MASTERCAM中后处理文件中的第四轴A通过修改哪里可以将其去掉?实际加工只有三轴,但出的程序总有A指令存在。_百度知道 (2024)



MASTERCAM中后处理文件中的第四轴A通过修改哪里可以将其去掉?实际加工只有三轴,但出的程序总有A指令存在。_百度知道 (1)





关注MASTERCAM中后处理文件中的第四轴A通过修改哪里可以将其去掉?实际加工只有三轴,但出的程序总有A指令存在。_百度知道 (2)


164. Enable Rotary Axis button? y
164. Enable Rotary Axis button? n


# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Numbered questions for Mastercam Mill
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
38. Rapid feedrate? 300.0
1538. Rapid feedrate (metric)? 10000.0
80. Communications port number for receive and transmit (1 or 2) ? 2
81. Data rate (110,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,14400,19200,38400)? 9600
82. Parity (E/O/N)? E
83. Data bits (7 or 8)? 7
84. Stop bits (1 or 2)? 2
85. Strip line feeds? N
86. Delay after end of line (seconds)? 0
87. Ascii, Eia, or Binary (A/E/B)? A
88. Echo keyboard to screen in terminal emulation? n
89. Strip carriage returns? N
90. Drive and subdirectory for NC files?
91. Name of executable post processor? MP
92. Name of reverse post processor? RP
93. Reverse post PST file name? RPFAN
100. Number of places BEFORE the decimal point for sequence numbers? 3
101. Number of places AFTER the decimal point for sequence numbers? 0
103. Maximum spindle speed? 5000
107. Average time for tool change (seconds)? 2.0

159. Show first and last position as fully compensated in simulation? n
161. Enable Home Position button? y
162. Enable Reference Point button? n
163. Enable Misc. Values button? y
164. Enable Rotary Axis button? n
165. Enable Tool Plane button? n
166. Enable Construction Plane button? n
167. Enable Tool Display button? y
168. Check tplane during automatic work origin creation? n
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default Miscellaneous Real Values
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
201. Default miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1)? 0.0
202. Default miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2)? 0.0
203. Default miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3)? 0.0
204. Default miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4)? 0.0
205. Default miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5)? 0.0
206. Default miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6)? 0.0
207. Default miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7)? 0.0
208. Default miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8)? 0.0
209. Default miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9)? 0.0
210. Default miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10)? 0.0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default Miscellaneous Real Values (METRIC)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1601. Default miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1) (metric)? 0.0
1602. Default miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2) (metric)? 0.0
1603. Default miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3) (metric)? 0.0
1604. Default miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4) (metric)? 0.0
1605. Default miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5) (metric)? 0.0
1606. Default miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6) (metric)? 0.0
1607. Default miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7) (metric)? 0.0
1608. Default miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8) (metric)? 0.0
1609. Default miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9) (metric)? 0.0
1610. Default miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10) (metric)? 0.0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Real Variable switches
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1611. Enable miscellaneous real variable 1? y
1612. Enable miscellaneous real variable 2? y
1613. Enable miscellaneous real variable 3? y
1614. Enable miscellaneous real variable 4? y
1615. Enable miscellaneous real variable 5? y
1616. Enable miscellaneous real variable 6? y
1617. Enable miscellaneous real variable 7? y
1618. Enable miscellaneous real variable 8? y
1619. Enable miscellaneous real variable 9? y
1620. Enable miscellaneous real variable 10? y
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default Miscellaneous Integer Values
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
301. Default Work Coordinate System (4 thru 9=G54-G59)? 4
302. Default miscellaneous integer variable 2 (mi4)? 0
303. Default miscellaneous integer variable 3 (mi4)? 0
304. Default miscellaneous integer variable 4 (mi4)? 0
305. Default miscellaneous integer variable 5 (mi5)? 0
306. Default miscellaneous integer variable 6 (mi6)? 0
307. Default miscellaneous integer variable 7 (mi7)? 0
308. Default miscellaneous integer variable 8 (mi8)? 0
309. Default miscellaneous integer variable 9 (mi9)? 0
310. Default miscellaneous integer variable 10 (mi10)? 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Integer Variable switches
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1621. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 1? y
1622. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 2? y
1623. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 3? y
1624. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 4? y
1625. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 5? y
1626. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 6? y
1627. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 7? y
1628. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 8? y
1629. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 9? y
1630. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 10? y
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration File association parameters (default is "y")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#400. Name of associated cfg file?
401. Read SYSTEM COLORS section? y
402. Read ALLOCATIONS section? y
403. Read TOLERANCES section? y
404. Read DATA PATHS section? y
405. Read COMMUNICATIONS section? y
406. Read DRAFT SETTINGS section? y
407. Read MISCELLANEOUS section? y
408. Read NC SETTINGS section? y
409. Read DIALOG SCRIPTS section? y
410. Read DESIGN SETTINGS section? y
411. Read PLOTTER SETTINGS section? y
412. Read ALT-KEY ASSIGNMENTS section? y
413. Read CAD section? y
414. Read START/EXIT section? y
415. Read SCREEN section? y
416. Read FILE NAMES section? y
1500. Chook to execute from 'Misc. values' button?
1501. Insert parameter information in the ascii NCI? n
1502. Write operation information to binary file (.ops)? n
1503. Write transform operations (0=transform ops, 1=source ops, 2=both)? 1
1520. Display a warning when cutter compensation in control simulation finds an error? n
1521. Number of controller look-ahead blocks for CDC in control? 2
1530. Ignore work offset numbers when processing subprograms? y
1531. Ignore contour flags when processing subprograms? y
# Do NOT manually change the answer for Q.1999 !
1999. Product major version number that post supports? 9
3001. Machine acceleration? 2
3002. timing size? .1


MASTERCAM中后处理文件中的第四轴A通过修改哪里可以将其去掉?实际加工只有三轴,但出的程序总有A指令存在。_百度知道 (3)




MASTERCAM中后处理文件中的第四轴A通过修改哪里可以将其去掉?实际加工只有三轴,但出的程序总有A指令存在。_百度知道 (4)

MASTERCAM中后处理文件中的第四轴A通过修改哪里可以将其去掉?实际加工只有三轴,但出的程序总有A指令存在。_百度知道 (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.