Evening Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

SPECIAL NOTICES. PILESI PILES! PILESI What is it How Cured 1 Thousands of persona bare for years with the case of Piles, whether manifested form of external sewe-get few know what la, or shown cured. Every tumors. frequent bleedinga, or la a violent itching and irritatica, de ends estutially upon congestion of the abdominal rencus This produces the engorgement, dilation of the reins, formation of tumors, Lemorrhagea, pain and eutr r. arg: and the d's rese can only be fundamentally cured by med1cces which, Laken intercally, relleve abdopinal venous concestion.

Hence ointments, washes, and even lujections, are go loedertual. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC PILE a simple sugar pill, taken two or three times 1 er day, circa tbe by curirg the condition on which the discas: depende. Hundreds bare been cured by it, even of the most obetinate exes, All will be promptly bauedited by it. Price, 50 cents a N. A full set of Homeopathic Specidos with Book vials, of morocco Directions case, and de.

twenty d'Derent Remedice, la of 15 toxes and box 62 in plain ca 01; failly case 1 heve tree Remedie, of by char the to single box or case, are sent by mail or express, Address Dr. P. HUMPHREYS any addrega, ou receipt of the price. bold by all Druggists. No.

562 Biosdway, New York. mv12 2w HUTCHINGS LIFE EXHILARENT la a rejuvenator of unapproachable inimitable ex cellence. For all nervous disea-es, no matter how producod, st Mint be cobeidered an It le also a cure for atdictiona centering in the liver, etcinach or brain. wl: Sold la to be slow strength, vitality, and physical ability. by W.

Flake. Clere and. WENT dote HUTCHINGS' will remove the LIVE disagreeable and EXHILA. distress ing effects of Wind (r Flatulence, aud the moment the atom. aeh receives the invigorating electe, the eing Icad and painful feelings will be removed.

Sold by WmD. Firke. Oleraland. HUTCHINGS LIFE EXHILARENT 1s quick and curing the worst and most Ag gravated cascs of Dyapepsia, Kiduey Complainte, and all oth er derangements of the stomach and bowels, and will revive the melancholy and drcoping spiriw limediately. The tee ble, cervous aud sickly should try it Sold by W.

Flake. HUTOHINGS LIFE EXHILAYOUTH TO THE AGED- STENGTH TO THE WEAK. This novel preparation ta3 met with the approval of the facuty in every part of the world, and the discoverer and proprieIcarleasly proclaims it to te UN UNEQUALLED ED an a rejuvenator and restorer of wasted or inert functions. Hatching'. Life Exhilerator should be used by all nervous DE, as lit stimulates the nerves to their natural work, and will not produce a DO matter how suddenly dropped.

la aRO 8 GRAND TONIC and will give relief to with the tirst dose. A briet persiatence in Its use will renovate the stomaob to a d'egrea ot periect health, and banish dyspep ferever. The ayal be certain to make Life Exhila rent a household ged, iraswuch as it will render them youth. ful to feeling and etrengtb, and enable them to live over again the days of their (pristine joy. It not on'y exhillerates but strengtbers, and is really an invaluable blessing, especially to hose who bave been reduced to a condition of servility by self abuse misfortune, or ordinary sickness.

No matter what the cause of the impotency of any buman organ, this superb br Mia ent will remove the eitect at ouce and inrever. Hutchings' Life Exhilarent shou'd be used by all persons why have diacrdered momach, perves, liver, inuecular action, sorpid intellect, or lowness of epirits. It la compounded frew Garmless. yet powerful simples, and contaice pot an an atom or grain of mineral substance. Females silicted of barrenness, will discover in Hutchings' Lie Exhilarent the realization of their bopca of maternity.

'This reme: kable and preparation is for sale by they York F'ropictur, City R. All B. orders HUTCHINGS, should at be 165. addressed Chambers to him strect dent by One large bottle six bottle: tor Sold by Win. Firke, Cleveland.

HUTCHINGS LIFE Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions should take the Hutchings' Life Exbilarent it will make you etrong, tealby ADd Lapry. remove all olatructions and Irregularities from the men orgass, acd restore the bloom of health to the sickly and wasted careworn face. THE AGED CAN HAVE beir health renewed by Hutchings Life Exhilerator, which le Infallible 09 a rejuvenant, and will restore wasted strength with magical prompineas and wonderful perwanence. For old and feeble persona at has not its equal. Soid by Wm.

Fiske, Cleveland. THE VIOTIM OF LIVER COMplaint discover Hutchinga' Lute Exhilaraut a grand radaces, unequalled for immediate and permanent effect in complaint; it likewise renders the mind calm and cheerful; it rejuvenates and restores strength with magic quickness. Sold by Wm. Fiske. THE NERVES WILL FIND Hutchinga' Life Exhllarant a gure remedy for all their euffer and persons who, from the, injudicious ase of liquore, have become dejected, and their Lervous a stews elatiered, and constitutions broken down.

Sold by WM. FISKE, Cleve land. THE WEAN WILL RECEIVE new strength from moderate use of that excellent invizorant. Hutchinga Life Exhilaralt. It la healthful in all its operaticde.

A6 da lnvigoran: it Las no the aged and weakly with wondertul celerity ard permanent effect. TO -THE ADVERTIsem*nT of Dr. Churchill's Hypophospbitee will Le Sound in another column. THE DYSPEPTIO CAN HAVE all his woes baniabed if he will but use Hutchings' Life Ex. bilaract.

Weak stomach, feeble digestion, distress atter sug, cretive habita, low WM. FISKE. will dod a Oleveland- master sp the above compound. Sold by and by Drugglats generaliv. w8m MOTHERS! tail to procure Mrs.

Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children 'Teething, It has equal on the earth.It greatly facilitates the precess of teething, by sonening the mama, reducing all infalliotico-will allay 611 pain, and i sure to regulate the bowels Depend upon it, mothere, it wil dive rest to yourselves, and relief and beulth to your infaute.Perfectly safe in all coca. PA This valuable preparaelon te the prescription of one of the most skillful and experienced female Physicians in New Eng and, and has been Geed with Lever. falling euco-so in willion cases. We belleve it Lue test and surest remely In the world, and Lo all cases of Dysentery ard in children, whether 1 Arises life from and pealth can be petimated by dollare and centa, it 13 teething or any other Calle, If worth Millions its of weight bottles are sold every year in the Unitod Statee. in gold.

Itis sa old and PRICE ONLY 25 OR A BOTTLE well tried remedy' Nose genuine unless the or CURTIS PERKIN-, New York, la on the ontaide country. wrapper. Sold by all Drugziets throughout the June 10-044-DEWly IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. tDR. CHEESEMAN'S M.

PILLS, Prepared L. NEW YORK CITY. combination of ingredients in these l'ill3 are the result The and extenalve practice. mild in their opeof And certain in correcting all Irrezularit'c8, Painfnl ration, removing all obstructions, whether from cold beadache, pain in the alde, palpita'lon of th Menstruations, or otherwise, whites. all nervous ad actions, byat- rica, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, disturbed alcep, which arise from in heart, serruption of nature.

TO MARRIED LADIES. Dr. Chees man's are invaluable, 88 they will bring on the monthly period with rezularity. Ladies whe Lave been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the utmost conAdence In Dr. Cheeseman's l'ills dolug all that they represent to NOTIOE.

There is one condition of the female in which the Pills cannot le talen without producing a PECULIAR RESULT MIs The con thion referred to is result, CARRIAGE. Such is the trresistible tendency of the melicine to restore the sexual functiona to a normal condition, thut even the reproductive power of nature cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injuri. ous. Explicit directions, which ehould be read, accompany each box.

Price $1. Sent by m5ll on enclosing one dollar to the General Agent. Sold by one Druggist in every Town in the United States. K. B.

HUTCHINGS, AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES, 185 Chaluters St. New York, To whom all wholesale orders be addressed Sold WM. FISK and GAY LORD HAMMOND, Ch veland. da w6m. BYRON "Wrinkles, the vile democrate, don't fatter." The same may mid of gray haire, whica very oftea appear ou the head and be the whiskers and mustachios, before a wrinkle mars the face 10 But who minds them cow? URISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR DYE La applied, and in less than Ave minutes PRESTO! THEY VANISI! And a brown or glorious black, the counterfeit of nature's living UntA, 1a In parted to every Abre.

The dye la the only one in use that is caustic purely elements. vegetable, Hold contains no violent or every where, and applies by ail Har Dressers. my6 CRISTADORO. No. Astor House.

New York. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKIS Celebrated Female Pills. This Invaluable medicine in the cure of all and dangerous diseases incident to fema'e palaful moderates all excess, removes all olstrictlone, from It and brings on the monthly period with regularity. ever cute, These Pills should not be taken by females that are pregnant the FIRST THREE MONTHS, as they in are every sure during on Miscarriage; but at every oflur lime and bring case of Neryous and Spical A factions, pain In they ore perfectly wafe.

In all cares Back and Limbs, Heavines, Fatigue on elight exertion, tation Whiter, and all painfal disease cocasioned by a of the heart, Lowness of spirits, Hsp erice, Sick ache, Pills will a cure when all ordered system, these mesa Full cirectiona In pamphlet around each package, have failed. a should ba confully ent la a preserved. bottle, containing 20 pille, post free, They enclosing cao one be doller and 6 -cent stamps to agent. Sold wholesale sad retail by GAYLORD and WM. FISKE.

Oloveland. FEMALE The only sure and Fate BIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED female obstructions and diseases arieing frow dy for 6 three-ceat stamps enclosed to any authorized cause. 8 bottle, contair ing over 00 pille, by and agent, For will art get a De gratia of any mail wholesale and reveil by GAYLORD HAMMOND. Mold Uleveland. my6dawly and WM.

FISKE, Smoked Halibut. LU3. in 2000. condition, just rec'ed GORI.N, MOMILTAN my1 LINSEED OIL. 10,000 galions strictLY pure Linseed ON, for sale at GORDON, MOMILLAN City Facts and Fancies.


4.10 11 5,50 P. 26 6.20 lake Shore, 10.10 .10.00 9.25 8.20 9.15 Detrolt 6.80 4 00 a 615 Accour'u. 6.00 9 9.45 M. 12.60) 7.00 ARRIVALS. Sandneky .10 25 8.10 P.M.

late Shore, eset. 3.40 11 6.25 7 20 11 13 6 16 Maboning. ....10.45 6.80 6.10 119 8. M. PETTINGILL Advertise ing Co.

New are York, and 10 State Boston. S. M. Agents. moat Infuential the axents for the Plain Dealer, and the Urited States and larsent circulating Newspapers fu the and the Canadas Tucy are authorized to contract for us at our lowest ratca.

ANDREW WIND, Advertiseing Agent, 188 Nassau Strent, next door to Nasonu Baok, N. Y. He is authorized to advertisem*nt at our published rates. To- Day's Advertisem*nts. C2- llerry Frealer-Stray Cow.

J. B. Cobb Co-New York Parers, r-8. B. Bure bam- Dental Card.

CM Taylor, Griswo'd Co. -Cpening cf New Organdies. ME Docketader aty les or Hits sud Cape. For Dunkhk New York- -Steamer Granite State. Clothing and Furnishing Goods.

ET Cleveland l'ost Ofice-List of Letters. From Lake Superior -Arrival of the Iron City. The staunch end splendid steamer Iron City, Capt. J. E.

Turner, arrived from Lake Supericr between 4 and 5 o'clock this morning. Ste brought 63 masses and 34 bbls. copper from the National Mine, masses and 100 bbls. copper, 576 lbs. Aztec Mine, 2 masses and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 bbl.

2,019 lbs. 29 masses 50,746 lbs. Central--all consigned to Hussey McBride. The City brought ninety-five paesengere, the principal portion of them to this city. Among the passengers were Mr.

H. M. Nelson, of Boston, Jas. M. Mills, of New York, J.

B. Ward and family, of and Mr. Harvey Park, of Cliff Mine. We are indebted to Mr. Holland, the clerk, fer the following notes: The Iron City left Ontonagon at? P.

M. Friday. Lay there during the storm which had deranged the bar across the mouth of the River so that it made the passage out different. Stopped at Eagle River, Eagle Harbor, and Copper Harbor. Left Portage Entry at 4 P.

M. Sunday. North Star Was at Portage Latry, bound up. She had countered a severe snow atorm off Pictured Rocks on Friday and put into Grand Island for belter. The City left Murquelte at 11 P.

M. Sunday. At that point schooners Presto and Wellington bed left with ore for the Sharon Co. for Cleveland. Schooner Midnight was at the Cieveland deck.

Schooners Cape lorn, Storm King, Cube, and Correspondent were at the Sbaron dock. Barque American Republic and schooner International were at Ely's deck. Schooner nah was still on the beach. Schooner Star of tho North was at Grand Island when the North Star lay there, and reported a schooner bound down which probably went ashore at Pictured Rocks. Iron City passed the rocks in the night and therefore did not see any vessel there.

Left Sault at 2 P. M. Sunday. At Sault were the tugs Ives and Eclipee. Paseed Mineral Rock of Church's in the river bed, and an Erie vesselname unknown -under sail, bound up.

The Iron City leaves Huesey McBride's dock for Lake Superior to-morrow evening. A BOY'S HEAD CUT OFF BY A LOCOMOTIVE, WHILE MAKING Up FACES AT THE ENGINEER. An accident occurred on the Cleveland Toledo Railroad acme two weeks sicce whicb, strangely enough, bag never been put in print until now. An extra train, containing several of the leading officials and stockholders of the Road was approaching Graftop, coming towards a a a the city, at rapid rate. Just before the engine reached the Black Kiver idge a small boy ran up the bank the river and stood upon the abutment.

He was foot or so from the rail and evidently fancied binaself secure from all danger. The engineer, Mr. Rust, saw him and shouted to him to get out the way. Tho boy beard bim but did not stir from his perilous position. He was laughing and indulging in all forts of boyish grimacea when the engino struck him, taking his head entirely off The engineer did not see the boy until be was most upon him, and of course it was impossible etup the locomotive in time to save him.

The fortunate lad's came was Ilenry Freeman. He was about twelre years old. His parents live near Grafton. U.S. DISTRICT COURT--JUDGE WILLION.The Court was in session this morning.

The following cases were dismissed by the libel. lants' proctors, Willey Carey: Cleo. 8. Taylor vs. the U.S.

Revenue Cutlers, six cages. Davidson V8. Schooner Manchester. Kanter V8. Scbooner Jones.

so llands va. a Schooner Walrus, entered settled etc, C. L. Fish for libellants. Stiller Costin vs.

the brig Concord, decree for the libellantg on towing contract in St. Clair river, Willey de Carey for libellants. North Western Insurance Co. vs. barque Great West; decree, upou default of anawer, for amount of the owner's proportion of cost of recovering, pairing a and refitting tho vessel stranded at Glen Arbor, Lake Michigan, under the terns of the eurancs policy and referred to the Clerk to take testimony 08 to the amount due- Williamson Riddle proctors for libellants.

Adjourned to to-morrow morning. POLICE COURT--BEFORE JUDGE LAWRENCE. -I'be following was this morning's business: Wm. Strong, James Donelly, and Mike Cramer were convicted of petit larceny and fined $10 each and sent to Jail twenty days. Mitchell Scott was fined and costa for a turbance.

E. C. Brown, visiting boure of ill- fame, fined and costs. Jane Annie Braty, visiting house of ill- fame, $20 and costs. Michael and Mary Lester, keeping house of fame, $25 and costa each.

John Shay, assault and buttery, fined costs and Jail ten days. Thomas ligging was sent to Jail live days intoxication. Ann Karse was ordered to pay the costa, for toxication. Wm. Strong, James Strong, and Mike Cramer, (boys,) vagrancy, were sent to tho State Reform Farm.

Sereral cases were continued. BURIAL OF A LIGHT Mr. C. Miller, who died on Sunday morning, was afternoon buried with military bonors by Cleveland Light Dragoons, Capt. man.

Hecker Band, with mulled drums, acompunied the procession the grave, and tho the deceased rode in life, followed the hearse. TEE CLEVELAND BAPTIST ASSOCIATON.This Aesociation, composed of tifteen met in annual conference at the Euclid Baptist Church, this morning. The conference will last two days, the object being to ascertain to the ppirit cal and tomporal condition of each and for a free intercbange of thought and opinion. the The Rev. S.

B. Page of this city opened ibe ference this morning with a characterist cally cellent sermon. die. railroad showmen and all other kinds are of men invited to requnir plain or de decorative printing by lae John de NeviG8' specimens and prices, DEALER job printing rooms. Special attention invited to the splendid specimens of illuminated rem.

printing recently done in this office. This ABJ demands a tree use of printer's ink, and the or you spread it on the better. return PERSONAL. We learn that a publisher an illustrated newspaper in New York has Ryder, our popular and skilful P'hotographist, a handsome offer to go to Europe to obtain by furoish for his paper Photographs of CO. connected with the movements and positions the bostile forces that the proposition cepted.

So we lose our favorite artist. low CO. The Council meets this evening. FO- BOARD OF EDUCATION. Thome, Stanley, Vaugbo, Fogg, Pratt, Hayes, Maynard, Bradburn, Reese and Payne were present at the meeting last night.

Application from Mrs. A. E. Sherman, for leave to send two children 1o Rockwell street School, instead of the East St. Clair street School.

Not granted. A communication was receired from Mr. Sterling, Priccipal of the High School, in reference the approaching close of the term, and the graduation of pupila, asking action of the Committee on ligh School. Referred to Committee on ligh School. An application from Mrs.

Brown, asking to be employed as teacher of drawing in the Schools. It was resolved that it is inexpedient to employ such a teacher at present. The President called the attention of the Board to the fact of the approaching close term, and suggested the necessity of action of the Board in reiation to the employment of teachers. Applicotion from Emily for leave to be absent from School certain hours in order to take music lessons. Granted.

A committee of three were appointed to confer with the Superintendeut of Instruction in reference to his continuance in that capacity. Megsr8. Bradburo, Stanley and Reese were appointed. This action was in reference to the fact ibat the residence of the Superintendent is out of the Furtber time was granted Committea on Text Books in which to make their report, and requestel to report at next meeting. A communication from the State Commissioner of Schools to the Supt.

of Instruction, wes read to Board. fort was certain in school reference to opparatus, the matter stating of that $522 payment is still due the Cleveland Board, to be expended in books and apparatus. A coumittee, composed of Messry. Eradburn, Fogg, Rhodes and Thome, was appointed to select such books and apparatus as are needed. The communication receired from the Superintendent at last meeting in reference to the auditing of bills of teachers' Salaries, was laid on table.

It was moved that the teacbera be paid at the middle of the Fall torm, and at the close, instead of at the close only. Passed. err Firemen's election of First and Second Assistant Logineers resulted in the election of Ciao, W. Ainsley as First Assistant, he receiving 175 votes, and James Logan 88 Second Asstant, he receiving 183 votes. The report this morning's Review is incorrect.

Whole number of votes cast 450. JAMES SAGAMAN, Judge of Election. The cold snap -a wonderful thing for an Ohio June disappeared, and to-day the "bright day god," as Wilkiog blicawber grandiloquently called the Sun, shines forth in proper warmth and splendor. LOCAL NOTICES. 02 The Ladies Mite Society of St.

Johns Church, West Side, will meet at the residence of Mr. J. Burrin'e, Franklin street, (opposite the Resivoir), on Thursday, June 9th. All friends are invited to attend. 2d STRAWBERRY There will be a Festival at the M.

E. Church, on Erie street, near Obio, Thursday evening, June 9th. Strawberries, Ice Cream, and all the delicaciea of the season. Let there be a general attendance. jun6-4d Cleveland INSTITUTE, HEIGHTS, May 24, 1859.

MESSES. LAW NORTH: -After experimenting upon the illuminating properties of the various oils, fluids, I adopted, for lighting the "Cleveland Insitute," the "COAL OIL." At first I found it very ditHcult to obtain a pure article, free from an unpleasant odor. Since you bave commenced manufacturing this Oil, your establishment bas furniebed a pure and perfectly deodorized oil, producing a soft and beautiful light, entirely free from smoke, and at least a bundred per cent. cheaper than any other illuminating substance with wbich I am familiar. Very truly yours, R.

F. HUMISTON. The underaigned use the Coal Oil, and rocommend it to erery family as a very cheap and beautiful ligbt. The Oil made by Law and North is the best we ever used. JAMES A.


W. H. BRRWITER, CHAB. BRADBURN. Coal Oil and Lamp Depot, 189 Ontario street, Cleveland, 0.

THE BEST PHOTOGRAPD3 in the city are to be had at Kyder's, in the Merchants' Bank building. jun1-lw FINKLE's Shuttle Stitch, the PATENT LEVER Shuttle Stitch, the VERNON Double Thread, and the CLINTON Chain Stitch SEWING MACHINES, the best of the kind, for gale at 237 Superior St. junl-lw B. F. POWELSON, Agt.

Refrigerators, Water Coolers, and Ice Cream Freezers, of the most upproved styles, just received and for sale cheap. Also, Fruit Cans, at W. I. MARVIN'S, m29 1w No. 42 South Side, Public Square.

HALL's Homwoputtic l'harmacy, opposite the Weddell House, Superior street, is the place to have your vials re-tilled with fresh medicine. tf Pare Reduced via. Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Fare, to New York. .310 7 8 8333 Time as quick as any other route.

Tickets for sale at the Union Oflice, in the Weddell House, also at the Depot, at the Cleveland Pittsburgh Railroad Office. PARES REDUCED VIA. LAKE SHORE RAILROAD. New 1 00 00 6 00 illTiMe QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER Kours. Tickets for sale at Union Ouice, 117 Superior-st.

and D. Horton, Agent, and at the Lake Shore Depot, for B. Harris, "Agent. in- LADIES' DRESS GOODS. IN DAILY RECEIPT OF WE Freeh ARE supplice of Ladice Dress Goods.

of the LATEST IMPORTATIONS, and NEW CHOICE STYLES. Our Stock of FANOV DRESS SILKS, F'LAIN FANCY BAREGES. CHALLIES CHALLIE De LAINES, 11. ORGANDIES. PRINTED LAWNS, Ginsbama, Prints and White Good can and large will and sell of them great very 18- jester- rie'y of Fabrics and Styles, and we the PleaD.

MORGAN ROOT. The Brilliants! Brilliants! ATE HAVE IN STORE BRILLIANTS12 yards for one collar. 10 Fine yarde at conta a vard; real'y verth 19 cents. for one dollar. Fart sa Colored a cortment of beautiful deured and plain French Buff Brilliants orly one a yard.

Brilliant, all of which will he offered at very low prices, A'eo, an article of Damask Boiliagte that is really 25 cente, which we will run st at only one abi'ling yard. This will he found to want be the bad better cheepest call article soon. tor Skirts, street in the city. Those In S. IIYMAN CO.

may 17 lorner Anperior At. AD 1 Public Square. church NOTICE TO MILLINERS HAVE choice IN s'ylea of STORE Bonnet A Ribbons, NICE purcha: ASsorta con- at much telow the early sprirg prices, and will be sold at small profit. is a rare chauce tor than dealers the to obtain price. new er- style It.

bbons at about :0 per cent. less usual S. HYMAN CO meD, H. D. KENDALL CO.

WHITE GOODS. exam- JACONETS, PLAIN SOFT MA FINISH LASIA, JACONETS, is CAMBRICS, VICTORIA LAWNS, NAINSOOLSIN. BISHOP LAWNE, age STRIPES thick- CHECKS, PLAIN STRIPES Checks, WHILE AN COLORED of PIQUE OLOTIS BRILLIANTS, made STRIPED INDIA TWILLS HAIR Cord Checks, and PEROALO: Clotte, INDIA Muslins, interest stor Swissee, of A full a eat of the above named Goode constantly AND Tarltons. is ac- band. H.


Armstrong Adams Mira Anderson Mary Ande: son Brachle: MIs Barber Tootle 2 to Ba'lou Baroey Anu B3 irton Baker Smith Boo'h Agnes Blake A Bell Sarah Kaley Blanche Bishop HI Barrows Bailey A Brainard Burns Mary 2 Bropby Kate er Bell Mary Batis Fanny Brown Broud Lucy oper 8 2 Camp Emma Cabben Oba (or Minerva Curtis Curry AdD Coin Emma Cowley Colline Ann Vandeld Eliza Cutter Nellle Collins Joey Duffy Kate Dana Dorbam Fridget Evang CIA England Flagler Foote Fowler Jane Folsom 8. A Frankl'n Cyntha Fitzgerald I Foster 08 Faber Anna Freeman Jane Farris Lucinda Filbert 8 Fisher Jane Gerly Susan Green Kate Garvey Gould Gifford Content Gardeer EJ Green Jenny Homan A Hale Mary Howland Julia Honeywell Mrs Holman Harrison Homer Hora MM Hough ME Hendridge Hart Mar ba Hammer Hurley Herons ET Hammond Esther Healy Hall Jackson Natcy Johnson Li Jordan Julia Jones Jennings Keating Elizabeth King EB Lester Marv Lewis Lathrop I a Laragan Loroby Mia Leonard Lang Mrs Mc Mc4 Moncrief 'rasky Jane 8 McMannua Ellen McKinney McKlarey HE McVi ker ARDa cUracken 3 McKe: McCormick A Moran Morton A Mra Miller Moran 1, Mary Martin Mary Mackin Fridget MoDs In Mis Magher Mary Manning Mri Mik. 13 Mri Noble 8 A Neale C' O'Ntal Mary Peckham France Potter A Mra Perry Patterson A Quinn Isabella Kobaon Mre Re blason Kore Maryette Mary Keady Helen Keilley Mary Koberts Maria Read kich 13 Rooney Mia 8 Snyder Smoke Elbabeth Storer Stephens Syrah Shaddrick Eliza Saleabury Shaw Orcella Elvira Smith Catharine Siler Scaunel Nancy Mary Sherman Shunway A Sweeney Sherman 4 A Shepherd, Mary Sher wood Stoner Stevenson Mary Trigg Elzabe Turgent Tribon A Thompson Lucy Turner Ullman Van lensaler Van Antwerp Vaughn Anna Wilson E1, Wade Caroline Wheaton Weeks 58 Wamer Adaline Wright Mra Wilanu Nancy Will am: Wa'ch Ellen Warlington ALn Williams Elvi a Wh.te 8 Wiison Wrodrut'D Mra Warren May Wheaton Frances Whitedeld Wilson Miranda Wright Mrs Wicderd Jenny Gentlemens' List. 4. Atwond A Aria Capt Ackerson Joel Antonio Wilder A anton John Arnold Brocks, Brown John? BoycOT Brueh A Bearby John Brogan Thos Bag'ey Mr Buttert-1d Jae Bedgood 'C Batcheldor Bartley John Bishop Bassett roes Brund Byrnes John Briak Bresle Win Bennett Butler Burkbart Blake Brown Marvin Blanchard 2.

Mi Blake (leo Black 8 Batea I Reck Quo Bliss Bender 5 Balley 8 Coe A Collina ('harles Thos Chi'd A Collier Cussina T'h03 Gladio Comer EU Cuatman Ouneky Calling Wm Concry Geo Cummins Jag ('alt Unwley Carpenter Jag Cruby Clump John Clark Thes Cal John Croesdan Cole 8 Dr Dodd Dr Donnell Jag Durbar Dorisad A Dean 1999c Day Sami Duty Dent.n Dosa 8 Dipple Decksnd Douglass 'L' Doolittle Deveraux Davis Dennis Earl Freus Egbert 8 Eldridge Jas Ed Louis Ellas Wm Edwards Faroswo' th A Fitzgerald Jar Freman Mish Wiudrass Fy Jacob Frost balul Franks ES Ford Jola Ford Fay John Farneworth Perill John Gron Mr Gregor Goult Maric Gardeid Go Gould Moric Garrigues Golding Lon Gall Thos Granger A Gallagber 11 Hart, Coulter de CotToney well Ha wke Wn Hoyt, McArthur sHale Hadlow John Co Hunt tivover Hatch Mr Howard ED Hobon Hendrix OK lidard Horned Holley HorleviAu8 Hur but 0. Hall Hand Gen Huntley Hackett Hart 8. Han pEon Hays Jag Hollls Thr8 James A. Johnson Johnston Harvey Jonneton Wm Juice as Jud-on A Jordan Thos Jennert Ilugh Jarvia () Joues A Jennings Jones Joba: ton Jenkins Knowlton 1. Kelley Keenan Kendrick ph Kirby Kirty Knowies Lyich Denl Lee Jag Lacky Phl'ander Lox m' Eldy Lockart Lewia Love Dr La Porte Geo I Labit Lawrence Lucas Sami Lite I A Lag ife Mich'l Lambert 8 Lot ey Lunc Otis Lyans Thos Latta Jes Morris Co 3 Mackey K1.as Martin PS munay Co Masters Marry Morris A Mason 0 Suns ion Roll Albion Macon John 1.

Moore Nami Mead D8 Moore Lewis Moore Wm Miller EA Murray Murray Wm Mag' erg be Maltby Jarvis Millard John Myers Geo Mack Marin Mc McNel-on McInerm McGuire Capt McFarran Richd McLade Win McConville Arthur McGrane Th- Norwou Gerritt tire Norcott Nickolson Geo Norv'lle lI Nichole Thea O'Sullivan David 0'Briau Jose; Oda John P' Porter Zita reira John DI P'almer Danl Prior Joseph Pease Pea.ce 'Tyler MA Per Daul Plaisted Preactt 11 Peaco*ck John Prophitt Wm l'arker Payce Is9ac Wm ravo Fred Peirce John Pollock Wallace Powers 11 Porter Patrick James l'erry Horace A Roberta Reese Jacob Richardson Alfred Hierden Edinund Richardson Capt Riddle Uba8 Rothin Ricard Reuben Rice Chae Kussell Sutton Mr Smyth Henry Sutton Kobt Smith Buel Nit on Horner Smith Scan'an Shoars John Sweet Rich Stebbina Stiles Dr Staford 8 Stewart 9 Sherman Wml Shepard Edward 1A8 aC Sarleck Wm Shep Geo Shiners Lute Saunders Capt Geo Sargent Neil Smith 0 1 er lI Sharp Smith N'T Smith Turrer Ca'eb Tesre Rabt Trevor Thompson Chas Tailor Thayer Treat Taylor Wm Tennent Hugh Tempest Tunnington "Thos Tuartan Tho Turner Geo SI Thomas James Tompilos Ww Vondere John Vanhorn Addiscn Vedder Corn Wald-2 A Weld Wernet 8 Warr Dg Bencher Walker Wheeler Hanford Willams Obas A We sTJ Wells Rev 8T Pal fall Geo li8 Wagoner 114 Geo White Lyndon Wa'd Ci h.l pg John Willis mes Weaver Jus 11 Whitney James Whitney IC Worth Yourg Janes Young Henry Yolt INITIALS. G'oba Works Cro' en Persons calling for BUY of the above letters will please Co ay advertised. B. P. M.

May and June Appointments. R. H. TUBBS CAN CONSULTED as Cleveland, followe: American House, 11th and 13th of June. National Houre, 4th of Jure.

Ashtabula. Aehtabula House, 7th of June. Conneaut. Fremont House, 8th June. Painesville.

House, 9th Juue. Cha don. Chase 10 June, Kiyria Breba House. 14th Jute. Norwalk, American House, 15th June.

June. Fn mout, Kere-l-r House. 16tb ontaine, Union House. 18th June, Urbana, Hamilton House, $0th June. Marysville, Union House, 21et June Delswore, American House, 22d 24th and June.

531 June. Cardington, Exchange Hou-P, Mt. American House, 20th June. U.S. Hotel, 27th June.

Bucyrus, House. 25th Aaron, Empire May and 29th June. Ravenua, lIcuse, E1st May ard 30to June. Dr. T.

gives his individual attention to diseasestreating a itualy, Lundrede of whom have recovered after all other resources bad failed. Mineral and o' ber poison a are never used, nor are patient ever encouraged or subjected to expense without a oof reepondin prospect of recovery. Mr. R. has for come years been a magistrate In Fremont and a la known to the citizens generally.

FREMONT, Sandusky Ohio, 1859 Dr. TUBES -Dear Sir last epring, my wife, whose bealth has not been firm for some time, took a cold, which was followed a continual couzh, suppression and prolapsus ute. ri. The liver also ser med very sluggish a and ibere was scarcely any action of the bowe's. lack, She likewi-e suffered pains in good the deal aulea, from and pain te.

and of the came very weak, thin in flesh and physicians, feverish. but During the tLe soppression spring ed and suma. or I employed three 1 continuing and the debility increasirg, they thought little lee couid be doue than patch up" or railia'e, ard one fualiy told that me that consumption had been graduelly advancing and abe could not probably survive long. Within two weeks after commencing your gained raptly treatment, unt'l 1A health September was Last, restored. she At began pres.

to ent Improve her health is decidedly better than at any Lime before sir ce Bret residing in Fremon', about tefore. six years gained ago. fast after begin. She treatment, and has ea B0 well ever that I la1 satered so much Bing felt your it a duty to Inform you by that it may te pubbave lisbed to the world, if you think best. W.


SARGEANT. Marble Block, PICTURES. FINEST STOOK OF PIOTURES evar displared to a Cleveland public, be gen st my gallery. Comic and Sentimental, Sporunz, and lu short, Pictures of Every Description, to eult every body. J.

W. SARGEANT, Gallery. ITHOGKA PHS FOR GRECIAN Painty on -a large stock now on band, of Dew subjects and for sale very low. Dealer: supplied at New York SARUCANT. price.

J. W. A MERIUAN WATUHES PUGH STRONG, COMMERCIAL AND MARINE. Cleveland Produce Market. DAILY PLAIN DEALER OYFTOE, TUmDAr NOON, June WHEAT -An advance of 10c bus is fully establiabed einco the Frost, with salts to-day of 7 care red at e1 ca track; also 1500 bus red from store, (storage and insurance free for 10 daye) at el 60; 2 care white at 01 and 1 car white at 01 The market cloeing A.m with an active Inquiry.

00RN-Sa'e of 1 car from store at 77c. FLOUR -Transactions more numerous prices advancing.Market firm with the fol'owiar sales 140 bbis extra at 850 bble do at $7 12; 300 do do at 47 20; 80. do do at $7 37; 120 bbla double extra at $7 60, and 500 bbla National Mills at 07 75. HIGHWINES- Market unsteady. We bave three small eales reported, commencing with 27c and the last at 58c.

Buy era not disposed to give this price for large lots. BUTTER- -Sales foct up 4'00 good Western Reserve, all at with a good shipplaz demand at those Agures. EGGS--Are more Arm; stock on hand amatl receipts ligtti sales this morning were made at from to lEc. 'Tendency upward. New York Market.

(By Telegraph.) NEW YORK. June 7, 1859. FLOUR -Opened Arm with advance, but elceed 10c lcw. er: 4200 26 35406 65 for June Inspection super Jtate; $8 10 extra do; $6 25 com to good ex WaD; do Ohio. Cap'n onch'd.

RYE FLOUR Dull 21. WHEAT- -Heavy ard nominally 284c lower; sales small $1 20 Mil cind. -Closes steady; sales 10,000 83 mad wan; round yellow. OATS- Dull etate, wen acd Ca'n. BARLEY -Dull and nominal.

KYE-Dull. PORE -Quiet and Armer; sales 150 new Mess: prime. BEEF- Unchanged, BEEF HAMS- Quiet, bat Armly held. BACON -Qu'et, Armly beld. CUT MEATS -Doll.

LARD- -Dull at BUTTER -Steady at 16g ac state and wan. CHEESE WHISKY -Firm at New York Stock Market. (By Telegraph.) NEw YOLK, June 7. MONEY -In fair supply and fair demaud, without change In STARLING EXCHANGE- Quiet, but Arm at STOCKS--Are dull and heavy. Chi 1 53, 60: 4 5A of 104; 111 0 bonde 30 8 pref 90; Erie ad bonds 71 4: Erie bonds of 21: Canton 19, 30) 304: Va 68 97; 63 Mo 63 'Teon 6a Cumberland 18; Pac Mall 69 4: Erie Kending 83; 31 0 41; Pan Gal Chi 0 Buffalo Market.

BUTTALO, June 7. FLOUR--In fair loral and laterior demand: market steady: sales 130) bble 60 state from Chi spr and Mil club; $6 16 straight brande Wie; 25 ex Mich Ind and 97 60 extra. WHEAT- qu'et; ea'es S200 bus in lots $1 1 rel 0 60 white Ill: $1 01 ord white Mich in bags. CORN better, closing Arm with 8 good dend eale: 00) bus Fart last evening balance this worn 73. OATS Quiet.

HARLEY -Dull. RYE Firmer; fa'es 8500 baattate st. WHISKY -Sales 150 bble 25. CANAL FREIGHTS 9. Wheat 10, dour 85 to N.

Y. IM bbls flour, 2000 bus wheat. bbie dour, 1000 bu wheat, 8000 bu corn. Cincinnati Markets. SATURDAY, June 4.

FLOUR- The market is without Important change. 'The for extra. 2,087 bble received the 1 la 24 hours. The enley were bbla at $6 60 for superfine, and 7207 05 demand is local and limited, nothing being doing for errort.WHISKY -The demand was again active today and pricas a dranced a gallon. Sales 700 bbls at 26G the latter from wacon.

PROVISIONS The market continues Inactive, and but little demand for any article. The sales were 25 bbla rump at $15:100 do mess pork $16 50; 10 000 clear baron sides: at 25 bhds sides at Madison at 93 and 00.000 Es bulk sides at 84c. Nothing doing in Lard. GROCERIES The market is doll. and the demand quite limited.

Sugar may be quoted at 6 Mola: sc: $7033 and Coffee 11 WHEAT- Ice market op-ned pries were unsettied and irregular, ard closes lower. Sales 950 bush. prime white at 91 50, 2 0 do fair do 01 80, acd 150 do good do $1 40. Received during 24 Doura 8 400 bus. CORN- The mart et is steady Arm at 80c for fair mixed.

RYE A fair demand at, 95c. BARLEY The demand la incderate and prices sloady at 60 VATS -A moderate demand at the decline cf yesterday Sales 800 bus at 55c. moderate demand at 8c. CHEESE--The market is cull with large recalpte, and but a Baltimore Market. BALTIMORE, June FLOUR Very dull sad heavy.

Howard st. sells at and City Mille Le'd at the same rate. at $1 6 60. Cora dull at lor yellow, 1 and 834034c GRAIN- Wara: dull and lower: white S5, and red for white. THIS 80c.

A at 20c for Ollo. The new etock is held SILKS! H. D. KENDALL CO. Ar ecing an Elegant Assortment OF RICH DRESS SILKS! COMPRISING.TIE MOST DESIRABLE STYLES IN MARKET.

SUMMER DRESS GOODS Elegant Organdie Robes, Grenadine Robes, Organdies, Balzorines, Grenadines, Challies, Jaconets. I PARASOLS, EMBROIDERIES, RICH LACES, POINT SETS, VALENCINES SETS, AND RIBBONS. GREAT VARIETI OF HA S. To which we invite' particular attention, H. D.

KENDALL CO. April 23th, 1059. NOTICE. FROM July, THE I shall FIRST REDUCE OF THE JUNE PRICE TILL of my THE WALL PAPERS, I must clear out my Spring found equal to any west of New York. All in want of any thing in above line will save money calling at the corner of Rock well Streeta, or the 'Thistle House, Columbus street, Wept Fide.

Painters, Grainers and Paper Hangers ready at 80 hour's JOHN DOWNIE. notice. RUXING GLOVES--AT RENTON'S. (under EDGER HAT-AT House.) BENTON'S. CUTLERY, Pistols, SOISSORS, Knives, and lots of RAZORS.

nerful Strope, Hair Bruel es, traps, at TELEGRAPHIC Additional Foreign News BY THE STEAMER CITY OF WASHINGTON. DETAILS OF THE GREAT BATTLE. KOSSUTI IN THE FIELD! The Frost Destruction. NEW YORK, June Steamer City of Washington arrived at 1 o'clock this morning. ALISSANDRIA, May Austrians about 15,000 strong attacked the advanced posts of Marshal Baraguay N'Hilliera.

They were dri back by Geu'l. Farey's division, which behaved admirably, and carried the village of Montebello afier a fierce combat of four hours duration. The Piedmontese Cavalry commanded by Gen'l Sonaz displayed extraordinary energy. We have mado 200 prisonere, one of ia a Colonel. We bave from 500 to 600 killed and weund.

ed. Gen'l of Brigade Beuret, Isfantry, and Commander duch*et are killed. Colonels Guyot, Do Lespart, De Bellforde, Conzril, Dumesnil, and Commandanta Sacretelle, and are wounded. The Austrians are in full retreat sinco last evening. The lose of the enemy exceeds 2,000 men.

The Vienna Correspondent of the London Timea Baye that the Austrian force coneisted of 8 Brigades and their loss wag probably about the same as that of the French. TURIN, 23d. -Yeaterday the enemy appoared in great force at Palestro with the object of obstructing the march of the reconnoitering party, which had taken the direction of the desia by order of the King of Sardinia. The evening's artillery was, however, silenced in every part. The Austrians have shot an entire family of 8 persona, in whose house Austrian guns had been found.

The French have occupied Castiggio, where they are fortifying themselves. .1 despatch, dated Vienna, May 23d, says at noon on the 21st, about 15,000 of the FrenchSardinians attacked our troops, numbering 3,000 men, at Vercelle. Our men retreated fighting to Orlengo. At this place two other. Austrian brigades burried to the rescue threatened the enemy's 11 sake, which retired across the Sesia to the western side of tue river.

It is stated that 80,000 Austrians were about to bo concentrated in Boralburg. It was reported via. Switzerland that all the Austrian dotatchments in the Lago Maggioere had withdrawn. An Austrian dispatch says that precaution had been taken against Garibaldi whoso intoution was to rouse Como to revolt. Austria bad issued instructious to prepare for tho defense of the Tyrol.

A despatch from Berne says that the Austrians bad left Como and Milan, and concentrated selves on tho river, Adde, and that the French and Sardinians were adrancing. All the London papers give credence to a report that Lord Palmerston and Lord John Russell bad core to a genrel agreement on the subject cf reform and Foreign policy, and that the Derby Goverament would be compelled to resign soon atter the ent of Porliament. Kossuth had addressed another large meeting in favor of the reutrality of England at Manches. ter. He intimated that he should probably soon Le in his native country.

It was reported that be was the President of the Hungarian Committee establisbed at Genoa, the object being to encourage desertion from the Austrian ranks. The Cunard Company had sold four cf their Ecrew steamers to the Spanish Government, and they are to ba replaced by vessels of greater power and size. 1 seige fleet is 6tting out at Toulon with great expedition, independent of screw liners and frigutes. It is to of ten screw gun-boats suitable for the aballow shores of the Adriatic. Accounts from llungary are extremely alarming, and there must cooner or later be serioua disturbances if concessious are made.

The country is full of Russian agents, who act almost openly. The Vienna correspondent of the Times, says it. creditably reported will soon placo her corps do arnice on the Rhine, and two oil her Eastern frontier. A general insurrection movement is being organized throughout all the Slavic provinces of the Turkieh Empire. It is represented to be favored by foreign iutluence.

A territic storm of thunder, lightning and rain burst upon Aden on the night of the 30th of April. Twenty or thirty persons were drowned in places hero it was thought the water would never reach. One bundred and eighty seven stone houses were laid in all the cisterna destroyed aud great portions of the roads wero swept into the valleye. LETTERS VIA -BERNI, June It is reported from Lugano that Gen. Garabaldi with his 5,000 men had barricaded himself in the town of Vaizce, but is without cannon.

The Austrians in the neighborhood I I I are provided with artillery and fight hag commenced. GENOA, Juno Bey of offered two auxiliary regiments to Piedmont. ALLESANDRIA, June 25. -The Emperor passed Feveral At Voghera. Nothing is yet decided respecting departure of the troops.

LONDON, May stock markets are principally intl by the plethora in the money market. Holders of money evince increasad auxiety to invest it in good securities. The English funds closed at fresh improvement of per cent. The fall in the rates of discount continues. The Times alludes to designs on the part of the Niceroy of Egypt to take advantage of any which may arise in Turkey for the purpose of obtaining if not independence, at least, a larger measure of authority.

Tho induence of France for the moment, is eupreme, but Eugland will allow of no trithing in the matter. The slightest disporition to evade the Treaty of 1340 will bring upon the Viceroy the whole weight of England's power. The Adverteser says that the leaders of the Opposition bad decided upon not moving amendment to the Address, but that a notice will be given of the intention to bring forward resolution in the week following expressive of want of confidence in the Derby Government. The Ilerald ridiculed the idea of the united action among the Liberals. Jay 26.

Noon. -The steamebip North Briton from Quebec arrived last evening. Richardsoe, Spence Co. quote Bread-tuffs steady but quiet. Provisions quiet but firm.

Produce dull but prices unchanged. LONDON, May P. M. quoted for money and account. TORONTO, C.

June from differparts of Canada West say that the late frost ent bug done most serious damage to the fruit, pota toes, uninjured and it is thought that the effect of the corn, and otber vegetables, but the wheat is frost may be the destruction of the fly which was beginning to appear in some sections. CINCINNATI, Jute 6. the severe whole frost of on Obio Sunday and mozing, extendirg over the larger part of ludiana did great damage to Gardens the growing wheat, corn and grape crop3. universally injured. PITTSBURGH, June severe frost Saturday night greatly damaged the wheat, corn and too crops, also some fruit.

BRaNTFORD, C. June bu bung for the two negroes Moore and Over, eentenced to were executed 9 murder of the Mail Carrier wade a full confeso'clock this morning. They sion. HAMILTON, murderer, (. Wag June bung at 7 o'clock this Mitchell, the wite Notwithstanding the early hour, A morning.

of spectators assembled to witness Vast number the confessed the murder, but refused to dig. execution. He close any of bie previous history. CATON, May on Sunday morning a tire ju thirteen the main business houses. Loss business part of the town destroyed for $12,000.

a CINCINNATI, June the fare from Columbus to Peansylvania Central New Railroad York tas to ten reduced dollars, and to Boston to twelre dollars. June the city election the entire Republican ticket, headed Prentice was successfully elected by 114 The vote cast was very large. NEW YORK, June Morphy was beaten at Knapper's Chess Rooms in Broadway by Mr. Thompeon. Mr.

Morpby as usual gave the odds of a knight, and after a contest of 2 1.2 bours gare up the game. His opponent baving on the knight which was allowed him for odds. A dispuich from Charleston announces the suspension of Fruzer, Trenbolm who were largely engaged in the cotton and sugar trade. The louse bas an agency bere an another in Liverpool. In the Supreme Court to-day the Judge on application of Aahmead, granted a writ of Error and stay of proceedings in the case of Stepbena, the alleged wife-poisoner, tor the -purpose of carrying the matter to the Court of Appeals for review.

In the same Court, James Shephard, who was sentenced to death a year ago for Argo in the first degree and appealed, was brought up on 8 writ of babeas corpus, and the sentence of the Court below atlirmed, and the prisoner sentenced to be bung on the 27th inst. The prisoner then engaged new coursel, Mr. Ashtnead, who intends to curry the case up to the Court Appeals. A young lady, daughter of Mr. Clark Smith, of Canterbury, Orange aged 18 years, was terribly burned on Friday afternoon.

She was preparing the fire for lea, when her clothes caught tire, und before the times could be extinguiabed hor whole person was literally blistered from bead to foot. It is feared that ber irjuries will prove fatal. Her father and mother were badly burned in their torts to rescue her. A box containing the skeleton of a human body been discorered by Mr. Wm.

Ostrander, of Wellwich, in that village. lla way ploughing 10 8 field near the church, when a his plougo passed over a box, on opening which, the entire skeleton of human body was found. This accidental discotely has created no little excitement there, and the discovery is regarded 83 evidence of some dark deed. JUST RECEIVED, Iceled, 8116:03 Call and examine. B.

B. STONE sov, 150 Ontario Street. WE large KEEP and gord CONSTANTLY ON HAND Boots and Shoes, Of every kind. LADIES' GAITERS (fevery price, from cen's to 3. Uive us a call.

B. B. SON. 150 Ontario Street. AT NO.


John D). Cincinnati, and by Druggists and Merchants throughout the United StateR and LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KEYD. FEVER AND AGUE, And the var ous affections conacquent upon A LIVER, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Paine. H-artburn, Loss of Appetito, Despoudency, flind and biceding l'iles. In all Nervous.

aud Neuralric A it has In numerong instances proved highly D. efcial, and in others elected a decided cure. This la a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientifc principles, alter the raanner of the celebrated Holland Borhave. of it. great ENCO P9 in the European Statca.

a introduction into the Untal Stalea was inter.dad more especially for chore of our fatkerland best tered here and there the 1:.: of this mighty country Meeting with great succeed among them, 1 cow offer it to 11:0 American public. knowing that lie truly wonderful medicinal virtue must it is particularly recommended to theme rereona whose con. atitutione may Lave been trupa red by the continuous use of ardent spirit-, or other forms of Generally taneou6 In fret, it Ande ita way directly to the of life, thrilling and quickuning nerve, ny the drooping spirit, and in fact. intusing new health and vigor ir the NOTICE. -V borver expects to And this a leverage will be disappointed: but to the tick and low spired, it will prove 8 gratoful aromatic Cordial, poorer iced of reine.

dial propertica. CAUTION. AN The great popularity of al.la Aroma has induced many which the public should guard again at par. clinging. Be not puranaded to buy aby thing eire you will tations.

convince you hew inhaitely superior it la to all these lintHai. One bottle 20 STRONG ARMSTRONG. GAYLORD A HAN. MONI. C.




Particularly adapted to ti.a of both which describea La PLAIN all that la to know pertaining to the Generative dig. how they produce upou mind and dyall can avoid them, and it they are so unfortunate UA to beve tracterl ouch dimenses, bow to cHeat A sady and certain cure. Likewise, contains many limportant bint which will be erIviceable to those lu married life, mbracing every subject knowu In catalogue of bumnan n8 real. or other diseases of the xenltal orgrand W. MELTING.

Nos. 64.0 06 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! JUST' PUBLISHED, A NEW (WITH WORK, ELABORATE SPLENDIDLY' VINOS.) OY NRAUI.Y ILLUS 8 -TAK BRAD WORK ON DISEASEd OP THE ORNITAL ORGANS witery, Miscarriage, all Impotence the and consideration Barrenness, which ALOng the other topica, are treated with importance demande-16 heing in tact, a complete and practiral work on the I'hyelological Myste rica of the inale and ternale system, and will be mailed in low sealed price of wrappers, to any part Of the world at the exceeding CENTS, or Ave conics tor one dollar. AGENTS WANTED in every State, county, city and! lage in the United Stater and to Canada. dispence his Invaluable Dr. REYNOLDS continues to those afflicted with Secret Disemben, with the HuCONs attendant upon thirty lie years of personal the beat experience and in his alware gives o' Gonorrhea.

Glees, Syphilie, Atricture, of the hi ea in Young men who, by indulging In secret Bu habita, have con tracted that mind-proatrating, body-destroying vice, should apply to Dr. Reynolda without delay. in then, an well as all other cases of a pilvate nature, Dr Reynoids commenda an early application, aud without any vanity or aspiration, decidedly states that no case within the reach of mortal aid shall ever icave bim without a cure or eat. istaction given. Beware of empirics and itinerant sell styled professors, who ATTEMPT cures, but never Dr.

la the only respond ible physician in this city who devotes his whole time exclusive ty to the of dit of inquirtee a private before nature, ('The at. dieted would do well to make consulting tho advertising in this r. practice extends through cv ery State in the Union and la the ecle Britich agent for Ir. P'rovincee. Vichole' Fernalu N.

Reynolda Monthly Ills. Among the many thousand bones of herd annually sold, not one complalut ban yes been made againat them. Ladies in a certain will be found situation in should not use them the particulare of which the directions accompanying coch bor. Price $1. Sent by mall to any part of the world.

Beware of counterfeits. They are not on sale at any other place. Letters describing ace. rymptoma, occupation properly attended to, and medicines securely sealed frous obeervation sent to all parte of the world, No letters will te a awered unless they contain a remittance of one dollar, consultation foc. All communications aldreesed to E.

J. Reynolds, M. D. No. 19 Exchange Place.

N. will ucet with promint attention. Vince boure from 7 A. v. to 9 r.

M. engraving at the head of this advertlaement with 18 a 8 likeness of 1)r. k. Beware of other like Dr. engraving.

wha known Dr. Parasols! WE HAVE we wi.l Par4s otter INSTORE all of commencing A them at at VERY the very low low LARGE price ol 25 ceute each, a ad S. HYMAN A CO. pricea. CARPETS.

VERY RICH MEDALLION VELVET A CARPEr. ('all and ace it, Some beautiful styles of Brustols Tapenry Jus, received, aud eliln at GREAT BARGAINS. 8. RAYMOND 185 Sunerior St. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! E.

CRITTENDEN IS NOW OPEN. N. ING the most magnificent assortment of JEWEI.KY WATCH ES and FANCY GOODS that ever was bronght the latest into the a variety cf every and of etylee out. ADIES, THOSE FANCY HAIR PINS have arrived -a new lot of N. E.

CRITTENDEN. JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER any ayle that is will w'ahed for. certain to Call be and suited. look at my book of samples and you be N. E.


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.