Getting a Joint Mortgage When An Applicant Has Bad Credit | Haysto (2024)

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Combining finances with someone else for a joint mortgage application can feel scary. It can be even more of a worry if one applicant has bad credit. It’s a big step, with lots of important things to consider.

Getting a Joint Mortgage When An Applicant Has Bad Credit | Haysto (1)

If you need a joint mortgage but one of you has bad credit, that doesn’t mean you can’t still find your dream home.

In this Guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know when applying for a joint mortgage with an adverse credit applicant. We’ll explain what different lenders will be looking for in order to approve your application, and what you can do to improve your chances of being accepted.

In this Guide:

  • Can I get a joint mortgage if one applicant has bad credit?

  • How do lenders assess a joint mortgage application?

    • The size of your deposit

    • Your employment situation

    • Your individual incomes

    • Your individual credit histories

    • Your marital status

  • What causes bad credit?

    • How long does bad credit last?

  • How does bad credit affect my partner?

    • What credit score do I need to get a joint mortgage?

  • How to improve your chances of getting a joint mortgage accepted

    • Make easy changes to your credit report

    • Get a specialist mortgage broker

    • Apply for a sole mortgage

    • Be patient

    • Be honest

Can I get a joint mortgage if one applicant has bad credit?

Yes, it’s still possible to get a joint mortgage, even if one of you has bad credit. However, it’ll be more difficult than if you both had perfect credit scores.

When lenders look at your application, your partner’s credit history will be viewed alongside your own. Most lenders will add your credit scores together, and you’ll need to meet their minimum score to be considered. So if one of you has a really good credit rating then this can work in your favour.

Whether or not your application is approved will depend on the severity of any issues on your credit file. Lenders will also want to know how long ago the issue was, how much money was involved, and what has been done since to improve. For example, bankruptcies and payday loans will be looked on less favourably than a few missed payments every now and then.

Read more about this in our Guide: How to get a joint mortgage with bad credit.

It’s a good idea to let your mortgage broker know about any adverse credit history before starting your application. Our Mortgage Experts have seen it all, and aren’t judgemental. By being upfront about anything that could affect your application, they’ll be able to look through your options and find a lender who’s likely to accept you. Speak to an expert to find out your options.

How do lenders assess a joint mortgage application?

It’s important to remember that your credit score isn’t the only thing lenders will be looking at. For a joint mortgage application, the following factors will be considered:

The size of your deposit

The bigger your deposit, the more likely you are to be accepted. It shows you’re making a bigger commitment, and it minimises the risk to the lender by lending to someone with adverse credit history. That’s not to say you’ll need to save a huge deposit - there’s government schemes available for people who can’t save a lot - but it’ll certainly improve your chances.

Your employment situation

Lenders view your employment as a reflection of how stable you are financially. This can make things tricky if your income isn't straightforward such as a freelancer or a contractor. It’s still possible, you’ll just need to find the right lender who’ll look at your individual circ*mstances. Read more in our Self Employed Mortgage Guide.

Your individual incomes

Most lenders will look at your incomes individually rather than a combined total. As part of their affordability, they’ll be testing to see what would happen if one of you lost your job and the other had to pay the whole mortgage for a while. Most of the time, they’ll be looking hardest at the person with the lower income. Passing the affordability checks can be a worry. Some big banks and high street lenders might turn you down if an applicant’s income is too low. In this case, you'll need a specialist mortgage broker who knows the market and which lenders will be most likely to accept you.

Your individual credit histories

Lenders look at your credit history to get an idea of how reliable you are as a borrower. With any bad credit issues, it’s best to face them head on. Finding out where your score currently stands is the best place to start. You’ll then have a better idea of what you need to do to improve.

We recommend checkmyfile* - it’s the most thorough overview of your credit history available in the UK.

Read our Guide: checkmyfile Explained to see how it could help your mortgage application.

*Heads up, when you click through to our affiliate links, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. We only recommend sites we truly trust and believe in.

Your marital status

Generally, lenders will require both of you to be named on the mortgage if you’re married, especially if it’s a specialist lender. Lenders will also grant joint mortgages to applicants who are unmarried couples, friends or family members.

What causes bad credit?

Anyone can fall into bad credit for a number of reasons. Life happens, and perhaps an illness or separation has caused a missed or late bill payment. Perhaps you’ve needed a payday loan or applied for too many credit cards at once. Sometimes these things can result in CCJs, IVAs, a debt management plan (DMP) or even bankruptcy. All of these can affect your credit score.

When you have bad credit, you're considered riskier than other borrowers, so it can be harder to get a good deal with competitive interest rates. If you have very poor credit, you may find you're turned down flat by some of the mainstream lenders.

Read more about what makes a bad credit score in our Guide: What is a Bad Credit Score?

How long does bad credit last?

Most credit issues disappear from your report after six years. Any accounts that you leave open will stay on your history. UK credit reference agencies need to adhere to the Data Protection Act, which means data can't be held for longer than necessary. This is why accounts you keep open stay on your record, and closed accounts are deleted after six years.

Even if something’s gone from your file, it’s a good idea to be honest when applying for something like a mortgage. It’ll save you time, money and potential disappointment further down the line.

How does bad credit affect my partner?

If you don’t have any type of joint account or credit with your partner then you won’t be financially linked. Even if you’re married. It’s a common misconception that marriage automatically ties your finances together. The only way you and your partner share finances is if you take out a joint bank account, mortgage or loan.

For joint accounts, such as a mortgage, you’re not just responsible for half of the loan. You’re agreeing to pay off the whole debt if the other person can’t pay. You’re both liable for any joint debt.

Beware of any old accounts you might have with a previous partner. Any active joint accounts will see the other person named as a ‘financial associate’ on your credit report. If they have bad credit it could work against you further, making things harder than they need to be. It’s best to check your credit report and remove yourself from any accounts that you don’t need.

If you or your partner has a bad credit history, it’s worth doing everything possible to improve your score before applying for a mortgage. With credit issues, it’s better to tackle them headfirst. Understanding how the bad credit came about will go a long way. Read more in our Guide: How to Improve Your Credit Score Before You Apply for a Mortgage

What credit score do I need to get a joint mortgage?

There isn’t a specific score needed to get a mortgage, because there isn’t a universally recognised credit score. When you apply for a mortgage, lenders look at a number of factors to assess your risk and work out if you'll be able to make the repayments without struggling.

Checking how you score across the main UK credit agencies before applying for a mortgage will give you an idea of how risky you might look to lenders. You can do this for free with a trial of checkmyfile.

How to improve your chances of getting a joint mortgage accepted

Applying for a mortgage can feel scary. It’s even more of a worry if one of you has bad credit. The good news is it’s totally possible to get a mortgage with a low credit rating. You’ll just need to do as much as you can to help your application.

Make easy changes to your credit report

There are some small factors which can affect your credit rating. Some quick fixes to get you started include:

  • Register to vote at your current address

  • Check your credit file for errors and report them

  • Don’t apply for too much credit at once

  • Put your name on the household bills – and pay them on time

  • Keep a fixed address as much as possible

  • Pay at least the minimum balance on your credit cards each month - ideally more than that

  • Try not to withdraw cash from your credit card

  • Don’t max out your credit cards

Get a specialist mortgage broker

If you have bad credit, it’s a really good idea to work with a specialist mortgage broker. Our Mortgage Expertshave access to the lenders who’ll look at your application and consider your unique circ*mstances. They’ll help you through the entire journey, from application right through to completion. They know the market, and will make your application look as appealing as possible to lenders.

Having a mortgage broker by your side can:

  • Ease the stress of applying for a mortgage

  • Give you access to a wider range of mortgages that you wouldn’t be able to find directly

  • Help with complex situations

  • Speed up the process and act as your advocate when talking to the lender

  • Help you find the right insurance for your needs

  • Factor in any additional needs you might have

Apply for a sole mortgage

Most lenders will want all anyone who’s living at the property to be on the mortgage application. However, some lenders will consider just one of you if you have a good credit history. You’ll still have to pass the affordability checks - a lender will want to know you can manage the mortgage repayments on your own without struggling.

Be patient

Any marks on your credit file will lose their impact the older they get. If you’re working to improve your financial situation then this will look better to lenders. If you can, it might be better to wait before applying for a mortgage while your credit score repairs. Having a stable income or large deposit before applying for a mortgage will be more likely to offset any bad credit history and make you look less risky to a lender.

Be honest

You shouldn’t try to hide any negative credit issues. Mortgage applications are really thorough, so lenders will probably find out anyway. Having an explanation for why you found yourself in financial difficulty, and what you’ve been doing to get out of it since, will look a lot better to lenders. Life happens, and you’re only human – but be upfront about it.

We specialise in bad credit mortgages at Haysto. So we completely understand the frustration having a poor credit history can cause. If you’re feeling worried about how your credit history might affect your mortgage application, get in touch with us to discuss your options.


Our Mortgage Experts are fully-qualified with experience in bad credit, self-employed and complex mortgages. They have a proven track record of getting mortgages for people who’ve been rejected elsewhere.

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Getting a Joint Mortgage When An Applicant Has Bad Credit | Haysto (2024)


Getting a Joint Mortgage When An Applicant Has Bad Credit | Haysto? ›

It takes a minimum credit score of 620 to qualify for a conventional mortgage. If your spouse's credit is so poor that your average credit score is below that threshold, then you may not be able to get a joint mortgage. Applying for a mortgage on your own could be a better bet if your income is high enough to qualify.

Do both applicants need good credit for a mortgage? ›

On a joint mortgage, all borrowers' credit scores matter. Lenders collect credit and financial information including credit history, current debt and income. Lenders determine what's called the "lower middle score" and usually look at each applicant's middle score.

Will my partners bad credit affect me getting a mortgage? ›

Your strong credit could help compensate for a spouse's poor credit to some degree. But ultimately, lenders will fixate on the lower of the two scores if you're applying for a mortgage jointly. Lenders often pull credit scores for both applicants from each of the three major bureaus.

Can me and my partner get a mortgage if I have bad credit? ›

If you are able to find a bad credit joint mortgage, which is totally possible with the right broker support, you should expect to pay higher interest rates initially. You may also find that some lenders ask for a bigger deposit to balance the higher risk they are taking.

What if I have good credit but my husband doesn't? ›

If your credit is great but your spouse's isn't so hot, a joint mortgage application could be denied. Lenders also look at your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), which compares the total amount you owe each month with how much you earn, when determining your eligibility for a mortgage.

Does it matter who is the primary applicant for a mortgage? ›

You can apply for a mortgage using only the strength of your own credit. In fact, if your spouse has a poor credit history, you may want to apply alone. However, you may qualify for a higher balance if you both apply together since lenders take earning potential into account when approving mortgages.

Do lenders look at both spouses' credit scores? ›

Lenders use both partners' credit scores, but a common myth is that they take the scores and average them, which isn't the case.

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One Spouse Has A Low Credit Score

When you buy a house with someone else, mortgage lenders typically use the average credit score of both borrowers. For example, let's say you're applying for a conventional loan.

Can a co-applicant have bad credit? ›

If one of you has a low credit score, we often recommend that the person with the higher credit score apply to get the best terms possible. You'll still be able to put both names on the title. However both people may need to apply if more funds are needed for your down payment, or to improve your debt to income ratio.

Do both people need good credit for a mortgage? ›

Yes, it's still possible to get a joint mortgage, even if one of you has bad credit. However, it'll be more difficult than if you both had perfect credit scores. When lenders look at your application, your partner's credit history will be viewed alongside your own.

Can I get an FHA loan if my spouse has bad credit? ›

When the non-purchasing spouse must submit to a credit check FHA loan rules dictate that bad credit reports on the non-purchasing spouse can't be used to deny an FHA mortgage to the borrower, but the credit check is required nevertheless.

Do both people need a good credit score for a mortgage? ›

Many high-street lenders perform credit checks for joint mortgage applications. The application will be scored jointly, which means that borrowers are required to meet the lender's joint credit score criteria before being accepted.

Will my credit be affected if I marry someone with bad credit? ›

Marrying a person with a bad credit history won't affect your own credit record. You and your spouse will continue to have separate credit reports after you marry. However, any debts that you take on jointly will be reported on both your and your spouse's credit reports.

Whose credit score is used on a joint mortgage? ›

Joint mortgage loans don't impact the ownership of the home, which is dictated by the names on the property title. When applying for a joint mortgage, lenders consider the credit score of all parties who are part of the mortgage application.

What is the lowest credit score to buy a house? ›

You'll typically need a credit score of 620 to finance a home purchase. However, some lenders may offer mortgage loans to borrowers with scores as low as 500. Whether you qualify for a specific loan type also depends on personal factors like your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), loan-to-value ratio (LTV) and income.

Can my wife use my income for a home loan? ›

You cannot simply list a spouse's income with, or instead of, your own if you apply in your name alone. However, you can list their income if your spouse agrees to become a “co-borrower” on the loan. It's possible to use your spouse's income on a loan application, but only under strict circ*mstances.

Can two people get pre approved for a mortgage together? ›

Ideally you'll both have credit scores of 620 or more and a combined debt-to-income ratio of 50% or less. A joint mortgage pre-approval from Better Mortgage takes as little as 3 minutes.

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