How to prepare for a recession | Fidelity (2024)

These moves make sense in good times and bad.

Fidelity Viewpoints

How to prepare for a recession | Fidelity (1)

Key takeaways

  • Before making any big money moves, pause and reflect on what's driving your choices. Knowing that you have a plan in place that accounts for good times and bad can be reassuring.
  • It's always a good idea to review your spending and saving. If you feel nervous about the future, bolstering your emergency fund can help make sure you have cash on hand for emergencies.
  • Try to stick with your investment plan through stock market downturns. Missing the best days of the recovery can hamstring your long-term results.
  • The labor market remains a bright spot in the economy. Keep your resume up to date with your latest skills and accomplishments—just in case.

Inflation has cooled significantly but the Federal Reserve may not be ready to put an end to rate increases just yet. The more the central bank raises interest rates, the more the economy may slow down—so investors want to know how to prepare for a recession. No one knows what's going to happen in the future, but it never hurts to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.

During tough times, the strength of your financial plan can be tested in ways you may have not imagined. And that can cause some strong feelings—which can sometimes complicate financial decisions. If you're ready to learn how to prepare for a recession, here are 6 smart steps you can take now to manage your emotions and help bolster your finances.

1. Practice mindfulness to help make better money moves

Sometimes our natural reactions are not the most helpful. "Some people disengage from their finances in down markets because they feel anxiety at the thought of knowing how bad their situation might be. Others, meanwhile, engage more in down markets, spurred by feelings of fear into behaviors like panic selling," says Brianna Middlewood, PhD, a behavioral research scientist at Fidelity.

That's why it's always important to keep your long-term goals in focus. If you find yourself checking out or tempted to cut your losses in the market despite a well-considered long-term investment plan, take a moment to reflect on what's really driving your choice and if it’s in your long-term interest. Practicing mindfulness can help you develop the discipline you may need to avoid emotional money moves that you may regret down the road.

How to prepare for a recession | Fidelity (2)

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2. Get a financial plan or stress-test the plan you have

If you don't have a financial plan, it can make sense to build one and adjust as needed along the way. Planning can help you see where you stand now and give you a roadmap to a financially secure future. As part of the planning process, you can test the impact of various market and economic scenarios on your financial well-being; for instance, calculating the amount you may need to save to hit your major goals if some factors change.

"The thing I worry about are the big shocks to the system—like a recession and being laid off. You want to try to ensure you have enough liquidity to get through those periods," says David Peterson, head of wealth planning at Fidelity. "With a plan in place, you can play around with estimates. What if I get laid off and am out of work for 6 months? Where is money going to come from to cover essential expenses? And how might it impact my retirement plan? A plan can be modeled and you can estimate what 6 months with no income means for you.”

It can be a balancing act, saving and investing for the distant future while also taking steps to protect what you have today. Consider thinking about your financial picture in terms of 3 broad categories: preparing for emergencies, protection, and growth potential. These 3 building blocks work together to help make sure you have money for unexpected expenses, a plan to protect what you have, and growth potential to reach your long-term goals.

3. Look for ways to spend less or earn more

In the short term, it's very difficult to conjure up more money. If it were easy we'd all be doing it already. So spending less is the obvious lever to pull when casting around for more cash to save or to pay bills.

To get started, look at your spending versus your income. You don't need to track every penny but having a rough idea of how much you're spending and where can help you get started.

Fidelity's 50/15/5 guideline lays out a plan for making sure you're able to pay for essentials while saving for the future and unexpected expenses.

4. Bolster your emergency fund

An emergency fund can be a lifeline during hard times. Ideally, you should try to save enough to cover 3 to 6 months of essential expenses. Some people may want to save even more than that. Don't worry if your emergency fund isn't quite up to that standard; 3 months' worth of essential expenses is quite a lot of money to squirrel away. Get the ball rolling by saving $1,000 or one month's worth of essentials and then keep going until you've hit a level that helps you feel secure.

It can make sense to keep a significant portion of your emergency fund in liquid savings too—that way you can easily access your money if and when it's needed. "It doesn't necessarily need to be all in cash but consider a relatively low-risk investment that you can depend on if you do need to access it," says Peterson.

5. Try to stay the course with your investments

Investing for the long term takes some belief that things are going to be OK in the future. Though it can be disconcerting and even upsetting, market volatility is a regular part of life in the stock market.

Stock market trade-offs

Historically, on average, investors
have received: have tolerated:
~8% annual return 3 downturns of 5% per year
Positive calendar returns ~75% of the time 1 correction of 10% per year
1 correction of ~15% every 3 years
1 bear market greater than 20% every 6 years

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index performance is not meant to represent that of any Fidelity mutual fund. Source ("Receive"):, via Investopedia; Source ("Tolerate"): RIMES, Standard & Poor’s; Source: Forbes, Steve Vernon; all as of 10/29/2021.

Looking on the bright side, the stock market has had more up years than down years historically. But there's a trade-off. Stock prices don't go straight up forever—they tend to fall a bit a few times per year. Corrections of up to 15% may occur every few years. Sometimes the market goes down more than 20%. Those events tend to be rare but are not entirely unprecedented. A decline of more than 10% but less than 20% is called a correction. A decline of at least 20% from the market's high point to the low is known as a bear market.

Historically, the stock market has produced positive returns following significant corrections and bear markets. And that is one reason why it can be a good idea to stick with your investment plan through market ups and downs.

Median returns following large stock market selloffs (1950–2022)

How to prepare for a recession | Fidelity (3)

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.Returns were calculated using daily market returns for the S&P 500 for the time period following the market low after each correction and bear market from 1950 to 2022. Source: Fidelity Asset Allocation Research, as of June 30, 2022. The impact of taxes and fees are not considered in this hypothetical illustration.

Because investors never know when the tides will turn, sticking with your investments has historically been a better bet than trying to time your exit and re-entry. Missing just a few of the best days in the market has the potential to hamstring long-term returns.

Hypothetical growth of $10,000 invested in the S&P 500 Index, January 1, 1980–June 30, 2022

How to prepare for a recession | Fidelity (4)

Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Source: FMRCo, Asset Allocation Research Team, as of June 30, 2022. See footnote 1 for details.

6. Update your resume and sharpen your skills

Slowing economic growth can mean layoffs but the good news is that the labor market is still beating expectations. Though layoffs have hit tech companies, the latest government employment data continues to reflect more job openings than workers. The number of job openings has fallen since 2022, but the overall picture is still strong. As of May 2023, 9.8 million jobs remain open, down from over 11 million year over year.

Whether you're concerned about potential layoffs or you're just ready to make a change, refreshing your resume with your latest skills and achievements can help make sure you're prepared.

Do your best to cope with tough financial times

The best time to plan for worst-case scenarios is when everything is going great. Nothing lasts forever. Bull markets will end and so will bear markets; economic expansions will eventually contract into a recession, but growth will start again. To get your financial plan started, or to strengthen the plan you already have, consider working with a financial professional.

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How to prepare for a recession | Fidelity (2024)


How do I prepare for the recession? ›

How to prepare yourself for a recession
  1. Reassess your budget every month. ...
  2. Contribute more toward your emergency fund. ...
  3. Focus on paying off high-interest debt accounts. ...
  4. Keep up with your usual contributions. ...
  5. Evaluate your investment choices. ...
  6. Build up skills on your resume. ...
  7. Brainstorm innovative ways to make extra cash.
Feb 22, 2024

How much money should you have saved for a recession? ›

Finance Experts All Say the Same Thing

They all said the same thing: You need three to six months' worth of living expenses in an easily accessible savings account.

Should I take my money out of the bank before a recession? ›

Your money is safe in a bank, even during an economic decline like a recession. Up to $250,000 per depositor, per account ownership category, is protected by the FDIC or NCUA at a federally insured financial institution.

What is the best asset to hold during a recession? ›

Still, here are seven types of investments that could position your portfolio for resilience if recession is on your mind:
  • Defensive sector stocks and funds.
  • Dividend-paying large-cap stocks.
  • Government bonds and top-rated corporate bonds.
  • Treasury bonds.
  • Gold.
  • Real estate.
  • Cash and cash equivalents.
Nov 30, 2023

What gets cheaper during a recession? ›

Because a decline in disposable income affects prices, the prices of essentials, such as food and utilities, often stay the same. In contrast, things considered to be wants instead of needs, such as travel and entertainment, may be more likely to get cheaper.

What should not do in a recession? ›

What Are the Biggest Risks to Avoid During a Recession? Many types of financial risks are heightened in a recession. This means that you're better off avoiding some risks that you might take in better economic times—such as co-signing a loan, taking out an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), or taking on new debt.

Should I keep cash before a recession? ›

The job market uncertainty highlights one of the key pillars of any financial plan: having an emergency fund. Experts typically recommend establishing a fund worth at least six to nine months of your expenses, a cushion of cash that you typically can only build while employed.

Where should I put money during a recession? ›

Where to put money during a recession. Putting money in savings accounts, money market accounts, and CDs keeps your money safe in an FDIC-insured bank account (or NCUA-insured credit union account). Alternatively, invest in the stock market with a broker.

Is cash king during a recession? ›

It will give them the funds to buy stocks or other assets during the decline. Because of how precious cash can be during times of financial stress, many have said that cash is king. The phrase means that having liquid funds available can be vital because of the flexibility it provides during a crisis.

How to prepare for a recession food? ›

Shelf stable foods are foods that don't need to be refrigerated or frozen to stay fresh. These are things like canned goods, dried fruits, nuts, and jerky. They're great to have on hand because they last a long time, so you can always have something to eat even in an emergency or unexpected situation.

Where does money go during a recession? ›

During recessions, one of the primary culprits responsible for money vanishing into thin air is the collapse of banks. As financial institutions crumble under the weight of bad loans and dwindling assets, they often go belly up, taking the money entrusted to them along for the ride.

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Don't: Take On High-Interest Debt

It's best to avoid racking up high-interest debt during a recession. In fact, the smart move is to slash high-interest debt so you've got more cash on hand. Chances are your highest-interest debt is credit card debt.

Who benefits from a recession? ›

Lower prices — A recession often hits after a long period of sky-high consumer prices. At the onset of a recession, these prices suddenly drop, balancing out previous long inflationary costs. As a result, people on fixed incomes can benefit from new, lower prices, including real estate sales.

How long do recessions last? ›

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the average length of recessions since World War II has been approximately 11 months. But the exact length of a recession is difficult to predict. In general, a recession lasts anywhere from six to 18 months.

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Canned Goods: Stock up on canned vegetables, fruits, and meats. They can provide a source of nutrition and are convenient for quick and easy meals. Canned goods are particularly valuable during times when fresh produce may be scarce or expensive.

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Recessions can also push you to reexamine your finances, develop passive income streams, and consult financial advisers to make sure your assets are safe.
  1. Cut living expenses. ...
  2. Build an emergency fund. ...
  3. Develop new skills. ...
  4. Speak with a financial adviser. ...
  5. Create passive income sources. ...
  6. Start a business. ...
  7. Consumer staples. ...
  8. Bonds.
Jan 5, 2024

Do house prices go down during recession? ›

What happens to house prices in a recession? While the cost of financing a home increases when interest rates are on the rise, home prices themselves may actually decline. “Usually, during a recession or periods of higher interest rates, demand slows and values of homes come down,” says Miller.

How to survive the upcoming recession? ›

Build up your emergency fund, pay off your high-interest debt, do what you can to live within your means, diversify your investments, invest for the long term, be honest with yourself about your risk tolerance, and keep an eye on your credit score.

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