Discord Keeps Disconnecting and Reconnecting? 15 Ways to Fix (2025)

Does Discord disconnect and reconnect unexpectedly during video games or voice chats? Don’t worry—we’ll explain why that happens and what you can do to fix the problem in Windows 10 and 11.

The Discord app for Microsoft Windows can disconnect and reconnect for several reasons. Server-side issues, insufficient permissions, conflicting settings, etc., are all factors. Go through the solutions below to fix Discord disconnects and call drops on PC.

Table of Contents

    1. Check the Discord Server Status

    It’s best to begin by confirming there’s nothing wrong with Discord on the server side. Just visit the Discord Status page and ensure all systems and voice servers are operational. If not, wait until Discord resolves the problem. It shouldn’t take long.

    2. Check Your Network Connection

    If Discord’s servers aren’t the problem, it could be that your network connection is slow. Perform an internet speed test with an online tool like Fast.com. If the upload, download, and latency readings don’t look good:

    If the problem persists, continue troubleshooting the slow internet connection or contact your ISP (internet service provider).

    3. Update Discord to Its Latest Version

    Discord publishes frequent updates that address connectivity issues with the program. To install them, right-click the Discord icon on the system tray (bottom right of the screen) and select Check for Updates.

    4. Force-Quit and Relaunch Discord

    If there are no new updates, try force-quitting and relaunching Discord. To do that:

    1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Esc to open the Task Manager.
    2. Under the Processes tab, select Discord > End task.
    1. Re-launch Discord.

    5. Run Discord as an Administrator

    Running Discord as an administrator effectively minimizes random disconnects while using it alongside various applications and video games. Just force-quit Discord again, search for Discord on the Start menu, and select Run as administrator.

    If that helps, learn how to always run Discord as an administrator.

    6. Reboot Your Computer

    If you rarely restart your computer, expect all sorts of problems to crop up in Windows and the applications that run on it. Open the Start menu and select Power > Restart if you haven’t already.

    7. Change the Call Server Region

    If Discord’s connectivity issues are limited to calls on a specific voice channel, check if switching server regions makes a difference. Assuming you have the administrative permissions required to do that:

    1. Hover the cursor over the voice channel on the Discord sidebar.
    2. Select the gear-shaped Edit Channel icon.
    1. Scroll down the Overview tab and select Region Override.
    2. Pick a server region on the drop-down menu.
    1. Select Save Changes.

    Learn what to do if voices sound robotic or distorted in Discord.

    8. Disable QoS High Packet Priority

    Discord has a feature that marks voice calls with a high priority, which means that your router then gives it preference over other forms of data. However, it doesn’t work well on some network configurations. To disable the feature:

    1. Select the Gear icon next to your Discord username at the bottom left corner of the window.
    1. Select Voice and Video on the left pane of the User Settings screen.
    2. Scroll down to the Advanced section and disable the switch next to Enable Quality of Service High Packet Priority.

    9. Clear the Discord Cache

    Discord saves various forms of temporary data in an offline cache to speed things up. Clear the relevant folder to rule out disconnection issues that stem from cache corruption.

    1. Force-quit Discord.
    2. Right-click the Start button and select Run.
    1. Type %appdata% and select OK.
    1. Right-click the discord folder and select Delete.
    1. Re-launch Discord.

    10. Allow Discord on the Windows Firewall

    If Discord struggles to connect over a particular network, visit the Windows Defender Firewall and provide the application unrestricted access to the internet. To do that:

    1. Open the Start menu, search for Windows Defender Firewall, and select Open.
    1. Select Allow an app or features through Windows Defender Firewall on the left pane.
    1. Select Change settings.
    2. Locate discord.exe and check the boxes under the Private and Public columns.
    1. Select OK.

    11. Pause Anti-Virus Protection

    If you use a third-party antivirus program on your Windows computer, try pausing it briefly. If that helps, add Discord to the security utility’s allow list or firewall.

    12. Clear the DNS Cache

    An obsolete DNS (Domain Name System) cache in Windows could be behind Discord’s intermittent disconnects and reconnects. Clear the DNS cache via the Command Prompt console to resolve web addresses from scratch.

    1. Open the Start menu, type cmd, and select Run as administrator.
    1. Type the following command:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    1. Press Enter.

    13. Switch to Google Public DNS

    Next, switch the Domain Name System for your network connection to Google DNS to increase Discord’s chances of locating the best servers. To do that:

    1. Right-click the Start button and select Settings.
    1. Select Network & internet and choose Properties next to Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
    1. Select Edit next to IP assignment.
    1. Set Edit network IP settings to Manual and enable IPv4.
    1. Enter the following into the Primary DNS and Alternate DNS fields.

    1. Select Save.

    14. Reset the Network Settings in Windows

    Discord disconnects also tend to originate from a broken network configuration in Windows. To reset it:

    1. Open the Windows Settings app and select Network & internet > Advanced network settings.
    1. Select Network reset.
    1. Select Reset now.

    The reset procedure will restart Windows and reinstall all network drivers and Wi-Fi/Ethernet adapters. You must rejoin any Wi-Fi networks manually after the reset.

    15. Remove and Reinstall Discord

    If Discord keeps disconnecting and none of the above fixes are helpful, it’s time to remove and reinstall the program.

    1. Open the Start menu, search for the Control Panel, and select Open.
    1. Select Uninstall a program.
    1. Double-click Discord to uninstall it.
    1. Download the latest Discord installer.
    2. Reinstall Discord and sign back in with your Discord account credentials.

    Restore Stable Discord Connectivity Again

    Discord connection problems can be annoying to troubleshoot since it’s often hard to identify their exact cause. However, take your time to work on the fixes above, and you should experience stable Discord connectivity again. Contact Discord Support if you need extra help.

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    Discord Keeps Disconnecting and Reconnecting? 15 Ways to Fix (2025)


    Why does Discord keep disconnecting and reconnecting immediately? ›

    If Discord keeps disconnecting on mobile devices, ensure your internet connection is stable, update Discord from the app store, and check for background apps that may interfere with Discord's connection.

    Why does Discord disconnect me from calls after 5 minutes? ›

    On the desktop app, if you're in a private call with someone and the other person leaves the call for over 5 minutes, Clyde will automatically disconnect you to save bandwidth.

    Why won't Discord reconnect? ›

    Change the Network Settings. The Discord stuck on connecting issue can be caused by your Internet connection or proxy settings. Many users report that after changing the network settings to not use a proxy server, they fixed the discord stuck on connecting problem.

    Why do I keep disconnecting and reconnecting? ›

    Connectivity issues can often stem from outdated or corrupted drivers, which are crucial for maintaining stable internet access. This problem is further compounded when the software or firmware on your devices, including your modem and router, is not kept up-to-date, leading to an unstable internet connection.

    How do I clear my Discord cache? ›

    How to clear Discord's cache on Android
    1. Open the Settings app and tap Storage, and then Apps.
    2. Scroll down the list until you find Discord, and tap it.
    3. Tap the Clear cache option.
    Apr 25, 2022

    Why is my call disconnecting every 15 minutes? ›

    It's likely that a session timeout is the cause of the outbound calls being dropped after 15 minutes.

    Why does Discord automatically disconnect? ›

    This is just part of the connection flow. Discord disconnects clients every 15 minutes to 2 hours for load balancing reasons. Some of those rarely get invalidated and you have to do a full reconnect but most of the time it's just resumed properly.

    Does Discord have a call time limit? ›

    How long can you stay in a discord call alone on a mobile? Discord calls have no time restrictions, so you can be on them for as long as you like. However, you can't sit in a call by yourself indefinitely until other people join; the system will boot you after a short period.

    How long can you stay in a Discord call by yourself? ›

    Auto-disconnect after being in a call alone for 3 minutes.

    How do I fix connecting Discord calls? ›

    Check that your sound/audio or webcam/video/graphic card drivers and software are fully up to date! Plug your headset/headphones/webcam into all other USB or audio ports on your computer and see if there's a difference with a new port! Scan your device for any potential viruses and clear the viruses if found.

    Why is my Discord connection so bad? ›

    Your internet connection may be the cause of your Discord issues, especially if you're dealing with lagging errors on other online programs and apps. A quick network reset could help fix this problem. Be careful not to lose important network information with this step.

    Why do I have 5000 ping on Discord? ›

    Normally, high Discord ping is due to platform outages, internet connection issues, or having too many apps running in the background. As you can sense, some of these problems can be fixed right away, while others will be beyond your powers.

    Why is my Discord connection fluctuating? ›

    Restart your Modem+Router+Computer - You'd be surprised how often the "turn it off and turn it back on again" trick works. Check with your internet service provider and make sure there are no outages in your area. Check with your network admin - If you're on a work/school network, Discord could be blocked!

    Why does my Discord keep restarting? ›

    Discord restarting may be linked to software conflicts, outdated versions, or corrupted settings. Updating Discord, checking for conflicting applications, and resetting settings can be effective troubleshooting steps.

    Why won't Discord stop connecting? ›

    Restart your system, router, and modem. Change your Network connection settings. Modify DNS Settings. Make sure that your firewall allows Discord.

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