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Paper 1


(Funtional writing, cloze test and oral skills


You have read the novel “Blossoms of the Savannah” and really enjoyed and are now ready

to tackle it in KCSE. You overheard some of your friends in form three complaining that it

should not have been included as one of the texts to be done in KCSE.

Write a book review encouraging them to read since it will be examined in their year.




A new research titled “Underage Drinking in Kenya” has (1)________________________

that nearly one third of form four students aged 18 years take


As our society ponders this sad (3)_________________________ the urgent message to

children who are taking alcohol (4) ________________________, do not drink another

sip. Advice to those children is to strongly say “no” (5) ______________________

irresponsible behavior to alcoholism, there are many (6)

______________________________ effects of alcohol. It is wrong and illegal for children

to drink alcohol. The report also states that 46 per cent of the children receive (7)

________________first pint from friends and (8) _____________________. Do you offer

alcohol to children ? As a parent or guardian, do you nurture (9)_________________?

How much time do you spend with them? Notably, (10) _______________________ of

guidance and supervision are stimuli to underage drinking.


a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow

Oh whisper, O my soul! The afternoon

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Is waning into evening, whisper soft!

Peace, O my rebel heart! For soon the moon

From out its misty veil will swing aloft!

Be patient, weary body, soon the night

Will wrap thee gently in her sable sheet,

And with a leaden sigh though wilt invite

To rest thy tired hands and aching feet.

The wretched day was theirs, the night is mine

Come tender sleep, and fold me to thy breast.

But what steals out the gray clouds like red wine?

O dawn! O dreaded dawn! O let me rest

Weary my veins, my brain, my life! Have pity

No! Once the harsh, the ugly city! By Claude McKa


(a) i) Explain how the poet achieves rhythm in the poem above. (4mks)

ii) Briefly explain how you would perform the first two lines in this poem. (3mks)

b) The following sentences contain a highlighted word. In each sentence underline the part

of the word that is stressed to convey the meaning intended.


i) The county assembly agreed that the country’s pro.duce will be marketed locally.

ii) The Citizens re.ject the proposal to divide them along tribal lines.

iii) Why didn’t you re.cord the speech for me?

iv) The sur.vey revealed that most unemployed youth have skill that can be gainfully


c) You have been appointed to chair a class discussion on Henrik Ibsen’s “A Dolls House”.

After the discussion, your classmates comment that you steered the discussion very well.

Write down four things you did right.


d) Underline the word that is said differently from the sets of words given below.


i) Fairy ferry furry

ii) Floor flower flour

iii) Toe two tow

iv) Pear pare peer

v) Canal kernel colonel

e) Write a word pronounced exactly the same way as each of the following.


i) Nose

ii) Metal

iii) Synch

iv) We

f) Study the following situations and write down what you would say in each case.

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i) When walking along a corridor, you accidentally bump into somebody out of your own


ii) You are engaging in a conversation and you catch yourself interrupting the other


iii) You want to introduce a point during a discussion which contradicts what the other

person has said.

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English - Paper 2


Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

We are often advised to be confident; confidence comes when we feel passionate about what we

perform, what we have achieved, and what we can offer

Lack of confidence can hinder a lot of things, ranging from how you get ahead in your career to

the number of skills you are able to acquire. It is determining factor in the way you direct your

career. Confidence is conveyed from inner to the outer through the words you speak and the

posture you assume. Building confidence is not a one day affair. Neither does it take other people

to build your confidence.

I remember an interview I once conducted for secretaries, and the memory of one woman is intact.

She stammered from the point she entered the office to the moment she left. Thinking that it was

interview jitters, we called her again, based on her technical qualifications rather than her

presentation. She presented the same problem. We settled on a different candidate because

confidence was a key qualification for the job which involved dealing with clients and colleagues.

Not many entry-level and first-time job seekers are coached or tutored on how to gain more self-

confidence. Instead, we tell them to “attend a few events, meet more people, and get the hang of

it”. That is not the right approach. Often, by the time you get “get the hang of it,” you will have

probably ruined a few chances, stepped on a few toes, and generally spoilt a few opportunities.

Confidence starts from within, which means working with yourself to find an effective method on

your capabilities.

Having had quite some experience interviewing and being interviewed, I have developed there

sure-fire ways that not only help me before an interview, but improve my general self-confidence.

You must start with one as you progress and eventually build your own self-confidence.

I learnt that confidence begins with pushing yourself towards positive attitude. Before an

interview, I tell myself that I am capable of great things, great performance, and that the interview

is only a little chat I must have to get the job. Not only do I talk myself into entering the interview

room, but I also talk myself into achieving success, whether or not I need the job. About 90 percent

of the time, I have been successful in interviews.

Doubting oneself only leads to criticizing oneself, which plaints deep roots that can be almost

impossible to weed out. My mentor always used to say, “You are what you think you are”

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Secondly, beginning with one small step rather than giant leaps will ensure that you tackle

interviews and first jobs with a lot of self- confidence. There are two ways to go through this.

The first one has to do with something that you like doing, such as writing a song. However,

this should not be just any some but a new one created out of your love for music. My personal

pre-interview confidence boost is to cook something that I have never tried before. This boosts

my self-confidence to new levels. After achieving that particular goal, you must pat yourself on

the back.

The third step to building confidence involves holding onto that little surge of confidence.

Once you have tackled what you have previously found to be difficult, then the next step would

be to focus on building your self confidence a lot further.

Ensure that this becomes not only a monthly confidence boost, but a daily one because as we

are all programmed, we must build our self-confidence habitually to maintain it. Routines have

been known to help anybody to acquire and maintain confidence.

Questions a) What is confidence according to the passage?


b) How is confidence conveyed?


c) What suggestions are given to first-time job seekers to help them in gaining more self-



d) What does the writer identify as the major hindrance to confidence? (1mk)

e) According to the writer what two key qualifications were they looking for in the

interview for secretaries? (2mks)

f) Identify three ways the writer mentions that help before an interview and improve in self



g) In not more than 50 words write what the writer has been doing to achieve success in

interviews. (4mks)

h) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.


a) Surge b) Interview jitters

c) Habitually

2. DRAMA: A DOLLS’ HOUSE by Henrik Ibsen Nora: What right have you to question me, Mr. Krogstad? – You, one of my husband’s

subordinates! But since you ask, you shall know. Yes, Mrs Linde is to have an

appointment. And it was I who pleased her cause, Mr. Krogstad, let me tell you that.

Krogstad: I was right in what I thought then.

Nora: (walking up and down the stage) Sometimes one has a tiny little bit of influence, I

should hope. Because one is a woman, it does not necessarily follow that-. When

anyone is in a subordinate position, Mr. Krogstad, they should really be careful to

avoid offending anyone who-who-

Krogstad: Who has influence?

Nora: Exactly

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Krogstad: (changing his tone) Mrs. Helmer, you will be so good as to use your influence on my


Nora: What? What do you mean?

Krogstad: You will be so kind as to see that I am allowed to keep by subordinate position in the bank.

Nora: What do you mean by that? Who proposes to take your post away from you?

Krogstad: Oh there is no necessity to keep up the pretence of ignorance. I can quite understand that

your friend is not very anxious to expose herself to the chance of rubbing shoulders with

me; and I quite understand, too, whom I have to thank for being turned off.

Nora: But I assure you-

Krogstad: Very likely; but, to come to the point, the time has come when I should advise you to

use your influence to prevent that.

Nora: But, Mr. Krogstad, I have no influence.

Krogstad: Haven’t you? I thought you said yourself just now-

Nora: Naturally I did not mean you to put that construction on it. I! What should make

You think I have any influence of that kind with my husband?

Krogstad: Oh, I have known your husband from our student days. I don’t suppose he is any

more unassailable than other husbands.

Nora: If you speak slightingly of my husband, I shall turn you out of the house.

Krogstad: You are bold, Mrs. Helmer

Nora: I am not afraid of you any longer. As soon as the New year comes, I shall in a very

short time be free of the whole thing.

Krogstad: (Controlling himself) Listen to me, Mrs. Helmer. If necessary, I am prepared to fight

for my small post in the bank as if I were fighting for my life.

Nora: So it seems.

Krogstad: It is not only for the sake of the money; indeed, that weighs least with me in the

matter. There is another reason - well, I may as well tell you. My position is this, I daresay

you know, like everyone else, that once, many years ago, I was guilty of indiscretion.

Nora: I think I have heard something of the kind.

Krogstad: The matter never came into court; but every way seemed to be closed to me after that. So

I took to the business that you know of. I had to do something; and, honestly, I don’t think

I’ve been one of the worst. But now I must cut myself free from all that. My sons are

growing up; for their sake I must try and win back as much respect as I can in the town.

This post in the bank was like the first step up for me – and now your husband is going to

kick me downstairs again into the mud.

Nora: But you must believe me, Mr. Krogstad; it is not in my power to help you at all.

Krogstad: Then it is because you haven’t the will; but I have means to compel you.


a) Krogstad asks four questions just before this excerpt. List them.


b) For what reason has Krogstad visited Nora? Refer to what happens in the excerpt and in

the rest of the play.


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c) Identify and illustrate one stylistic device employed in this excerpt.


d) Describe two character traits of Nora as portrayed in this excerpt.


e) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

i) If you speak slightingly of my husband, I shall turn you out of the house.

I shall turn you out of the house (Rewrite using unless)


ii) So it seems. (supply a question tag)


f) Highlight two themes evident in this excerpt.


g) “Then it is because you haven’t the will; but I have means to compel you”

How does Krogstad plan to force Nora to talk to her husband.


h) Write a word with the same meaning as each of the following words as sued in the

excerpt. (3mks)

i) Necessity –

ii) Pleaded –

iii) Influence –


Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow.

Long, long time ago animals and birds spoke just like men do. When God had to stop them

speaking, he made birds sing, like this chrrip! Chrrip….Lions to roar like this graagh! Graagh!

And hyenas to howl like this huuu! Huuuu!

And you blame God? Listen to what naughty hyena who had gone two days without any meal

did. He had been wandering up and down the hills when he suddenly stopped, nose in the air, one

foot raised.

Do I smell, eh……… smell food? He slowly raised his head to the skies as if to say, “Please

God, let me find some food, even one rotting bone will do” Slowly, he followed the smell, sniffing

hard, stopping now and again, over grinning wide as the smell became stronger. “Here at last”, he

said as he came in sight of a calf that seemed dead, flies buzzing over its excrement.

“God, no time to waste. Who knows the owner may be around. Oh, no, I see it is secured to a tree

with a “Mukwa” I’ll take my time.

Ha, I am tired too, come to think of it. God gave us pretty strong senses of smell, generous

old…. Man.

Still I do think some people tend to exaggerate, now who was it saying the other day ‘ati’ God

is the giver of everything and that we should be grateful. O.K.

Tell me, did God give this calf? Did you God? I found it myself, smelled my way there, all

the way. Nice calf too, rather thin but it will do. I’ll take the head home and make soup with

herbs. I especially like ‘muthathii, and I see one over there.

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Ok. Here we go, where shall I start, this lovely neck: No, I know, I will start with the ‘mukwa’

then I’ll get on to the soft stuff, the tail, the rump, ‘Mahu’……”

After chewing up half of the ‘mukwa’ the hyena brushed his teeth with the twig of a ‘muthiga’ a

tree to stimulate his appetite. He stepped on the calf’s tail, stuffed it in his mouth and ‘snap it

went. The calf which was only very sick and tired shot up and bolted away in the twinkling of an


The hyena rubbed his eyes, ambled after the disappearing calf and soon fell down in exhaustion.

He looked up again to the heaven, tried to speak but no words came. Hyenas have never been able

to speak ever since…


a) Categorise this narrative and give a reason for your classification. (2mks)

b) Identify and explain two characteristics of oral narratives evident in this story. (4mks)

c) Describe two character traits of the hyena as depicted in the narrative. (4mks)

d) Identify one economic aspect of the community described in this narrative and give a

reason for your answer.


e) What moral lesson do we learn from this narrative?


f) Give a proverb with the same moral lesson as this narrative.


g) If you asked to go and collect this story in the field, state two problems you are likely to

encounter and how to solve each.



a) Rewrite the following sentences according the instructions given.


i) Is there life after death or not? This is a question which man has been asking

himself for a very long time.

(Rewrite beginning: The question of…………. Do not use the work question


ii) I don’t think you should go out this afternoon.

(Rewrite beginning: I’d rather……………………………….)

iii) After a new principal was appointed, results began to improve.

(Rewrite beginning: Subsequent……………………………………………)

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b) Each of the following sentences is incorrect. Correct each in two different ways.


i) The judge ordered us to return back the following morning.

ii) She asked us what we were discussing about.

c) Fill in the blank spaces using the correct form of the word in brackets.


i) The criminals ________________________________________ behaviuor in court

appalled the judge (scandal)

ii) He walked ______________________________ on the wet floor. (caution)

iii) The ___________________________(close) of the factory dealt a huge blow to the


iv) Justin was suspended from his job because his

____________________________(sober) was questionable.

d) Replace the underlined word with the correct phrasal verb formed from the word in



i) The class teacher promised to solve the problem. (sort)

ii) The bereaved families accepted their loss and moved on (get)

iii) My mother asked me why I was so angry. (work)

iv) The two friends are reconciling as we talk (make)

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English - Paper 3

1. Imaginative composition ( Compulsory)


a) Write a story to illustrate the saying;

‘where there is a will there is a way’


b) Write a composition that has the following: a bride, a swarm of

bees and a hospital.

2. The Novel, Blossoms of the Savannah (Compulsory)

Gender bias is tantamount to violation of human rights. Write an essay in

support of the assertion drawing illustrations from blossoms of the savannah By H.R

Ole Kubet

3. Optional Texts

a) Short story: Memories we lost and other stories compiled by Chris


Explain the truth of the saying,”He who desires all loses

all.”Draw your illustrations from Leo Tolstoy’s ‘ How much land

does man need?

b) The Novel

The Pearl by John Steinbeck

‘Our lives are controlled by destiny’

Using illustrations from ‘The Pearl’, write an essay to support this


c) Drama

Inheritance by David Mulwa

A person’s weaknesses can lead to their downfall. Justify the

statement using the character Lacuna Kasoo in


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English - Paper 1

Question 1 (20 Marks)

You are the secretary of the environmental club in your school. Your school has been experiencing

water shortages and huge water bills. Your club was asked to investigate the cause of water

shortage and recommend ways of conserving it to solve this problems. Write a report to the

Principal showing the causes and your recommendations to the solutions of these problems.

Question 2: CLOZE TEST (10 Marks)

Complete the following passage by filling in the blanks with appropriate words.

The most depressing thing 1…………………………………. an illness is the sense of being left

2…………………Or brushed aside ……….…………..3 it from the mainstream of living. When

a person is 4………………………………….he cannot keep up……………….5 the world of

the healthy people. Life begins to occur without him. Even the language seems to change. What is

said to a …………………………….6 person does not involve him and therefore he begins to

interpret it differently. He loses……………………… 7 with the outer healthy world. His sense of

isolation is……………………….8 rather than lessened by the regular ……………………… 9 of

the doctors. The doctors label the sick Person’s disease and …………………………………. 10

him to his special place.

Question 3: ORAL SKILLS

a) I would I were cupid’s worth

Far from pain

Is ecstasy untold?

I would I were a bird

To traverse the sea, earth, and sky

To crown you king of Eros kingdom

For it’s worth the pain

I would I were a sock

to warm thy worthy foot

I would I were a kerchief

to caress thy worthy nose

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for close to thy lips

Would I dare trespass?

I would I were a bad

to behold my prince asleep

and count the snores and grants

which as sure as human,

The prince of Eros kingdom

Succumbs unawares

For tis worthy the pain

By Lydamwanck Rumiaw

1. Mention two non-verbal cues you would use to enhance a recitation of this poem and

state in which lines you would use them (4 marks)

2. Identify 2 lines with alliteration (2 marks)

3. What is the mood of the poem ? (2 marks)

(b) In the following sentences identify whether you will use a falling or rising

intonation with the underlined words ( 5 marks)

(i) Professor has arrived.

(ii) Would you like to come with me?

(iii) Please have a seat.

(iv) Have a good day

(v) Dad bought me a pair of shoes.

(c) Underline a silent sound in each of the words below

(i) Wednesday

(ii) Psychology

(iii) Island

(iv) Rapport

(v) Hour

(d) 1. My house without a door

Answer: An egg

2. I walk with a person who does not tell me to rest

Answer: a shadow or road.

(i) What genre of oral literature is this? ( 2 marks)

(ii) Give 2 functions of this Oral genre ( 2 marks)

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(iii) Imagine you are telling a story to your little brother. Mention 3

paralinguistic skills you would use to make the story interesting. (6 marks)

(e) Write down a sentence on each of the following words to give two differences in



(i) Present

(ii) Different

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English - Paper 2

1 .Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.

We are moving inexorably into the age of automation. Our aim is not to devise a

mechanism which can perform a thousand different actions of any individual man, but, on the

contrary, one which could, by a single action, replace a thousand men.

Industrial automation has moved along three lines. First, there is conveyor belt system of

continuous production whereby separate operations are linked into single sequences. The goods

produced by this well-established method are untouched by the worker, and the machine replaces

both skilled and semi-skilled.

Secondly, there is automation with feedback control of the product. Here mechanisms are

built into the system which can compare the output with a norm, that is, the actual product with

what it supposed to be, and then correct any shortcomings. The entire cycle of operations dispenses

with human control except in so far as monitors are concerned. One or two examples of this type

of automation will illustrate its immune possibilities. There is a factory in the USA which makes

1,000 million electric lights bulbs a year, and the factory employs three hundred people. If the pre-

automation were to be employed, the labour force required would leap to 25000.A motor

manufacturing company with 45000 spare parts assembles their entire supply entirely by computer.

Computers can be entrusted with most of the supervision of industrial installations, such as

chemical plants or oil refineries.

Thirdly, there is computer automation, for banks, accounting departments, insurance

companies and the like. Here the essentials features are recording, storing and retrieval of


The principal merit of modern computing machines is the achievement of their vastly

greater speed of operation in comparison with unaided human effort; a task which otherwise might

take years, if attempted at all, now takes days or hours.

One of the urgent problems of industrial societies rapidly introducing automation is how

to fill the time that will be made free by the machines which will take over the risks of the workers.

The question is not simply of filling empty time but also of utilising the surplus human energy that

will be released. We are already seeing straws in wind: destructive outbursts on the part of the

youth whose work no longer demands muscular strength. While automation will undoubtedly do

away with a large number of tedious jobs, are we sure that it

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will not put others which are equally tedious in their place? An enormous amount of monitoring

will be required. A man in an automated plant may have to sit for hours on end watching dials and

taking decisive action when some signals inform him that all is not well. What meaning will his

occupation bear for the worker? How will he devote his free time after

a four or five hour stint of labour? Moreover, what, indeed, will be the significance of his leisure

to him? If the industry of the future could be purged of its monotony and meaninglessness, man

would then be better equipped to use his leisure time constructively.

[Adapted from practice tests for Proficiency byMargret Archer

and Enid Nolan-Woods,Thomas Nelson and Sons]


1. What are the benefits of automation?

(2 marks)

2. Explain the main achievement of modern computing.


3.Outline the problems created by industrialization

(4 marks)

4. Explain the line

(1 mark)

‘We are already seeing the straws in the wind………….”

5.Summarize the author’s argument in favour of automation and the problems created by the

same, in not more than 90 words. (6 marks)

6. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (4 marks)

i) Immense

ii) Retrieval

iii) Tedious

iv) Inexorably

7. Rewrite the following sentence according to the instructions given. (1 mark)

‘If the industry of the future could be purged of its monotony and meaninglessness,

man would then be better equipped to use leisure time constructively.’

(Use: If…….purged ……..’)

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8. Rewrite the sentence below using a phrasal verb instead of the underlined word.

(1 mark)

‘The entire cycle of operations dispenses with human control expect in so far as

monitors are concerned.’

2. Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.

Helmer: (calls out from his room) is that my little lark twittering out there?

Nora: (busy opening some of the parcels) Yes, it is!

Helmer: Is it my little squirrel bustling about?

Nora: Yes!

Helmer: When did my squirrel come home?

Nora: Just now (puts the bag of macaroons in to her pocket and wipes her

mouth.) Come in here, Torvald, and see what I have bought.

Helmer: Don’t disturb me. (A little later, he opens the door and looks into

the room, pen in hand.) Bought, did you say? All these things? Has my little

spendthrift been wasting? Money again?

Nora: Yes but, Torvald, this year we really can let ourselves go a little. This

is the First Christmas that we have not needed to economize

Helmer: Still you know, we can’t spend money recklessly.

Nora: Yes, Torvald, we may be a wee bit more reckless now, mayn’t

we? Just a tiny wee bit! You are going to have a big salary and earn

lots and lots of money.

Helmer: Yes after the New Year; but then it will be a whole quarter

before the salary is due.

Nora: Pooh! We can borrow until then.

Helmer: Nora! (Goes up to her and takes her playful by the ear)The

same little featherhead! Suppose now, that it borrowed fifty

pounds today, and you spent it all in the Christmas week and then on

New Year’s Eva a slate fell on my head and killed me, and-

Nora: (putting her hands over his mouth) Oh don’t say such horrid


Helmer: Still, suppose that happened,--what then?

Nora: If that were to happen, I don’t suppose I should care whether I

owed money or not.

Helmer: Yes, but what about the people who has lent it?

Nora: They? Who would bother about them? I should know who they


1. Explain what happens just before this excerpt (3 marks)

2. From the above, what kind of a woman is Nora? (4marks)

3. Briefly identify and illustrate Helmer’s character traits as brought out in the passage

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(4 marks).

4. From your knowledge of the book, why do you think Nora said, “We may be a wee bit

reckless now, mayn’t we?

(2 marks)

5. Identify and illustrate one style used in the excerpt

(2 marks)

6. From the Excerpt, comment on Nora and Helmer’s relationship.

(2 marks)

7. Discuss two thematic issues in the extract. (4 marks)

8. I don’t suppose I should care whether I owed money or not.(supply a question tag)

(1 mark)

Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.

i) Horrid

ii) Featherhead

iii) Spendthrift

Read the following oral poem and answer the questions that follow (20 marks)

Oh! It has dawned

You ask for a loincloth to take where?

iiii It has dawned

You ask for a loincloth to take where?

Uncircumcised man of Ngiro

It has dawned

What do you need a loincloth for?

Now only your mother can help you

Uncircumcised man of Ngiro

What do you need a loincloth for?

Won’t you call your mother to plead with you?

Oh! It has dawned

What do you need a loin cloth for?

1. Classify the above oral poem (2 marks)

2. Identify four performance features that stands out in the above oral poem ( 8 marks)

3. Discuss dominant tone of the above oral poem ( 3 marks)

4. Oh! It has dawned (add a question tag) (1 mark)

5. What are the roles of the above song? (2 marks)

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6. Who is the singer? (2marks)

7. Explain one vice that is discouraged in the oral poem (2 marks)


1. For each of the following sentences replace the underlined words with a phrasal verb

which begins With the word in brackets to convey the same meaning

i) The suspicious behavior betrayed him (give)

ii) Please ensure that everyone gets something to eat and drink (see)

iii) It was clear that we had invented the whole story (make)

2. Fill in the blanks with correct conjunctions

i) ………………………………….....somewhat pompous, he was an entertaining.


ii) Many things have happened …………………………………………..I left school.

iii) I have never seen him ……………………………………..that unfortunate event took


3. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the word in brackets

i) I told her that I was ………………………………………………for her help (gratitude)

ii) The elections results were upheld because of the officers………………………..(partial)

iii) After the fight, Monda went off to wash her………………………………………..(blood)

4. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given (3marks)

i) Goods once sold will not be returned under any circ*mstances

(Begin: under

ii) Muhiga works in a factory …………………………………………………(add a

question tag)

iii) Rukia bought the house at the corner for seven million shillings yesterdays (change to

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5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronoun (3marks)

i) Mukunga writes faster than……………… (I, me)

ii) ………….......students were the first to arrive. (us, we)

iii) Between you and …………………, one of us is lying. (me, I)

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English - Paper 3

Answer three question only

1. Imaginative composition

(a) Write a composition to illustrate the saying: “A poor workman quarrels with his tools.”


(b) Write a composition beginning, ‘’When I saw the two policemen, I knew there was


2. The Compulsory Set Text

In the novel, Blossoms of the Savannah, Ole Kulet goes out of his way to castigate some

Maa way of life. Write an essay to show the validity of this statement with close reference

to the novel. (20 marks)

3. The Optional Texts


(a) The short stories

Describe the devastating effects that conflicts have no the innocent children and women

in Mariatu Kamara’s “The President” in “Memories we Lost and other stories”.


(b) Drama

A mother can bear a child and he or she (the child) is a replica of her, but can also be

very different. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the character of Luli Zen

Melo with that of her mother Tamina Zen Melo” with clear illustrations from

“Inheritance” by

David Mulwa.


(c) The Novel

“A society driven by greed suffers a lot” Using illustrations from “The Pearl” by John

Steinbeck, write an essay to support the above statement.

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English - Paper 1

1. A fire has broken in your school dormitory and gutted all the dormitories while the

students were having preps. The school principal has appointed a committee of ten

members among them the deputy head as the chairperson, the dorm patron, the

security officers the head boy and two teachers.

The committee is required to find out the cause of the fire, those involved if any, and

come up with ways of avoiding a future occurrence. As the secretary of a committee,

write a report. The report should not exceed 350 words. ( 20 marks)

2. Read the passage below and complete each blank space with an appropriate word

(10 marks)

Citizens used to 1______________that political leaders would observe the principle of

good governance simply 2______________ they were expected to 3__________ . It appears most

leaders on the continent have replaced integrity with reckless impunity that has 4___________

Africa in Chaos. 5___________in Office are also supposed to be 6_______________ to

the people that entrusted them with the 7____________ of leading them .

8________________ the political elite in the continent see people as a means to an end. In many

countries these days, Kenya included, politics has become the easiest way to make money.

Electioneering is seen as an 9________________ with extremely lucrative returns when

campaign loyalties are 10_______________with appointments in the government of the


3(i) Read the following poem carefully and answer questions that follow

Happy baby

Her lips suckle the nipples

Milk bubble, foams and ripples

Little hand up in the air

Catch on the mother’s hair

Sweet sensation rises in pressure

Tiny legs kick with pleasures

Sleep comes gently and strong

Sleep whispers softly and long

(a) Write down three pairs of rhyming words ( 3 marks)

(b) How would you say line six of the poem sweet sensation rises in pressure ( 3 marks)

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(c) Giving illustration from the poem, state the tone you would adopt if you were to read this

Poem aloud

(3 marks)

(ii) Pick the odd one out according to the pronunciation of the underlined letters (5 marks)

(a) Aunt, August ,Author

(b) April, Ape, Apart

(c) Pulse, pulpit, pull

(d) Salt, insult, suit

(e) Tough, house, mouth

(iii) Identify the silent letter in each of the words below (4 marks)

(a) Succumb

(b) Whet

(c) Poignant

(d) Honourable

(iv) Provide the hom*ophone (word that are pronounced the same) of the following words

(5 marks)

(a) Flower

(b) Clause

(c) Mad

(d) Berry

(e) Floss

(v) Imagine that your teacher catches you reading a magazine during a class lesson. He

Summons you after the lesson and the following is part of the conversation between you

and him.

Fill in the missing part. (7mks)

(i) Teacher: (holding out the magazine)why were you reading this kind of trash during

the lesson, an innuendo, I guess

(ii) You: ……………………………………………………………… (1mk)

(iii) Teacher : My question is why you were reading, not what you did not intend to do

(iv) You: ……………………………………………………………………… (1mk)

(v) Teacher: A what? You have the nerve to just dismiss it as a joke?

(vi) You: Sir, I am…………………………………………………………… (1mk)

(vii) Teacher : (Walking away) follow me to the Deputy Principal’s office. There you can

explain better what you mean by calling it an oversight

(viii) You: ( pleading desperately)……………………………………………( 1 mark)

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(ix) Teacher: I just can’t get myself to sort anything with you. Do as I say

(x) You: …………………………………………………………………… (2mks)

(xi) Teacher: Alright then, but be careful not to promise that which you can’t keep. Last


And just you said, bring your updated notebook, latest four O’clock this evening

(xii) (Almost kneeling)…………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………..……………… (2mks)

(Fakes off almost unsure of the pardon)

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English - Paper 2

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow

Problem drinkers and alcoholics pay severe penalties for their drinking. It has been estimated that

alcoholics are likely to die ten to twelve years sooner before the age of fifty which is one reason

There are so far elderly alcoholic The mortality rate (that is the number of persons per 100,000

who die each year) among alcoholics is more than two and a half times higher than that of the

general population.

Alcoholics often die under violent circ*mstances, serious accidents; homicide and suicide

are not uncommon. This together with the physical defer oration accompanying alcoholism, helps


The limit on life expectancy. No one really knows how many deaths are directly attributed

to drinking and all such statistics are estimates. One reason for our limited knowledge is that many

physicians do not report alcoholism as the main cause of death out of concern for the feelings of

the family of the deceased.

Research on physiological effects of alcoholism has increased in the last four years. Heavy

drinking is known to be associated with various types of cancer, particularly among persons who

also use tobacco. Alcohol abuse also increases the probability of hypertension, stroke and coronary

heart disease.

Alcoholics frequently suffer illness and death from cirrhosis of the liver, a disease in which

the liver becomes fatty, scarred and incapable of functioning normally. In large urban areas,

cirrhosis is the fourth most common cause of death among men aged twenty five to forty five

Alcohol affects the brain, often permanently damaging the mental functioning of

alcoholics, Drinking may reduce the number of living cells in the brain, since brain cells do not

grow back, alcoholics may suffer from organic psychosis (a mental illness traceable to brain

damage) loss of memory and poor physical and mental co-ordination. One out of four persons who

are admitted to mental hospital are diagnosed as alcoholics and 40 percent of all admissions are

alcohol related. Many of the alcoholic inmates are not likely to recover.

The unborn children of female alcoholics are subject to harm from drinking in what is called foetal

alcohol syndrome. Because alcohol tends to be a substitute for a balanced diet, alcoholics are often

malnourished .Consequently the infants of alcoholic women are likely to be less healthy and less

well Developed than other babies moreover, when a pregnant woman drinks so in effect, does her

feotus. The new born children of alcoholic women may die shortly after birth unless they are

medically treated from the shock to their system for suddenly being cut off from alcohol,

Furthermore, the impact of alcohol on the woman and her foetus is a major cause of death among

the new borns. The effects of foetal alcohol syndrome on the children of female alcoholics are

usually chronic and may be permanently

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disabling Clearly, it is not too much of an exaggeration to say that alcohol is a highly dangerous


(i) What are major causes of death among alcoholics ( 2 marks)

(ii) Which reason does the writer give as to why physicians do not report alcoholic

related deaths

( 2 marks)

(iii) One out four persons who are admitted to mental hospital are diagnosed as alcoholics

Rewrite starting with A few

(2 marks)

(iv) Alcoholics often die under violent circ*mstances ( 1 mark)

Rewrite adding a question tag

(v) What is the attitude of the writer towards people who abuse alcohol ( 3 marks)

(vi) Explain what the following sentence means “Alcohol tends to be a substitute

For a balanced diet” (2 marks)

vii) Make notes on the effects of alcohol to expectant mothers and their children

(4 marks)

viii) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrase as used in the passage

(4 marks)

(a) Attributed

(b) Scarred

(c) Mortality

(d) Inmates

Read this excerpt and answer questions that follows:

Mrs. Linde: Is doctor Rank a man of means

Nora : Yes he is

Mrs. Linde: and has no one to provide for?

Nora: No, no one but

Mrs. Linde: and comes here every day?

Nora: Yes, I told you so

Mrs. Linde: But how can this well brained man be so tactless

Nora: I don’t understand you at all

Mrs. Linde: Don’t prevacate Nora; do you suppose .I don’t guess who

Lent you the two hundred and fifty pounds?

Nora: are you out of your senses? How can you think of such a

thing? A friend of ours who comes here every day. Do

you realize what a horribly painful position that would

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Mrs. Linde: Then it really isn’t he?

Nora: No certainly not. I would never have entered into my

head for a moment. Besides he had no money to lend

them, he came into his money afterwards

Mrs. Linde: Well, I think that was lucky for you my dear Nora

Nora: No it would never have come into my head to ask doctor

Rank. although I am quite sure that if I had asked him

Mrs. Linde: But of course you won’t

Nora: Of course not. I have no reason to think it could possibly

be necessary but I am quite sure that if I told Doctor


Mrs. Linde: Behind your husband back?

Nora: I must make an end of it with the other one and that will

be behind his back too. I must make an end of it with him

Mrs. Linde: Yes that is what I told yesterday but-

Nora : ( Walking up and down) a man can put a thing like that

straight much easier than a woman

Mrs. Linde: one’s husband, yes

Nora: Nonsense (standing still) when you pay off a debt you get

your bond back don’t you?

Mrs. Linde: Yes, as a matter of course.

Nora: And can hear it into a hundred pieces and burn it up the

Nasty dirty paper

Mrs. Linde : ( looks hard at her, lays down her serving and get up

slowly) Nora you are concealing something from me.

Nora: Do I look as if I were?

Mrs. Linde: Something has happened to you since yesterday morning

Nora, what is it?

1. What happens immediately after this extract (3 marks)

2 . Discuss any two issues brought out in this excerpt (4 marks)

3. How is Mrs. Linde depicted in this extract (4 marks)

4. In which way does the play use dramatic irony in this extract (4 marks?)

5. Because you do as your husband wishes. Add a question tag (1 marks)

6. How effective is the use of humour in this extract ( 2 marks)

7. From this extract, Helmer is hardworking, how is this character trait brought out

elsewhere in the Play and how does it complicate the drama (3 marks)

8 Give the meaning of the following

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(i) A man of means

(ii) Prevaricate

(iii) Horribly

(iv) Concealing



I fear the workers. They writhe in bristling grass

And wormy mud out with dawn, back with dusk

Depart with seed and return with fat-bursting fruits

And I ate the fruit

And still they toil at boiling point

In head-splitting noise and threating

They suck their energy from slimy cassava

And age-rusty water taps: till they make a Benz

And I ride in the Benz: Festooned with

Stripped rags and python copper coiling monsters

While the workers clap their blistered hands

And I overrun their kids

They build their hives: often out

Of broken bones of fallen bones

And I drove in them-“state house’’

Then “collegize’’ them officialize them

And I….I whor* their daughters

Raised in litter-rotting shovels

And desiring a quick quick high high life life

To break the bond

And I tell the workers to unite

Knowing well that they can’t see, hear or understand

What with secret and grim sealing their ears

And eyes already blasted with welding sparks

And are speaking a colourless tongue

But one day a rainstorm shall flood

The litter rotten hovels and

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Wash the workers ears and eyes clean

Refresh the tattered muscles for a long-delayed blow

(a) Describe the working conditions of the workers as depicted in stanza 1 and 2(4 marks)

(b) The persona assumes different roles in stanza 3, 4 and 6.with illustrations explain the

role (6 marks)

(c) Identify and explain two images from the poem ( 4 marks)

(d) Which bond do the girls want to break in stanza 5 and how do they do it (2 marks)

(e) What reasons are given for the workers inability to understand the persona ( 2 marks)

(f) What is the poem suggesting in the last stanza ( 2 marks)


4 (a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction given after each.

( 3 marks)

(i) We had just alighted from the car when it began raining



(ii) Mothers should not abandon their babies under any circ*mstances



(iii) My title deed was released only after I cleared the outstanding balance

Begin: Not until

(b) Fill the balance with the correct form of the verb in brackets

(i) Majority of the_________________ are yet to receive their pension ( retire)

(ii) Client______________________ is crucial in solving issues (confidence)

(iii) The Items on the agenda were not _______________ discussed (exhaust)

(c) Fill the blanks with the appropriate prepositions

(i) The disgruntled members could not agree_________________ a common stand.

(ii) My son’s preference _________________ toy cars is alarming.

(iii) It is advisable to pay _________________ cheque.

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(d) Fill in the blanks with correct word from the blackest

(i) All the guests will be ______________(dining/dinning) with the queen tonight

(ii) The people of Nasila shunned Emakerere’s ___________________(prophecy/

Prophesy) about the success of the two girls

(iii) Children should always listen to their parents pieces of ______________ (advice/advise)

(e) Punctuate the following sentences appropriately

(i) Certainly said Mayo I will see the manuscript next week

(ii) Do you live in Kitale asked Alex

(iii) Instead of any misunderstanding the teacher said consults the head boy

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English - Paper 3

Answer three questions only

1. Imaginative composition (compulsory) (20 marks)


(a) Write a composition beginning with “It was on Sunday evening and everybody was

busy doing her homework. Suddenly a loud bang was heard near a school



( b) Write a composition entitled ‘How to curb drug menace in the country’.

2. The compulsory set text ( 20 marks)

Blossoms of the Savanna

Some cultural practices are archaic and outdated, With evidence from the Blossoms of

the Savanna.

Write a composition in support of this statement

3. The Optional Set Texts



Abuse of power has led to failure of many countries in Africa and elsewhere in the world,

with relevant examples from inheritance, Write an essay to illustrate this statement.


(b) The Novel:

The Pearl

Materialism and greed are inherent nature of human beings. Discuss the statement, basing

your arguments on the Pearl.


(c) Memories We Lost and Other Stories by Chris Wanjara

Painful experience need not lead one to hopelessness. With illustrations from the story”

“Mr. President’ by Mariatu Kamara show the validity of this statement.

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English - Paper 1

Functional Skill, Cloze Test and Oral Skills)

1. Functional Writing - 10mks

Imagine you are the contact person for Key life Actors who are scheduled to stage Henrik

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House in your school next week. The event will take the entire afternoon

and charges shall be Ksh. 200 per student. Key Life Actors have requested you to inform

your fellow students of the event.

i)Design a public notice to be displayed on the students notice board.


ii)Write a review of Henrik’s A Doll’s House for students who might not

have read the play. (12mks)

2. Cloze Test (10mks)

Fill in the blank in the following passage using suitable words.

The proposed partnership (1) __________________ Kenya Airways and Kenya Airport

Authority ( KAA) (2) ____________________ ambiguous according to a new audit. (3)

_____________ report tabled in the National (4) ____________

yesterday reveals how decisions (5) ______________ have been made without

the (6) _________________ of KAA. Also it states that crucial documents necessary to

paint (7) ________________ clear picture of the deal were missing. Without key (8)

_________________, the auditors were unable to convince themselves that dealings

involved (9) _________________ the merger has so far been transparent and stuck to the

straight and narrow. The auditors said they could (10) __________________ no

evidence of a feasibility study that allegedly informed a cabinet memo seeking approval

for the deal.

(Adapted from The Standard March 22, .

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a) Read the poem below and answer questions that follow.


There is in this world something

That surpasses other things

In sweetness

It is sweeter than honey

It is sweeter than salt

It is sweater than all

Existing things

This thing is sleep

When you are conquered by sleep

Nothing can prevent you

Nothing can stop you from sleeping

When you are conquered by sleep

And numerous millions arrive

Millions will find you asleep


i) Identify at least three features that make this an oral poem. (3mks)

ii) Write down words in the poem that have the following sounds.


/ i: /

/ ^ /

ii) Which words would you stress in the last line of the poem? Give a

reason for your answer. (2mks)

b) Pick the odd word out based on the pronunciation of the underlined vowels sounds.


i) Cup busy hut cut

ii) Pail paper patron patter

iii) Brook broom brood boot

c) Identify the silent letters in the following words. (5mks)

i) practically -

ii) Guilt -

iii) Pyschiatrist –

iv) Shepherd -

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v) Thistle -

d) Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow.

David: Hi Mercy

Mercy: ( Watching a movie without even looking up.) Hi there

whoever you are.

David: ( Trying to switch off the T.V) Please Mercy why are you

not looking up to see ……………

Mercy: Oh! Shut up. Can’t you see I ‘m watching?

David: I came to inform you that ………..

Mercy: Get lost! You are getting into my nerves

David: (Alright (As he walks away).


i) Identify the shortcoming in Mercy’s conversational skill (3mks)

ii) List down the strengths of the above conversationalists. (3mks)

e) Indicate the stressed syllable in the underlined word. (5mks)

i) The government is committed to ensure food security in the country.

ii) Saturday and Sunday form the weekend.

iii) The bridegroom appeared disturbed.

iv) We usually our meeting on Wednesday.

v) It is a pleasure to meet you.

f) You have been asked to present an item in this year’s National Drama Festivals.

Just before you get to the stage, you feel a little nervous. Identify three ways of

overcoming this. (3mks)

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English - Paper 2 1. Comprehension

Read the passage below to answer the question that follow.


There is a curious conflict in our world today. The mass media and sophisticated jet travels have

made it possible for millions in the world to learn about different countries, their attractions,

problems and the people’s ways of life. At the same time, many societies are trying to safeguard

and develop their unique cultures in response to the onslaught of foreign values. Are these

developments actually contradictory or can they exist side by side comfortably.

To some people accessibility to different cultures helps to foster greater understanding

between peoples. However, other people feel that tourism, for example is the source of a

dangerously superficial view of society. These two camps differ as to what mental image is carried

by the tourist. The latter will argue that tourists merely carry memories of game parks, wild

animals, waiters, tour guides and curio sellers, but not anything of substance as regards values of

the local people. Similarly, it is felt that mass media reports and features do not always portray a

positive picture of developing countries which had embraced tourism as an industry.

As a reaction to this controversy, some countries have rightly adopted an attitude of

skepticism when it comes to exposing people to foreign ideas and to be a calculated scheme by

foreign media to water down developing countries’ attempts to revive their culture and uplift their

standards of living. In no known tradition of human society can one find absolute preservation for

the sake of preservation for we learn from the past in order to have a clear picture of the present

and map out strategies for the future.

Culture like language is dynamic. The change occurs when people from different

communities came into contact with each other thereby exchanging various aspects of culture. The

change that a particular people incorporates in their culture should be that which would make it

easier for the particular people to live in harmony with themselves and the larger human


Within countries themselves, there may also be a struggle to retain ethnic identities, while

at the same time aiming for national unity. There is a lot to be said for natural diversity of

languages and dialects within a country; such variety is healthy. There has also to be acceptance

of the fact that some individuals will marry outside their ethnic groups and bring about a

compromise between language and customs. Unfortunately such compromises are often fiercely

resisted, with one group claiming that its ways are superior to that of another group. Such attitudes

cannot be changed overnight.

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However, through individual personal relationships, such barriers can gradually disappear;

that is where the young people of today come in. Their education and experience combined, will

gradually produce a generation confident in its own ways and receptive to other people and ideas.

Therefore, to solve the conflict mentioned earlier, there is need for the younger generation to

develop a deeper understanding and appreacition of each other’s cultures. However, in all this,

the indigenous culture must take the central position. Like a sturdy tree. We need to sink deep

roots then branch outwards seeking sources of growth otherwise our cultures will wither and



a) Explain in your own words the conflict mentioned by the writer at the beginning

of the passage. (2mks)

b) Why can tourism provide a superficial view of the country? (2mks)

c) Why do developing countries object to their people being exposed to foreign

ideas and values. (2mks)

d) In what situation might cultural conflict arise within a country according to the writer.


e) What is the solution to the conflict according to the writer. (2mks)

f) What is the relationship between education and culture according to the

passage. (2mks)

g) Does the writer believe in purity of culture? Give reasons for your answer.


h) Identify and explain the use of a metaphor in the passage. (2mks)

i) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (4mks)

i) Sophisticated

ii) Embraced

iii) Map out strategies

iv) Dynamic

Read the following exerpt to answer the questions that follow.

2. Krogstad: I am not asking your husband for a penny.

Nora: What do you want, then?

Krogstad: I will tell you. I want to rehabilitate myself,

Mrs. Helmer; I want to get on; and in that

your husband must help me. For the last year

and a half I have not had a hand in anything

dishonourable, amid all that time I have been

struggling in most restricted circ*mstances. I

was content to work my way up step by step.

Now I am turned out, and I am not going to be

Satisfied with merely being taken into favour

again. I want to get on, I tell you. I want to

get into the bank again, in a higher position.

Your husband must make a place for –

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Nora: That he will never do!

Krogstad: He will; I know him; he dare not protest. And as soon as I am in there

again with him, then you will see! Within a year I shall be the

manager’s right hand. It will be Nils Krogstad and not Torvald Helmer

who manages the bank.

Nora: That’s a thing you will never see!

Krogstad: Do you mean that you will - ?

Nora: I have courage enough for it now.

Krogstad: Oh, you can’t frighten me. A fine, spoilt lady

Like you –

Nora: You will see, you will see.

Krogstad: Under the ice, perhaps? Down into the cold, Coal-black water? And

then, in the spring, to float up to the surface, all horrible and

unrecognizable, with your hair fallen out –

Nora: You can’t frighten me.

Krogstad: Nor you me. People don’t do such things

Mrs. Helmer. Besides, what use would it be? I Should have him completely in my

power all The same.

Nora: Afterwards? When I am no longer-

Krogstad: Have you forgotten that it is I who have the Keeping of your

reputation? (NORA standsspeechlessly looking at him). Well, now, I

have Warned you. Do not do anything foolish. When Helmer has had

my letter, I shall expect a message from him. And be sure you

remember that it is your husband himself who has forced me into

such ways as this again. I will never forgive him for that. Goodbye,

Mrs. Helmer. (exit through the hall)

Nora: ( goes to the hall door, opens it slightly and listens) He is going. He is

not putting the letter in the box. Oh no, no! that’s impossible!

(opens the door by degrees) what is that? He is standing outside. He

is not going downstairs. Is he hesitating? Can he - ?( A letter drops

into the box: then KROGSTAD’S Footsteps are heard, until they die

away as he goes downstairs. NORA utters a stifled cry, and runs

across the room to the table by the sofa A short pause.)

a) Explain why Krogstad visited Nora in this excerpt. (2mks)

b) i) People don’t do such things (provide a question tag) (1mk)

ii) “ I will never forgive him for that”. (Write in reported speech)

c) “ I want to rehabilitate myself ……….? From the context of this drama,

explain what Krogstad means by this assertion.

d) Discuss the character of Krogstad as brought out in the excerpt. (4mks)

e) Address any two themes evident in this except. (4mks)

f) With clear illustration give any two styles found in this excerpt. (4mks)

g) Why does Krogstad say that he keeps Nora’s reputation? (3mks)

h) What is the content of the letter that Nora fears Krogstad would drop in Helmer’s

letter box ?

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3. Read the Oral Narrative below and answer the question that follow.

One day, elephant came across Squirrel on the path to the river. The proud and lordly Elphant

swept Squirrel off the path with his trunk, rumbling, “Out of my way, you of no importance and

tiny size,” Squirrel was most offended, as he had very right to be. Stamping his little feet in a rage,

he decided that he was going to try and teach Elephant some manners.

“Ho!” shouted Squirrel indignantly, “ You may be very proud and I be you think you’re the

greatest animal on earth, but you are much mistaken!”

Elephant looked around in surprise. “ I am mistaken. Squirrel,” he rumbled. “ I am the greatest

and everyone knows it.”

Let me tell you something Elephant, “ said Squirrel, angrily and flicking his tail, “ I may be small,

but I can eat ten times as much as you! I challenge you to an eating contest and I bet you that I,

Squirrel can eat more palm nuts and for a longer time than you, high and mighty Elephat!”

Elephant roared with laughter. He was so amused, in fact he accepted the creature’s challenge.

Beside he was rather fond of palm nuts.

So both animls collected a huge pile of palm nuts and agreed to start the contest the very next

morning at the first light. Elephant could hardly wait. He even skipped his evening meals of

acacia pods so as to be truly empty for morning. He intended to put Squirrel firmly in his place,

once and for all.

The next day dawned fine and sunny, as it ofen does in Africa, and the two contestants started to

eat. Elephant munched steadily through his pile, with fine appetite. Squirrel nibbling away

furiously, was soon full to bursting. Quetly, he slipped away, sending a cousin who was hiding

nearby to take his place. Elephant was so absorbed in his greedy task that he didn’t even notice.

Brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, one hungry Squirrel after another took a turn at the pile of

palm nuts.

Eventually, at midday, Elephant looked up, “Well, Squirrel, haven’t you had enough yet?’ he

asked, surprised to see his small adversary still busy eating. Not only was he still eating, but his

pile of palm nuts were disappearing almost as fast as Elephant’s own.

“Not yet:, rambled Squirrel his mouth full’ “ and you?” “ Never” replied Elephant scornfully. And

he started to eat a little faster. By the time the sun was setting, elephant was so full. He could

hardly stand. He looked over to where Squirrel ( the original Squirrel, who had come back after a

day of sleeping in a nearby tree) was still eating more palm nuts. Elephant groaned.

Truly you are amazing, Squirrel” he said, “ I cannot go on, and I’m forced to admit that you have

won the contest.” And he lifted his trunk in salute. Squirrel hopping with delight, thanked

Elephant and told him not to be so proud in future, and from that day to this, Elephant has always

shown greast respect for Squirrel.


i) Classify the above narrative giving evidence. (2mks)

ii) Identify any five features that show that this is an oral narrative. (5mks)

iiii) Explain the effectiveness of any two features of style found in the narrative above.


iv) With reasons, identify the appropriate audience for the above oral narrative.


v) Contrast the character traits of Squrrel to the Elephant. (4mks)

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vi) Identify any one social and economic activity evident in the above oral narrative.


vii) What moral lesson do you learn from this story? (1mk)


Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the word in

brackets. (3mks)

i) The _______________ (nation) of the child was not known.

ii) He is a person of __________ (question) character.

iii) ___________________ (scarce) of water is a major characteristic of this region.

b) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions, given

without changing the meaning. (3mks)

i) You are asked not to make your work dirty (Rewrite using the word “

dirty” as a verb.

ii) I will not give you the dress unless you pay for it. (rewrite using; on condition)

iii) The book is both informative and very interesting to read

(Rewrite using. Not only …………… but also ………..

c) Explain the differences between the sentences in the following pair.

i) She paid him to do the work

she paid him for doing the work


d) Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate preposition.

i) The candidates are very good _________________ languages.

ii) Give us details ________________ your courses.

iii) The police wanted proof _____________ their explanation.

iv) Her performance was amazing __________________any standards (4mks)

e) Choose the correct word from those in brackets (3mks)

i) We were all vistors of _________________ (him/his/he)

ii) (All over sudden/all of a sudden)______________ there was a loud band on the door.

iii) We had cooked ________________ for lunch, (fowl, foul)

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English - Paper 3

1. Compulsory: Imaginative composition (20marks)


Write a composition beginning with the following: It all started as a rumour but no one in

the family took it seriously until… (20 marks)


(b) Argue out the belief that “If devolution has to succeed the youth

have to be empowered fully.” (20 marks)

2. The Compulsory set text (20 marks)

H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah “The strong bond between Resian and Taiyo contributes significantly to their triumph.”

Write an essay in support of this statement.

3. The optional set texts

Answer any one of the following three questions:


a) The Short Story

Chris Wanjala: Memories We lost and Other Stories

Discuss the devastating effects that conflicts have on the innocent children and

women in Mariutu Kamara’s ‘The President’.


b) Drama

David Mulwa: Inheritance

Misuse of power is a common phenomenon in most African countries. Basing your

arguments on Inheritance by David Mulwa write an essay tosupport this statement.


c) The Novel

John Steinbeck: The Pearl

a) The Novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck

“Greed leads to evil.” Write a composition to show the truth of this statement using

illustrations from John Steinbeck’s The Pearl.

(20 Marks

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Imagine you are the head of the students’ council of Kubamba Secondary School and students

have been complaining of incidences of insecurity in the school. The Principal has asked you

to form a committee to carry out an investigation the causes of insecurity and come up with

recommendations on how to curb the insecurity in school. The report should reach the principal

in a month. Write the Report. (20 marks)

2. CLOZE TEST (10 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word.

We need to start reading more. (1)___________________ encourages more creative

thinking, keeps the (2) _______________ fresh and stimulated in ways nothing else can.

Reading awakens a (3)________________ imagination and inhibits the brain

(4)________________ rotting, as is evident with(5) ____________ so-called political

elite: If you neglect the pot, (6)___________ boils over and extinguishes the fire. The youth

(7)_________________ should ignite a love for reading(8) ____________ of engaging in

the nonsensical issues they are normally caught up in; old heads on young shoulders they

would die. It is said a reader lives a thousand lives (9)____________ they die, but one(10)

______________ never reads lives only one.

3. ORAL SKILLS (30 marks)

a) Read the following Ankole song and answer the questions that follow.

Suck and I hide you, my gentle one

Suck and I hide you, my beloved

I dreamt that the hunt was at Buganga

I dreamt that the hunt was at Ngarama

Where, oh where, shall I put, my little baby?

Where, oh where, shall I put you, my lovely little lips?

If I put you in a clump of grass, my gentle one

The hunters’ rough dog will come sniffing around

The hunters’ thick club tears up the back

Suck and I hide you, gentle one

Suck and I hide you, for whom the drum sounds

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Where, oh where, shall I put you, my lovely little lips?

Where, oh where, shall I put you, my beloved?

If I put you by the wayside, gentle one

Passers-by will take you with them, my beloved

If I put you in an anthill, my little baby

The ants will enclose you in their nest, lovely little lips

Suck and I hide you, little baby

Suck and I hide you, my gentle one

When I am dead and gone, gentle one

Feed on little blades of grass like cow, my beloved

And wash them down with a little water, my little baby

That’s what raises orphans, you for whom the drum sounds

If I do not die, my little baby Good

things will be ours to enjoy, you for whom the drum sounds

i) Identify aspects of oral performance that make this song easy to remember? (2mks)

ii) In what ways would this song be made interesting to listen to? (2mks)

iii) How would you perform the last two lines of the above song? (2mks)


b) Read the following speech made by the chair of a church youth group and answer the

questions that follow.

“What’s up guys? Why do you look so sad? I thought the ting tang tong of the quitar would

wake you up. I am here to represent the youth. We are asking you jamaaz to give us some

colour or bakes to buy more musical instruments for this church. I can hear the click of

coins. No, that will not do! We are interested in real colour; real cash in the form of notes.

We want you to splash us with real cash.”

i. Pick out four expressions/words in the speech to demonstrate that the chair has

used the wrong register. (2marks)

ii. Give at least two examples of ideophones and onomatopoeia from the chair’s

speech. (2marks)

c) You are part of a student’s group representing your school in a conference. You have been

elected the Chairperson of a small group discussing a topic on leadership.

i. How would you ensure the group is engaged in an effective discussion?


ii. As you later present your points to the larger group, nobody seems to pay

attention. Give two reasons that could have contributed to the lack of

attention. (2mks)

d) State what type of intonation you would use in the following sentences. (3 marks)

i. When were you born? ……………………………………………….

ii. Did you complete your work? ………………………………………..

iii. What a beautiful car you have bought!………………………………

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e) A teacher of English was in class during a reading lesson. He realized that the students had

poor reading habits. Mention three of these habits he might have observed.


f) Study the following item of oral literature and answer the questions that follow.

Kot took Kot’s coat, Kot went to court, the court told Kot to return Kot’s coat to Kot.

(a) Which genre of oral literature has been used above? (1 mark)

(b) as to be translated to another language, what would be the effect of translation?


g) Read the telephone conversation below and answer the questions that follow.

Wanjala: Hello, is that Chaka Limited?

Sheila: (Picking the phone) Those shoes fit well.

Hello, is anybody on this line?

Wanjala: Hello, is that Chaka Limited?

Sheila: What do you want?

Wanjala: Please confirm for me whether I called the right place, Chaka


Sheila: (Shouting) Which other company has a similar phone number as this?

Wanjala: May I then speak to the Managing Director?

Sheila: I prefer the red shoes…. (on phone), what did you say ? Oh, the

Managing Director can’t talk to you.

Wanjala: Can I then leave a message which you can pass to him?

Sheila: Why can’t you call him on his personal line… (away from the

receiver) go for the red ones.

Wanjala: (Surprised) Hello, excuse me madam, I am Wanjala Nicholus and am

requesting to talk to the Managing Director over an important matter

concerning one of your employees…

Sheila: I told you the Managing Director is not in (hangs up).

i). Explain three things that make Sheila an ineffective communicator.


ii). Explain three things that one should observe if they are to communicate

effectively over the phone. (3mks).

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English - Paper 2


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow

Even though tattoos are sometimes associated with rebellion, they have long standing history

among community. Tahitians, for instances used tattoos as a permanent way of preserving their

culture and to show social ranking. Early Christians, on the other hand, often had the sign of a

cross tattooed on their bodies, particularly their faces and arms, representing a permanent mark of

the believer’s faith.

The word ‘tattoo’ is derived from a Tahitian word tatau that means to mark. Tatau has been

suggested to be the onomatopoeic sound tap, tap made by the tapping of a tattoo instrument as it

works on skin while ‘au’ is associated with the cry of pain a person gives when being tattooed.

The first ever tattoo to be found on a human being was found on a mummified iceman in 3,300BC

with 58 tattoos on his body, which contained lines and dots. This is nothing, however, compared

to Scottish Tom Leopard, recorded as the world’s most tattooed person, with 99.9 percent of his

body covered in leopard, skin design. Guinness world records record that the only part of his body

that remained is the skin between his toes and inside of his ears.

When receiving a tattoo, the skin is pierced between 50 to 3,000 times per minute by a needle in

the tattoo machine. Most tattoo machines consist of four parts: the needle, the tube that holds thje

ink, an electric motor, and a foot pedal that controls the movement; almost similar to how a sewing

machine works.

Sterilization and disposable materials are crucial to tattooing because tattoos are created by

thousands of puncture marks to the skin, each of which could be infected. The autoclave is a safe

popular way to sterilize any tattoo equipment that is not disposable. A combination of heat, steam

and pressure kills all bacterial and organisms to prevent infection.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, tattoos were dangerous to have. European ‘head hunters’ caused a

terror by collecting tattooed Maori heads. As the odd sport became popular, more Maoris were

murdered to meet the demand. In the time, slaves began being tattooed so that their heads could

be cut off and sold. Luckily, however, Christian missionaries in the cook island condemned the

practice of tattooing quoting the Bible “....do not cut your bodies for the dead or put marks on

yourself......”They tried to stamp out the custom going as far as trying to remove tattoos by rubbing

the skin with sandstone in a practice was known as ‘holy stoning’. This was the primitive

forerunner to modern tattoo removal known as dermabrasion, where the skin is ‘sanded’ to remove

layers, dermabrasion has now largely given way to laser surgery as a popular means of tattoo


While tattoos bring colour to humanity, research has shown that unclean tattooing practices can

transmit diseases such as hepatitis B. Some pigments used in tattoos contain metals that can cause

pain during a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) test, or even affect the resulting MRI image.

Because of the possible negative effects tattoos pose to humans, those keen on

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getting one have to be very careful before they get one. That said, it is important to note that

presently, many tattoo artistes earn a good living out of the art.


a) From paragraph one; state two historical uses of tattoos. (3mks)

b) According to the writer state the origin of the word tattoo. (1mk)

c) What is most striking about Tom leopard? (2mks)

d) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (4mks)




-Earn a good living.

e) What was the risk associated with tattooing in the 18th and 19th centuries. (2mks)

f) State two modern ways of tattoo removal. (2mk)

g) Many tattoo artists earn a good living out of the art. (Add a question tag) (1mk)

h) In note form state the negative effects of tattooing. (3mks)

i) What are the benefits of tattooing as suggested in the passage? (2mks)

2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.

(25 marks)

Krogstad: Are you aware that is a dangerous confession?

Nora: In what way? You shall have your money soon.

Krogstad: Let me ask you a question: Why did you not send the paper to

your father?

Nora: It was impossible: papa was so ill. If I had asked him for his

signature, I should have had to tell him what the money was to be

used for: and when he was so ill himself, I couldn’t tell him that my

husband’s life was in danger – it was impossible.

Krogstad: It would have been better for you if you had given up your trip


Nora: No, that was impossible. That trip was to save my husband’s life. I

couldn’t give that up.

Krogstad: But did it never occur to you that you were committing a fraud on


Nora: I couldn’t take that into account: I didn’t trouble myself about you at

all. I couldn’t bear you, because you put so many heartless

difficulties in my way, although you knew what a dangerous

condition my husband was in.

Krogstad : Mrs. Helmer, you evidently do not realise clearly what it is that you

have been guilty of. But I can assure you that my one false step,

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which lost me all my reputation, was nothing more or nothing worse

than what you have done.

Nora: You? Do you ask me to believe that you were brace enough to run a

risk to save your wife’s life?

Krogstad: Foolish or not, it is the law by which you will be judged, if I produce

this paper in court.

Nora: I don’t believe it. Is a daughter not to be allowed to spare her dying

father anxiety and care? Is a wife not to be allowed to save her

husband’s life? I dont know much about law: but I am certain

that there must be laws permitting such things as that. Have you no

knowledge of such laws – you who are a lawyer? You must be very

poor Mr Krogstad.

Krogstad: Maybe. But matters of business – such business as you and I have

had together – do you think I don’t understand that? Very well. Do

as you please. But let me tell you this – if I lose my position a

second time, you shall lose yours with me. (He bows and goes out

through the hall) Nora (appears buried in thought for a short time,

then tosses her head) Nonsense! Trying to frighten me like that! – I

am not so silly as he thinks. (begins to busy herself putting the

children’s things in order) And yet-? No it’s impossible! I did it for

love’s sake.


a) Briefly describe the dangerous confession Nora admits to in the onset of the

excerpt. (3 marks)

b) Explain why Nora did not send the paper to her father for signing.(3 marks)

c) Explain two themes evident in the excerpt above. (4 marks)

d) Contrast Krogstad’s and Nora’s views on the law (2 marks)

e) How is Krogstad portrayed in the excerpt (2 marks)

f) The law cares nothing about motives. (Add a question tag) (1 mark)

g) Krogstad informs Nora that “one false step, lost him all reputation.” Briefly

explain how. (2 marks)

h) “……….If I lose my position a second time, you shall lose yours with me.”

From elsewhere in the play, show the truth of this statement (2 marks)

i) What is the general tone in this excerpt? Explain your answer.(3 marks)

j) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt.

(2 marks)

(i) defiantly

(ii) false step

3. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow

The in mates

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Huddled together

Cold biting their bones,

Teeth chattering from the chill,

The air oppressive,

The smell offensive

They sit and they reflect

The room self-contained,

At the corner the ‘gents’ invites

With the nice fragrance of ammonia,

And fresh human dung,

The fresh inmates sit thoughtfully.

Vermin perform a guard of honour,

Saluting him with a bite here,

And a bite there,

‘Welcome to the world, they seem to say.

The steel lock of the door,

The walls insurmountable

And the one torching tortorous bulb

Stare vacantly at him.

Slowly he reflects about the consignment

That gave birth to his confinement

Locked in for conduct refinement

The reason they put him in the prison.

The clock ticks

But too slowly

Five years will be a long time

Doomed in the dungeon

In this hell of a cell

a) Who is the persona in the poem? (1mk)

b) Briefly explain what the poem is about. (2mks)

c) Identify and illustrate three a aspects of style in the poem. (6mks)

d) Give evidence from the poem which indicates the inmates are suffering. (3mks)

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e) Why is the fresh inmate in prison? (2mks)

f) Identify and explain the mood of the new convict. (2mks)

g) Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the poem

i) That gave birth to his confinement. (1mk)

i) The room is self contained. (1mk)

h) What does the steel lock of the door and the insurmountable walls suggest? (2mks)


A) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. (3mks)

i) It is not necessary for my parents to come. (Begin: There is..............................

ii) I am sorry you missed lunch. (Begin: I regret........................................

iii) But for my daughters prompt action, I would be dead by now.(Begin: Had


b) Change the following sentences into the passive. (3mks)

i) The farmer had planted the beans

ii) The principal gave the education officer the forms

iii) We expect the strike to end soon.

c) Fill in each blank space using the correct form of the words in brackets (3mks)

i) The hen had..................................................................eggs in the bushes near

the house. (lay)

ii) Tell me, ..............................................................a wise person search for

knowledge? (do)

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iii) The watchman...............................................the lamps when he heard

commotion behind the office. (light)

d) Change the following sentences from direct speech. (2mks)

i) “You are invited to my birthday on Sunday,”Mwikali told me.

ii) “I will cook supper,” Wangui offered.

e) Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate form of the word in brackets.


i) His....................................................is amazing high. (popular)

ii) The shepherd travelled.....................................................in search of pasture.


f) Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined idiomatic expressions.


i) His friends made him lose heart on carrying out the project

ii) He was green with envy

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English - Paper 3



1. a) Write a composition beginning with the following statement.

By the time we reached the scene of accident we



b) Write a composition advising the youth on how to benefit from the technological


2. The Compulsory Set Text

Alienation is a theme that runs through the novel, Blossoms of the Savannah. Discuss.

3. Optional set text

Answer any of the following questions


Inheritance by David Mulwa

Write an essay on the admirable character traits of King Kutula XV basing your

arguments on the play, Inheritance by David Mulwa.


Memories We Lost and other Stories

With illustrations from Siddartha Gigoo;s Stories, Umbrella Man, discuss how symbolism has

been developed.


The Pearl

“Behind every successful man is a woman.” Basing your illustrations on the character of

Juana, assess the validity of this statement.

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English - Paper 1


You have just received your KCSE results and have scored an ‘A’ plain as your

mean grade. Consequently, you have won a scholarship to study law at Harvard

University. The university wants to know more about you and has requested for your

brief autobiography. Write your autobiography and email to the Dean Faculty of

Law, Harvard University. (20 marks)

2. CLOZE TEST (10 Marks)

Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.

Some scientists have been (1)……………………… that the continuing destruction of

our environment (2)………………….. that at some point, the earth will not be able to

(3)………………… even a quarter of us. This does not come as a (4)………………at

all. In the beginning, God created the earth beautiful and green (5)…………………..

with time, our stubbornness, has ruined it all. With all the (6)………………………

God has given us, we should be able to look (7)……………………. our environment

better. I am sure God feels (8)………….. when He sees this destruction. My roommate

and (9)……………….. have come up with an ambitious programme

(10)…………………… to as ‘Save the Earth’ to help the government tackle or address

the problem.

3. ORAL SKILLS (30 marks)

a) Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow: -

A song in springs

O little buds all burgeoning

with spring

You hold my winter in forgetfulness

Without my window like branches swing

Within my gate I hear a robin sing

O little laughing blooms that lift and bless!

So blow the breezes in a soft caress

Blowing my dreams upon swallowswing;

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O little merry buds in dappled dress

You fill my heart with very wantonness

Oh little buds all burgeoning with spring.

By Thomas S. Jones Jr.


a. Explain what makes this poem an oral poem? (2 marks)

b. How has rhythm been achieved in this poem? (2 marks)

c. How would you perform the last two lines in this poem? (2 marks)

b) Use stress markers to identify the primary stress in the underlined words below.

(4 marks)

(a) (i) His record has just been released in the market.

(ii) We have been asked to record all the transactions in the new book.

(b) (i) He subjects the detainees to a lot of torture.

(ii) The king had great respect for his subjects.

c) Complete the list below by getting another word pronounced in the same way as

the ones below. (4 marks)

i) aren’t, _________

ii) ________, tea.

iii) find, _______

iv) __________, earn.

d) Identify and explain two situations in which it would be courteous for you to

maintain a respectable distance as you interact with people. (4 marks)

e) You are the president of the students‟ council in your school. You are supposed

to give a speech on students leadership during Prize Giving Day to be held in your


(i) What preparations would you make to ensure that your speech is a


(3 marks

(ii) What would you do during the actual speech delivery in order to be understood

properly? (3 marks)

d. Read the conversation below and then answer the questions that follow. (6 marks)

Mr. Mwatu: Hallo, is that Ilovoto Secondary School?

Secretary : Yes, what is your name?

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Mr. Mwatu : Mwatu Endelea.

Secretary : What do you want?

Mr. Mwatu : May I speak to the headteacher?

Secretary : He‟s out of the country. He attended a SMASE conference in

Japan. What did you want to tell him?

Mr. Mwatu : Sorry it is confidential. May I speak to the deputy?

Secretary : He‟s not in school just as always.

Mr. Mwatu : Oh! I will call later.

Secretary : It‟s okay.

i) Comment on the secretary‟s telephone etiquette. (4 marks)

ii) Identify two instances of politeness in the conversation. (2 marks)

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English - Paper 2 1. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.(20 MARKS)

Happiness arises largely from the mental qualities of contentment, confidence, serenity and active

good-will. It includes the pain of losing as well as the pleasure of finding. It thrives best in a

crowded life. The men and women who are recorded in history and biography as the most happy

were with always somewhat more to do than they could possibly do. Every waking hour of their

lives was occupied with ambitious projects, literature, love, politics, science, friendship,

commerce, professions, trades, their religious faith, and a thousand other matters. The secret of

happiness may be found by making each of these interests count to its utmost as part of the fabric

of life.

We need to avoid the extremes of sluggish placidity and feverish activity. We are not going

to be satisfied with felicity which resembles that of a stone, unfeeling and unmoving, but will look

back from future years with sorrow and regret if we run to and fro, giving in to what Socrates

called ‘the itch’.

Happiness obviously includes two sorts of behavior: active and passive. We may say that

the active part consists in searching and sharing, while the passive part is made up of security and

possession. Neither part is complete in itself, nor yields full satisfaction if it is over-emphasized.

Philosophers from the ancient Greeks to the present day have been extolling a balanced life as the

happiest life, and many unhappy people can, when they face the issue, trace their discontent to


The recipe for happiness cannot be given in any single word because its many virtues have

to be combined in their proper quantities, at the proper times for proper purposes.

It is legitimate to seek happiness. We cannot help observing that while followers of some

schools of thought are telling us to avoid seeking happiness, they intimate that if we do so, we

shall be happy.

The search requires a plan. We need to know what sort of happiness we seek, what the

ingredients are, what are our strongest wants, and what we have to start with. We should train

ourselves to keep the programme simple, and free from complications and side trips, to pay

attention to little things, to deflate quickly after being praised and to bounce back quickly from

disappointment, to seize to create opportunities to put our special abilities to work, to seek

excellence in everything we do, to remain modest, and to review and revise periodically.

Most of us do not really have to seek far and wide. Happiness grows at our own fireside,

if we cultivate it.

a) According to the writer, what is the source of happiness? (1mks)

b) What two sorts of behaviour does happiness include? (2mks)

c) What does the writer mean when he talks about a balanced life? (1 mk)

d) In a paragraph of about 30 words, summarize the things we must know as we search for

happiness. (4mks)

e) Explain the irony in the passage. (2 marks)

f) Explain the writer’s point in the last paragraph of the passage. (2mks)

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f) The recipe for happiness cannot be given in any single word.

(Rewrite the sentence beginning: No single word…) (1mk)

g) Identify and comment one figure of speech used in the passage. (2mks)

h) Describe the tone of this passage. (2mks)

i) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage: (3mks)

i) Extolling

ii) Intimate

iii) Felicity

iv) legitimate

2. Read the passage below and answer the questions after it. (25 marks)

Mrs Linde: Do you mean never to tell him about it?

Nora: (meditatively, and with half smile) Yes – someday, perhaps, after many years,

when I am no longer as nice-looking as I am now. Don’t laugh at me! I mean,

of course, when Tovald is no longer as devoted as he is now; when my

dancing and dressing-up and reciting have palled on him; then it may be a

good thing to have something in reserve – (breaking off) What nonsense! That

time will never come. Now, what do you think of my great secret, Christine?

Do you still think I am of no use? I can tell you, too, that this affair has caused

me a lot of worry. It has by no means easy for me to meet my engagements

punctually. I may tell you that there is something called, in business, quarterly

interest, and another thing called payment in installments, and it is always so

dreadfully difficult to manage them. I have had to save a little here and

there, where I could, you understand. I have not been able to put aside much

from my housekeeping money, for Tovald must have a good table. I couldn’t

let my children be shabbily dressed; I have felt obliged to use up all he gave

me for them, the sweet little darlings!

Mrs. Linde: So it has all had come out of your own necessaries of life, poor Nora?

Nora: Of course. Besides, I was the one responsible for it. Whenever Tovald has

given me money for new dresses and such things, I have never spent more

than half of it; I have always bought the simplest and the cheapest things.

Thank Heaven, any clothes look well on me, and so Tovald has never noticed

it. But it was often very hard for me, Christine – because it is delightful to be

well dresses, isn’t it?

Mrs. Linde: Quite so.

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Nora: Well, then I have found other ways of earning money. Last winter I was lucky

enough to do a lot of copying to do; so I locked myself up and sat writing

every evening until quite late at night. Many times I was desperately tired; but

all the same it was a tremendous pleasure to sit there working and earning

money. It was like being a man.

Mrs. Linde: How much have you been able to pay off in that way?

Nora: I can’t tell you exactly. You see it is very difficult to keep an account of a

business mater of that kind. I only know that I have paid every penny that I

could scrape together. Many a time I was wits’ end (smiles) Then I used to sit

there and imagine that a rich old gentleman had fallen in love with me –

Mrs. Linde: What! Who was it!

Nora: Be quiet! – that he died; and that when his will was opened, it contained,

written in big letters, the instruction: “The lovely Mrs. Nora Helmer is to have

all I poses paid over to her at once in cash.”

a) Where and when does this encounter take place?


b) What is this secret that Nora wants to guard so jealously? Explain with evidence from

elsewhere in the play. (3 marks)

c) Describe Nora’s Mood as she tells Mrs. Linde her story. (3 marks)

d) Why is it necessary that Nora tells Mrs. Linde her story. (2 marks)

e) Comment on any two themes that are highlighted in this extract. (4 marks)

f) “Be quiet!” ( Rewrite this in reported speech.) (1 mark)

g) Give an example of “wishful thinking” found in this extract. (1 mark)

h) Referring to Nora’s first speech in the extract, identify and comment on any two traits

of hers. (4 marks)

i) “It was like being a man” Basing your observation on this statement, briefly

comment on the society’s attitude towards women.

(2 marks)

j) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the extract:


i) palled:

ii) save a little here and there.

iii) house keeping money.

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3. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow (20mks)


He promised me heaven

As side by side walked we down the aisle

As the chime of the wedding bell brightened the day

As sweet — sounding songs soothed our souls

As he held my hand and inserted this ring into my finger

I knew that my heaven had come

For then he promised me heaven.

As we sat close and cherished our moon of honey

As he whispered cream icing into my ears

Dramatically conjuring metaphor after metaphor

Humming lullaby after lullaby

How elated I felt for being so much elevated

For here he was, my guardian angel

To take me to heaven

For he promised me heaven

As one year later he slapped me again and again

I quickly forgave and forgot

For he was my idol

Who had promised me heaven

Even as the floodgate of blow after blow

Kick after kick

Opened from its cage of disaster

Defacing and eroding the beauty he so much praised

Converting me into a shell of torture

How patiently I clung to him

Anticipating the heaven he had promised me

Now as I lie in the hospital bed

Unable to rise from his violent battery

Waiting for the Angel of Death

I realize he kept his promise

For I am soon going to heaven

Because he promised me heaven.


a. Identify the persona? (2marks)



b. Explain the main theme of the poem (2marks)

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c. Using the plot of the poem, explain the major changes in the subject matter.


d. What is speakers mood in the last six lines of the poem?. (2marks)

e. Give one character trait of the persona (2 marks)

f. Explain the irony in the poem (2marks)

g. Apart from irony, identify and illustrate one style used in the poem.


h. What is the tone in stanzas 1 and 2 of this poem (2marks)

i, Explain the meaning of the following line: (2marks)

i) As he whispered cream icing into my ears.

ii) For he was my idol


a) Without changing the meaning, rewrite the following sentences according to

the instructions after each. (4 marks)

i) Passing examination is a goal. Every candidate should aim at it. (Write as one

sentence using ‘to’)

ii) I thought that you would like to hear what happened. (rewrite using

‘occurred’ in place of ‘thought’.)

iii) I shall be saved a lot of trouble by that. ( Begin: That)

iv) The president was impressed by her good performance. He sponsored her

education. (combine using a past participle)

b) Rewrite the following sentences to remove gender bias. (3 marks)

i) The fire man fought a losing battle against the raging fire.

ii) The governor appointed his mistress secretary of the CDF project.

iii) The head of state should treat his or her citizens with respect.

c) Explain the difference between this pair of sentences.


i) The thief ran so fast that I could not catch up with him.

ii) The thief ran fast so that I could not catch up with him.

d) Determine whether the verbs in the sentences below have been used

transitively or intransitively. (3 marks)

i) Manchester city won the premium league.

ii) The deceased wept bitterly.

iii) Obed bought a car.

e) Replace the underlined idiomatic expressions using a single word.

(1 mark)

i) The student complained that his father was close-fisted.

f) Choose the correct alternative from the pronouns given to complete the

sentences. (2marks)

i) The shooting at night startled Mike and ……………. (I /me)

ii) The principal and …………………. (she/her) left the compound

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English - Paper 3

Answer three questions only.

1. Imaginative Composition (Compulsory)


(a) Write a composition ending with the following statement :

………..when I finally heard the gunshot, I instinctively closed my eyes

and waited for the impact.


(b) Write a story to illustrate the proverb;

Good things come to those who wait.

2. The Compulsory Set Text

H.R. Ole Kulet, Blossoms of the Savannah.

Man is the defacto leader of the family and when he faulters many things are bound to go

wrong. Using Ole Kaelo for your illustrations show how the faults by the head of family


3. The Optional Set Texts

(a) The Short Story:

Poverty creates deep social contrast in the way people live in the society. Write an essay in

support of the above statement drawing illustrations from NoViolet Bulawayo’s story,

Hitting Budapest.

(b) The Novel

John Steinbeck , The Pearl

“Appearance can be deceptive” With close reference to the text The Pearl write an

essay in support of the statement. (20mks)

(c) Drama

David Mulwa, Inheritance

The play, Inheritance, clearly brings out the opposite meaning of the saying that

“Blood is thicker than water.” Write an essay to justify this.

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English - Paper 1

1. Imagine you are the Secretary of the Drama Club at Amani High School. The National

Drama Festival is scheduled to take place in three weeks’ time. The Patron has informed

you that you need to have a meeting with the other members of the cast who are also the

club members to plan for the festival which will take place at Meru High School. Write a

notification of meeting. (20 marks)


2. Fill the blanks in the passage below with an appropriate word. (10 marks)

The chorus of praise for the Meteorological Department for

(1)………………………..predicting when the rains would begin is a public vote of confidence in

the institution. The weatherman (2) ……………………… the exact day of the first deluge of

the new rainy season and the duration. (3) ………………………….. it is disappointing that despite

the accuracy, the country has once again been caught napping. This is, (4)

…………………………….. partly due to the skepticism arising from the past predictions. But

more worrying is the exposure of the lack of (5)……………………………………to

deal with floods. A country whose vast (6) ……………………………. of land have been ravaged

by a lengthy drought is now awash with water does not know how to deal with. It is a sorry state

(7) ………………………… suffering and agony when it rains and also when it shines. The

perennial utter (8) ………………………………… of the people,

agencies and the national and county leadership is astounding and costly. Seven people have died

in the past two days and there is every indication (9) ……………………………………… there

will be more deaths and destruction of (10) …………………………………………..

3. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided. (30 marks)

a) Read the poem and answer the questions that follow: (8 marks)

Who will believe my verse in time to come,

If it were filled with your most high whoosh deserts?

Though yet heaven knows, it is but as tomb

Which hides your life and shows not half your parts

If I could write the beauty of your eyes

And in fresh number all your graces,

The age to come would say ‘This poet lies’

Such heavenly touches never touched earth’s faces,

So should my papers, yellowed with their age,

Be scorned, like lazy less travelled old men of less truth than tongue

i) Identify the rhyme scheme of the poem? (2 marks)

ii) Apart from rhyme, how else has rhythm been achieved? (2 marks)

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iii) Identify four words with silent letters and underline the letters. (2 marks)

iv) Which words would you stress in the first line and why? (2 marks)

b) Provide a word that is pronounced in the same way as the words provided below.

(4 marks) i) some …………………………………….

ii) be …………………………………….

iii) their ……………………………………..

iv) come ……………………………………

c) You have been invited to an interview for a clerical job in your former primary school. List

things that you will do before and during the interview so as to excel in the interview

(4 marks) d) Your teacher of English has asked you to present an oral narrative to your class during

the English lesson. List three verbal techniques you will employ so as to make your

narration interesting to the audience. (3 marks)

e) Consider the riddling session below and answer the questions that follow: (4 marks)

Challenger: I have a riddle. Are you ready for it?

Audience: Yes, give us the challenge.

Challenger: I have a wife who never returns to where she came from

Audience: The waters of a stream.

Challenger: No

Audience: Rain.

Challenger: No, give me a city

Audience: Mombasa

Audience: fine, I will settle in Mombasa. The answer is the leaf of a tree.

i) How is the audience’s attention captured before the riddling session in the riddle

provided above? (1 mark)

ii) Indicate whether the intonation used in the sentences provided below assume a falling

or rising intonation. (3 marks)

I have a riddle. Are you ready for it?

The waters of a stream

The answer is the leaf of a tree ……………………………………………………

f) Read the conversation provided below and answer the questions that follow:

(7 marks) JOHN: Hallo…

OPERATOR: Emergency, which service do you require?

JOHN: There’s been a terrible accident and I want you to do something about it.

OPERATOR: Kindly tell me the service you require. Is it fire, police or ambulance?

JOHN: OH yes, ambulance.

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OPERATOR: Your phone number please?


OPERATOR: Am putting you through.

DRIVER: Hello, will you tell me the exact location of the accident scene

JOHN: Just behind my house.

i) What are the shortcomings of John’s listening skills? (3 marks)

ii) John did not succeed in giving directions clearly. What are the guidelines of giving

directions? (4 marks)

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English - Paper 2 1. Read the passage provided below and answer the questions that follow: (20mks)

Years ago scientists warned that a hole in the layer of ozone surrounding the earth could have

serious effects on human health and the environment. In the 21st century, it is imperative that global

warming and ozone layer depletion form a monstrous combination in climate change. Ozone

layer depletion does not cause global warming, but both of these environmental problems have a

common cause: human activities that release pollutants into the atmosphere altering it. Global

warming is caused primarily by putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when coal,

oil, and natural gas are burned to generate electricity or to run our cars. Ozone depletion occurs

when gases formerly found in aerosol spray cans and refrigerants are released into the atmosphere.

The ozone layer sits in the upper atmosphere and absorbs ultraviolet radiation, another type of

solar energy that's harmful to humans, animals and plants. Since the 1960s, there has been a trend

of increasing warming of the lower atmosphere and a cooling of the upper atmosphere. This

dynamic creates conditions that lead to ozone loss. Largely because heat from Earth's surface that

normally would convey through the lower and upper atmosphere, and eventually escape to space

is now being trapped.

Depletion of the ozone layer has significant outcomes to plants and animals on earth.

Phytoplankton form the foundation of aquatic food webs. Exposure to solar UVB radiation has

been shown to affect both orientation and motility in phytoplankton, resulting in reduced survival

rates for these organisms. This radiation has been found to cause damage to early developmental

stages of fish, shrimp, crab, amphibians, and other marine animals leading to decreased

reproductive capacity and impaired larval development. Increases in UVB radiation could affect

terrestrial and aquatic biogeochemical cycles, thus altering both sources and sinks of greenhouse

and chemically important trace gases. These potential changes would contribute to biosphere-

atmosphere feedbacks that mitigate or amplify the atmospheric concentrations of these gases.

To halt the depletion of the ozone layer, countries around the world agreed to stop using ozone-

depleting substances such as halons, carbon tetrachloride and methyl bromide. Although this is not

a uniformly positive story since it has indirectly led to new problems such as climate change; the

reduction in ozone-depleting substances has had a beneficial side-effect. Ozone-depleting

substances are also very potent greenhouse gases, contributing to the phenomenon as other

substances widely known to have a greenhouse effect like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4)

and nitrous oxide (N2O). Therefore, by diminishing emissions of ozone-depleting substances, both

the ozone layer and the climate have been protected at the same time.

Retrieved 10th Feb, 2018 from https://www.eea.europa.eu/climate/


1. What is the relationship between ozone layer depletion and global warming? (2mks)

2. According to the passage, what is the significance of the ozone layer? (2mks)

3. What is ironical about ozone loss in the atmosphere? (3mks)

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‘Depletion of the ozone layer has significant outcomes to plants and animals on earth.’ Rewrite

the sentence beginning: Not only… (1mk)

4. In note form, outline the consequences brought about by the effects of ozone layer depletion

on the environment. (3mks)

5. In what ways hast reduction in ozone-depleting substances been beneficial. (2mks)

6. Identify the author’s tone as he speaks about global warming and depletion of the ozone layer?


7. Provide the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage (4mks)

a) Monstrous combination

b) Depletion

c) Foundation

d) Halt

The Play,Henrik Ibsen, A Doll’s House.

2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.

(25 marks)

Mrs. Linde: Listen to me Nora you are still very like a child in many things, and I

am older than you in many ways and have a little more experience. Let me

tell you this-you ought to make an end of it with Doctor Rank.

Nora : What ought I to make an end to?

Mrs. Linde: Of two things I think. Yesterday you talked some nonsense about a rich

admirer who was to leave you money-

Nora : An admirer who doesn’t exist, unfortunately! But what then?

Mrs. Linde: Is Doctor Rank a man of means?

Mrs. Linde: And comes here every day?

Nora : Yes, I told you so.

Mrs. Linde: But how can this well-bred man be so tactless?

Nora : I don’t understand you at all.

Mrs. Linde: Don’t prevaricate, Nora.do you suppose I don’t guess who lent you the

two hundred and fifty pounds?

Nora : Are you out of your senses? How can you think of such a thing? A

friend of ours, who comes hereevery day! Do you realize what a

horribly painful position that would be?

Mrs. Linde: Then it really isn’t he?

Nora : No, certainly not. It would never have entered into my head for a

moment. Besides, he had no money to lend then; he came into his money

afterwards.Mrs. Linde: Well I think that was lucky for you, my dear Nora.

Nora : No, it would never have come into my head to ask Doctor Rank.

Although I am quite sure if I had asked him-

Mrs. Linde: But of course you won’t.

Nora : Of course not. I have no reason to think it could possibly be

necessary. But I am quite sure that if I told Doctor Rank-

Mrs. Linde: Behind your husband’s back?

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Nora : I must make an end of it with the other one, and that will be

behind his back too, I must make an end of it with him.

Mrs. Linde: Yes, that is what I told you yesterday, but-

Nora : ( walking up and down) a man can put a thing like that straight

much easier than a woman.

Mrs. Linde: One’s husband , yes.

Nora : Nonsense!( standing still) When you pay off a debt you get your

bond back, don’t you?

Mrs. Linde: Yes, as a matter of course.

Nora : And can tear it into a hundred thousand pieces and burn it up-

the nasty dirty paper.

Mrs. Linde: (looks hard at her, lays down her sewing and gets up slowly.) Nora

you are concealing something from me.

Nora : Do I look as if I were?

Mrs. Linde: Something has happened to you since yesterday morning. Nora,

what is it?

(a) Briefly explain what happens before the events in this extract. (4marks)

(b) Explain why Mrs. Linde says “…I am older than you in many ways and have a little more

experience? ( 3 marks)

(c) From the dialogue, what do we learn about Nora’s character? ( 4 marks)

(d) What is Mrs. Lindes’ view about Doctor Rank and Nora’s relationship? ( 2 marks)

(e) Identify and explain the use of hyperbole in this excerpt. ( 2 marks)

(f) What does Mrs. Linde thinks Nora is concealing from her? Is Mrs. Lindes right?

( 3 marks)

(g) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the extract. (3 marks)

i) A man of means

ii) Prevaricate

iii) nasty

(h) Describe what happens immediately after the events presented in this extract (4 marks)

3. Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow.

(20 marks)

Long ago, there was famine in Gikuyu land. This famine had made the cows and goats to

die. Only human beings were left and even them, it could be seen that they were not going to

live much longer. Now the people asked themselves, “What shall we do?” It was decided that

the most beautiful girl, one called Wanjiru should be sacrificed to god so that the rain could

fall. She was brought to a place where there was a big river. She started to sing:

Rain fall and make this ridge green

Make this ridge green

My father said I should be lost. I should be lost

My mother said I should be lost. I should be lost

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Rain fall and make this ridge green

Make this ridge green

She went down on her knee, she sang:

Rain fall and make this ridge green

Make this ridge green

My father said I should be lost, I should be lost

Rain fall and make this ridge green

Make this ridge green

The water reached the waist, she sang

Rain fall and make this ridge green

Make this ridge green

My father said I should be lost, I should be lost

My mother said I should be lost, I should be lost

Rain fall and make this ridge green

Make this ridge green

The water reached the neck, she sang

Rain fall and make this ridge green

Make this ridge green

My father said I should be lost, I should be lost

My mother said I should be lost, I should be lost

Rain fall and make this ridge green

Make this ridge green

The head went in

Very heavy rains fell on this land. The grass grew, a lot of food and the people began to feel

better. Now where Wanjiru went she found her people who had died before her. These people

had a lot of cows and goats. Now they asked her what she would like. She said she wanted

cows and goats. She was given many goats and cows and then she was told to lie down in a

place. When she woke up she found that she had returned back to her people. She woke up at

a place where there was a river and she had her cows and goats. Now when the people saw her

they rejoiced greatly.

The story ends there.

Adapted from: The Oral Literature of the Gikuyu by WanjikuKabira and Karega


(a) Why do you think this community makes the choice of a beautiful girl such as

Wanjiru to sacrifice to god so as to get rain? ( 1 mark)

(b) Which functions does this song serve in this narrative? (2mark)

(c) Describe one character trait of the villagers in this narrative.(2 marks) (d) In point form,

list how events follow each other in this story. (3 marks)

(e) Identify and explain two features of oral narration employed in this narrative.

(4 marks)

(f) Identify two elements of fantasy in this story. (2 marks)

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(g) Describe Wanjiru’s tone in the song. (3marks)

(h) Which social/cultural practices of the Gikuyu are brought out in this narrative?

(2 marks)

(i) What does this phrase mean? “My father said I should be lost.”

(1 mark)


4(a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions. Do not alter the

meaning. (3 marks)

(i) Muli could have passed the examination. Muli was regularly absent from school.

(Join into one sentence beginning: Were it not......)

(ii) The nurses agreed to work after signing an agreement with the

government. (Begin: Only…)

(iii) This is the boy. His father is a generous man. (Join into one sentence using a

relative pronoun).

(b) Replace the phrasal verbs underlined in the sentences below with one word that

means the same. (3marks)

i) It is wrong to look down on students from other schools.

(ii) Teachers should not give into their students’ unreasonable


(iii) The delegates came up with ten rules to guide our response to


(c) Complete the following passage with the most appropriate forms of the

words in brackets. (3marks)

The Tsunami …………………………(cruel) destroyed lots of lives and

property. For days, the survivors …………………….. (agony) searched for

their missing relatives. The whole experience was

……………………………. (horrible) traumatizing.

(d) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions. ( 2 marks)

(i) He was charged ……………….forging property inheritance


(ii) Kamau deals…………….groceries

(e) Fill the blank spaces with the correct article ( 2 marks)

i) The students said they wanted…………union.

ii) What is ……. Ewe?

( f) Explain the meaning of the following sentences (2marks)

i. Lydia found the empty room.

ii. Lydia found the room empty.

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English – Paper 3

Answer three questions only.

1. Imaginative Composition (Compulsory)


(b) Write a composition ending with the following statement :

………..when I finally heard the gunshot, I instinctively closed my eyes

and waited for the impact.


(b) Write a story to illustrate the proverb;

Good things come to those who wait.

2. The Compulsory Set Text

H.R. Ole Kulet, Blossoms of the Savannah.

Man is the defacto leader of the family and when he faulters many things are bound to

go wrong. Using Ole Kaelo for your illustrations show how the faults by the head of

family affect

3. The Optional Set Texts

(a) The Short Story: Memories we Lost.

In the family the child require the presence and guidance of both parents for good

upbringing. Write an essay in support of this statement drawing illustrations from

Lesley Nneka’s Light.

(b) The Novel

John Steinbeck , The Pearl

“Appearance can be deceptive” With close reference to the text The Pearl write an

essay in support of the statement. (20mks)

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English - Paper 1


You are going to the Masai Mara on a three day trip.

a) Write a shopping list of the items that you will require. (8marks)

b) Prepare a journal you kept for the three days you were there. (12marks)

2. CLOZE TEST (10 marks)

Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word

Tourism is one of the jewels in Kenya’s economic crown, contributing

…………………………. the economy as it is one of the top three income generating

sectors that contribute immensely to the GDP. It has …………………………..since

before independence owing to the unique attractions our country

…………………………………………visitors. But it is also the most vulnerable to

disruption. Just one or two …………………………………………… advisories can

wipe out millions ………………………..dollars in revenue for industry players and this

just ………………………………….. of a perception that visitors are not safe.

This is the reality that our election managers, our security forces, our media and all of

…………………. should endevour to forestall. We cannot afford to play dice with our

economic lifeline. And we cannot let a basic,regular and too often repeated civic

………………………………like a general election deprive us of our livelihoods, if not

our lives. Elections …………………………………and go. They should afford us an

opportunity for renewal and not plunge us into a fear that we spread to visitors from afar.

3. ORAL SKILLS (30mks)


People Should Mind Their Own Business

There was once a man who was a trapper and he used to set his traps and catch birds

and small animals in the forest. Now, this man had a wife. And every day, he set out to go

to the forest. Whenever he caught something, like a guinea fowl, he would go and sell part

of what he had caught and other part he would take home to eat. With the money he got

from selling some of the creatures he caught, he bought rice for himself and his wife to eat.

As time passed, he began to trap some really big animals and birds. He would

slaughter them and, as usual, take some of the meat to the market to sell and the rest

to his house to eat. He always bought rice for their food. One day he caught a number of

rabbits. He slaughtered them and sold some of the meat.

But the trapper’s wife never found the liver in any meat of which he brought home.

This is because the trapper had made a pact with a beast of the forest: ‘You do the trapping

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and catching…me, I will keep an eye on your trap here and whatever you trap, what is

inside is for me and the flesh is for you.’

So the wife never found the liver and began to wonder. She said to the trapper,

“What kind of husband are you, then? Every day you bring me game meat and what do you

do with the livers of all these animals?” He answered her,”My wife, one shouldn’t get

involved in other people’s affairs; one should mind one’s own business. Be content with

what I bring you and don’t go around asking unnecessary questions.” But the woman

wouldn’t listen. She said to herself, “I’ll follow him.”

So, one day the man went out and set his trap. He had set his trap out there and the

woman didn’t know where the trap was. She came walking, kwah-kwah-kwah! and the lion

was there, the one which had made a pact with the man that whatever was caught, the tripe

or innards would be for it and the flesh for the man. Anyway, here was the woman, walking,

walking and walking, and then, all of a sudden, huruuuu-kwi! The trap caught her. There

she was, held up by the head, her legs dangling down.

Now, her husband was coming along, far behind her. “Oh,oh, my friend!”

exclaimed the lion when it saw him arrive, “Today we’ve caught a really big animal! We

always catch small animals but today we’ve got the real one, the two-legged one!”

“Oh, no!” said the man, “Don’t say that. This is my wife.” “No, no, no,” said the

lion, “I am not going to have any of that. We’ve agreed that of whatever comes here, what

is in the stomach is mine and the flesh is yours. I can’t allow you to back out now.”

The Hare was passing by and the man called him. “Hey, Hare, come and help us to

settle this.” The Hare came and asked the woman, “Now, how did you get up there?” “Well,

I was passing here like this, just passing like this and…”

“Wait a minute,” said the Hare. “Let’s set her free first, so that she can show us,

this woman, how she got caught up in the trap.”

So, they left the woman off the trap and the Hare set it exactly as it had been before

she got caught in it. Then he said to the Lion, “Maybe you can show us how this woman

got caught in the trap.”

The Lion said, “Sure. She came walking like this, like this and like this and then

stepped on the trap and then it went huruuuu-kwiand caught her. Hey, look here my friend,”

said the Lion, “Set me free at once.”

The Hare laughed and said, “No way!” then he turned to the woman and said, “Now

you, make yourself scarce at once!” the woman turned and ran all the way home without

even looking back once.

Later, when the trapper came home, he said to his wife, “That was a narrow escape,

wasn’t it? Your inquisitiveness and suspicion nearly got you into trouble.”

Well, that’s it. It isn’t me who made up the stories; it’s the people of long ago.

Translated and adapted from: N. Gueunier. Si Mimi MwongoWatuwaZamani. Zanzibar:


i) What techniques will the narrator use to capture and maintain the audience

attention? (2 marks)

ii) If you were part of the audience for this story, explain two things you would

do to show that you are participating in the performance (2 marks)

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iii) Identify and illustrate two sound devices that have been used in this story.

(2 marks)

b) Give a word that is pronounced the same as the following (2marks)

i. bark

ii. dough

c) Study the genre below and answer the questions that follow

Gregory and Grace grew glassy grapes and grimy garlic gladly.

i. Classify the genre above (1mark)

ii. Give two functions of the genre above (2 marks)

iii. Identify one sound device used in the genre (1 mark)

d) Imagine you are a speaker at a youth rally. Identify four speech enhancing cues you

would employ and explain how it would make the speech more effective (4 marks)

e) Imagine you are going to take part in the debate in your school. Explain what you would

do as preparation and what you would do during presentation to convince your

audience. (4 marks)

f) Underline the part (syllable) where the stress falls in the following words.

(4 marks)

i. Exaggerate

ii. Amalgamate

iii. Amaze

iv. Forgive

g) Consider the following group discussion and answer the questions that follow.

Chairperson: Our teacher has asked us to discuss the importance of poetry. As the

chairperson, I should begin by giving my observations about it. I find

poetry exciting and I have even tried to compare


Tony: We need to report


Chairperson: I will do the reporting

Jane: But Mr. Chairperson, can you chair and record what we are going to say at

the same time? And is it proper?

George: I don’t even know why people write poetry anyway. Why can’t they write

in a straightforward way?

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Tamara: for me, a poem tries to capture a moment of human feelings that are

universal in significance and as


Chairperson: You didn’t allow me to finish. As I was saying

Mandy: But have we resolved the question of procedure?

Chairperson: I give up. Somebody else can chair and report to the rest of the class.

i) Identify the limitations both in the chairing and participation. (6 marks)

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English - Paper 2


Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow:

There is nothing as important as a pregnant woman getting all the emotional support she

can get during pregnancy. It makes her appreciate the pregnancy and in turn care of it well,

says Dr. Maxwell Okonji.

The doctor talked to Pregnant Magazine on how you can use your mental muscle to handle

any pregnancy misgivings.

“Once you discover that you are pregnant, you need to be optimistic”, says Dr. Okonji.

Positive handling of a pregnancy is one of the surest ways of carrying it to term, minus

health complications. He adds: “Stress and worry, which are bound to accompany the

numerous emotional and physical changes that come along with pregnancy, can lead to


Depression, particularly during pregnancy, often drains your energy, which can prevent

you from seeking appropriate prenatal care. Depressed pregnant women are more likely

to abuse alcohol or drugs during the term. When it is most severe, depression can lead to

self harm and even suicide. Are you depressed?

Persistent feelings of sadness, self-pity and hopelessness during the pregnancy are

common. The feeling could be accompanied by difficulty in sleeping or oversleeping,

weight loss or change in appetite, irritability or mood swings; difficulty in concentration,

characteristic or bizarre behaviour, and thoughts of self-harm.

You may notice that you have become unusually hostile and fight with your spouse often

with no prompt.

Feeling as though you could do without the pregnancy at that time and that it is the reason

that is constantly making you angry.

Having a mental condition; before pregnancy, make depression more likely during

pregnancy. Again, if during a previous pregnancy – a woman showed signs of depression,

chances are that when she falls pregnant again, it will recur.

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In cases where depression is severe with prompting to suicide, termination of the pregnancy

may be called for. This is purely on medical grounds. This usually happens during the

first three months. Termination should, however, be a last resort, after other modes of

treatment have failed.

In the first three months of pregnancy, it is not unusual for a pregnant woman to have to

experience nausea and vomiting.

These are very frustrating to the mother, particularly if it’s a first pregnancy. During this

time, it is normal to have mood changes like touchiness and irritability overfriendliness to

certain people and nastiness to others is a normal occurrence. This happens to a varying

extent and not to all women.

After the third month or so, those early signs of pregnancy and the mood changes disappear.

The middle trimester, from four to six months, is a stable time for most women, with little

or no problems during that time. The second and third trimester present more mood

changes as the mother begins to feel the baby and in turn prepares to receive her. Mood

changes are quite normal and do not pose any threat to the pregnancy however, in case you

as a woman notice that the moods border on the extreme, then it is recommended that you

talk to a counselor.

Adapted from, Lifestyle Sunday Nation, 13th November 2011


(a) According to the author what are the most essential things to a pregnant

woman? (2mks)

(b) In note form, what are the consequences of depression to a pregnant woman?


(c) How will a pregnant woman know that she is depressed?


(d) According to the passage, a certain group of women are likely to experience


Who are they?


(e) If depression in a pregnant woman becomes worse, what should be done?


(f) Provide an antonym of the word “angry”. (1mk)

(g) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage?


(i) Mental muscle.

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(ii) Misgiving

(iii) Drains

(iv) Last resort

2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.

Krogstad : I asked you if it was only a disagreeable scene at home that you were afraid of?

Nora : If my husband does get to know of it, of course he will at once pay you what is

still owing, and we shall have nothing more to do with you.

Krogstad : (coming a step nearer)Listen to me, Mrs. Helmer. Either you have a very bad

memory or you know very little of business. I shall be obliged to remind you

of a few details.

Nora : What do you mean?

Krogstad : When your husband was ill, you came to me to borrow two hundred and fifty


Nora : I didn’t know anyone else to go to.

Krogstad : I promised to get you that amount___

Nora : Yes, and you did so.

Krogstad : I promised to get you that amount, on certain conditions. Your mind was taken

up with your husband’s Illness, and you were so anxious to get the money for your journey

that you seem to have paid no attention to the conditions of our bargain. Therefore, it will not

be amiss if I remind you of them. Now, I promised to get the money on the security of a bond

which I drew up.

Nora: Yes, and which I signed.

Krogstad: Good. But below your signature there were a few lines constituting your father a

surety for the money; those lines your father should have signed.

(a) Place the excerpt in its immediate context. (4 mks)

(b) What disagreeable scene is Krogstad alluding to?

(2 mks)

(c) What reasons did Nora have when getting the money from Krogstad? (2 mks)

(d) State and explain any one character trait of the following. (2 mks)

(i) Krogstad

(ii) Norah

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(e) Why is Krogstad so much keen in protecting his job at the bank. (2 mks)

(f) State and explain any two styles used in this excerpt. (2 mks)

(g) With reference to the rest of the play, what makes Nora’s procurement of money from Krogstad

fraudulent? (3 mks)

(h) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.

(a) Obliged ( 1 mk)

(b) Amiss (1 mk)

(i) Write the following statement as a question.

I promised to get you that amount. (2 mks)


Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. (20mks)


Dulce Et Decorum Est.

Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,

Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,

Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs

And towards our distant rest began to trudge.

Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots

But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;

Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots.

Of disappointed shells that dropped behind.

GAS! Gas! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling,

Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;

But someone still was yelling out and stumbling

And floundering like a man in fire or lime.—

Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light

As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.

In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,

He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.

If in some smothering dreams you too could pace

Behind the wagon that we flung him in,

And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,

His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;

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If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood

Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,

Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud

Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,--

My friend, you would not tell with such high zest

To children ardent for some desperate glory,

The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est

Pro patria mori.*

____________________________________________________________ *Latin for: It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country.

(i) Describe briefly what the poem is about. (4mks)

(ii) Who is the persona? (2mks)

(iii) Identify and illustrate any three features of style used in the poem. (6mks)

(iv) Explain one thematic concern raised in the poem. (3mks)

(v) Comment on the title of the poem. (2mks)

(vi) Give the meaning of the following words. (3mks)

(a) trudge

(b) fumbling

(c) zest


(a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.


(i) I cannot decide what to eat (Begin: What …………….)

(ii) The Ministry of Education has warned all principals. (Rewrite in Passive)

(iii) The bridge had been weakened by successive storms and was no longer safe.

(Begin: Weakened……………..)

(b) Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate prepositions.


(i) His breath smelt ___________________________________ alcohol.

(ii) He has been dealing __________________________ hardware for a long


(iii) I disagreed ______________________________________ him over the


(c) Complete the following sentences with the correct form of words in brackets.


(i) The __________________________ (sell) of the house has been


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(ii) John Michuki’s death is an _____________________ (repair) loss of the


(iii) The meat that we carried ______________________ (stink) after only two


(d) In the sentences below, choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blanks.


(i) Temu gave Ombiro and ___________________ (I, me) birthday gifts.

(ii) It was _______________________ (she, her) who was rewarded.

(e) In the following sentences identify the verbs and state whether they are

transitively or intransitively used. (2mks)

(i) Mirang’a shut the door.

(ii) The baby slept soundly the whole night.

(f) Complete the following sentences with the correct order of adjectives in brackets.


(i) The principal sank into his ____________________ (leather, new,

comfortable, Kenyan) chair.

(ii) I had to wear __________________________ (grey, woolen, executive)


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English - Paper 3

1. Imaginative Composition (20 mks)


a) Write a story starting with the statement,

The news on the cancellation of my KCSE results after being in Bahati High School

for five years was received with shock and resentment…………………


b) Write a composition based on the following statement.

“The solution to the run-away corruption is in the hands of Kenyan’s themselves.”

2. Compulsory questions. The Blossoms of Savannah by Olet Kulet

(20 mks)

‘Our greatest enemies are those close to us.’ Support this statement with illustrations

from the novel.

3. Answer only one question from these choices

The optional setbooks (20 mks)


a) Short story

When a teenage girl is brought up by an absentee mother, she is

bound to face countless challenges. Justify this assertion basing your

answer on Lesley Nneka’s story ‘Light’ in memories we lost and other stories by

Chris Wanjala. (20 mks)


b) Write an essay to show the truth of the saying.

“ what you see is always what you get.” Use illustrations from John

Steinbeck’s The Pearl’ (20mks)

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English – Paper 1


1. You are currently the Turkana County Representative and you have been requested to

carry out a research on the problems facing the people of Turkana. Write a report on any

of your findings. In your report, also include the purpose of the study, methods of study

and suggest solutions to the problem.


Fill in the blank spaces in the following passage using the most appropriate word.

In normal situations, children’s aggressive behavior wear

(1)……………………………………………………as the ability to express their desires

and (2)………………………………………….develops. Children whose aggression (3)

……………………………………….not decline with time lose their temper frequently

and are (4)………………………………….. Extremely irritated and frustrated over

minor issues. They are also disruptive and antagonize (5)……….. by hitting, pushing,

yelling and name ……………………………. threatening and teasing. They habitually

(7) ……………………………….. physical or psychological (8)

…………………………………….. on others. As a result, they have trouble with their

peers and often face rejection. Studies have established that boys are three times more

(9) ………………………………………….. than girls to be aggressive owing to the

concentration in of the male hormones, androgen and testosterone. And children who are

(10) …………………………………………. To aggression are more likely to act

aggressively than those who are not.


a) Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow:

One day all the animals arranged a dance in the plains of the Rift Valley. The safari ant

did not have a girdle belt and therefore he went to his friend the louse to borrow one.

And when he was trying it on he said to his friend: “We shall see who dances best

between you and I.”

So they went to the river to wash themselves. When they had washed, they lay

themselves on the rock to dry. They put on oil that people wore when they are going to

dance. In the end, when they were fully dressed, the louse said to his friend: “ Let us

see how your new girdle fits with your new sword. Hmmmm! I think it looks alright

but you should tighten it a bit more…” and when he heard that the safari ant tighten the

belt more and more until he made a deep groove on

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his waistline. The louse was beside himself with laughter when he saw how tight the

belt was. He laughed until his nose cracked. Ha! Ha! Ha! And therefore both insects

could not go to the dance.


i. What techniques would you apply to ensure that your audience enjoys the

story to the maximum? (3mks)

ii. How would you prepare yourself to effectively tell the above story?


iii. Explain how you would capture the audience’s attention before narrating this

story? (2mks)

b) Identify the odd one out in each set with reference to the bolded sounds. (3mks)

i) Enough, staff, dough, graph

ii) Watched, wanted, laughed, rushed

iii) Wept, debt, receipt, doubt

c) Indicate whether there is a falling or rising intonation in the following sentences.


i) Have you ever been to Lake Baringo?

ii) Who do you think you are?

iii) Did he go to School in Mombasa?

d) For each of the following words, write another word that is pronounced the

same: (4mks)

i) Praise ………………………………………………

ii) Profit ……………………………………………….

iii) Eight ………………………………………………..


v) Sent …………………………………………………

e) During one of the English group discussion you realize that most members did not

benefit from it. Explain three ways in which you can create orderliness in a discussion

so as to benefit all group members. (3mks)

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f) You have just completed your form four examination. You then come across an

advertisem*nt on Computer studies at a newly opened computer college near your

residence. You are interested and decide to make a visit to get more information.

Complete the dialogue below.

Read through first before filling in the blanks.

Receptionist : Good morning. Can I help you?

Student : ………………………………………………………………...


Receptionist: Are you interested in the January intake?

Student : ………………………………………………………………...


Receptionist: Fine . Ok. We have um……the short intensive full-time

courses this term.

Student : ………………………………………………………………...


Receptionist: Yes, each course lasts for three weeks.

Student : ………………………………………………………………...


Receptionist : Well, it about twenty –three – hours a week. Usually four and

half days a week.

Student : ………………………………………………………………...


Receptionist: The whole course will cost you Kshsm. 15,000. We require a

deposit of Kshs. 5000 and Kshs. Registration fee.

Student : ………………………………………………………………...


Receptionist: You’re welcome.

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English – Paper 2


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:

Domestic workers.

Most households, especially those in urban areas, employ domestic workers. But this workforce is

frequently invisible because each one of them is employed separately and works in the seclusion

of private house unlike people working in a factory or in the streets.

The term and conditions of their employment are often exploitative and illegal. Often, their

personal documents such as identity cards are confiscated, they are employed while underage,

salaries are below the minimum wage, and they often have no time off as required by the law.

They are also subjected to illegal deductions or they may be paid through third parties.

It is estimated that there are as many as 200,000 child domestic workers in Kenya. Out of these,

90% are girls working in homes unfortunately, they are not protected by the law and they do not

exist as a group. As a result, they do, not have the power to negotiate for better terms and

conditions of work.

Due to their ‘invisibility’ domestic workers are regarded as belonging to the informal labour

market, are unregistered and do not feature in employment statistics. They are a group that never

come together to discuss issues arising from their work’ in other situation and this may be the

reason why their call for protection may never be heard.

The younger domestic workers face greater difficulty because employers often insist on paying

them in kind claiming to ‘take care of them in return for their work’. In other instances, the pay

for an under – age worker may go directly to the parent or guardian without the knowledge or

consent of the employee.

The domestic worker also experiences physical, psychological and emotional torture, living in so

much poverty among people who enjoy luxurious lives. In some households, they are only allowed

to eat what is left over by the family members and to sleep on the kitchen floor.

The law is, however, silent on the plight of the domestic worker especially those who are too young

to enter into a valid employment contract. What is needed at the moment are clear cut labour laws

that would effectively address the situation. Besides, the public needs to be sensitized on the right

of domestic workers. The prevailing harsh economic times have seen more children dropping out

of school to look for work to supplement family incomes.

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a) Why does the writer refer to domestic workers as an invisible workforce? (2mks)

b) How does the writer describe the working conditions of domestic workers? (2mks)

c) How many domestic workers are there in Kenya? (1mk)

d) Why are domestic workers unable to negotiate for better working conditions?(2mks)

e) What are the unique problems of younger domestic worker? (2mks)

f) What example of adverse conditions does the writer give that domestic worker can live in

despite luxury around them? (2mks)

g) What solution does the writer suggest to the problem? (2mks)

h) Make notes listing the exploitative condition the of work that domestic workers face


i) Laws is, however, silent on the plight of the domestic workers (Begin: However……)


j) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases in the passage:

Negotiate (1mk)

Paying them in kind (1mk)

2. Read the passage below and answer the questions after it. (25 marks)

Mrs Linde: Do you mean never to tell him about it?

Nora: (meditatively, and with half smile) Yes – someday, perhaps, after many years, when I am

no longer as nice-looking as I am now. Don’t laugh at me! I mean, of course, when Tovald is no

longer as devoted as he is now; when my dancing and dressing-up and reciting have palled on

him; then it may be a good thing to have something in reserve – (breaking off) What nonsense!

That time will never come. Now, what do you think of my great secret, Christine? Do you still

think I am of no use? I can tell you, too, that this affair has caused me a lot of worry. It has by no

means easy for me to meet my engagements punctually. I may tell you that there is something

called, in business, quarterly interest, and another thing called payment in installments, and it is

always so dreadfully difficult to manage them. I have had to save a little here and there, where I

could, you understand. I have not been able to put aside much from my housekeeping money, for

Tovald must have a good table. I couldn’t let my children be shabbily dressed; I have felt obliged

to use up all he gave me for them, the sweet little darlings!

Mrs. Linde: So it has all had come out of your own necessaries of life, poor Nora?

Nora: Of course. Besides, I was the one responsible for it. Whenever Tovald has given me money

for new dresses and such things, I have never spent more than half of it; I have always bought the

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simplest and the cheapest things. Thank Heaven, any clothes look well on me, and so Tovald has

never noticed it. But it was often very hard for me, Christine – because it is delightful to be well

dresses, isn’t it?

Mrs. Linde: Quite so.

Nora: Well, then I have found other ways of earning money. Last winter I was lucky enough to

do a lot of copying to do; so I locked myself up and sat writing every evening until quite

late at night. Many times I was desperately tired; but all the same it was a tremendous pleasure to

sit there working and earning money. It was like being a man.

Mrs. Linde: How much have you been able to pay off in that way?

Nora: I can’t tell you exactly. You see it is very difficult to keep an account of a business mater

of that kind. I only know that I have paid every penny that I could scrape together. Many a time I

was wits’ end (smiles) Then I used to sit there and imagine that a rich old gentleman had fallen in

love with me –

Mrs. Linde: What! Who was it!

Nora: Be quiet! – that he died; and that when his will was opened, it contained, written in big

letters, the instruction: “The lovely Mrs. Nora Helmer is to have all I poses paid over to her at once

in cash.”

a) Where and when does this encounter take place? (2marks)

b) What is this secret that Nora wants to guard so jealously? Explain with evidence from

elsewhere in the play. (3 marks)

c) Describe Nora’s Mood as she tells Mrs. Linde her story. (3 marks)

d) Why is it necessary that Nora tells Mrs. Linde her story. (2 marks)

e) Comment on any two themes that are highlighted in this extract. (4 marks)

f) “Be quiet!” ( Rewrite this in reported speech.) (1 mark

g) Give an example of “wishful thinking” found in this extract. (1 mark)

h) Referring to Nora’s first speech in the extract, identify and comment on any two traits

of hers. (4 marks)

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i) “It was like being a man” Basing your observation on this statement, briefly comment

on the society’s attitude towards women. (2 marks)

j) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the extract:


i) palled:

ii) save a little here and there.

iii) housekeeping money.


Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:

Don’t Cry, My Child

Don’t cry my child

Don’t let me bear your sobs

Don’t even let me bear the growling

The rumbling complain of your empty stomach

Suckle your finger my child, keep your screams restrained

Suckle your finger my child, keep your screams restrained

Keep the knives of pity from tearing my heart

Don’t cry my child

Suckle your tiny finger

I will lullaby you to sleep

Once more we shall cheat this monster that is hunger.

Sleep well my child

Papa loves you, papa cars

Papa is broken in body and soul

But don’t worry my child

Sleep is a good meal

Sleep well my child

Dream the sweetest dreams

Dream of abundant fruit

Feast well my child

Feast on your tiny dreams

Yet another day is gone.


Don’t cry my child

Wake up! It’s a new dawn

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Smile; today is a feast

Suckle your mother’s breast

There is a trickle of milk

From the furbished breast.

By P.C Njuguna

a) Classify this oral poem. (2mks)

b) Who is the persona in the poem? (2mks)

c) Identify any two present by the persona in this oral poem. (2mks)

d) Highlight any two character traits of the persona as portrayed in the poem. (4mks)

e) What is the persona‘s attitude towards the child? (2mks)

f) Show how the poet uses any two stylistic devices to effectively convey his message.


g) Give another word with a similar phonetical sound as the word below. (2mks)

i) Soul

ii) Bear

h) Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the poem:

Cheat this monster that is hunger (1mk)

i) Feast on your tiny dreams. (1mk)


a) Re write the following sentences according to the instructions given after

each. Do not change the meaning. (3mks)

I) We would not have succeeded if David had not helped us. (Being: were…..)

ii) You should not leave your house unlocked at any time. (Being: At……………)

i) The cow produces a lot of milk. (supply a question tag)

b) Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun. (2mks)

(i) Yesterday I met a very beautiful girl. I had never met her before

ii) Mrs. Hart left her baby with her neighbor. She could rely on her.

c.) Use the right form of words in brackets. (3mks)

i) The modern world today has many ……………………………………….form

of communication. (Sophistication)

ii) There are several factors which contribute to ahealth……………………(exist)

iii) Victims of drug abuse become social…………………………………….(fit)

d) Use a dash ( - ) to punctuate the following sentences where necessary.


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i) The river swept away her one year old child

ii) The fallen politician displayed a down to earth attitude to life.

e) Complete the sentences below by filling in the correct prepositions.(3mks)

i) Fulani is good …………………………………………………Mathematics.

ii) I was congratulated ……………………………………..my graduation.

iii) She did not reply ………………………………the manager’s letter as required.

f) Explain the ambiguity in this sentence. (2mks)

We saw her duck.

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English – Paper 3

1 (a) Write an essay ending with the sentence

………… that is the day I realized the beauty of hard work.



(b) Write an essay to illustrate the saying

“The sweetness of sugar is not in its colour (20mks)

2. Compulsory Text


Help can come when least expected. Discuss basing your discussion from the blossoms of

savanna ( 20 marks)

3. Optional Text Answer any of the following questions

a) The Pearl, John Steinbeck, (20 marks)

Greed for worldly possessions can lead to incontrollable madness. Using Kino, draw

illustrations from John Steinbeck’s The Pearl.


b) Chris Wanjala (Ed.), Memories We Lost and Other Stories

Memories We Lost and other stories (Compiled by Chris Wanjala)


‘In the short story, How Much Land Does Man Need, the author shows human

greed’. Write an essay to support the above statement.


c) Inheritance (20 marks)

Write an essay on the character traits of King Kutula XV basing your

arguments on the play, Inheritance by David Mulwa.

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English - Paper 1

1. Students in your school have raised concerns about poor hygiene in the school. In a bid to

address these concerns, the principal appoints a four member committee to investigate the

health situation and give recommendations. You are the secretary of the committee, write down

the report you will present to your principal. (20mks)


Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate words.

A new research title “Underage drinking in Kenya”, has …………………1……………….that

nearly one third of form four students aged below 18 years take alcohol

…………………2………………. As our society ponders this sad

………………3……………………….., the urgent message to children who are taking

alcohol …………………………4……………. do not drink another sip. Advice to those

children is to strongly say “no”. ………………5…………………irresponsible behaviour, to

alcoholism, there are many………………6………………effects of alcohol. It is wrong and

illegal for children to drinkalcohol.

This report also states that 46 percent of the children received

………………7…………….first pint from friends and …………………8………………….

Do you offer alcohol to a child? As a parent or guardian, do you nurture

…………………9…………….? How much time do you spend with them?Notably,

………………………10……………of guidance and supervision are stimuli to underage



Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow

Make me a grave where’er you will,

In a lowly plain, or a lofty hill;

Make it among earth’s humblest graves,

But not in a land where men are slaves.

I could not rest if around my grave

I heard the steps of a trembling slave;

His shadow above my silent tomb

Would make it a place of fearful gloom

I could not rest if I heard the tread

Of a coffle going to the shambles led,

And the mother’s shriek of wild despair

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Rise like a curse on the trembling air

(by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper)


a) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem above. (2mks)

b) Apart from rhyme, mention two other ways they have achieved rhythm?


c) Mention two ways in which you would know that your audience is fully participating

during the recitation of the poem above. (2mks)

d) How would you say the last line of the poem? (2mks)

e) Indicate whether the following items have a falling or a rising intonation.


i) Get out now! …………………………………………………

ii) The man was accused of theft. ……………………………………

iii) How did you find the English exam? ………………………………

iv) Could he have left? …………………………………..

f) Underline the silent letters in the following words. (4mks)

i) Corps

ii) Parliament

iii) Leopard

iv) Fracas

g) Provide a hom*ophone for each of the following words. (4mks)

i) Bury …………………………………..

ii) Claws ………………………………..

iii) Guest …………………………………

iv) Male ………………………………….

h) The underlining indicates the stressed word in the sentences below. Briefly explain

what each sentence mean (3mks)

i) The lady in a red dress lost her purse

ii) The lady in a red dress lost her purses

iii) The lady in a red dress lost her purse.

i) Identify the odd word out according to the pronunciation of the underlined sound.


i) Said Head Gate Led

ii) Face Phrase Shepherd Phase

j) Below is a dialogue between Muthomi and James who are candidates. Read it and

answer the questions that follow.

Muthomi: James, I’m worried about my performance in English. It’s not


James: Ah! I’m happy with mine in Biology. I got an A in the last exam.

Muthomi: I really don’t know what to do about English, maybe…

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James: I don’t like History and P.E teacher. He thinks he is the only one who can

a pick-up truck. My mum told me she would be buying one soon.

Muthomi: (Trying to bring him back to the topic) Tell me James, how do yourevise


James: Oh! Is that Betty? She promised to bring me a movie. (Calling out) Betty!

Betty! (The runs after her)

a) Identify the shortcomings in the dialogue above (3mks)

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English - Paper 2


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow

The process of developing social skills among children at an early age is important. Researchers

have cited rejection by peers as the greatest challenge children face in their quest to build

meaningful social skills. It has been reported that children who get bullied and snubbed by peers

are more likely to have problems in relating with others. In recent times, researchers have found

at least three factors in a child’s behaviour that can lead to social rejection. The factors involve a

child’s inability to pick up on and respond to nonverbal cues from their pals. In the United states

10 to 13 percent of school-going children experience some form of rejection by their peers. In

addition to causing mental health problems, bullying and social isolation can increase the

likelihood of a child getting poor grades, dropping out of school,, or developing substance abuse


It is reported that the social skills that children gain on the playground or elsewhere could show

up later in life, according to Richard Lavoie, an expert in child social behaviour. He says that

children experiment with the relationship styles they will have as adults during unstructured

playtime-when children interact without the guidance of an authority figure. Researchers say that

the number-one need of any human is to be liked by other humans. However, researchers have

expressed concern that our children are like strangers in their own land. They don’t understand the

basic rules of social behaviour and their mistakes are usually unintentional.

Children who face rejection may have problems in at least one of three different areas of nonverbal

communication, which is the reason they are rejected. These are reading nonverbal cues;

understanding their social meaning; and coming up with options for resolving a social conflict. A

child, for example, simply my not notice a person’s scowl of impatience or understand what a

tapped foot means. In another situation, a child may have trouble reconciling the desires of a friend

with her own. Anyone trying to help children on their social skills should try to pinpoint the

weaknesses a child has and then build those up.

When children have prolonged struggles with socializing, “a vicious cycle begins,” children who

are shunned by others have few opportunities to practice social skills whereas popular children

have more than enough opportunities to perfect theirs.

However, having just one or two friends can be enough to give a child the social practice he or

she need.

Parents, teachers and other adults in a child’s life can help, too. Instead of reacting with anger or

embarrassment to a child who, say, asks Aunt Vera if her new hairdo was a mistake, parents

should teach social skills with the same tone they use for teaching numeracy skills or proper

hygiene.If presented as a learning opportunity, rather than a punishment, children usually

appreciate the lesson. It is important to note that most children are so desperate to have friends that

they just jump on board.

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To teach social skills, Lavoie advises a five-step approach in his book. The process works for

children with or without learning disabilities and is best conducted immediately after a wrongdoing

has been made. First, ask the child what happened and listen without judgment. Second, ask the

child to identify their mistake. Often children only know that someone got upset, but don’t

understand their own role in the outcome. Third, help the child identify the cue they missed or

mistake they made, by asking something like: “How would you feel if Emma was hogging the tyre

swing?” Instead of lecturing with the word “should,” offer options the child “could” have taken in

the moment, such as “You could have asked Emma to join you or told her you would give her the

swing after your turn. “Fourth, you can create an imaginary but similar scenario where the child

can make the right choice. For example, you could say, “If you were playing with a shovel in the

sand box and Aiden wanted to use it, what would you do?” Lastly, give the child” social

homework” by asking him to practice this new skill, saying: “Now that you know the importance

of sharing, I want to hear about something you share tomorrow.”

(Adapted from livescience.com-Tue Feb 2, 2010)


a) In one sentence, explain what this passage is talking about? (2mks)

b) What is the number one need of any human being? (1mk)

c) What are cited as the causes for social rejection according to the passage (2mks)

d) What is social rejection likely to lead to (2mks)

e) What vicious cycle is referred to in this passage (2mks)

f) How can a parent make children appreciate the lesson on social skills? (2mks)

g) “How would you feel if Emma was hogging the tyre swing?” Re-write in reported speech.


h) Make notes on the five-step approach to teach children social skills (5mks)

i) Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as used in the passage


i. Authority figure

ii. Shunned

iii. Jump on board

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2. Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow (25mks)

A Doll’s House:

Krogstad: (Controlling himself) Listen to me, Mrs. Helmer. If necessary, I am prepared to

fight for my small post in the Bank as if I were fighting for my life.

Nora: So it seems

Krogstad: It is not only for the sake of the money; indeed, that weighs least with me in the

matter. There is another reason-well, I may we well tell you. My position is this. I

daresay you know, like everybody else, that once, many years ago, I was guilty of

an indiscretion.

Nora: I think I have heard something of the kind.

Krogstad: The matter never came into court; but every way seemed to be closed to me after

that. So I took to the business that you know of. I had to do something; and,

honestly, I don’t think I’ve been one of the worst. But now I must cut myself free

from all that. My sons are growing up; for their sake I must try and win back as

much respect as I can in the town. This post in the Bank was like the first step up

for me – and now your husband is going to kick me downstairs again into the mud.

Nora: But you must believe me, Mr. Krogstad; it is not in my power to help you at all.

Krogstad: Then it is because you haven’t the will; but I have means to compel you.

Nora: You don’t mean that you will tell my husband that I owe you money?

Krogstad: Hm! – suppose I were to tell him?

Nora: I would be perfectly infamous of you. (Sobbing) To think of his learning my secret,

which has been my joy and pride, in such an ugly, clumsy way – that he should

learn it from you! And it would out me in a horribly disagreeable position-

Krogstad: Only disagreeable?

Nora: (Impetuously) well, do it, then! – and it will be the worse for you. My husband will

see for himself what a blackguard you are, and you certainly won’t keep your post


Krogstad: I asked you if it was only a disagreeable scene at home that you were afraid of?

Nora: If my husband does get to know of it, of course he will at once pay you what is still

owing, and we shall have nothing more to do with you.

Krogstad: (Coming a step nearer)Listen to me, MrsHelmwe. Either you have a very bad

memory or you know very little of business. I shall be obliged to remind you of a

few details.


a) What happens just before this excerpt? (2mks)

b) Identify and illustrate any two themes evident in the excerpt. (4mks)

c) Using about fifty words, summarise why Krogstad is prepared to fight for the small post in

the bank (5mks)

d) Identify and illustrate any two character traits of; (4mks)

i. Krogstad

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ii. Nora

e) Identify and illustrate any two stylistic devices used in the excerpt. (4mks)

f) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the extract (2mks)

i. Compel

ii. Blackguard

g) “I shall be obliged to remind you of a few details”. Which are those details? (4mks)

3. Read the following narrative then answer the questions that follow


Once upon a time Hare and Hyena were very good friends. They visited each other every day and

herded their cows together.

There came a time when the cows started dying one after the other. The two friends wanted to find

out why the cows were dying. Hare said, ‘Let us go and kill our mothers and take out their livers.

We shall then cook and taste these livers. The bitter liver will show whose mother was making the

cows die. At once Hyena went and killed his mother. He took out the liver and cooked it. Hare

went and hid his mother in the garden in bushy banana plants. He then went and killed an antelope,

took out its liver and cooked it.

The two friends met to eat their livers. “My liver is very bitter”, said the Hyena. “Mine is very

sweet,” said Hare, “So it was your mother who was making the cows die.” Hyena kept quiet and

went home feeling sad. He moved from the old house to a smaller one because now he had no

mother. Hare did the same

After a short time, there was great famine in the land. The two friends decided that each of them

was to look for food on alternate days sharing, on an equal basis what was available. When it was

Hyena’s turn, he went and found only honeycombs without any honey. When Hyenabrought these,

Hare refused this because he had secretly gone to his mother who had given him some bananas.

This went on for many days, and Hyena grew thinner and thinner. Then he started wondering.

“How does my friend remain fat and he doesn’t eat anything. I will find out.”

One day he followed Hare. Hare went to his mother as usual. ‘Mother, mother, I have come’ and

the mother dropped some bananas which Hare ate quickly. He then looked for some honeycombs

and took them to the friend. “This is all I could find my friend.” The Hyena kept quiet. The next

day he went to the banana plant and called. His voice however was very deep and no bananas were

dropped for him.

There was an old hyenawho was staying at the end of the forest and used to give advice to people.

So Hare’s friend went to her and told her his problem. “Go and put your tongue on the path of

black ants,” He was told, “Let them bite your tongue until it hurts. That’s how your voice will be


Hyena went and did as he was told. When he went to Hare’s mother his voice was as soft as Hare’s.

“Mother, mother I have come.” And Hare’s mother dropped bananas for his him. Then he told her

to come and greet him. When she came down and saw it was

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Hyena she screamed but there was nobody near to help. Hyena killed her immediately.

Hyena went and met Hare as usual saying nothing about Hare’s mother. The following day it was

Hare’s. “Mother, mother I have come.’ And Hare’s mother dropped bananas for his him. Then he

told her to come and greet him. When she came down and saw it was Hyena she screamed but

there was nobody near to help. Hyena killed her immediately.

Hyena went and met Hare as usual saying nothing about Hare’s mother. The following day it was

Hare’s turn. He went to his usual place. “Mother” he called again. He climbed up. There was

nobody. Having seen some blood on the ground, Hare knew what had happened to his mother.

When Hare got back to Hyena’s house, he said nothing. At night, Hare took all cows including

Hyena’s and went away to live in another part of the country. That ended the Hare and Hyena’s

friendship. And that is the end of my story to you.


a) With illustrations, classify the above narrative (2mks)

b) Identify three features of narratives (3mks)

c) Identify three features in this story that are characteristics of oral narratives


d) Briefly explain the character traits of the following (4mks)

i. Hare

ii. Hyena

e) What moral lesson do you learn from this story? (2mks)

f) Identify two socio-economic activities from the community in which the narrative is taken

from. (2mks)

g) You have been selected for a fieldwork research to collect the above item.

i. Briefly explain two ways in which you would collect information on the item.


ii. Identify two challenges you might encounter during the field work and state how you

would solve them. (2mks)

h) Then he started wondering “How does my friend remain fat and he doesn’t eat anything. I will

find out”. (Re-write into indirect speech) (1mk)

i) Describe the irony in the fifth paragraph (2mk

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a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given (3mks)

i. He will not be given a driving license. He passes the road test (Rewrite as one using


ii. The woman left the child with a neighbor and went to the market. (Begin: leaving….)

iii. The boys went to play in the field (underline the adverbial)

b) Supply the correct preposition to complete the sentences given. (3mks)

i. Property worth millions of shillings went up …………………….flames.

ii. The three boys shared the bread ……………………………..themselves.

iii. We should strive to live …………………………………our means.

c) Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blank spaces in the sentences

below. (3mks)

i. The audience was offended by the ……………………….………..(sense) of the speaker.

ii. The ………………………………………..(acquire) of a university degree is a great

milestone to a student.

iii. Everyone should obey the law ………………………………of their position in the


d) Use the correct alternative to complete the sentences below (4mks)

i. Teaching ……………………………………(practice/practice) is not an easy job for


ii. The prophet’s ……………………………….(prophesy/prophecy) was misleading to his


iii. He …………………………………….((insured/ensured) his car with Madison.

iv. Mwita ………………………………..(hanged/hung) the chart on the wall.

e) Write the following sentences in indirect speech (1mk)

“These are juicy mangoes,” Ken said.

f) You do not require to cheat to pass (1mk)

(Supply a suitable question tag).

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English - Paper 3


a) Write a composition ending with the following statement.

……a final look at her made me realize that choices have consequences.


b) Write a composition to illustrate the proverb, “once beaten twice shy”.



Parenting should build an environment of trust and peace in a family. Write an essay

that explores how this statement applies to the Ole Kaelo family in Blossoms of the



a) Drama: David Mulwa: The Inheritance

Inheriting a top seat without merit only invites ridicule from subjects. Write an essay

showing how satire has been used in The Inheritance by David Mulwa.

b) Short stories: Moran (ED) memories we lost.

Discuss the major issues highlighted by the writer in the story window seat by Benjamin


c) John Steinbeck. The Pearl

The Pearl potrays humans as beings inherently greedy. Show the validity of this statement

with reference to The Pearl.

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English - Paper 1


a.) Your best friend has just been elected as the student’s president in your school.

Write a congratulatory note to him or her. (8mrks)

b.) Write a recipe of a dish for about ten people who will grace his/her celebration party.


2. CLOZE TEST (10mrks) The community and forces of tradition 1………………..…the most important aspects of

African society. Tradition 2……………………………….that everyone walks in the steps

of his ancestors; it is formulated in codes of behavior and morality which must be

3……………………………. All forms of action, thought and ambition

4……………………………their springs in these codes. Like the community, these

traditions 5………………………..formed by the ancestors and their roles

6………………………..to maintain unity between the living and the dead.

Right from birth, the life of the African child 7……………………….the codes of tradition

which direct him in society and 8………………………..to him his rights and duties-duties

in the sense of those social and religious obligations which were

9……………………………by the ancestors and which must be fulfilled. By observing

these rights and duties, the child 10………………………….a dual function.

Oral Skills (30mrks) 3 a.) Read the oral poem below and then answer the questions that follow.

Her lip suckle the nipples

Milk bubbles, foams and ripples

Little hands up in the air

Catch on the mother’s hair

Sweet sensation rises in pressure

Tiny legs kick with pleasure

Sleep whispers softly and long

(Emusara Ossie Enekase)

i.) Identity any two pairs of rhyming words in the poem. (1mrk)

ii.) Identify one major sound pattern in the poem. (1mrk)

iii.) Give two examples of the above sound pattern. (2mrks)

iv.) How would you perform the last two lines of the poem? (3mrks)

b) Suppose you were asked to make a speech at a friend’s graduation party. What would

you do to capture the audience’s attention? (5mrks)

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c.) Challenger: Two Europeans peeping through the window

Response: Mucus

i.) Classify the above genre. (1mrk)

ii.) Identify and illustrate the most outstanding stylistic device used in the above genre.


iii.) Give two functions of the above genre. (2mrks)

d) In the words below, underline the part that should be stressed. (4mrks)

i.) Suc.cess

ii.) ad.vice

iii.) Chal.lenge

iv.) Ob.serve

e) Give a word with a similar pronounciation. (4mrks)

i.) Muscle…………………………………….

ii.) Worn………………………………………

iii.) Come……………………………………..

iv.) Which…………………………………….

f) The following is a conversation between a father and his daughter. Identify six

shortcomings in the father’s listening skills. (6mrks)

DAUGHTER: (Shortly after having arrived home from school) Good afternoon,


FATHER: (Sitting complacently in the sofa, reading a newspaper. Looking up…….)

Good afternoon. (Resumes reading)

DAUGHTER: (Holding out her school report form) Daddy, I’m excited. My class

teacher said I was the best improved. I was…

FATHER: Oh, you were? Me, I used to be number one. I was absolutely unbeatable.

DAUGHTER: Chemistry has been a particular headache (now looking at the report

form which she thought her father would want to see), but this time…

FATHER: (Stretching his arms, looking preoccupied)

Chemistry for me was particularly easy.

I never scored anything less than 90%

DAUGHTER: Dad, I was going to tell you that this time…

FATHER: (Absent-mindedly) By the way, where is your mum?

DAUGHTER: Mum is in the garden picking vegetables. But Dad, you are not

listening to my story. I was telling you about Chemistry.

FATHER: You mean you have a story about Chemistry? Chemistry is not about

stories. It is hard science.

DAUGHTER: It’s about my improvement…

FATHER: (Laughing) Me, it wasn’t a matter of improvement. I was always at the top

of the class.

DAUGHTER: Daddy, I give up. You are not listening.

FATHER: (Looking surprised) Listening? I heard you: you were talking about

improvement in Chemistry, weren’t you?

DAUGHTER: Anyway, Dad. Thank you for paying attention. Enjoy your newspaper.

FATHER: Oh, yes I’m reading an interesting story about politics.

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English - Paper 2


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

The plan by the national government to import doctors and other health specialists from Cuba to

plug a “shortage” of workers has been warmly welcomed by county government through the

council of governors.

In the deal, the national government will pay the medics’ salaries while the counties foot the

transport, accommodation and security bill.

As per the 2010 constitution, which ushered in devolution, health was to be managed as a shared

responsibility between the two levels of government in a vertical and horizontal manner.

But the transition authority, in this hurry, devolved health and seconded healthcare workers to

counties without proper legal framework to address the challenges of this complicated cadre.

Devolution was meant to increase inclusivity and have resources enjoyed at the local level without

political favors as it had been. Previously, many areas had been neglected, with little access to

healthcare professionals, let alone specialists.

At the height of devolution debate, the drafters of the constitution agreed to have healthcare shared

so that marginalized parts of the country would get the necessary attention through efforts such as

equalization funds.

As rightly captured in the Bomas Draft, a health service commission (HSC) was to be informed to

ensure issues of personnel are dealt with at the national level. This was in a bid to have adequate

resource sharing, proper retention of scarce resources (specialists) and promotion of training to

achieve the recommended population-to-health worker ratio.

The commission was, however, somehow excluded from the Constitution by the committee of

experts in a process that lacked wide participation.

As it were, the devolution of healthcare was done hurriedly and the chicken has come home to

roost. It is clear that something has gone very wrong with the management of this important

national resource. Health sector strikes which should rightly be frowned upon, have become

common place. The media are awash with reports of tribalism, nepotism and “countysm” in

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recruitment. Lack of equipment, medication and common supplies is also rampant. The national

government stepped in with medical equipment leasing (MES)

scheme, which saw high-tech tools and machines supplied to much-unprepared institutions, putting

to question the whole structure of what exactly is devolution of health.

One must still support the tension of devolution but question its implementation. Unable to attract,

train and retain specialists, the counties are salivating at the prospect of receiving “free” Cuban

doctors. This is a clear admission that the devolved units are quite incapable of managing this vital


Accepting human resource sourced and managed for them is to lend credence to the belief that this

is a role that at best coordinated by the national government.

Daily nation, June 6 2018


a) Referring to the first paragraph, why is the term “shortage” put in quotation. 2mks

b) What shared responsibilities are highlighted in the hiring process? 2mks

c) For the drafters of 2010 constitution, what was envisaged under a new constitution order

pertaining to healthcare? 2mk

d) According to the Bomas draft, what was the work of the health service commission?


e) What evidence is given to show that health sector is in crisis. 3mks

f) In note form, show according to the passage, how devolved units are un-prepared to

handle health. 4mks

g) Identify a case of idiomatic expression in the passage. 2mks

h) Give the meaning of the following words and phrases. 3mks

i) Ushered-

ii) Marginalized parts-


2. Read the excerpt below and then answer questions that below.

Helmer : (calls out from his room).Is that my little lark twittering out there?

Nora: (busy opening some of the parcels). Yes, it is!

Helmer: Is it my little squirrel bustling about?

Nora: Yes!

Helmer: When did my squirrel come home?

Nora: Just now.

(Puts the bag of macaroons into her pocket and wipes her mouth.)

Come in here, Torvald, and see what I havebought.

HELMER: Don’t disturb me.

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(A little later, he opens the door and looks into the room, pen in hand.)

Bought, did you say? All these things? Has mylittle spendthrift been

wasting money again?

Nora: Yes but, Torvald, this year we really canlet ourselves go a little. This

is the first Christmasthat we have not needed to economise.

Helmer: Still, you know, we can’t spend moneyrecklessly. Nora. Yes, Torvald,

we may be awee bit more reckless now, mayn’t we? Just atiny wee bit!

You are going to have a big salaryand earn lots and lots of money.

Helmer: Yes, after the New Year; but then it willbe a whole quarter before the

salary is due.

Nora: Pooh! We can borrow until then.

Helmer: Nora! (Goes up to her and takes her playfullyby the ear.) The same

little featherhead!

Suppose, now, that I borrowed fifty pounds today, and you spent it all

in the Christmas week,and then on New Year’s Eve a slate fell onmy

head and killed me, and–

Nora: (putting herhands over his mouth). Oh! don’t say such horridthings.

Helmer: Still, suppose that happened,–whatthen?

Nora: If that were to happen, I don’t suppose Ishould care whether I owed money or


Helmer: Yes, but what about the people whohad lent it?

(a) State four actions that take place just before this excerpt. (4marks)

(b) What pet names do Helmer call Nora in the excerpt? (3marks)

(c) “This is the first Christmas that we have not needed to economise.” Why does Nora

say they don’t have to economise. Refer to what happens in the rest of the play


(d) Helmer calls Nora a little spendthrift. Why is this the case? (2marks)

(e) Explain two character traits of Nora as brought out in the excerpt (4marks)

(f) Rewrite by replacing the underlined word with a group of words. (3marks)

i. Don’t disturb me.

ii. Oh! Don’t say such horrid things.

iii. If that were to happen, I don’t suppose I should care whether I owed money or


(g) Discuss one theme evident in the exceprt. (3marks)

(h) What happens immediately after this excerpt? (3marks)

3. Read the narrative below and then answer questions that follow.

There was a great famine in the land where Obunde and his wife, Oswera, lived with their nine

children. The only creatures who had some food were the ogres and before they would part with

their food, they demanded a lot of things.

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One day, Oswera went to one Ogre’s home and asked him for some food, for by then her children

were almost dying of hunger.

‘I have no more food except sweet potatoes, the ogre told her.

‘I shall be happy to have the potatoes. We have nothing, not a grain of food at my house and the

children are starving. Please let me have some and I shall repay you after the harvest.

‘No, if you want food you must exchange with something right now. Will you give me one of

your children in exchange for my potatoes? Oswera hesitated, her children were dear to her, but

then they would die without food.

‘Yes, I shall let you have one of them for his meal, if only you could let us have some potatoes,’

Oswera answered. Then she took a big basket full of potatoes and told the ogre the exact time he

could go to her home to collect one of her children for a meal.

Oswera thought hard and she decided she would not give a single one of her children to the ogre

for a meal. She therefore cut young banana stalks and cooked them nicely.

When the ogre came, she gave them to him and the beast greedily went away satisfied. Soon the

potatoes were finished and she had to go to the ogre again.

Oswera and Obunde, her husband kept on cooking banana stalks for the ogre each time he came

for one of their children, until one day, she had no more banana stalks to cook for the animal.

“You have now eaten all my children, yet we still need the potatoes. What shall we give your

now?” Oswera asked in despair.

‘Then I shall come for you and your husband,’ the ogre replied angrily as he helped Oswera to

load her basket of potatoes on her head.

‘Yes come tomorrow at the usual time in the afternoon and get me. I shall have cooked myself for

you,” Oswera said calmly.

The following day the ogre went promptly as Oswera had told him and he found the home almost

deserted. He looked everywhere but a part from Obunde there was no trace of anybody.

Then he looked at the usual place and found a huge bowl of a big meal Oswera had cooked for

him. The ogre did not realize they had prepared a dog instead of Oswera. When he had eaten the

ogre told Obunde he would come for him the following day. Obunde got very worried and that

night he could not sleep. The following day he started crying:

“Ah Oswera my wife, how did you cook yourself and how shall I cook myself for the ogre?” He

sat down in the dust of his compound and wept. Oswera became very annoyed with her husband.

You, you stupid, foolish man! Why sit and cry there all day long? How do you think I cooked

myself? Take one of the dogs and quickly prepare it for the ogre!’

Very quickly Obunde got up, caught, killed and prepared a dog for the ogre. Then he joined his

wife and children in a huge hollow part of a tree in his compound where they had hidden.

That day the ogre knew he was going to have his last meal of juicy human flesh. Being a

generous and unselfish ogre, he brought many of his fellow ogres. They were going to have a


Suddenly as they were eating, they heard a man singing very happily. No they could not believe

it! It was Obunde singing! And he was boasting of how he had cheated the ogre.

The greedy ogre ate banana stalks

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Not my family;

The greedy ogre ate a dog

Not Obunde Magoro!

The greedy ogre ate banana stalks

Not my family;

Now come and get Obunde,

His children and wife.

Obunde sang the words and the ogres got very angry. The first ogre rushed into the hollow of the

tree, but Oswera had heated a long piece of iron until it was white. She pushed the iron into the

ogre’s mouth. The beast fell down dead. The next one rushed into the hollow and

Oswera killed him in the same way. In this way she killed all the ogres and saved her husband

and all their children.

My story ends there.


(a) Classify the above narrative. (2marks)

(b) Whom do you consider to be the champion in this story? Why? (2marks)

(c) Where do you think the pace setting of the story? Give a reason. (2marks)

(d) Compare Obunde and the ogre as they are presented in this story. (2marks)

(e) Illustrate two features of the story that makes it an oral narrative. (4marks)

(f) Explain the moral lesson of this story. (2marks)

(g) If you were to collect the above from the informant,

i. What methods of data collection would you use? (3marks)

ii. What challenges are you likely to face? (3marks)


(a) Use the most suitable form of the word in bracket to fill in the blank space.


i. I believe in his …………………………………….. . (innocent)

ii. Her _______________ cost her life. (deceive)

iii. Such an _____________ had never been seen. (Occur)

(b) Rewrite according to instructions given without changing the meaning.(3marks)

i. Neither Ann nor the girls are studying French.

Begin: Neither the girls….

ii. Two buses and a train go to the Eiffel Tower.

Correct the error

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iii. The sun shines brightly.

End: ….shines

(c) Combine the following sentences using the words in brackets. (3marks)

i. She is intelligent. She is beautiful. (…both..and…)

ii. Jerry is not rich. Jerry is not famous. (neither…nor)

iii. He is intelligent. He is very funny. (…not only…but also…)

(d) Fill in the most suitable preposition. (3marks)

i. Solomon was famous ……………………his wisdom.

ii. She guessed …………….the answer.

iii. He derived the meaning ………………..the context of the sentence.

(e) Choose a more suitable pronoun to fill the blank space. (3marks)

i. The ones responsible are Charles and ………………. (she, her)

ii. ………………..did you give it to? (who, whom)

iii. It’s …………..who arrived first. (me, I)

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English - Paper 3

Question 1: Imaginative Composition (Compulsory) (20mks)


1 a) write a composition beginning with the following sentence

“The night was different from all the previous nights…..”


c) Write a composition explaining the importance of co-curricular activities in achieving a

wholesome education in Kenya schools.

2. Question 2 (Compulsory) (20 mks)

Though Resian is faced by numerous challenges she leads her to a victorious

life.” Write a composition to show the validity of this assertion. Using Blossoms of the


3. Question 3:

(a) Memories We Lost and Other stories.

The villagers are to blame for the death of Esteban. With clear

illustrations from Gabriel Marquez’s story The Handsomest

Drowned Man in the World write an essay showing how the

villagers can be blamed for the death of Esteban.


(b) The Pearl by John Steinbeck

“Greed leads to evil.” Write a Composition to show the truth of this

statement using illustrations from John Steinbeck’s The Pearl.

(c) Inheritance, David Mulwa

“Lacuna represents the evil that bedevils our leaders.” Write an essay to justify this

using Inheritance by David Mulwa.

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English - Paper 1


You are the Principal of Wema Secondary School. Your school is conducting the form four

prayer day. All the form four students, teachers and parents will attend the function. You have

invited the cabinet secretary of Education and the School Chaplain for the occasion. Write the

speech you will deliver on that important day. (20Mks)


Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.

(10 marks) Yesterday morning I had an unusual ___________ on my way_______ school. I heard

someone__________and saw a friend on the__________side of the road. I knew he

was___________to school, too, so I decided to__________the road. I had only just

stepped_______the pavement when I was nearly_______down by a ___________which came

racing round the corner. I jumped out of the way and then started to scream, when four men ran

round the corner vainly shouting___________at the driver.


a) Read the following oral narrative and answer the questions that follow Long ago, there was a great famine in the world and during this time Dog went into the forest in a

desperate bid to find some food. He left his wife at home guarding their hungry children. Shortly

after setting out, Opul the hyena called at dog’s house, with that sensitive nose of his, Opul had

caught the scent of Dog’s wife and now boldly entered her home demanding that she gives him

one of the babies to eat. Afraid to refuse, Dog’s wife obeyed and Opul swallowed the baby

greedily. He immediately demanded all the others, filling Dog’s wife with terror. “I’m not

satisfied,” he said. “Give me all of them then I will spare you.” Helpless, Dog’s wife complied,

reluctantly handing over her babies until Opul had devoured them all. “Your babies were young

and tasty,” Opul said, “but I still feel hungry.” And with that he attacked Dog’s wife viciously and

a fierce struggle began.

They had been fighting for a long time when the Dog himself suddenly returned, just in time to

find Opul on the point of killing his wife. Heflung into fray; but Opul, who was immensely strong,

fought on with increasing fury until both dogs were exhausted and foaming at the mouth. Seeing

how matters stood, Dog gasped to his wife, “Let’s run for help! Let’s go to a man’s home! It isn’t

far from here! We’re sure to get shelter there!”

And so they fled like the wind, escaping certain death in the mighty jaws of Opul; death that would

have meant the extinction of all dogs on earth. Panting helplessly, they arrived at man’s house

where they were well received and given protection. Dog told his host how Opul had eaten all his

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children, and how he had gone to his wife’s assistance before finally deciding to fight. Man listened

sympathetically, and henceforth, Dog lived with him, never

forgetting the help and protection he had once received.

[Adapted from: Keep My Words by B. Onyango- Ogutu and A.A Roscoe]

1. If you were to narrate this narrative to a live audience, mention what you would do to

capture the audience’s attention before you begin to tell the story. (3 Marks)

2. Mention any two non-verbal skills you would use to make the presentation of this

narration lively and interesting. (2 Marks)

3. How would you deliver the speech by Opul? (2 Marks)

4. a) How do you think the audience would react when the dog suddenly returns?

(3 Marks) b) Identify whether the intonation will rise or fall in the following sentences:

(3 Marks) i. Is your name Jane Sunkuli?

ii. What is your occupation?

iii. Can you give me your certificates, please?

c) Insert the following words in the corresponding column to show whether it has a

/ʃ/, /Ʒ/, /ð/, or /Ɵ/ sound as per the underlined: (4 Marks)

Tenth, Sugar, Special, Father, Garage, Mathematics, Leisure, Themselves

/Ɵ/ /ʃ/ /Ʒ/ /ð/

d) Provide a word that is pronounced the same way as each of the words below:

(3 Marks)

i. kernel

ii. been

iii. cue

e) A leader of a theatre group is visiting your school to arrange for the staging of some

set books. You have been appointed by your class to negotiate for favorable entry

fees for your class and you are meeting the leader for the first time. Explain any

three negotiation skills that you would employ to ensure successful negotiations.

(3 Marks)

f) Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow.

(Kinja meets his former teacher, Miss Maneno, at a village shopping center.)

Kinja: Hi Miss Maneno, long time no see.

Miss Maneno: Hello Kinja, How have you been for so long?

Kinja: I’m fit as you can see.

Miss Maneno: What a surprise to see you here! So you come from around?

Kinja: Zi, just popped in to see some buddies of mine. And you?

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Miss Maneno: Well, I came to visit a colleague who’s been feeling unwell for

some time. You remember Mr. Njogu?

Kinja: Yes, the elephant! Who can forget him. He used…

Miss Maneno: Well, I must be going. Good-Bye.

Kinja: See you.

(i) State what is wrong with Kinja’s utterances. (2 Marks)

ii) What aspects of speech situation does Kinja need to consider in order to

communicate effectively and appropriately? (3 Marks)

iii) Why do you think Miss Maneno excuses herself before Kinja finishes

speaking? (2 Marks)

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English - Paper 2

1. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. (20 marks)

The recent claim by scientists at Egerton University that the water table in the South Rift is

dropping is alarming. The researchers have noted with great concern that several boreholes in

the region have dried up and water volume in several rivers has rapidly reduced as a result of

clearing of trees in the Mau forest. This significantly affects Lake Nakuru as its shoreline has

noticeably been receding over time. We are being told this at a time when the Ministry of

Natural Resources has already laid down plans to clear gazetted forests saying it to settle

landless people. We cannot allow this to happen. In the past, we have watched influential

people plunder Karura, Aberdares and Mt. Kenya forests. Marmanet forest in Laikipia is no

more after several farmers were allocated the public land. We cannot afford to interfere with

the water catchment areas of the great rivers of this country because they are our lifeline. Not

so long ago, this country suffered crippling power rationing regime for more than six months,

seriously hampering economic growth. Industries ground to a halt, laying off a number of

employees; complicating an already worse unemployment crisis. This should have woken us

up from the deep slumber that “all is well.”

Ours is a tale of unfettered impunity. Throughout the country, we read of owners of large

flower farmers who have diverted the river course into their farms to irrigate their crops,

denying those living downstream a source of water. Others are busy clearing wetlands,

seriously interfering with nature’s ecological balance. We hear of industries shamelessly

emptying their waste into rivers. Apart from that, influential transporters ferry truckloads of

charcoal and the precious sandalwood under the noses of the police. More often than not, apart

from empty rhetoric, we never get to hear that those responsible have been punished.

When the government kicked off the drive to reclaim the Mau forest, there was a flurry of

activities from all and sundry. All came together in a massive tree planting exercise. However,

the politicization of the compensation claims put forward by large estate owners with the Mau

Complex, brought things to a halt. The enthusiasm has since died and no one knows when the

matter will be brought to a conclusion.

We depend too much on our rivers to allow any selfish individual to interfere with their

watershed. Needless to say, our complacent attitude towards environmental issues has made

environmental problems uncontrollable. It is the high time we came together and took care of

our environment.

The government through National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) , NGO’s and

environmental lobby groups should step up efforts to sensitise people of all walks of life on

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the need to conserve our natural heritage for the future generations. This should be coupled

with replanting of trees on all deforested government land and

intensified practice in agro-forestry. The ban on cultivation along river banks and

indiscriminate felling of trees for charcoal burning must be enforced.

Apart from that, steps should be put in place towards revocation of all irregular allocation of

government forests to individuals. Government officers suspected of abetting land grabbing

must face the full force of the law. Industries that dispose off toxic or untreated waste into the

environment should also be dealt with firmly.

It’s time we took a step towards safeguarding our environment. There is need to develop a

sense of collective responsibility. Considering the fact that the United States rejected the Kyoto

Protocol of 1997, we should be even more vigilant and jealously safeguard what nature has

provided. It’s our environment, our country, our heritage. We need it to pass it on to our


(a) What evidence is given in paragraph 1 to show that the water table in the South Rift is

falling? (2 mks)

(b) What excuse is the government giving for its plans to clear gazetted forests?


(c) Using information in the second paragraph, summarize how impunity, has led to

environmental degradation. (4 mks)

(d) How does power rationing affect economic growth? (2 mks)

(e) What halted the reclaiming of the Mau Complex? (2 mks)

(f) Why is the shoreline of Lake Nakuru receding? (1mk)

(f) What should the government do to address the environmental problems? Write your

answer in note Form (4mks)

(h) Explain the following words as used in the passage. (4 mks)

(i) Rapidly

(ii) Plunder

(iii) Intensified

(iv) Safeguard

2. Read the extract below and then answer the questions that follow: 25 marks

Mrs. Linde: Yes, that was what I was thinking of.

Nora: He must, Christine. Just leave it to me; I will broach the subject

very cleverly- I will think of something that will please him very much.

It will make me so happy to be of some use to you.

Mrs. Linde: How kind you are, Nora, to be so anxious to help me! It is doubly

kind of you, for youknow so little of the burdens and troubles of life.

Nora: I -? I know so little of them?

Mrs. Linde: (Smiling) My dear! Small household cares and that sort of thing!-

You are a child, Nora.

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Nora: (tosses her head and crosses the stage) You ought not to be so


Mrs. Linde: No?

Nora: You are just like the others. They all think that I am incapable of

anything really serious-

Mrs. Linde: Come, come –

Nora: - that I have gone through nothing in this world of cares.

Mrs. Linde: But, my dear Nora, you have just told me all your troubles.

Nora: Pooh! – those were trifles. (Lowering her voice) I have not told you

the important thing.

Mrs. Linde: The important thing? What do you mean?

Nora: You look down upon me altogether, Christine – but you ought not

to. You are proud, aren’t you, of having worked so hard and so long

for your mother?

Mrs. Linde: Indeed, I don’t look down on anyone. But it is true that I am

both proud and glad to think that I was privileged to make the end of my

mother’s life almost free from care.

Nora: And you are proud to think of what you have done for your


Mrs. Linde: I think I have the right to be.

Nora: I think so, too. But now, listen to this: I too have something to be

proud and glad of.

Mrs. Linde: I have no doubt you have. But what do you refer to?

Nora: Speak low. Suppose Torvald were to hear! He mustn’t on any

account – no one in the world must know, Christine, except you.

Mrs. Linde: But what is it?

Nora: Come here. (Pulls her down on the sofa beside her.)

Now I will show you that I too have something to be proud and

glad of.

a) What does Mrs. Linde refer to when she says “that was what I was thinking of”?


b) How do you compare Mrs. Linde’s reference to Nora as a child and Torvald Helmer’s of

her from the text? (2mks)

c) Describe characters of: (4mks)

Mrs. Linde :

Nora :

d) What is Mrs. Linde’s attitude towards Nora? (2mks)

e) From your knowledge of the text, why does Nora refuse to tell her secret to herhusband?


f) Rewrite the following in reported speech (2mks)

Nora: You look down upon me altogether, Christine – but you ought not to .

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g) What is ironical about Nora’s assertion that ‘no one in the world must know, Christine,

except you.’ And what does this reveal about Nora’s character?(3mks)

h) Explain any aspect of style inherent in the above excerpt. (2mks)

i) Identify and illustrate any theme evident in this excerpt (2mks)

j) Change the sentence below into a interrogative one. (1mk)

I think I have the right to be.

k) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage.(2mks)

i) Broach –

ii) Look down on –



I will talk plainly

Because I am moved to abandon riddles

I will tell you of how

We held our heads in our hands

Because the owl hooted all night

And the dogs howled as if mourning

We awaited the bad news

We received it:

Our mother blinded in one eye

Crippled in the right leg

Because she did not vote

For her husband’s candidate

I will remind you

Of when the peeled plantains

Stood upright in the cooking pot:

We slaughtered a co*ck,

Anticipating an important visitor

We got her:

Our daughter – pieces of flesh in a sack

Our present from her husband.

No! I will not use metaphors

I will just talk to you:

I do not fight to take your place

Or to constantly wave my fist in your face

I refuse to argue about

Your “manly pact”

With my father

You’re buying me for a bag of potatoes

And pepper

All I want

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Is for you to stop denying me

My presence needs no metaphors

I am here

Just as you are

I am not a machine

To dismantle whenever you whim

I demand my human dignity


(a) Who is the persona in this poem? (2 mks)

(b) What is the message of this poem? (4 mks)

(c) Explain the speaker’s attitude towards the subject matter. (2mks)

(d) Give one character trait of the speaker. (2 mks)

(e) Discuss two elements of tradition highlighted in the poem. (4 mks)

(f) Identify two poetic features of style used in the poem. (4 mks)

(g) I am not a machine. (Rewrite adding a question tag.) (1mk)


(a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

(3 mks)

(i) The young man was very hungry. He swallowed the food without chewing it. (Begin:


(ii) The oil company has established petrol station here. (Rewrite beginning: A petrol

station …………)

(iii) The principal advised the students to consider the consequences of their behavior.

(Rewrite in direct speech.

(b) Fill the blanks with suitable prepositions. (3 mks)

(i) Mwende is indebted ______ him for the help he gave me.

(ii) The thief who snatched my bag walked __________ a limp.

(iii) Harambee stars won because the spectators cheered them ______________________

(c) Replace the underlined phrasal verb with word of the same meaning. (3 mks)

(i) The student kept breaking in on our conversation.

(ii) We stood up for what they believed.

(iii) We must pull together to make sure our team wins

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(d) Explain the meanings of the following sentences.

(i) Only Mutungi spoke to him.

(ii) Mutungi spoke to him only.

(iii) Mutungi only spoke to him.

(e) Rewrite the following sentence replacing the underlined words with a gender word.

(3 mks)

(i) Our maid stole money from my mother’s purse.

(ii) The firemen took a long time to arrive at the scene of the accident.

(iii) Mankind thrives on cooperation.

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English - Paper 3

1. Imaginative composition (Compulsory) (20 marks)

(a) Write a composition ending with the words;

“……. it was then that I realized I had ruined my life by associating

with the wrong friends.”


(b) Write a composition agreeing or disagreeing with the statement, ‘A

good name is better than riches.’

2. (Compulsory): BLOSSOMS OF SAVANAH

The author has been able to effectively employ irony to bring out the message of the

text. Illustrate the effectiveness of this style in the text.

3. OPTIONAL sets

Answer anyone of the following three questions.

(a) The Novel

John Steinbeck: The Pearl (20 marks)

Excessive desire for material things can negatively influence one’s

character and sanity. Using Kino, draw illustrations from John

Steinbeck’s The Pearl.


(b) The Short stories

Memories We Lost and other stories (Compiled by Chris Wanjala)

(20MARKS) ‘In the short story, How Much Land Does Man Need, the author

shows human greed’. Write an essay to support the above


(c) Inheritance

For the people of Kutula the colonial days were better. Using

illustrations from David Mulwa’s play Inheritance write an essay discussing

what could have gone wrong under Lacuna

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English - Paper 1


You are a third year student at Kalii University College. A fire has broken out in your learning

institution and gutted down all the hostels while the students were in the main hall for

entertainment. The Vice Chancellor has appointed a committee of ten members among them,

the Dean of students, The Janitor, Security Officer, The Chairman of the Students Union and

two lectures. The committee is required to find out the cause of the fire; those involved if any

and come up with ways of avoiding a future occurrence. As the secretary of the committee write

the report.


Complete the passage below by filling in the blanks with the most appropriate word.

The European Union 1.............................................................retaliate again if united states of

America President Donald Trump imposes more tariffs on Ell goods to remedy what he calls

"unfair" trade ,relations ,French Prime minister Bruno Le Marie said yesterday .The Ell on

Friday imposed a range of tariffs on 2......................................................Worth 2.8 billion

Euros(3.3 billion dollars) in a tit - for -tat response to Mr. Trump's decision to apply stiff tariffs

on European steel and aluminum exports .In response Mr. Trump threatened

3................................twitter to slap a 20 percent tariff on European car imports ,heightening

worries of trade war which could be 4......................................................... growth on both of

Atlantic ."If the US hits us again with a 20 percent on automobiles, we will respond again,

"Mr. Le Marie told journalists in Paris." We don't want this to 5........................................, but

we are the ones being attacked "the minister said.

The Ell tariff applied to items 6.........................................from blue jeans to, bourbon; appear

designed in part to hit industries which are predominantly active in states dominated by Mr.

Trump's 7 ...............................Party. Mr. Le Marie also said the 8.................................dispute

underscored the importance of deeper integration in Euro zone, which would foster stronger

companies that could better.9.................................. on global stage. Yet Euro zone members

remain sharply divided on the French -German agreement announced this month including

proposal such as common budget and move to 10......................cooperate taxes.


A. Read the following dialogue and answer the question that follows.

(Rose is walking in the market looking for Kienyeji chicken from the sellers)

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SELLER :( Looking up smiling) Welcome madam. These are thorough bred chicken. A kilo

goes for Kenya Shillings four hundred and fifty. This is the best offer you can get in this

market today.

ROSE: (Showing interests as she surveys the chicken in the cages) it might be Kienyeji but

it is too expensive .How about three fifty shilling s a kilo?

SELLER: Customer just look at the chicken and how healthy they are as proof of being well

fed. For seven kilos, I can reduces to four hundred shillings per kilo

ROSE: well, times are hard. Why don't we talk of four hundred shillings per kilo for the

seven kilos?

SELLER: (Smiling while weighing and already packing the chicken) .You are so good at

bargaining .It is a deal.

ROSE: (Smiling back at her as she hands over the money) Thank you .I will see you next


i. How do both seller and Rose contribute to the success of the negotiation?

(5 Marks).

B. Study the oral; literature piece below and then answer the questions that


Challenger: Tangoch !(A challenger!)

Respondent: Choo!(Let it come !)

Challenger: Silling barak! (A shilling in the sky!)

Respondent: Ndegeit! (An aero plane)

i. Classify the above genre. (1 mark)

ii. Who is the audience in the above genre? Explain (2 marks)

iii. Explain the imagery in the above genre. (2 marks)

C. Study the following tongue twisters (3 Marks)

Whence, weary woman, wailing worn with work.

When wounded womb, will wisdom, will

i. Why is the use of alliteration an important feature in tongue twisters?

D. Read the following conversation and complete it with the most suitable


You have witnessed an accident matatu has rammed into a truck and a

number of people have been injured.

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Matatu Driver: Is there any one with mobile phone? We have to call the police


You:................................................................................................................... (2 Marks)

Matatu Driver: Could you please call the Lamu Police station and alert them of the


You:.................................................................................................................... (2 Marks)

Police Officer: Yes, this is Lamu Police Station. Constable Wambu speaking .Can i

help you madam?

You: Yes, please there has been a terrible accident!

Police Officer: May I know who is calling

You:..................................................................................................................... (2 Marks)

Police Officer: Where has the accident occured?

You: On Mwabezi Road near Lamu Primary School

Police Officer: What happened?

You:...................................................................................................................... (2 Marks)

Police Officer: Really? Sorry .Any casualties?

You:....................................................................................................................... (2 Marks)

Police Officer: Don't worry , we will be at the scene as soon as possible. Thank you

for calling

You:........................................................................................................................ (1 Mark)

E. Underline the stressed syllables in the following words (3 Marks)

i. Pa.la.tial

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ii. Re.ju.ve.na.tion

iii. Friend.ly

F. Identify the silent letter in the following words. (4 Marks)

i. Guide

ii. Bough

iii. Halfpenny

iv. Czar

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English - Paper 2


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

A short guy is a disadvantage individual. And no, the disadvantage is not about reaching high

surfaces. He can always stand on his toes or even get a stool. But what would he do when he is

discriminated against or taunted on account of his being short; and when tall guys consider it

something of a moral responsibility to remind the short fellow over and over that he is inferior?

Apparently, a short man, besides being irritable, is a psychological wreck, thanks to some

syndrome of sorts.

Then there is a legion of misinformed women out there who declare to anyone who cares to

listen that death would be welcome alternative to dating a short man. Never mind that most are

themselves as short as one can get. In their opinion, which they are entitled to anyway, tall is

handsome, strong and literally oozes masculinity while short is the opposite. With limited

choice of possible mates, restrictions on probable mates, and slew of wrongful generalization,

affirmative action would be in order here.

But as they taunt, vilify and harass short guys on the basis of height, the tall ones conveniently

forget that no one chose how tall they would be. Elementary Biology has it that we are all

victims of genetic accident; how tall one becomes is wholly subject to chance. Appearance and

other human characteristics are an aggregation of parental traits at best, or a mutation at worst

like when only one member is short in a family of tall fellows. It therefore speaks volumes about

the gray matter upstairs in anyone chest thumping about being tall. Once, when the disciplined

forces were hiring, I offered myself for consideration. I was subjected to all sorts of strenuous

exercise ,running round and round the field in the midday sun like i had gone berserk, shutting

my eyes alternately , and a host of other impossible strange routine , only to be turned away at

the end of the day for the simple reason that height did not add up

Merchants of rumors and falsehood have been at it again. After unleashing the - shorter the

monkey the longer the tail rumour, they are back with another mind - boggling one: that these

long- tailed short monkeys are poor lovers. While endowment does not necessarily equal

performance, such are generalization of the absurd; something a kin to the misplaced belief that

all Africans live on trees. If anything, as one Literary Great apply put it, a tiger does not declare

its turpitude, it pounces.

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And the politics of generalization do not end there .The short guy is also said to be irritable lad

hence the worst possible choice for a boss or even mate. Who wants to spend time with someone

who will be over the roof at the slightest provocation? Not that the myth is

gospel truth, but has resulted in further restrictions of the short guy's already limited choice of

a mate.

As if this is not enough, stiff competition for short ladies silently rages pitting tall guys against

short ones. Despite their wide appeal, the tall fellows have an inexplicable penchant for short

ladies. Factor in the belief that is something of a misnomer to date a taller lady, the decision by

some short ladies to give a not interested verdict for short men, and you have remote ,dwindling

chances of short men getting a mate.

Maybe it is time short in stature considered coming together to fight this wholesale

discrimination on account of height, over which they have no control. An association would be

the perfect gateway to affirmative action. Surely, what has height got to do with love,

temperament and everything else for that matter?


a) Why does the writer think the short guy is disadvantaged? (2 marks)

b) explain the irony of some women discriminating the short man. (2marks)

c) According to the writer, what determines a person's height? (2 marks)

d) Why does the writer give his experience when the disciplined forces were hiring?

(2 marks)

e) There is a legion of misinformed women out there who declare to anyone who cares to listen

that death would be a welcome alternative to dating a short man (re - write the sentence using

"prefer" (1 mark)

f) What two reasons are given why it might be difficult for short men to get mates?

(2 marks)

g) What solution is given by the writer to end the discrimination of the short man?

(2 marks)

h) What is the attitude of the writer towards people who discriminate against the short man?

(3 marks)

i) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage


(i) Legion

(ii) Aggregation

(iii) Chest thumping

(iv) Inexplicable

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2. Read the following extract and then answer the questions that follow. (25mks)

"Check your tongue child!" her mother rebuked her harshly.

"Soon you are going to disgrace your father by the way you speak. Didn't you see the

way you horrified your yeiyo-botorr the other day when you spoke like one with a demented

spirit? You must bridle your tongue. Be careful of what you say, otherwise you will soon be

called enaduakutuk."

"I am sorry, Yeiyo," said Resian remorsefully. "But surely Yeiyo, mustn't one mention

the despicable character of an old man who behaves badly before a girl young enough to be

his daughter?"

"However disreputable the man may be," her mother warned her, "be careful Resian. We

don't know what connection the man has with your father and it would be catastrophic if your

tongue would be the one to sever his relations with other men. Go to the living room and tell

him I'm busy preparing lunch. Get him a cup of tea or something else to drink and make him

comfortable before your father comes. I am sure he will be here soon."


1. Place this extract in its immeddiate context. (4mks)

2. Resian is talking ill of a certain man. What makes her give such comments about him?


3. Relate what Resian had done earlier and worried the aunt and what she has done in the

extract that equally worried the mother. (2mks)

4. Mama Milanoi talks of a catastrophe. Does this catastrophe happen? (2mks)

5. Identify two stylistic devices used in this extract. (4mks)

6. Identify three character traits of Mama Milanoi that emerge from this extract. (6mks)

7. After this extract, Oloisudori looks at Resian and she imagines that her blouse is

unbuttonned. What makes Resian imagine so? (2mks)

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8. What is the meaning of the following words as used in the extract. (3mks)

(i) Bridle-

(ii) Demented-

(iii) Horrified-


Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow

The Tide Rises, the tide falls

The tide rises, the tide falls,

The twilight darkens, the curfew calls;

Along the sea - sands damp and brown,

5. And the tides rises, the tide falls.

Darkness settles on roofs and walls,

But the sea, the sea in the darkness calls;

The little waves, with their soft, white hands,

Efface the footprints in the sands,

10. And the tide rises, the tide falls.

The morning breaks; the steeds in their stalls

Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls;

The day returns, but nevermore

Returns the traveler to the shore,

And the tide rises, the tide falls.

(Henry Wadsworth)

1. What is poem's point of discussion (4 marks)

2. Identify three aspects of style used in the poem and highlight their effectiveness

(6 marks)

3. Describe the tone of the poem. ( 2 marks)

3. Describe the mood portrayed in the poem (2 marks)

4. Explain the meaning of the following lines as used (6marks)

i. The tides rise, the tides falls

ii. The day returns but nevermore

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5. Highlight the contradiction that is highlighted in the last stanza (2 marks)


1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions after each.

(4 mks)

i) Dr. Metto has great gift for oratory. His speech was received with loud applause.

Combine into one sentence .Use ....................................a


ii) She was compelled to sign a confession for admitting guilt.

Begin: They mad

iii) It rarely rains in Turkana .Begin: Rarely

iv) He was agitated by the slanderous statements. He decides to sue.

Begin: Agitated..............

2. Replace the underlined part of this sentence with an apt phrasal verb (3 mks)

i) The security team was asked to ensure that the cameras were functioning

ii) His distinct voice revealed his identity.

iii) You need to reduce on the expenses.

3. Supply the correct question tag (3 mks)

i) Let us go to school.....................................................................................

ii) Stand up.......................................................................................................

iii) You ought to pay attention............................................................................

4. Explain the difference in meaning between the following sentences. (1 mk)

i) When they got out of the car they stopped to talk

ii) When they got out of the car they stopped talking.

5. Fill in the Blanks with the most appropriate personal pronouns (2 mks)

i) Between you and ..................................................................(me/i) who is


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ii) Rose and ...............................................................................(she/her) left for


6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in brackets. (2 mks)

i) Most of his family members are quite.........................................................


ii) The minister tried to peace....................................................the rioting

University students.

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English – Paper 3

1. Imaginative Composition (Compulsory) (20 marks)

a) Write a composition which there is a

i. A priest

ii. An ex-convict

iii. Either a cow or a huge sum of money.


b) "The popular view/opinion is not necessarily the right the! Argue for or against

the statement.

2. Compulsory set Text; The BLOSSOMS OF THE SAVANNAH

(20 Marks)

It is resian’s determination that makes her achieve her goals.in the light of what

happens in the novel, Blossoms of savannah, Write an essay in support of this


3. The Optional Set Text (20 Marks)

Answer any of the following questions


Inheritance by David Mulwa

‘Some leaders contribute to their own downfall. With close reference to Lucana and

David Mulwa’s play,’ Inheritance’Write a composition supporting this statement.

(20 marks)


The Pearly by John Steinbeck Using the Pearly by John Steinbeck, write an essay to support the proverb," All that

Glitters is not gold" (20 marks)


Memories We lost and other stories (20 Marks)

“Greed and Materialism can lead to grave consequences.” In reference to the story

“How Much Land Does Man a Need by Leo Toistoy, write an essay to illustrate

thetruth of this statement

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English – Paper 1

1. Functional skills (20 MKS)

Your classmate who is your best friend plans to visit your home during the December


(a) Write to her a letter inviting her to your home (10mks)

(b) Give her a simple direction to your home from a nearby market/town


2. Cloze test (10 MKS)

Fill each blank space in the following excerpt with the most appropriate word.

Speakers often try to appeal to their audiences by speaking casually or by using

“street language.”(1) ………, however, can be shocking to an audience not expecting

(2)…………. Use good judgment. While shocking language might (3) ……………your

audiences attention, it can also quickly turn (4)…………. most people.

Obscene language is (5) ………………language that offends by going (6)

………..common standards of (7) ……………. . Since (8) ……………is what is

considered, speakers must avoid any (9)……………..that their words might be (10)

……………..as indecent.

3. Oral Skills (30mks)

(a) Write a hom*ophone for each of the following words (6mks)

(i) key………………………………… (ii) aisle ……………………………….

(iii) aunt……………………………….. (iv) tale…………………………………

(v) queue……………………………….. (vi) whale……………………………….

(b) Imagine you are the chair person, students council and have been asked to

deliver a speech before the teachers, parents, Board of Governors, Principal

and students on an Education day. What are the factors to consider as you prepare

your speech? (5mks)

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(c) Read the oral poem below and then answer the questions that follow



You have got only one mouth

But two ears

So you talk once

And listen twice

Do you observe a lot, but you talk very little?

You have got only one mouth but two hands

Therefore for working and one for eating food.

(i) Identify three aspects of oral performance that make this oral poem easy to

remember (3mks)

(ii) Identify and illustrate the sound pattern used in line seven (7) of the oral poem


(iii) Which words would you stress in the first line of the oral poem, and why?


(iv) How would you say line (5) five of the oral poem?


(v) In what two ways would this oral poem be made interesting to listen to?


(d) In the following groups of words, one of the underlined sounds is different

from the rest. Identify the different sound. (4mks)

(i) sure hear poor lure ………………………

(ii) Hat apple bat farm ………………………

(iii) Hope not boat rope ……………………..

(iv) Firm further fury purse ……………………….

(e) Underline the silent letters in the following words (5mks)

(i) subtle (ii) Yacht (iii) Rendezrous

(iv) debut (v) gnaw

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English – Paper 2

1. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. In olden days, choosing a profession was not all a cause of worry. A farmer’s son became a farmer, a potter’s son a potter, a king’s son a king and so on. But in the modern era, it is skill knowledge, not the caste or community of a person which decides what profession to chose. The choice of a right profession is one of the most dreadful tasks a child has to face in his transition from childhood to adolescence. Throughout the early decades of independence, Indian kids had only a few choices like engineering, medicine, teaching, government service among others. But post liberalisation, a number of new industries have emerged, providing today’s kids with countless career options. Some other new attractive careers are in the information technology food, hospitality, fashion and infrastructure industries. My desire is to become a software engineer when I grow up. My interest in this field has been since my primary school age. I have always had a fascination for computers. I love playing computer games very much. It was this interest in computer games that sparked off my curiosity about how software codes are written, how graphics and animation are done . . . and such questions. At a very early age, I learnt flash and then started creating games in flash. My father saw this talent and introduced me to his friend’s son, Mr. Jatin Patel who was an engineer with Microsoft corporation. Mr. Jatin has been a very valuable mentor since then, giving me proper guidance in charting my career path and developing the necessary skills to succeed in this field. The basic skill required for a software engineer is to have a sense of logic and common sense, a mind that can think in many dimensions simultaneously and the knack of solving problems. I regularly solve puzzles and play chess to improve my analytical skills and problem (s) solving ability. I have also learnt the basics of operating systems like Windows, Linux and programming languages like C, C++, Java, among others. I have even begun to write programs in these languages. Another important skill needed to succeed in the software industry is good communication skills. I have enrolled for language and personality development courses to sharpen my communication ability and other soft skills. I am well aware of the pros and cons of becoming an IT engineer. A software professional has to work under tremendous pressure, work lake at night and has to meet almost impossible deadlines. He might get no time for family and friends. And as one moves up the ladder, the pressure would only increase. On the brighter side, the job provides the best salary in the industry. Apart from regular salary hikes, one also gets ample opportunity to travel abroad and in the process make a lot of money. More than the money, there are a lot of learning opportunities. Also, there is a deep sense of satisfaction in helping to build systems that make people’s lives easier. My plan is to do my bachelors and masters in engineering from the best engineering college in the country and then bag a job in a reputed company like Microsoft or Google. Questions a) What is the most dreadful task a child has to face? (1 mark)

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b) How does the writer illustrate change in career opportunities. (2 marks)

c) According to the passage, what helped the writer trace his career path? (2 marks) d) How did the writer’s parents react on identifying the son’s talent? (2 marks) e) In your own words, summarise the pros and cons of being an IT engineer. (6 marks) f) What are the basic skills required in software engineering? (2 marks) g) My father saw this talent and introduced me to his friend’s son. Rewrite the sentence

beginning with Not only . . . . . (1 mark) h) Explain the meaning of the following words and expression as used in the passage. (4 marks) i) Knack ii) tremendous iii) past liberation iv) curiosity 2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow. (25 marks) Krogstad: Are you sure of that? Mrs. Linde: Quite sure, but - Krogstad: (with a searching look at her) Is that what it all means? - that you want to save your

friend at any cost? Tell me frankly. Is that it? Mrs. Linde: Nils, a woman who has once sold herself for another’s sake doesn’t do it a second

time. Krogstad: I will ask for my letter back. Mrs. Linde: No, no. Krogstad: Yes, of course I will. I will wait here until Helmer comes; I will tell him he

must give me my letter back-that it only concerns my dismissal-that he is not to read it -

Mrs. Linde: No Nils, you must not recall your letter. Krogstad: But, tell me wasn’t it for that very purpose that you asked me to meet you here? Mrs. Linde: In my first moment of fright, it was. But twenty-four hours have elapsed since

then, and in that time I have witnessed incredible things in this house. Helmer must know all about it. This unhappy secret must be disclosed; they must have a complete understanding between them which is impossible with all this concealment and falsehood going on.

Krogstad: Very well, if you take the responsibility. But there is one thing I can do in any case and I shall do it at once.

Mrs. Linde: (listening) You must be quick and go! The dance is over; we are not safe a moment longer.

Krogstad: I will wait for you below. Mrs. Linde: Yes, do. You must see me back to my door - Krogstad: I have never had such an amazing piece of good fortune in my life!


a) Explain what happens immediately before this extract. (2 marks)

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b) Why does Krogstad say he would ask for his letter back? (3 marks)

c) “Nils, a woman who has once sold herself for another’s sake doesn’t do it a second time,”

Briefly explain what makes Mrs. Linde say this. (3 marks)

d) Identify one character trait of Mrs. Linde in this excerpt. (2 marks)

e) What is so surprising in this excerpt? Explain. (2 marks)

f) “But there is one thing I can do in any case and I shall do it at once.” What is it that Krogstad

does and how does it affect the rest of the play? (4 marks)

g) “I have never had such an amazing piece of good fortune in my life!” Rewrite beginning

Never . . . (1 mark)

h) What makes Krogstad say that he has never had such good fortune in his life? (2 marks)

i) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the excerpt.(4 marks)

(i) At any cost

(ii) Recall

(iii) Elapsed

(iv) Incredible things

j) Explain what happens immediately after his excerpt. (2 marks)


Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

ONE Only one of me And nobody can get a second one From a photocopy machine. Nobody has the fingerprints I have Nobody can cry my tears, or laugh my laugh Or have my expectancy when I want. But anybody can mimic my dance with my day. Anybody can howl how I sing out of tunes. And mirrors can show me multiplied. many times, say, dressed up in red or dressed up in grey. Nobody can get into my clothes for one. or feel my fall for me, or do my running. Nobody hears my music for me, either. I am just this one. Nobody else makes the words.

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I shape with sound when I talk. But anybody can act how I stutter in a rage. Anybody can copy echoes I make. And mirrors can show me multiplied. many times say, dressed up in green or dressed up in blue. a) In what ways is the speaker in this poem unique? (3 marks) b) Explain what the poem is about. (4 marks) c) Identify and illustrate the use of imagery in stanza 2 of the poem. (4 marks) d) What is the tone of this poem? Cite evidence from the poem to support your answer. (2 marks)

e) What is the speaker’s attitude towards those who may try to imitate him? (2 marks)

f) Nobody had the finger print I have. Re-write this as yes-no question. (1 mark)

g) . . . or laugh my laugh’

The word is used both as a verb and as a noun in the sentence above.

Use the words below to construct four sentences in which the words are used as nouns and as


i) Dance

ii) Cry (4 marks)

GRAMMAR. (15 marks) 4.a) Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate preposition. (3 marks) i) The wild animal was oblivious ........................................ the trap.

ii) The police officer was an expert ................................................... catching criminals.

iii) My uncle deals .................................................... second hand clothes.

b) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.

(3 marks)

i) “Where is my assignment?” the angry teacher demanded

(begin: The angry)...................

ii) So fearful is she that she cannot go out of their house at night.

(Rewrite using too)................................

iii) The principal is teaching Form two East. (change the sentence into the passive form)

c) Fill the blank spaces with the appropriate form of the word in brackets. (4 marks)

i) The government should not only build roads but also schedule their ............................


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ii) I would like to renew my ......................................................... (subscribe)

iii) We need to consider his ....................................................... (argue)

iv) The queen’s .................................................................. impressed everybody. (elegant)

d) Replace the underlined words with the appropriate phrasal verb. (3 marks)

i) The strike has been cancelled ...

ii) The leader postponed the meeting

iii) The students liked him at once.

e) Explain the meaning of each idiomatic expression.

i) Living from hand to mouth.

ii) A bitter pill to swallow.

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English – Paper 3

Answer THREE questions only

1. COMPULSORY Imaginative composition (20 marks)


a) Write a story ending with

. . . . That is when I realised that patience pays.


b) Write a composition explaining how modern technology has

negatively affected the youth in Kenya. (20 marks)

2. The compulsory set text

Blossoms of the Savannah By Olet Kulet

Regardless of the challenges a person faces in life, one’s determination can make them

achieve their dreams. Drawing illustrations from the Blossoms of the Savannah, By Olet

Kulet write an essay in support of this statement.

(20 marks)

3. The Optional Set texts

Answer any one of the following three questions.

a) The Short Story : Memories we lost.

‘All that glitters is not gold’ with illustration from Leo Toltoy’s ‘How much land does man

need? Write an essay to justify this statement. (20 marks)


b) Drama

David Mulwa : Inheritance.

With illustrations from David Mulwa’s ‘Inheritance’, write an essay explaining how moral

decadence affects the society. (20 marks)


c) The Novel

John Steinbeck : The Pearl.

A person’s character can at times lead to their downfall’. Drawing examples from Kino’s

life, write an essay to justify this statement. (20 marks

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English – Paper 1 QUESTION 1



You are the Dean of Studies in your school. The Principal reminds you about the bench-

marking visit to Masomo Bora National School by some students and teachers. The Principal

writes you a reminder. The bench-marking is expected to take three days.

(a) Write the reminder that the Principal might have written to you. (12 marks)

(b) Prepare a diary for the three days. (8 marks)


Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.

High self-esteem is like having money,something we think everyone else

but(1)………………. Yet having low self-esteem is perhaps the mostcommon flaw of

(2)……………….. humanity .The majority of people in society think,“The only way to

have high self-esteem is to be(3)……………. with it.” This is not true. You can

develophigh self-esteem (4)……………….. like learning to read ortodance.

Secondly, people do not (5)…………………… theimportance of having high self-

esteem. I cannot even (6)………………….. to stress the importance of having high self-

esteem, it is the (7)………….. to having mental, physical andspiritual strength. The

(8)……………….. stage of developingstrength is learning to love yourself and your life.

You(9)……………………. to learn to be grateful of what God has given you. You

should let go of all those angry(10)…………………….. inside. Holding anger inside

yourselfwill not help you. It will only hurt you. The past is the past, you can only change

the present.

3. ORAL SKILLS (30mks)

a) Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Thunder and Lightning (Nigeria)

A long time ago, both Thunder and Lightning lived on this earth, among the people. Thunder was

a mother sheep and Lightning was her son, a ram. Neither animal was very popular with the people,

for when somebody offended Lightning, he would fly into a furious rage and begin burning

whatever he came across. This often included huts and corn bins, and even large trees. Sometimes

he damaged crops on the farms with his fire and occasionally he killed people who got in his way.

As soon as Thunder knew he was behaving this way, she would raise her voice and shout at him

as she could, and that was very loud in deed. Naturally, the neighbours were very upset, first at the

damage caused by Lightning and then by the unbearable noise from his mother that always

followed his outbursts. The villagers complained to the King on many occasions, until at last he

sent the two of them to live at the very edge of the village, and said that they must not come and

mix with the people any more.

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However, this did no good, since Lightning could still see people as they walked about the village

streets and so found it only too easy to continue picking quarrels with them. At last the King sent

for them again. “I have given you many chances to live a better life,” he said, but I can see that it

is useless. From now on, you must go away from our village and live in the wild bush. We do not

want to see your faces here again.”

Thunder and Lightning had to obey the King and agree to abide by his ruling; so they left the

village, angry at its inhabitants. But still there was plenty of trouble in store for the villagers, since

Lightning was so angry at being banished that he now set fire to the whole bush and since it was

the dry season, this was extremely unfortunate. The flames spread to the little farms of the people

and sometimes to their houses as well, so that they were in despair again.

They often heard the mother ram’s mighty voice calling her son to order but since it was always

after the dark, it made very little difference in his actions. The king called all his counselors

together and asked them to advise him, and after much debate, they hit a plan. Why not banish

Thunder and Lightning completely away from the earth, where the people hoped they would not

be able to do any more damage. Things did not work out quite as well as they had hoped, however

for Lightning still loses his temper from time to time and cannot resist sending fire down to the

earth when he is angry. Then you can hear his mother rebuking him in her loud trembling voice.


i) As a narrator, what would you do to capture the audience’s attention before telling

this story? (3mks)

ii) Mention two ways in which you would know that your audience is attentive while

narrating this story. (2mks)

iii) Explain how you would perform the following sentence in a live performance of the

story. (4mks)

“……From now on, you must go away from our village and live in the wild bush, we

do not want to see your faces here again.”

b). For each of the following letters, provide a word in which the letter is silent.


i) N…………………………………………………………………………

ii) G…………………………………………………………………………

iii) H…………………………………………………………………………

iv) O…………………………………………………………………………

v) W…………………………………………………………………………

c) You are the secretary of a company and someone calls requesting to speak to the

manager, the manager is not in the office. What would you remember to say and do on

behalf of the manager? (5mks)

d) Recently you were invited to attend a job interview. After the interview, you were

informed that you were not successful. Give any five reasons that could have led to your

failure. (6mks)

e) State any five rules to be observed when observing personal space. (5mks)

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English – Paper 2 COMPREHENSION (20 marks)

Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.Gender is probably the most

important social issue in the world today. It affects and influences every aspect of our lives:

politics, economics, religion and leisure. People in the 21st Century strongly believed that every

project must get the gender dimension right in order to succeed. But what is gender?Basically,

gender is the expectation that people should do or not do certain things according to their sex.

Every normal human being is either female or male. This is sex and it is a biological fact. Indeed,

sex is the most conspicuous difference between human beings.

The moment we look at a person, we can tell whether that person is a man or a woman, a boy or a

girl. The question is if society should use this biological difference to tell people what they should

or should not do.Yet, since time immemorial, this is what human communities all over the world

have done. Some African societies bring up their boys to believe that men must be fighters, take

whatever they want – by force if necessary and never cry. If anyone asks why they should or

should not do this and that, the ready answer is always: you are a man, and that’s what men are

supposed to do. Girls are told to be gentle and quiet, to obey men, not to climb trees and not to eat

certain kinds of food. A girl who asks why she should not climb trees or speak loudly in public is

told, you are a woman, and women don’t do that. In other words, society is always telling us what

we can do and what we cannot do just because we are men or women.In most cases, there is no

physical or logical reason for a man or a woman to do or not do certain things. Any girl can climb

a tree as smartly as any boy. If a boy wants to go into the kitchen and cook, there is no reason why

he should not do so. Indeed, some of the best cooks in the world, called ‘chefs’ are men. Yet in

some societies, it is a taboo for a man or boy to enter the kitchen. Similarly, some societies do not

allow their women to build houses, even work at building sites, whereas in other societies it is

indeed the woman’s role to build houses. Gender is thus society’s assigning of roles to people

according to their being ma le or female.On the face of it, there is nothing wrong with sharing

roles – indeed, there are many cases where it is logical to expect that certain people should do or

avoid some activities. For example, it would not be safe for a woman in advance stages of

pregnancy to go hunting wild animals or grazing livestock many miles away from home. However,

this should not be taken as a blanket excuse to declare that all women must not hunt wild animals.

The problem is even worse when some people use gender roles to exploit or oppress other people.

Men for example, have for a long time invoked gender roles to force women to do certain things

and to prevent them from doing things the women may want to do.This oppressive practice may

be called gender imposition, and it may be seen in all aspects of society.In social relations, boys

and girls are segregated from the earliest years of life. Members of each sex are strictly drilled

into what ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’ in behaviour, speech, dress and every activity. Boys and girls

are told what work they should or should not do, what places they

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can or cannot go to. What games to play and even what foods to eat or not to eat; just because

they are boys or girls. By the time a person is in his or her teens, he or she has learnt – from both

example and direct teaching by older members of society – what exactly is expected of him or her

as a man or a woman. These gendered roles often suggest that men should lead and command in

everything, be ‘tough’ – meaning hard and even cruel – and ‘strong’, which often means aggressive

and violent. The women on the other hand, are required to be soft and kind, submissive and

unquestioningly obedient to men. Even in public affairs, such as politics or religion, the gendering

of roles leads to some curious situations. In some places of worship for example, men and women

are strictly separated. Several denominations do not permit women to preach in public or to be

ordained as priests or pastors. Politics is widely regarded as a man’s field.

Some societies insist that a woman cannot be a leader, like President or Army commander. The

nagging question, which many women and enlightened men are asking today is: Why not?This is

the challenge to the conventional gendering of roles. Is there any logical reason why a man should

not change the nappies of his child, or go into the kitchen and cook? Why can a talented woman

not become a top soccer or rugby player, or a bishop or a top business executive? Is it fair to

prevent people from eating such nutritious foods as chicken and eggs simply because they are

women? Should children be denied the right to inherit their parents’ property on the grounds of

sex? Is it not pathetic seeing men inflict beastly violence on their wives and children, or one

another simply because men are expected to be ‘tough’ and ‘strong’?

To avoid such absurdities, advocates of gender equity demand that sex should not be the main

consideration in dealing with people. Assigning roles to people on the grounds of biological

differences is a form of evil discrimination, like racism. A more sensible way of dealing with

men and women is to take them strictly on the basis of their individual abilities. A human being

is a human being, whether man or woman and each should be given every opportunity to realize

his or her full human potential. An enlightened approach to gender equity is suggested by the old

English saying “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”.



(a) According to the passage, what is the difference between gender and sex?

(2 marks)

(b) What is gender imposition? (1 mark)

(c) How are gender roles passed on? (1 mark)

(d) Add a question tag to the following:

Any girl can climb a tree as smartly as any boy………………………………

(1 mark)

(e) Identify a phrase in the passage that shows that it is not only women who are

concerned with the problems created by gendering of roles. (1 mark)

(f) In not more than 60 words write a summary onwhat women are not allowed to do simply

because they are women. (6 marks)

(g) In not more than three sentences, paraphrase the author’s argument. (3 marks)

(h) Change the following question into a statement: (1 mark)

Should children be denied the right to inherit their parents’ property on the grounds of sex?

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(i) What is the meaning of the following: “What is good for the goose is good for the

gander.” (1 mark)

(j) Explain the meaning of the following as they are used in the passage. (3 marks)

(i) Segregated

(ii) Absurdities

(iii) Blanket excuse

2. Read the excert below and answer the questions that follow.

Nora: Oh, yes, that one; but this is another. I ordered it. Torvald mustn’t know

about it.

Rank: Oho! Then that was the great secret.

Nora: Of course. Just go in to him; he is sitting in the inner room. Keep him as

long as-

Rank: Make your mind easy; I won’tlet him escape. (Goes into the HELMER’S


Nora: (to the MAID)And he is standing waiting in the kitchen?

Maid: Yes; he came up the back stairs.

Nora: But didn’t you tell him no one was in?

Maid: Yes, but it was no good.

Nora: He won’t go away?

Maid: No; he says he won’t until he has seen you, ma’am.

Nora: Well, let him come in-but quietly. Helen, you mustn’t say anything about it

to anyone. It is a surprise to my husband.

Maid: Yes, ma’am, I quite understand. (Exit.)

Nora: This dreadful thing is going to happen! It will happen in spite of me! No,

no, no, it can’t happen-it shan’t happen!

Questions. a) Place this excerpt in its immediate context. (4marks)

b) What does “it” refer to and what does it reveal about the character of Nora?

(3 marks)

c) Identify and explain one type of irony in this excerpt. (2 marks)

d) Who is being referred to as he and why has he come? (3 marks)

e) Torvald mustn’t know about it. Add a question tag (1 mark)

f) Describe one theme raised in this extract. (2 marks)

g) What dreadful thing does Nora fear might happen? Explain your answer. (4 marks)

h) Describe the character of the maid (2 marks)

i) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the excerpt. (4 marks)

(i) Make your mind easy

ii) I won’t let him escape.

iii) It was no good

iv) Dreadful

3. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

I refused to take your brotherly hand

Your nails are black with dirt, brother

And your palms are clammy with sweat

I refuse to take the hand you extend in help

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I shall not join hands with you brother

For unclean hands make me uneasy

For filthy fingernails rob me of my pride.

You argue, gesticulating with your once

Impeccably clean and beautiful hands

That before long it shall not matter

For ‘everybody’ is delving and digging

And all shall have hands dripping with dirt.

That nobody shall know clean hands look like

And there shall be comfort in the dirty crowd

And enough to eat, for there are good yields

When the stinking manure is well dug in

With strong and bold hands in time

Are you going blind brother?

I ask how many have the sludge

Or the strong and bold hands like yours

With which to dig and delve?

Brother the hands of many are too weak with hunger

And for many the sludge is out of reach

And yet for others the stink is too nauseating!

But all have eyes and hunger fills them with anger

As they watch your fingernails fill with dirt!

Henry Barlow

Adapted from Poems from East Africa by Cook &Rubadiri,

H.E.B, 1971, 18-19


a) Briefly explain the message in the above poem. (3mks)

b) Identify the two types of hands referred to in the poem and explain what theyrepresent.


c) What reasons does the poet give in stanza one for referring to take the“Brotherly hand?”

Give your answer in note form. (3mks)

d) Why does the persona wonder whether the brother has gone ‘blind’? (2mks)

e) The ‘brother’ seems to have changed from a previous lifestyle. Write out two lines to prove

this. (2mks)

f) Identify and explain any two poetic devices used in the poem.


g) What is the persona’s attitude towards the brother? (2mks)

I have seen hungry envious eyes

Watching silently through your chain-link fence

I have seen eyes in deep sunken sockets

Burning with anger intently watching you

I have seen parched mouths water with saliva

And heard the rumbling of hollow empty


As they watched you feed the dog with meat

From the heavy yields of city sludge

Have you entirely forgotten Brother

The fragrance and comfort of clean hands?

The confidence, the peace you have when you


You’ll leave no ugly smudge upon sheet?

Don’t you remember the repulsion you had

When you shook hands with fat dirty men

With their dirty clammy plams?

Let me trudge brother and from the top from

the top of the cliff

Don’t offer me your dirty hand in help.

Let me trudge the long way up

Let me trudge the long way up

For the short cuts are clammy with the sweat

of fear

And your fingernails are clogged with dirt.

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h) Explain the following as used in the poem. (2mks)

(i) Fingernails are clogged with dirt

(ii) Parched mouths

GRAMMAR (15mks)

4. A) Rewrite the following sentences according to instructions given after each


i. Ali required two more good passes to win the prize. (Begin If Ali got……….

ii. She was a very beautiful girl and everyone admired her. (Rewrite using “so”)

iii. They were wondering if you would join them for the party. (Rewrite


B) Join the following pairs of sentences using the words in brackets and making

changes only where necessary. (3mks)

i. This is the house. Otieno built it. (that)

ii. My friend is coming to stay with me. I have been writing him for two years.

(to whom)

iii. We enjoyed the picnic. The rain was heavy. (inspite of)

C) Fill in the blank spaces of these sentences with most suitable words.


i. The children were pleased ……………………….the new words.

ii. We heard it all …………………….. the radio

iii. We have not seen him ……………….Monday.

D) Rewrite the following sentences using one word to replace underlined words.


i. These workers jobs may be put at risk if you purchase this machine.

ii. All people having no fixed place of residence were arrested

iii. The man who describes matches on radio explained why the goal was disallowed

E ) Fill the blank spaces with correct phrasal verbs (3mks)

i. Chirchiri………………….. all his energy in the third lap and came last in the race.

ii. The lorrydriver tried to……………………………..the policeman by offering him


iii. How is your experiment………………………….? Asked the teacher.

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English – Paper 3

1. Compulsory: Imaginative composition (20marks)


Write a composition beginning with the following:

It all started as a rumour but no one in the family took it seriously until…


(b) Argue out the belief that “If devolution has to succeed the youth

have to be empowered fully.” (20 marks)

2. The Compulsory set text (20 marks)

H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah

“Help can come when least expected. Write an essay in support of this statement.

3. The optional set texts

Answer any one of the following three questions:


(a) The Short Story

Chris Wanjala: Memories We lost and Other Stories

Discuss the devastating effects that conflicts have on the innocent children and

women in Mariutu Kamara’s ‘The President’.


b) Drama

David Mulwa: Inheritance

Misuse of power is a common phenomenon in most African countries. Basing your

arguments on Inheritance by David Mulwa write an essay tosupport this statement.


The Novel

John Steinbeck: The Pearl

c) The Novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck 20 Marks)

Easy come easy go. Write a composition to show the truth of this statement using illustrations

from John Steinbeck’s The Pearl.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.