How Much Income Is Needed to Buy a $1 Million House? (2024)

Expect to need at least $269K of income for a $1M home

Do you have the income to afford a million dollar home? There’s no magic formula that says you need X income to afford a $1 million house. Because income is just part of the equation.

With a really strong financial profile — high credit, low debts, big savings — you might afford a $1 million home with an income around $269K. But if your finances aren’t quite as strong, you might need an income upwards of $366K per year to buy that million-dollar home.

Verify your home buying budget. Start here

Wondering how much house you can afford? Here’s how you can find out.

In this article (Skip to...)

  • Income to afford a million dollar home
  • Income examples
  • Calculate your home buying budget
  • Don’t forget about homeownership costs
  • Benefits of buying a $1M house
  • Today’s mortgage rates

Household income to afford a million dollar home

Wondering if you have the income to afford a million dollar home? There’s no “magic” income number to afford a million dollar house.

In reality, it’s possible to buy a $1 million home with a variety of income levels. That’s because your home-buying budget depends on other factors such as your down payment, debt-to-income ratio, and mortgage rate.

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Take a look at the table below for a quick overview of how these factors, combined with your income, can affect your million dollar home purchase:

Annual income*Down PaymentMonthly debtInterest RateMonthly payment**
$269,40020%≤ $5006.00%$5,800
$355,10020%≤ $2,5006.00%$5,800
$366,30020%≤ $2,5006.50%$6,000
$192,30050%≤ $5006.00%$4,000

*To calculate the necessary yearly earnings, we used a guideline ensuring that household debts do not surpass 28% of the monthly income. For instance, considering a $5,786 monthly mortgage payment and $500 in other debts ($5,786 + $500 = $6,286), one would require an approximate monthly income of $22,450 or an annual income of $269,400 (calculated by dividing $6,286 by 0.28, resulting in $22,450).

**Monthly payment estimates are based on 30-year fixed-rate loan, property tax rate at 0.97% annually, home insurance premium of $2,181 per year, and no HOA dues. Interest rates are for examples purposes only. Your own interest rate will be different.

A million dollars was once a lot of money to pay for a home, and unless you lived in Los Angeles or San Francisco, you probably would never consider purchasing one.

But as home values continue to skyrocket across the country, million-dollar homes are becoming more common outside of California and New York. The good news is that you don’t need to be a millionaire to afford one. But you should have a sufficient income and orderly personal finances to ensure you qualify for a home loan and get the best mortgage rate.

Examples: How much you have to make to afford a million-dollar home

Monthly income is just one factor in your home buying budget. The home’s purchase price you can afford also depends on your:

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  • Debt-to-income ratio (DTI)
  • Credit score
  • Down payment amount
  • Mortgage rate

We experimented with a few of these factors using our home affordability calculator to show you how much each one can affect your budget.

Prime borrower: $269,400 income needed

Our first example looks at a traditional ‘prime’ borrower (one with excellent credit and strong finances). They have:

  • A 20% down payment ($200,000)
  • Only $500 in pre-existing monthly debts
  • An excellent mortgage rate of 6.00%

So what’s the income needed to afford a million dollar home in this scenario? This borrower can afford a $1 million dollar house with an annual income of $269,400. Their monthly mortgage payment would be about $5,800.

Loan summary:

  • Purchase price: $1 million
  • Down payment: $200,000
  • Loan amount: $800,000
  • Loan term: 30 years

Monthly mortgage payment breakdown:

  • Principle and interest: $4,796
  • Monthly tax: $808
  • Monthly insurance: $182
  • Total: $5,786

High-DTI borrower: $355,100 income needed

Let’s leave everything else the same as in the first example, but increase the borrower’s monthly debt payments to $2,500.

For those paying multiple child support and alimony payments, that might be more realistic, even if their debts are only average.

And others have that level of debt payment even without family commitments. Think luxury car, boat, motorhome, and other big-ticket toys.

In this scenario, the income needed to afford a home costing $1 million would be $355,114.

Clearly, existing total debt makes a big difference in home affordability. Your income needs to be almost $86,000 higher to buy a home at the same price point.

Lower credit borrower: $366,300 income needed

As a rule of thumb, a million-dollar purchase price will require a jumbo loan.

To get a jumbo loan, you typically need a credit score of 700 or higher. But let’s say a borrower has a credit score on the lower end of the approvable range.

A lower credit score means they’ll have to pay a higher interest rate than our earlier examples. We’ll say 6.50% instead of the 6.00% used earlier.

Loan summary

  • Purchase price: $1 million
  • Down payment: $200,000
  • Loan amount: $800,000
  • Loan term: 30 years

Monthly payment breakdown

  • Principle and interest: $5,057
  • Monthly tax: $808
  • Monthly insurance: $182
  • Total: $6,047

Given the higher monthly mortgage payment of about $6,000, this household will now need to make about $366,300 to compensate for the higher rate. And that’s still assuming $2,500 in monthly debt payments.

Extra-large down payment: $192,300 income needed

Let’s say you can afford a 50% down payment. Perhaps you’ve built up lots of equity as a long-standing homeowner. Or maybe you’ve had a windfall.

Chances are, in your happy financial position, you’ve paid down most of your total debt, so we’ll return that number to $500 in monthly debt repayment.

Loan summary

  • Purchase price: $1 million
  • Down payment: $500,000
  • Loan amount: $500,000
  • Loan term: 30 years

Monthly payment breakdown

  • Principle and interest: $2,998
  • Monthly tax: $808
  • Monthly insurance: $182
  • Total: $3,988

By putting down half the purchase price ($500,000) you can afford a $1 million home on an income of just $192,300.

Even putting down 30% makes a big difference compared to 20%.

With 30% down, you could potentially afford a million dollar home on an income of $243,700. Compare that with needing an income near $269,400 if you put down only 20%.

How to calculate your home buying budget

The best way to figure out your home buying budget — short of contacting a lender — is to use a mortgage calculator.

Start your mortgage preapproval. Start here

This mortgage calculator will help you figure out how much house you can afford based on your income, down payment, and debts. It also accounts for other factors, like your mortgage interest rate and estimated property taxes and homeowners insurance costs.

To get the best estimate, be as accurate as you can when filling out each field.

  • Annual income: Your gross income from all sources before tax
  • State: Your location can affect the deal you’ll get. And it will also impact your property taxes
  • Monthly debts: Minimum credit card payments, loan installments, car loans, student loans, plus alimony and child support. In other words, all your inescapable, monthly financial obligations. But not things that vary, such as food, gas, utilities, and so on
  • Loan term: Are you using a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage loan or a 15-year fixed-rate loan? This will have a big impact on how much house you can afford
  • Interest rate: You won’t know your exact mortgage rate until you get loan estimates from multiple mortgage lenders. The default shown on our calculator is an average interest rate on the day you visit; yours will be higher or lower, depending mainly on your credit score, down payment, and debt burden. So adjust as best you can
  • Down payment: Your down payment affects your interest rate as well as your overall home-buying budget. Assume you’ll need at least 20% of the home purchase price to get approved for such a big home loan
  • Other homeownership costs: Estimate your future homeowners insurance premiums and property taxes. The numbers in the calculator are state averages. And add in monthly homeowners association dues, if you’re buying in an HOA’s area, or private mortgage insurance payments (PMI), if you’re putting less than 20% down on a conventional loan

Remember, a calculator can only give you an estimate. To know whether you can really afford a 1-2 million dollar home, you’ll need to get preapproved by a mortgage lender.

Preapproval means the lender has verified your credit, income, savings, and other items on your application.

If you have a preapproval letter in hand stating you can afford a million-dollar home, then it’s more or less a sure thing. (Unless any of your financials or mortgage rates change substantially prior to purchase.)

Don’t forget about homeownership costs

So far, we’ve only looked at the purchase price for a million-dollar house.

We’ve explored the principal (repaying the sum you borrowed) and interest on your mortgage. And we’ve taken into account your likely property taxes and homeowners insurance.

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But there are plenty of other costs associated with owning a home — especially with high-value real estate. And you’ll need to budget for these as well.

  • Closing costs: 2%-5% of loan amount
  • Property taxes: about 1% of home value
  • Homeowners insurance: $100-$300 per month
  • Utilities: average of $1-$2 per square foot
  • Maintenance: variable cost

Closing costs

People often think about their home buying budget in terms of down payment. For a $1 million home, you’re likely to need a minimum of $200,000 to $300,000 saved for that purpose.

But a down payment isn’t the only thing to save for. Home buyers have to consider closing costs on their home purchase, too.

Closing fees typically start around 2% of the buyer’s mortgage loan amount.

So if you’re borrowing $800,000 to buy a million-dollar house, your closing costs could be around $16,000 or more. You’ll need to factor this number in when thinking about how far your savings will stretch.

Property taxes

Home buyers also need to consider their future property taxes.

Real estate tax rates are set by local tax authorities, and they vary a lot depending on where you live. But to give you a ballpark estimate, the average national property tax rate is around 1% according to the Tax Foundation.

That means on a $1 million house, there’s a good chance you could pay around $10,000 per year in property taxes. That’s over $800 per month.

Research property tax rates where you plan to buy and make sure you factor this cost into your budget for ongoing housing costs.

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Homeowners insurance

Homeowners insurance is likely to be more expensive on a larger home, too. The typical homeowner might spend $50 to $75 per month to insure a standard home.

But a larger home costs more to replace if it is destroyed by fire or another disaster. Naturally, the insurance company will charge more for greater risk.

Expect to pay $100 to $300 per month to insure your million-dollar home.

All in, you could pay $1,000 per month in taxes and insurance, a sizeable bill above and beyond the principal and interest payment.

Running costs, repairs, renovations and maintenance

The bigger your home, the more it costs to run. The larger square footage and perhaps higher ceilings that you loved, mean you have a larger volume to heat and cool. So your utility and HVAC servicing bills are going to be a lot higher.

While utility costs vary by location, as a rule of thumb, you can estimate on paying between $1-2 per square foot.

A bigger home also means more to clean and maintain — and often comes with a yard that will require upkeep.

In short, keeping a large, expensive home well maintained isn’t cheap. And neither are renovations and repairs. So plan ahead and make sure your home buying budget leaves you with a sizeable cushion in your savings account.

Benefits of buying a $1M house

Your ongoing costs may be higher with a bigger home. But the benefits to your net worth should typically be greater, too.

According to CoreLogic, U.S. single-family homes experienced a 4.7% year-over-year increase as of October 2023.

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That means if your home was worth $1,000,000 in October 2022, it was likely worth $1,047,000 or more at the end of October 2023 — netting you a $47,000 home equity gain.

So you’re likely to see a nice return on the money you invest in your house.

Of course, all this relies on home prices continuing to rise. And we all know that they very occasionally fall.

But take a look at this graph from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis:

How Much Income Is Needed to Buy a $1 Million House? (1)

Source: U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development data via St. Louis Fed

You can see how rare it is for home values to decrease — and how strong the overall upward trend is.

You might think real estate is not a bad place to have $1 million invested.

What are today’s mortgage rates?

There’s one other trend prospective home buyers should pay attention to, and that’s mortgage rates.

Low mortgage rates boost affordability. But when rates rise, it can be harder to afford a home at the high end of your budget.

So it’s worth looking into financing sooner rather than later if you’re serious about buying a $1 million home. And do all you can to shore up your credit score and savings before applying.

Time to make a move? Let us find the right mortgage for you
How Much Income Is Needed to Buy a $1 Million House? (2024)


How Much Income Is Needed to Buy a $1 Million House? ›

Based on these figures, you would need to earn $331,671.43 annually to afford a $1 million home with a 20% down payment if you follow the 28% rule. Or, you would need to earn about $442,285.71 annually to afford the same home with no down payment based on this rule.

How much income to afford a 1 million dollar house? ›

What annual salary do you need to afford a million-dollar house? To comfortably afford a home valued at $1 million, financial experts recommend an annual salary between $269,000 and $366,000.

How much house can I afford if I make $70,000 a year? ›

One rule of thumb is that the cost of your home should not exceed three times your income. On a salary of $70k, that would be $210,000. This is only one way to estimate your budget, however, and it assumes that you don't have a lot of other debts.

How much house can I afford with an 80k salary? ›

An $80,000 annual salary would allow you to purchase a home priced up to around $300,000 — that is, if you follow the conventional guidance, which is that you spend no more than a third of your pretax income on housing costs.

What income do you need for an $800000 mortgage? ›

If you earn at least $240,000 to $300,000 a year, you may be able to afford an $800,000 mortgage, assuming you have no significant other debts. But the exact amount you can qualify to borrow — even if you're in that salary range or higher — will depend on several other variables, including your credit score.

Can I buy a million dollar home with 100k salary? ›

And, here is the answer to the question: You need anywhere from $100,000 to $300,000 in income to buy a $1 million dollar home right now. The reason there is so much variance is because there are so many factors that impact qualification, including: Size of down payment. Property tax rates.

Can I afford a million dollar home with 200k salary? ›

What your salary needs to be to afford a $1 million home. A homebuyer would need to earn nearly $200,000 annually to afford a $1 million mortgage. The number of homes in the United States valued at $1 million or more has steadily increased in recent years.

What kind of house can I afford making 40k a year? ›

How much house can I afford on 40K a year?
Annual Salary$40,000
Home Purchase Budget (25% monthly income on mortgage payments)$103,800
Home Purchase Budget (28% monthly income)$109,500
Home Purchase Budget (36% monthly income)$141,100
Home Purchase Budget (40% of monthly income)$156,900
4 more rows
May 10, 2023

What credit score is needed to buy a $300K house? ›

What credit score is needed to buy a $300K house? The required credit score to buy a $300K house typically ranges from 580 to 720 or higher, depending on the type of loan. For an FHA loan, the minimum credit score is usually around 580.

Can you live off of 80k a year? ›

Your household size

Depending on the size of your family or household, an $80,000 salary may comfortably cover your living expenses. If other people in your household, such as children, depend on your income, consider how much it costs to pay for their living expenses in addition to your own.

What credit score is needed to buy a house? ›

Credit score and mortgages

The minimum credit score needed for most mortgages is typically around 620. However, government-backed mortgages like Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans typically have lower credit requirements than conventional fixed-rate loans and adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs).

Is 80k a year middle class? ›

One common way to classify the upper middle class is based on income. The upper middle class is often defined as the top 15% to 20% of earners. According to the Social Security Administration's 2022 wage data, the average upper-middle-class income was roughly between $80,000 and $100,000.

Can I get a mortgage with 700 credit score? ›

Yes. Assuming the rest of your finances are solid, a credit score of 700 should qualify you for all major loan programs: conventional, FHA, VA and USDA loans all have lower minimum requirements, and even jumbo loans require a 700 score at minimum.

How much income do you need to buy a $1000000 house? ›

Income Necessary for a $1 Million Home (California)
3.5% DOWN FHA FINANCING:$230,000 per year**
15% DOWN CONVENTIONAL FINANCING:$200,000 per year**
20% DOWN CONVENTIONAL FINANCING:$185,000 per year**
Aug 5, 2022

How much income do you need to buy a $750000 house? ›

To afford a $500K home with a 5% down payment ($475K Loan Amount), you need to make at least $85K. To afford a $750K home with a 10% down payment ($712.5K Loan Amount), you need to make at least $125K.

What credit score is needed to buy a 800K house? ›

Mortgage lenders typically want to see a score of 620 or better before approving a conventional mortgage. There are government-insured mortgages if your score is lower, and if your score is 760 or higher you'll qualify for the best interest rates.

How are people affording million dollar homes? ›

As Madan noted, when purchasing a high-value property, a jumbo loan may be necessary. These loans exceed the limits set by government-sponsored entities, making them suitable for million-dollar homes. Jumbo loans often require a strong credit score, a low debt-to-income ratio, and, typically, a higher down payment.

How much income do you need for a 1.5 million dollar house? ›

Using the $7,984 payment (at 7.0%) and the above assumptions, your total housing payment for a $1.5 million home with 20% down would be approximately $10,109 per month. Assuming you have no consumer debt, your monthly income requirement would be about $23,500. This is a salary requirement of about $282,000 per year.

How much house can I afford on a $500,000 salary? ›

Multiply Your Annual Income by 2.5

Multiply this number by 2.5 to estimate the maximum value of the home you can afford.

How much home can I afford with a 250k salary? ›

250k Salary and Low Credit

If you have only a small monthly debt ($250/mo) your purchase budget is $763,500. A modest monthly debt of $500/mo reduces your purchase budget to $737,200. The above estimates do not include a down payment, so borrowers may be able to offset a low credit score by paying more up front.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.