all the substitutes for wheat flour, including rice flour, potato flour, cream of maize, which is a new one that works fine. Bermuda onions 4 lbs 25c. nice white beans 2 lb s. 25c.

Special large cans pork and beans per can 25c, cJuitacttr Opera House I DEPATIE MAIIONEY GRADUATE FOOT SPECIALISTS. WHITE shoes will be all the rage this season. The demand will be greater than the supply. Now is the time to get yours, while they arc to be had. We are well stocked to-day with complete lines, but you will have to buy quick to be sure of your selection, because everybody will be wearing all white shoes this season.

SPAULDING, The Shoe THE HOME OF GOOD 8H0E8. Order Fish for Your Sunday Dinner The condition of William Center, of High st, who was injured when he from a car in the railroad yards at White River Junction Tuesday afternoon and who was brought to the St Albans hospital last evening. is comfortable to-day. Mr. Center was conductor of extra 42t Southbound wruch reached White River Junction at 12:45 o'clock.

Considerable sh*tting had to be done and Mr. Center was on the car ahead of tho engine. W'hn the switching engina was coupled on. Conductor Center, who was standing on top of the car 'and at the end, was thrown to the ground lanUing on his feet on a rail. Doctor T.

F. -Gartland was called to attend the injured man. bone was broken in both ankles. He was sent to this city Tuesday evening on Train Xo. and Dr.

Alan Davidson attended hint here, President John M. Thomas will speak at a meeting in the Tavern Garden on Wednesday evening at eight o'clock on the war situation of Middlebury College and the present effort to increase its endowment The Business and Professional Men's Association, under whose auspices the meeting is held, urges members and their wives and friends to attend the meeting. By order of the Executive Committer, George S. Wright Sec. Adv.

GIFT SCOFIELD, St. Albans, Vt. HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI BANQUET JULY 24 The officers of the St Albans High School Alumni Association have an nounced that the annual alumni ban quet will be held in the parlors of the Methodist Episcopal ohurcfli at 6:30 o'clock the evening of Monday June 24. Immediately following the banquet a dance will be held at (hJ v-nory. a program nas been prepares 1V, the banquet and there will be sever al spenkers.

An orchestra will tKv curing the banquet and for thfl dancaj The public is invited to the, latlscj Tho association has decide.i to the net proceeds of both the banquet and dance to the Red Cross. Tickets can be (purchased from members of the high school at the E. J. Alex ander drug store, or at E. H.

Rnv' store. HJSI V- Gents. Silk or wool. Gloves cleaned. Ain suits, and pressing.

Work guaranteed. (7 THE given on Graduation Day is always cherished as a remembcrahce of that happy event. We have many beautiful gifts that-will-give years of pleasant thoughts and service to the graduate. ii Six of the Men Are From St. Aljbans Rest of Quota From County.

Notices have been sent out from tho oSice of the local selection board of Franklin cousty for 2 Franklin county registrants to at the local board's office in this city at o'clock oa th Afternooa of June. 24 ta pre pare to leave for Camp Devens, Mass. It is expected that the men will leave for Devens lato that evening. The men who are to go are; Thurbert E. Hayward.

of Claremont, N.H- James Byron Corey, of Enoshurg FalU. Homer Jasen Coan. of Johnson. Frederick Arthur Bootwick, of St Albans. John Tracy Jr, of Highgate Springs.

Eucude Giroux, of St. Albans. Emerson W. Shedd, of Franklin. Harold Henry Keniston.

of Plain. field. Gilbert A. Shappy, of St. Albans.

Scott Anron Wright, of West Giover. Joseph Brennan McGinn, of St. Al bans. Guy J. Longe, of Montgomery Cen ter.

Hector Langevine, of Richford. Waiter T. Medor, of Swanton. Arthur James Budd. of Enoahnrir Falls.

Phelix Pelican, of Highgate Springs. Harry John Fortin, of Swanton. John William Culley, of St Albans. Leonide Brouillette; of Richford. Philodore Brault of St Albans.

Edward Lebeau. of Sheldon tion. Ray W. Mitchell, of Enosburg Falls. Maynard Austin, of Swanton.

Olin Walter Parris, of Fairfax. Louis Percy Keecan. nf -V, Mich. Bert Wells, of Swanton. NO SEWING FOR RED CROSS THIS WEEK The National Red been reorganizing its work and, here.

uier an cnapter and branches are to unaertllrect orders from the' Unit. ia btates government Each month the various chnni receive notice from headquarters, glv- -8 a complete list of garments, knit-Jed articles, and surgical dressings mcn is required of thm fn th.i month. The chapters and branches lave no choice in the matter and QM to furnish on-lv such thinn (.1 specifically called for. This is the miy way in wbid, is possible to tena over allies a balanced qouta. The reoriranizatlnn nf nn-i.

headquarters has taken more, time nttji wju8 at nrst. expected, and consequence the chapters; have ntt vet received 4heir allotment of, ng for this month for this reasop there will be no sewing ckuie at tlie rcea cross rooms this. week. There is pUuitv of u-nnl sin tnd.the knitting denartmen win 'u jpfn as usuaji Thursday an Friday, xiib -surgical dressing department will be, open as usuaL it that the materials for sewing wU be here within, few dav md that work will be resumed next wee as with change. n.

win, probably be 'ouna necessary te have the rooms jpey, sewing rour days week, hat ia Tuesday. Wednelav lay and Friday. Further notice will oe given. TJie Messenger is asked to say that STRAW HATS xne season ror these accessories is at hand. Here you will find all the latest shapes and braids for tho man the middle aged man, and the "iu gentleman, at prices which are right.

No left-overs, but all this season's goods. Come in and pick out yours 10-aay. .1. 2 Main St. American, House Block Home of the Beacon, Shoes.

CODLREFHESHING TALC Crushed Rose, Lilac and Violet. It will only, cost 25c for a liberal can of this exquisite toilet powder. You can see then how much better it is than theolhcr kinds. Drug Co. SI Ntrlj) Main St, The E.

I. Alexander Drug Store 5aysj Patriotic Stationery Just the kind to use when, you write your- soldier brother or friend. Cnly 60c a Box. See South Window DEVENS JUNE 28 Dutcher ADVERTIsem*nTS For th Daily must be handed in the day before Insertion is to be given. NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS.

Twlgg'a. H. Koyce, H. Morton. K.

Empire Theater. Bellevae Theater. Carlisle Bedird. Wm. Doolin Co.

L. J. Morton's Estate. WEATHER! C0SD1TI0SS Korecajj. lor eastern York: Fair, cooler, to-night and Thursday; fresh northwest winds; probably storms on the coast Canadian Weather Condition.

Ottawa Valley and Upper St Law rence Strong northwest winds; showers in some localities, but mostly fair and moderately warm. J3atfi Klortfj Bcmembcung Local June 12. Annual meeting and thank ffMinir of Woman's Home Missiou- sltv Society of Methodist Episcopal ahurch with Airs, John Benjamin Ma- gee, Congress st June 12 Meeting or Baptist La- dies' Aid Society at home of Mrs. John McGregg, Elm st June 12 Meeting of Bellevue Rebe- kah Lodge, O. O.

F. June 12 Meeting of Holy Cross Cemetery Association at home of Mrs H. B. Butler, Lincoln ave. June 12 Meeting of Queen Esther Circle of Methodist Episcopal church with Mrs.

H. A. Stevenson, ijpper YVelden st June 13 Grange Red. Cross Knit ters to meet at home of Misa Augusta Sheltus, Kellogg road. June 14 St Albans Brigade band to give concert June 14 Flag Day exercises at Memorial hall.

June 24. Annual banauet of St. Albans High School Alumni Associa tion. June 13. Meeting of Service Seek er's Circle of King's Daughters of Methodist Episcopal church with Mrs.

C. E. Beeman, Upper Welden st. June 13. St.

Lukes choir rehear sal. June 16 Exemplification of Knights of Columbus first degree. June 16 Children's Day exercises at Bay Methodist Episcopal church. June 19 Exemplification of second degree of Knights of Columbus. June 23 Exemplification of third degree of Knight of Columbus.

State Event. June41-12-rTriennial stae convention Catholic Order of Foresters at Barre. July 1 Sept 2 Camp Abnaki at North Hero. July 17-18-Vrmont State Trap-shooting Association to hold tenth annual tournament at Morrisville. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Mrs! H.

F. James, of New York, has arrived in the city to pass the summer at her home -on Congress et. Doctor and Mrs. Harry Gordon Sloane and son, of Cleveland, Ohio, are Visiting Mrs. Sloane's mother, Mrs.

James. They made the trip by automobile. Doctor Sloane, who is a captain, in the Medical Reserve Corps, is here awaiting orders to go to France. Mrs. A.

Sturtevant, of South Main et, has returned from a few days' visit In Shalburne, Burlington, and Underhill. Mrs. George- B. Brooks, of Detroit, who has been visiting in this city and vicinity, has returned to her ihome. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Bancroft, of Worcester, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. G.

Hastings, of Messenger st. Mrs. Sophia Cross, of Federal st, left this morning for Malone, N. where she will pass two weeks with her sisters. Theodore Brault, of Russell et, la visiting in Montreal.

Miss Mildred Brown, of Hiph st, left the city this morning for Lake, port, N. where she will visit for two weeks. Pvt. Arthur Louis LeClair of the 304th infantry, medical detachment of the medical department at Camp Devens, who has been In the city for a few days, called here by tue Illness of his wife left for camp this norning. Mrs.

George S. Wright and son, George, of Smith have gone to Bratteboro to visit Mrs. Wright's mother, Mrs. J. P.

Elmer, for the summer. In the fall they will move into Mrs. C. F. Hurlbut's house on Brown ave.

SPECIAL MENTION. FeJton's Orrchestra Dance, Thursday evening, K. C. Hall. Admission, Gentlemen, 40c; Ladies, 20c.

GREAT BARGAIN Center table, writing-desk, refrigerator, carpet-sweeper go-cart, bed ''springs, mat-tress. H. C. Levan, 31 Hoyt St. Parisian Ivory Bonnett Mirrors Hair Brushes Buffers and Combs Hair Receivers and Puff Boxes A very choice selection at SULLIVAN'S PHARMACY No.

Main Street, City. CITY FISU MARKET. all those having work at home are re. quested to return the same as soon as possible. FRANKLIN.

The officers of the Epworth League, of the Methodist Episcopal church for the year commencing July 1 are: President, Mrs. J. G. Sallis; vice-presidents, Misa Luna Pomeroy (Spiritual Work), Mrs. I.

V. Shedd (World Evangelism,) Miss Ruth Towle" (Social and Miss Vera Johnson (Recreation and Culture); secretary. Miss Grace Richard; treasurer. Donald Hendrick, and organist Miss Maude Barnum. "Mother Koopons" are now Dn sale by many of the children of tho Sunday-school.

The receipts from these are applied to the care of orphaned children in France. This work Is carried out under the auspices of Lthe Woman's Foreign Missionary So ciety which conducts an orphanage at Grenoble, France. The Epworth League topic for June 19, is "Jealousy the- Handicap of Team Work," the leader, will be Mrs. C. A.

Richard. The topic for the adult class discussion next Sunday will be' "The Great Sacrifice." A choir rehearsal will be held Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Carpenter Volunteers for Service. The local exemption board of Franklin county received a caU for one carpenter to ba sent to Yanoouver Barracks. Warren P.

Farrar of Montgomery, has volunteered, and he will report heer June 14. Band Concert. The St. Albans Brigade band will give a concert on the park Friday eve- ning at 8:30 o'clock, weather permitting. The band has lost 12 of its members and there are.

about 16 left. The loncert Friday night will be the first of the season. LETTUCE, Celery, Beets, Turnips, Cabbage. Olives and Pickles by the ouart. R.


ALBANS HOUSfl. Bel) all your Junk to L. M. Nelburg, direct My prices will please you. Feed.

Bag MO Fertilizers OS' Rubber 06 ft. Raga, 02 ft. Coppeu .15 ft. Ato, Urn 04 ft. Old scrap Iron $.60 a hundred TeL No.

Warehouse Office, Water Pearl St St Albans, Vermont W11 call for Junk within city limits. CULTIVATORS! I have several styles of walking vators, also a few one horse Potato Hillers for sale. Respectfully Yours, CARL F. BROWN. St.

Albans, Vt SPECIAL Saturday, June loth Lenox Soap 5c a bar. stepper's Store. Phone 152 CARPENTER BROS. Successor to Frank Charron DRAYMEN 43 Newton Street. Heavy and Light Teaming Furniture and Piano Moving Telephone 172-M.

FORSALE 17 thousand feet of lumber. 1 Two H. P. Gag Engine. 1 Ensilage cutter with carrier.

Hand mixer to rent F. F. SHORE SON Tel 277-M. JAMES Teacher of Violin and Theory Pupil of Llsteman, Heindl, H. Goldstein of Boston Symphony Orchestra.

Correct bowing, interesting. Modern method. Twenty years a performer and. teach- er in Boston. 8tudio 230 Main St St.

Alban Vt. Tel 41 -W, St. Atbans BERKSHIRE Mr. and tfeorge and son, Fay, Newport Center passed Sunday at the home of C. If.

Johnson. Mrs. A. H. Bowen-is viBlting her daughter, Mrs.

Hi C. Comings, of Richford. News has been received here of the death of G. H. Booth, of Fulford, a former resident of this place.

The Foresters and Grangers will hold a Memorial service in the Metho-dish church at West, Berkshire, June 16, at 10:30 o'clock. The Messenger Is requested to say that the committee on the Red Cross membership wouOd be pleased to have! tuotw wnose memrwrsnip expires mis month to renew with' Mrs." Frances Jolley, FRANK L. 30 Kingman St, Taleshoae Cenoecttoa Dally Life for women who like to be correct-ly attired demands different apparel for boudoir, street, sport and house wear. We can supply the right footwear for every event Come in and try on styles you prefer In 8HOE8 FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Teleplone 170 Unclaimed Letters.

Unclaimed letters aj: the local post-office for the week ending June 12 are as follows. Mrs. Mary Basette and Mrs. M. C.

Hungerford. Henry Brous-seau, Harold J. Davis, "Arthur J. Dionne, and C. B.

Perry. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office June. 26, if not called for ebfore that date To Report at Naval Academy July 12 Garrett Ellis, of North Main st, has received orders from the navy de partment to report at the. Naval Aca. demy at Annapolis, July 12.

Mr. Ellis recently passed his examinations for entrance to the acadeeuy, CWANTON. Miss Edith Brown came Monday evening from St. Johnsbury to pass the summer with her father, p. K.

Brown, of Spring st Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kinnie, of East Fairfield, have recently moved into the Piatt house on First st, Mr. Kinnie is employed by thq Webster Bros. A meeting of the Episcopal clergy of Franklin county and vicinity was held Tuesday and to-day at Holy 1 Trinity church.

Tuesday evening ad dresses were given by the Rev. J. Tripp, of Richford, and the Rt Rev. G. Y.

D. bishop coadjutor of Vermont. "Dutch" Leonard, the Red Sox hurl-er, duplicated his no-hlt no-run game against the Browns in 1916 In his great exhibition at Detroit the other day, even to allowing one player to reach first base on four wide ones. Several of the Browns and Veach, the Detroit outfielder, were the pas-timers given passes to flrst, ft BEACH HOUSE IN ST. ALBANS.

Commis Canadien. -t To Present A. R. a Flag A. R.

Hurlbut, Women's Relief Corps, No. 31, G. A. will present an American flag to A. R.

Hurlbut Post, Xo. 60, G. A. Flag Day, Friday evening, June 14, at Memorial hall. Cards will be played during the even-ng.

The Messenger is asked to say hat all who are interested are Incited. HIGHGATE CENTER The Highgate high schoo! grauating exercises will be held Friday at Foresters' The program will be. as follows: Music, orchestra; invocation: address, Rollp. G. Reynolds; jressntation of diplomas, Supt, H.

E. Hunt; and America. A reception for the graduating class will follow the exerefces. FOR THAT GRADUATION GIFT. You will find some timely in our North window.

No store in the city has-a more varied assortment of gift things than we are showing at present. No matter whether it is 25c or $200.00 you are planning to spend, we can supply something worth FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND DYEING of garment of all kinds for Ladles or Ladies' and Men's Tailoring. Remodeling n. vvuu wan, I ailuh, Successor to 8. Bloch, "85 North Main 8.

85 North Main St Phone 417-M. PALM W. B. FONDA ST. ALBANS, VT, Lumber and Building Material Coal and Wood.

NARKOW WEAVE SUITS $10, S12, S13.50 and $15.00. Made by the House of Kuppenheimer. No Trouble to Show Goods at 1 iTiimiHmHiHHmHTHHttttfifnifin GRADUATION GIFTS Wrist Watches, Diamond Rings, Pendants, Signet Rings, Scarf Pins, LinU Buttons, Vest Chains, Fountain Pens and Umbrellas. CONNER CLOTH iNG STORE THE KUPPENHEIMER Nous Avons un ARMSTRONG'S The VHallmark" Store! Jeweler IIHIIIIHIIHIHlHIKHniJ1.

St. Albans Daily Messenger from Saint Albans, Vermont (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.